UN Palestine Expert SHUTS DOWN Ignorant Liberal Journalist

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Francesca albanesi is the UN special rapporter on the occupied Palestinian territories and she has recently given a speech to the Australian Press Club in the question and answers session a guardian journalist named Daniel Hurst asked her this I couldn't help but being tripped up by the very ending of your speech where you said that ending Jewish Israeli domination would be rehumanizing acts for them as well I just want to ask whether that sort of comet is helpful in the current climate talking about ending Jewish Israeli dominant you've applied it to that particular context but you don't think the word domination has a a wider connotation outside that context what do you mean talking about Israeli Jewish domination meaning are you asking me uh in Israel well I I I just the phrase jumped out at me at the end of your speech and I'm just wondering if the the Trope of domination uh no it's not a Trope it's really real so it seems not to understand what I'm saying there is an aparti regime no I'm serious there is an apartheid regime it's domination this is not a Trope this is international law I encourage you to read the apartheid convention because it talks about racial domination and this is what I'm talking about might be a trop into your sorry into the way you interpret it but I'm using domination in a strictly legal sense thank you very much for question I mean he had no followup did he I mean he was he was very much put in his place and how embarrassing you know there is a there is a horrific war on Gaza you are speaking to the UN special rapporter on Palestinians and or you can oh I heard you say domination oh that sounds a bit dodgy I know anti-Semitism is in the news at the moment do you feel bad that you said domination do you think that could be a Trope like no this is what a ridiculous question and she put him down so effectively and she was absolutely right to now as she said racial domination isn't a Trope it's a legal term included within the 1975 un convention on apartheid now this is the relevant passage for the purpose of the present convention the term the crime of apartheid which shall include similar policies and practices of racial segregation and discrimination as practiced in south southern Africa shall apply to the following inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining Domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them now the convention then lists a number of actions which are understood to promote racial domination we also know that the crime of intentional and systematic racial domination is being committed by Israel now this is the front cover of the 2022 amnesty report which judged Israel to be guilty of apartheid so you can see there Israel's apar tied against Palestinians cruel system of domination and crime against humanity so you're going to you've got the guardian journalist who opens that and think oh Israel committing a parthe against Palestinians that sounds kind of boring oh but I can see the word domination oh we're talking about Israel oo oh there could be a headline there that sounds very interesting someone said someone from the UN said that Israel might be dominating another racial group that Jews in Israel are dominating another racial group now as the UN rapporter said that's not a Trope that's what's happening right it's it's material this is not just in the Realms of discourse there is discrimination and domination of people in Israel because they are not Jews right Jews in is it is a racial group there is racial domination between Jews and non-jews in Israel rivka this idea that sort of just anything is a Trope right powerful Jews is a Trope so you can't talk about how Jews have power in Israel you know it's like if if you were to talk about South African apartheid without being able to say that white people have more power in South Africa than everyone else right and I mean obviously this environment in which it's impossible to speak about uh is Israeli Jewish domination albanesi was incredibly precise with her language she didn't just say Jewish it was HST who abstracted the idea um of Jews per se from what she was saying so in a way it's her's own unconscious anti-semitic biases that we should be questioning but you know this idea that it's impossible to critique Israeli Jewish domination without being accused of anti-Semitism is a situation that obviously Israel has constructed quite deliberately to insulate itself from criticism you know it's it's also so evidently not a Trope it's enshrined in Israeli law you know the 2018 nation state law literally says that the right to exercise National self-determination in the state of Israel is unique to Jewish people only Jewish people have the right to self-determine in in the state of Israel and and Jewish domination is inscribed in in Israeli law it's inscribed in the convention of the ruling party of BB's uh could party that between the river and the Sea there will be only Israeli Jewish sovereignty uh incident coincidentally Rhymes perhaps they should be using it as their chance on on their march on their marches this idea that we uh that that Hurst is kind of suggesting and and I think the kind of interaction that you see between them shows How Deeply removed journalists understanding of the situation is from the material reality we're continually told you know criticism of Israel is legitimate if it's well informed if it's reasonable there is no one perhaps on this planet uh who knows more about the situation on the ground than Franchesca albanesi at this moment she is the UN special rafter on the occupied territories she knows so much about the kind of uh regime of racial domination that Israel is maintaining And yet when she attempts to speak about it she's still smeared as anti-semitic you know it shows how impossible uh the discourse around um Israeli policy even when it's forensically detailed even when it's extremely well informed and highly specific in its language Israeli Jews not Jews per se you know it's impossible to launch any criticism of of Israel in this environment you know in a western media environment that extends clearly not just from the UK to the US but all the way to Australia
Channel: Novara Media
Views: 467,939
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Keywords: socialism, politics, Novara Media, Novara, current affairs
Id: 2vU91a1xNqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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