Un día trabajando en Mercado Libre | ¿Cómo llegan tus paquetes en 24 horas? 😱📦

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So look, shipments in 24 hours, everyone happy this is a master reading of packages Nooo! Don't give all the work to Luisillo! I can't handle this much! [Music] How are you, friends?! Luisito technology, Luisito Com_Tech once again with you the long awaited return of LuisiTech of course. Today we are going to analyze, we are going to document something that I consider very interesting. Surely more than one of you at home has bought something from the comfort of your homes, online. And has been surprised by the fact that on many occasions these packages arrive in 24 hours or less. It's really a surprising thing. You are in your pajamas with your hot cocoa at home buying, the next morning, guess what? already arrived! And one cannot help but wonder, how this works? Why it is so fast? Why it is so efficient? Are there working elves handling my package? Is Santa Claus real? Today we are going to analyze this whole process and maybe we will get to the bottom of this matter. I am in a last mile station of MercadoLibre. MercadoLibre of course, has achieved very effectively this thing of taking your packages very quickly to the comfort of your home. The vast majority of us, have bought at least one thing through MercadoLibre, you can buy anything, it arrives at your house very safely, very quickly. because right at these last mile stations is where this entire distribution process happens. Here arrive all the packages and it is decided this one goes here, this one goes there, this one goes all the way there, and is very interesting that there is at least one of these stations per state of the Mexican Republic. Obviously in busier places for example I am in Mexico City, there are more than one but in the entire republic there is at least one so that the entire country or at least the majority of the country can have shipments in less than 24 hours! And well I give you this interesting fact; now that we are recording this, is the middle of the night all this happens at night! While you are sleeping, dreaming about your grandmother there are people who are working hard so that the next morning you can have your long-awaited purchase. So yeah, during the night they work, they do the process and during the day the shipments are made, so well this surely it's going to be very interesting we're going to be analyzing this entire process, they will even let me accompany some delivery men on route, to be able to document how this works. To be able to deliver their long-awaited package to someone in their hands. This will undoubtedly be very interesting, it's going to be very cool, it's going to be very logistical. Let's go for it! [Music] Okay, let's start with this; they'll put me to work and all! This is going to be good! They gave me my little vest and everything from MercadoLibre and well, let's start with step number 1, of course, first things first, this is a conveyor, I hope I'm saying it correctly and check it out, it's very cool. How it works is that they come from the largest centers, these huge boxes, they really bring these massive things, many, many of these and from here the packages come out, which a label is injected to define which route they are going to go on. From this type of stations there are around 200 routes per day! Per day! So that this is not a complete mess, they are in charge of saying what the package goes with what type of driver; you go to this area, you go to this yo go this one and everything works in a way that let's see, they make it look quite simple I imagine the process behind it, not so much. Let's see Check it, over here the packages come out here and this girl here, how are you? Everything good. She is in charge of scanning and putting the labels on them. In fact, they are going to let me do it. Let's see how she do it first Look the labels come out and she put it. It is a fairly fast procedure, it's an impressive thing. Hey, can I do one? I feel like I'm stopping the process horribly, let's see, then check this out. I'm obviously doing it at a turtle speed but this cracks, they do it in a fast way. Let's go! I'm intrigued by what will be inside these boxes, because in MercadoLibre you can buy whatever you want whatever they want! [Music] Next step! Now, with the labels that we put on the packages, we have to read them and define which side they go, to more or less define which areas they are going to go to all these packages. Then you have to read what was labeled and in this way you define ok this one goes here with them, this one goes here with me, this one they gave it to me here and see, suddenly it flows heavy flow, look check this out this is a master reading of packages Nooo! Don't give all the work to Luisillo! I can't handle this much! So many people buy in MercadoLibre! Wow! No! It's ok, with Luisillo in charge, everyone will have their packages of course! [Music] So look, shipments in 24 hours, everyone happy. Customers from all over the Republic, receiving their packages very very quickly, a win-win situation, ok let's continue