UN Secretary General António Guterres Opens SDG Moment 2021 #UNGA

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to open today's meeting and to share his thoughts on what it will take to get the goals done is the u.n secretary general his excellency mr antonio guterres welcome mr secretary general it's so we can't see program yet excellencies guests ladies and gentlemen dear friends our world is challenged like never before from climate change to conflict to covet 19 which is putting the sustainable development goals further out of reach it would be easy to lose hope but we are not hopeless or helpless we have a path to recovery if we choose to take it that's what this sdg moment is all about coming together coming together to save our planet and each other coming together also with the bts today which is a fantastic contribution now two weeks ago i launched our common agenda a plan to reboot the multilateral system and gather the world around our common objectives because only by recovering together can we get the sustainable development goals back on track and i see five areas for urgent action first we need to end this pandemic our response has been too slow and too unequal i call on the world to mobilize behind the global vaccination plan that doubles vaccine production to reach 70 percent of the world's population by the middle of next year second we need to get down to the business of a sustainable and equitable recovery for all so that we stay on track to end poverty by 2030 and this makes this means making bold investments in systems that support human development from education and universal social protection to health care and jobs it means put putting people above profits including super progressive taxation and ending tax evasion money laundering and illicit financial flows and it means reforming the global financial system tackling debt distress and ensuring that developed countries benefit from the recent allocation of special drawing rights third equal rights for women and girls we cannot achieve any of the sdgs without gender equality we need bold investments to make sure every girl has a city in the classroom and the skills she needs to chart our own future we need to dismantle the power structures that allow discrimination violence and economic hardship to keep one half of humanity down and we need to make sure that girls and women ever sit at every table from the halls of power to the boardrooms of business we need to end the war on our planet this means committing to zero emissions by 2050. ambitious climate and biodiversity plans no new coal plants after 2021 and mobilizing a hundred billion dollars a year for climate action and helping developing countries make the shift to green economies a top priority of the upcoming cop 26 meeting in glasgow we need you all of you all of you are critical to global recovery i urge you to work with your governments to put people first in their budgets and recovery plans dear friends the pathway is there the choice is ours let's move forward with hope and conviction and i thank you and thank you mr secretary general for underscoring the fact that we are neither hopeless nor helpless
Channel: United Nations
Views: 9,379
Rating: 4.8607888 out of 5
Keywords: UN, United Nations, UNGA, UN General Assembly, General Debate, UNGA76, 76th Session, UNGA 2021, Naciones Unidas, Организация Объединенных Наций, OOH, Nations Unies, 联合国, الأمم المتحدة, The Global Goals, Sustainable Development Goals, Human Rights, UN Peacekeepers, Security Council, World Leaders, l'Assemblée générale, Генеральной Ассамблеи, La Asamblea General, UN chief, Secretary general, António Guterres, SDG moment
Id: rcJtjRNlip4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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