Unbelievable comeback in the 9th inning, a breakdown

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the second game in the Wild Card format was an absolute doozy if you're a third-party fan this is what you tune in to see Cardinals are up two nothing Phillies have two outs left before they lose the game this one's brought to you by DraftKings thank you very much for sponsoring the video so you got real Muto coming up to bat there's one out in the ninth and they're down that's a ball low from helsley that's a fastball right down the fastball looked pretty good when it was in the zone something important to note is these Day games in the playoffs you got to deal with the shadows and when the pitcher is in the light and the Batters and the Shadows it is so hard to hit and I don't think it's a coincidence that come the ninth inning when the Shadows finally reach the pitcher we started seeing better at bats longer at bats real Muto pokes that one over the shortstop and that might be the only real legit hit of the inning there's a lot more coming Harper's up now ball low nice curveball that Harper swings over nice fastball that Harper swings under now they're like one more strike and there's two outs they're excited that's a ball though and that's a ball though and that's a ball though uh oh now there's two on two outs to go pitching coach comes out says hey man just get them out I think castiano Castellanos comes up another ball uh-oh another ball up and in lost control of the fastball nice slider though two and one oh man has really lost control of the fastball now the slider's low everyone's looking at him like okay Casiano takes his time everyone kind of slow and manager says uh yo that's Balfour yeah no they have it right and now the Philly spans are smiling and the Cardinals fans are getting nervous because that's ball in the dirt fastball down the middle fouled back now they're praying Fearless fans are smiling Cardinals fans are praying that Ball's up and in he doesn't care that it hit him that's a run and now it's playoff baseball at its finest and you got the Cardinals manager just kind of doing nothing he's like all right are they ready in the bullpen like I don't think they're ready yet and he's like all right we'll go out and bring the trainer with you and let's milk this for time and get as much time as we can so they go out they say hey you're hurt Han he says where are you hurting he says uh oh it's your hands hurt let's check it out maybe throw a pitch see if you can pitch no okay well we bought enough time our reliever is in looking for a ground ball looking for a ground ball double play to get out of this they're still up right now 1-1 fastball in now this slider is nasty that is a nasty slider to get the second strike look at that and he chases it and you're like throw that again throws it again chases it again oh no off of his glove off of his glove and two run score just a ground ball off his glove he jumps for joy and then Harper's gonna score he's gonna let out a good bam let's go Cardinals infield defense is a plus for them just it's just looking marmal just looking uh oh Unabomber not excited worried fast or fastball in their bunt attempt why now that yachty wants as a strike because it's a strike would have been strike three yachty's pretty upset about it he said what do you got that huh manager says a [ __ ] call a strike fouled back up high and then this puts in play Goldie grabs it he goes immediately home to get up around and he's safe and that's an interesting car I bet there's a lot of different opinions on this because if you look at it when he has the ball the runner is right there he's still running by the time he's up the runner's still in view you can step on first and then throw it a second try to get the double play you can throw it a second and then have them throw back to you for the force a double play ends the inning and you're only down one run he elects to go straight home which is probably like a called play like hey if it's a hot shot to you go straight home yachty still bitching at the Umpire about that missed strike three call not happy about it at all now they're really they're like Beyond prayer they're kind of sad because now it's a two Run game and now it's kind of a thing and you're still going and now oh no maybe the best third baseman we've seen lets that one it just got so much Top Spin that second hop just picks up the rotations on them and they're leaving they're out they were so excited now they're so distraught they're gone 5-2 schwarber puts one in the air for a sack fly six to two and the Phillies are just keeping going now I don't know if this is more earned than given but finally strike three and the Umpire I think is making up for the call because that pitch was more a ball than the one he called a ball look so the one more inside and obviously I think that has to do with where the umpire's setting up like look at his head for a lefty and a righty so it's across the plate or it's on the plate but the one that's over the plate was called a ball and the one that's not over the plate was called a strike this woman she still had Faith it's not over it's not over it's not over itchy head and then she's like correct you know because they still had to hit but then she's wrong because it was kind of over people left the early was demoralizing the Phillies came back and won they're celebrating other team is not celebrating wild wild Finnish Wild Card Weekend brought to you by DraftKings head to DraftKings have some fun thank you to DraftKings for sponsoring the breakdowns appreciate you guys as always
Channel: Jomboy Media
Views: 381,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a breakdown, mlb, jomboy videos, jomboy, jake sucks, talkin yanks, jomboy podcast, tv podcast, just talkin podcast, mlb breakdowns, Talkin yanks, jomboy jake radio
Id: ARgBncVyvFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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