with this because the hustle don't stop and all of a sudden we get many, many packages. Let's continue! Everyone will have their packages! [Music] Look, this is very cool! Before people start loading the packages into the van, they have to make sure how many packages have to go in the vehicle and so there is no mistake, for this it is very cool, all the drivers, all workers have it on their phone an application so in this app you put it here "scan" and you scan the QR code, so let's see. We scan Ready! Load 0 bags and 60 packages to your vehicle and once you load all you just press "I loaded everything", the system says "good, this driver has everything" Now we are going to load the truck. What did this brother order? stones or what? it's heavy! so we have to load the truck, and all this is a team effort, this thing is very organized, of course, and as a curious fact, the investment of all this logistics network is more than a billion pesos! This covers many things; the facilities, all the very modern equipment that we saw, vans, there is even air transport. Let's make the deliveries now, let's make people happy with their orders! Ready! Loaded packages! Let's deliver! Let's go! [Music] With Luisillo the packages arrive safe! [Music] Well we are already on the road, with good Dorian, good José of course, with everything. And they are showing me this which is very cool look, they have here in the same app, the addresses where we have to go in fact it's very cool that it lists them according to how convenient it seems to you, That's very good. So look, we have how many deliveries do we have? OMG so it's also very cool that it has the option of contacting customers, for example you press here, it tells you more or less where it is and there, look, you can call him or you can send him a message! So for example, we are going to send him a message, we say: Hello! I got here but there was no one, or where it is? What color is the house? etcetera etcetera How about it? It's very efficient, the truth is very very modern everything. [Music] We arrived at an address, obviously at a very good time and we have to see the number of package is in the application, right? This one ordered his globe! It's heavy Well, it also cool that in the app there's a reference, for example, this one says blue house, black fence. MercadoLibre Have you ever been attacked by a dog? Fortunately not, not yet Good day, gentleman Good day! Adrian Antonio? That's me Thank you so much Continue and that's it. Thank you! So that's it, delivered. Let's go to the next one [Music] Oh my, this dude is adorning cool! Hello! Hello! How are you? Good MercadoLibre Thank you Cynthia Vanessa? Yeah, that's me Perfect. Thank you so much Look, here we press that she received it we press continue. Package delivered! Hello! What's up! We brought your package Oh yes, thank you very much! Perfect! Thanks to you! Thank you very much! [Music] We arrived to what it seems to be a local business and it's early so it's closed so the protocol is that you call them, send him a message and wait a few minutes outside in case he answers, if he doesn't answer, we look for him later and the person says the time he is available and tries to do the delivery on the same day. The idea is that there is no failed shipment all day unless there is a very exceptional case. Miguel Ángel? YEas how are you? Oh, thank you very much! Don't worry. All good? Yeah, everythin's fine. We're recording, do you mind? Not at all, it's fine! Nice, all good. There's your package Thank you We brought you your package Yeah, thank you so much to MercadoLibre! Cool, dude! Nice to meet you! [Music] And well my friends, this is how we conclude our day working at MercadoLibre's last mile station. As organizers, labelers, couriers A real task that requires a lot of logistics so that you can have your packages at the door of your homes in less than 24 hours. Thank you Joe for letting me accompany you, thank you Dorian. Cracks these guys men, very good work that they do. The truth is, they are very active routes, very cool, everything for it to be an efficient system. Tell me friends, you knew that it works this way? You imagined it this way? You can put it in the comments below, be aware because Berth, the good Bertungas is going to document other aspects of all this logistics, it will be just as cool or even much more epic he will upload it to his channel soon, so this will continue. Stay tuned. Thank you for joining me, friends! I hope you liked it, that you found it entertaining, that you have learned something new. As always, see you tomorrow with a new video. Goodbye, pimpollo that works hard, so that the packages arrive in less than 24 hours
Channel: Luisito Comunica
Views: 8,029,527
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Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, Mercado Libre, Mercado, tienda, envios, 24 horas, centro de distribución, logística, ship, camiones, repartidor, repartidores, paquetes, online, shopping, compras, en línea, por internet
Id: trMEQdEvIw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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