Spending $30,000 On Pokemon Cards In 48 Hours (Houston Collect-A-Con)

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Houston collector con how easy is it to actually spend $30,000 on Pokémon cards and make the deals and get the deals done today we're going to find out and I'm going to take you guys with me this is the first time I've done a vlog where we focus on a lot of buying and picking up and trust me when I say we bought a lot of stuff we bought a lot of stuff so day one we actually got in the doors super early because we get the all access massive thanks to the guys over at collector con you always look after us so well PSA were here they were taking on site submissions Becket were here also which is pretty cool makes it a lot easier to just drop your cards off in person and the iconic collector conon Pikachu was in the corner we wanted to get our first deal done of the day before things got too hectic actually we wanted to get a lot of the deals done before things got too hectic and all the good cards started disappearing so first stop was Cloud now he had just got back from Japan and had some very nice cards with him as you can see those were just a few of the cards that I picked up first we're talking all Arts some Japanese boxes which we weren't going for now it's either super easy to spend the $30,000 budget or if you're looking to pick up lots of smaller bits it's not as easy as you might think over the space of two days some huge cards right there now each different seller and vendor throughout the day was giving off different percentages so while the butler was doing some workings out I was filming some of the cards and in the end we ended up coming to a deal quite a hefty chunk of money was spent on this particular deal we're talking about 4,000 and there was a bit of a trade that went on as well before you will come for me in the comments I can't remember the ins and outs unfortunately and can we just say before I carry on I met one of my with a chany binder and it was in a pink b x binder thank you so much for letting me share this I can't remember the ins and outs of every single deal I should have made notes on the day but I'm going to tell you as much as I remember as we go throughout we then found metai who actually we met at the last con now he had some Kanto power boxes they were 200 list but we actually got them for 190 a piece because we ended up taking six of them in total so thank you metai for the deal appreciate he had some really nice stuff as well Evolutions booster boxes I even spotted an evolving Skies box in the back there which was pretty cool so Kanto power boxes were picked up and added to the bag we actually had to drop those back because they were so big I just couldn't carry them around the convention right time to move on and find out where our next deal of the day was going to be and before we did I spotted my friend shiv who's always wearing the craziest shirts next up it was Master set games now shout out to master set always with the craziest cards and honestly one of our favorite people to do deal with always works with you and I'm going to say this a few times throughout the video but when you are buying at these conventions always ask the people if they're going to be willing to move or work on um pickups whether you're picking up packs or cards or boxes just so you know what to expect now Coro corom M Pikachu promos you name it this cabinet had it including gold stars as well now this deal actually consisted of a bit more of a trade as the Butler had some items to trade including some pop Series 5 packs which you'll see shortly this was one of my favorite pickup cups the all art s Galo and lunala and even the binders at Master set stands were stacked they had rainbows they had all Arts some of my favorite tag team rainbows were in there as well and as you can see a little bit of calculating was going on just to work out what cash would be going into the deal and what trade value would be going into the deal but some really nice cards and at the end of this video or not at the end but towards the end I'm actually going to show you guys in detail what we picked up but you're just going to be able to see Snippets of it as we go but here we go Butler showing us all the Pikachu primers we got from Master set I absolutely love these so those were then added in on top cuz that was like a la little last minute pickup um some cash and some trade and the deal was done it was then time to head over to the iconic bulver Store Sand I love these guys and the shirts I still need to buy one I can't believe we didn't pick one up so Butler picking up a few singles here couple of all Arts nothing too crazy but some really nice cards these guys I'm sure you will know from YouTube with their incredible POV videos as vendors at all the shows they had binders they had slabs and they also had these Black Label ponchos oh my goodness seeing these in person insane a few more deals were done as we move around the convention quite a few more singles pickups that tended to be a lot of what we picked up over the weekend and v x can I just say guys the deck boxes that you have released 10 out of 10 for carrying all the cards around the convention the butler was definitely putting it to use now I had to stop for a hot minute in between all the deals and the pickups to go and see these plushies at this plushy stand I haven't actually seen a plushy stand of this size at a colletible com before maybe I missed it but yeah I did grab one or two I then found the butler patiently waiting in line to look at some binders at this stand