Dr. Jason - PAINFUL TMJ Rehab For This Dancer/Singer/Actress

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so I'm here today with Miss Mariah how are you so us have you just joined us you know you've been here for a week or two and you know you came in with a number of issues yeah we talked about the job yeah give it back pain right and I think we even have we even have some more room go ahead we got some some my legs and teeth grinding some TMJ pain the left shoulder all that stuff all right yeah and your dancers all right yes I am season you're doing that was it hip-hop ballet jazz okay contemporary you use your body constantly yes man yeah and you're an actress as well okay and I'm singer so I really use Andersen imagine what doesn't she do okay put in my body is an axonal say so okay nice news young how long have you been feeling like out of alignment of sorts Paula seems like a preteen honestly Wow 12 you guys are noticing like incoming my where my body cuz I was always athletic yeah using your body as a kid you're just like throw yourself again yeah you just kind of like it you if no one tells you just kind of thank you okay so we got some work to do kind of on why you know sometimes I explained it like come on use the time I say like we smells we're all twisted up and we gotta like unwind you but sometimes we get like halfway there and we're still twisted and we really have to like iron everything yesterday not exactly right yeah so I think you've had like I said three or four alignments I know we have a lot to work on what if you know is just so far from the Illinois I've actually noticed I felt a little looser hmm and even stinging I noticed my job we're adjusting using muscle we have tracks you were doing a lot of stuff so let's get let's get rollin listen let's see if you inspire some pages you face this way actually you look straight ahead we're gonna go to some upper back neck muscles you pull it in this way miss Mariah I will in pull pull pull and drop this shoulder down look that way for me all the way towards the beach over there she said whoopee that's right that's right seed in your mind never breathe nice and deep mesmerize so many times when we have TMJ or neck issues especially as we have here with the neck going way forward is that you met them right so you right there yeah that's unfortunately then doesn't mean we're working on it so so what happens is all of the muscles back here they start working overtime to kind of hold you back does that make sense and so hope you feel it right and so what we've got to do is we got about firing we've also got to get your spine aligned then we're gonna remodel those new things so we're gonna breathe big for you and out breathe breathing you go champion we're gonna breathe in again and I'm head relaxed shoulder loose loose loose no breath no help - very good now I'm going to lane gently along to your boxers there's a relay base now corner or spaceup source you can see some of those necklaces you're going to go start a way out they need to the TMJ oh yeah she knows now obviously some of this is gonna hurt a little bit but how would you compare this type of pain - I mean honestly just a pain you've been living with for right now just being pain constant exactly and you feel better after it's not like a pain that really loves mm-hmm yeah always told factual and it's like that short something sacrificed right yeah fair enough yeah he'll I get to pull in here click that way for me pull in Balboa poco beautiful - shoulders relaxed when you go this side we're gonna go pull in that way drop that down with that way pull pull well to get cool cool cool this best shoulder that has some issues right all right so let's try this here maybe we'll get it Paulo G's in advance of the baby there you go whatever works right better laugh and cry right before she's run away - one we're not even done though we got trips okay hold still there we go four three two okay we're gonna go back this way drop that down look that way and palenko beautiful and go breathing and now had relaxed shoulders loose loose loose breathing relax we're gonna do a deltoid touch you hold right here to look straight ahead finish up here oh my gosh and then let your subside early you're gonna do this we're gonna do just a test I'm gonna just reach around you for a second you relax this is just a test to see if your shoulder is in need of an alignment and then this one handy yeah push up here push push push step straight for me first push up push push push okay definitely let it go shoulder loose okay so we're gonna put a little bit of motion to that shoulder you relax palm faces outwards and then just relax right there Oh beautiful so the shoulder was inferior drop down and we have to do better than most of us to lay in the back don't we just adjust the shoulder mm-hmm then it might not hold on it's a nice and you dancing today not today I'm a little nauseous I don't want to throw up in front of everybody probably gonna skip today yeah we're trying to you know safer out of the line head into painting it's like you limit so much right I push in life on top I hate it Wow very well said look straight ahead arm right here hold there my data push push push beautiful much stronger I'll go down to your side look straight ahead and then now look that way pulling with your elbow pull beautiful still holding okay now we're gonna go to ski for a little bit okay I'm gonna just rest my knee right here you open your jaw slowly close open and close open girls work a little bit this