and we ended up getting a few things from here there were a lot of art rares special illustration rares from the Scarlet Violet era and all Arts as you can see we've even got some trainer galleries in there the Pikachu from Los origin which is a really really nice card I mean we were actually here for about 45 minutes looking through all these cards cuz there was a lot to choose from I managed to get a quick glimp of the stage before it got super busy there's always performances and talks and things going on so before that got crazy I wanted to show you guys what that looked like and then I opened a pack with Frankie coconuts from Pikachu and she pulled the all art Rayquaza that was such a core memory from con and I will never forget it Frankie it was so nice to meet you in person then we got to see this this is an entire gold star set all PSA 10 that is definitely not something you see every day and I just had to share it with you guys now spending 30 ,000 like I said could be done pretty easily you could pick up one thing and the whole budget would be blown especially at this stand the Pokémon Network they always have the most insane booster boxes and slabs and honestly the $330,000 budget wouldn't actually go too far at this stand couldn't even get yourself one of those lovely Skyridge boxes they have so many booster packs I don't think you'd know what to do with them like even opening them all would be a challenge they have heavy packs they have light packs they also have unweighed packs as well so they have a full variant ation but we'll be back to check on them later the CU started getting heavy for all the voice artists and the actors that were there as well we didn't actually get to see anyone this time but I just wanted to show you guys that's another huge part of the collector cons that goes on you get to meet a lot of the voice artists from your favorite animes as well which is really cool we found this stand now they had a lot of all arts and Butler was straight in picking up the goodies um I did a lot of the filming I spoted a good boy I had to stop I did a lot of the filming cuz Butler is just too quick he's off running around and he's straight in and these were our first vintage pack pickups of the entire con from loose packs we managed to pick up uh all of these packs you see on the tables for $4,550 shout out to loose packs cuz a shining zard actually came from one of those Neo Destiny packs the next day day two of the con and we had to start with Starbucks I'm still waiting for the sponsor I know it's not coming here's Butler taking the mick out of me for being an influencer with my PHT standing under the collector consign to start the day and we headed on in again we were able to get in there early which again thank you so much to the guys at collect con for looking after us so well spotted some little Vango Pika sketches there we found this stand that had lots of really good singles so we wanted to get in here early some really nice W flu W what's a w flu I have no idea Wu including this Dana and Morgan they also had that beautiful Skyler as well which was actually in a PSA 10 we did pick up some singles from this stand um and always make sure guys when you're picking up singles at shows make sure you asked to look at them you're seeing the backs and fronts you're seeing the condition cuz you want to make sure the price you're paying actually matches the condition of the card as well so after the cash was spent that's some more cards in the bag now I wish that we could within the budget have bought some of these things I mean as if there was a Smoochum teranium what a meme but unfortunately getting those back home it's just a little bit too risky we then found these binders and I think I got Conn a bit here but I did buy these chances and I'm pretty sure I didn't really get anything off the price on these managed to get some evolving Skies etbs from this stand as well so it wasn't too bad but I'm pretty sure I paid like $32 for one of those chanes but at the end of the day they're going in the chance binder so I don't even mind then this iconic stand right here where they were very kind to actually open the cabinets so we could see the cards up close the grade guards around these slabs just make this stand look like the most incredible rainbow of cards you've ever seen okay so hopefully you can hear me I'm testing out this new microphone but who knows what's happening so it's day two and we are in the con pretty early um we came in while everyone was setting up trying and get some good bits before it gets too busy um and we've actually just found this seller right here which we saw at the show in the Netherlands she has crazy stuff she had like a legendary collection box starage box I think and a few other bits which was pretty crazy but trying to spend the rest of the money and like I said you could come here and you could spend the 20,000 easily you could buy one box you could buy a few SS but I don't want to do that I wanted it to be more of a like how much can you get and I'm talking you know lots of modern with a few vintage don't forget we did did get our vintage packs yesterday but today I want to try and get some different stuff from Singles and vintage packs so kind of on the lookout for things that are cool maybe that we don't see too often the percentages are varying that people are giving us off um some people are doing 15% some people 10% um but yeah it just depends what you're takeing the quantity you're taking but we'll cover all of that with each deal um as much as I can remember um but yeah I think Butler is just hovering