way okay down all the way push your head into my head relax she's gonna feel amazing I'm just kidding her a little bit okay breathe we're gonna go 20 90 I'm just kidding five I was like three two one zero we gotta do one more time five four three two one zero she said when do we do older but hold it no health let me do it so we're just doing a counter string and I said I can breathe and relax and then I'm going to slowly breath in Babs Devin Harris it back up face this will you blame them get over just a little bit display on space stuff on the knees head all the way forward chat chest back here though so spine straight but head is forward there we go sit down again okay happily the left push down push push push and then home all the way to the left push down down down push push push beautiful halfway in the right down all the way to the right push okay cool so we're holding there now go ahead and lie on your back please I'll move all that way this don't work no we're good we're good we're gonna breathe in deep all the way out your shoulders loose loose loose breathe again you know you're right there this man we're getting good motion their hips relax okay I'm going to have you start on your right side facing me so turn this way here we just lower back gonna work our way up to the neck and John there's four nice nice nice man big breath you know okay crushing it like so nice like that cuz so close breathe in deep and back a little bit shoulders loose every church lay down here on your back and head relax parts a little bit right right there right in advil eyes off your head a little bit more uncross the legs a little bit lower shoulders relaxed right there oh no we're gonna breathe you know one more breath you okay there yes we're not done okay you won the prize oh boy all right there hold either push towards the middle go ahead push okay now you know from the job line push push push towards the middle good and keep them trending this way there we go push towards the middle open the job push open the jump okay now go ahead and approach ooh thank you push your job and keep your hands right there hands like this push it up arms together okay and reach root for your job back push push towards north okay we're gonna have your pinky and your thumb together with fingers over your TMJ and this hand comes up right here and push your job back be shrewd and push this arm over push push push beautiful and then we have the thumb here underneath job we shoot the jaw again I'm just trying to figure out which muscle it is that we need to work on push your job back push arm over push push push beautiful so now comes the fun part for me and like shoulders relaxed okay she's like - fine okay okay recruit the job push it back hands towards the middle go push push push up awesome shots for the right push push push drop to the left I notice she's pushing harder she's not trying to lose no more nice that's okay okay get open slowly close open again close like this relax your jaw and the hands up here push towards the middle and I'll cross your legs keep your hands right there oh no keep them on keep them up helping the jaws give them right there helping the job slowly close slowly this time and open close when we keep your hands here we'll actually saw there's gonna do cats loose you know push towards the middle and hands down cuts down all the way we're going to just breathe in gently it's doing a gentle version today hands up here push hands down slowly close okay we do this oh yeah hey you relax relax relax open slowly closing off all the way now open hurts that hurts open slow slow slow slow slow slow snake painful huh hmm okay come on up I want more more but I'm going to just meet her down today and now and get you some traction walking over the hips up I'm gonna lift this out of there already hips right here on this pad yep and I'm betting again perfect is this slider faster I did huh there we go we'll put it a little lower this time is that better is that quarter yeah and then relax your hips you can just tuck like like so and look at this strap here [Music] Bhutan's on the other side of the sky there we go just like that [Music] you tell me one okay good tight really you could take more I mean you should give it a breathe but it should be like huh a little bit uncomfortable but not terribly painful me little bit oh this one my back yes yeah is it a very loosen a little bit is to help would like the detective right exactly now they nailed it so basically what we're yes that's right we're gonna remodel those mirrors so that you don't have to do nothing we just kind of do it for you relax right there you ok there is that too much for no is that okay a little more little more okay sure yeah double sure well today a little bit you were so tough during the other stuff so there you go yes ma'am okay you stay right there you mean thing you howl okay alright good job here
Channel: DrJason
Views: 249,354
Rating: 4.8509092 out of 5
Keywords: dr jason, dr jason worrall, chiropractor, chiropractic adjustment, chiropractic compilation, chiropractic adjustment compilation, team 10 chiro, health, healing, alignment, adjustment, neck, back, spine, pain, relief, satisfying, satisfying videos, neck pain, back pain, tmj, muscle rehab, lumbar, cervical, sacral, thoracic, doctor, sherman oaks, los angeles, traction, cervical traction, lumbar traction, chiropractic biophysics, temporal mandibular joint
Id: GEyXIdP_52c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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