behind me about to try and pick something up so let's see what he's doing V Sky ETB we picked up earlier by the way new 70 for the two just five off five off thank you these boxes are awesome you rarely ever see these EV GX boxes so I wanted to get a little closeup of those while I could I think the butler ended up grabbing that cap during this um negotiation and I love the way they display their cards here they're all hanging from the little string at the top so more money spent now I think at this point B was about to lose his mind because I found some Pop Century Autos in a cabinet and and it's the first time I found pop centry at con and I think he lied to me he told me he didn't have enough money to buy me any right it is what it is found these Mis Cuts now these were $800 list price each very cool we didn't buy them but this is where I got tempted I headed back to the Pokémon Network and even though the Legendary Collection Box wasn't in my budget at all they just let me hold it I mean I nearly ran but I didn't how beautiful is this box this is where it gets crazy and this is where you could spend 10 20 30 for honestly the zeros that you could write on that check to buy from this booth is insane some of the most insane slabs we have black labels we have ponchos we have Coro Coro Muse I mean you can actually see those that stack of Coro coruse that's all Coro Coro Muse underneath there insane had to have a little breather go and hang out with these guys for a little bit super cute plushies and then went to the Poke hiive stand this was really cool because I actually sold some of these etbs originally um to Hive and seeing them back in person was insane cuz these are etbs you don't see very often it's quite the collection right here and Butler wanted to take a look at this one up close again it's mad to think that we actually owned that at one time and now we're seeing it again at Houston collecticon so a few more singles deals got squeezed in as we were walking around picking up some all Arts Butler spending the cash like there's no tomorrow and and then guys it was time to head back to the hotel room and actually work out what we had got within our $30,000 budget all right so we are back in the hotel room we're going to look through some of the sealed product we've picked up so just before we do that we picked up this pretty cool deck box right here it's from the 2006 World Championships now it is used as you can see there's like quite a bit of wear on it but this isn't an item that you sort of get to see too often so we thought couldn't turn that one down also I've got to show you these I don't think I showed you guys yesterday we got a shiny Kyogre plush there was the biggest plushy stand which you've probably seen in the video that we W past and I saw this guy and I was like we are definitely getting him and I might have bought some other very obscure plushies so I mean I probably wouldn't give this as investment advice this guy we have got what I can only describe as a Minecraft Bulbasaur and then we have got this because I love Sylveon and I love mimikyu so we bought this concoction which I mean it's going on my backdrop so that's that next up some cool items here the butler this hat this Charizard this is can we remember what year this is from 2004 2004 um so that's a pretty cool one he's actually going to wear that that's not like for display or anything and then some deck boxes right here so we got Legend maker these are just these are just cool items to basically keep in the collection um and Holland Phantoms as well I've never seen these before so we thought do you know what and again they've used they're like they're in good condition considering how old they are so thought definitely going to add them in and then this is where it starts to get fun so if I take this over here we have got a Kanto power collection box here now these are Evolution collection boxes and inside here you get 10 Evolution booster packs as you can see so I think in the end we ended up picking up 1 2 3 4 5 six of these what price were these again $190 190 each so 200 list price so list price on them was 200 but because we took all six of them as you can see right here we got them for $190 each and um these are just the different ones you can see the Dragonite one there um but yeah these were super super cool also managed to pick up an Evolutions booster box as well um Evolutions is just always popular and it's always uh it's always a fun set to open also managed to pick up which you probably saw over here some evolving Skies etbs um these are just I mean I don't want to say they're too hard to come by but I just feel like you don't see them very often in the UK especially in shops on the shelves anywhere so I managed to pick up three of those and then all of the cards so Butler is just sleeving everything up cuz some were sleeves some weren um and some of the sleeves had like all the price stickers and just a little bit ratty so we just started cleaning some of them up got some very very cool cards we don't really purchase too often now some places were varying on the sort of discounts they were given depending how many cards you took what cards they were what the value was cuz I mean we've got everything here from like1 and $2 cards to you know $30 cards to $100 cards we've even got some ,000 cards within here as well which I'll show you guys so some places were varying on the discounts they were given it was anything from like 5% all the way up I think the best was like was it 21% I think someone gave 21% off also got some vintage packs as well which I'll lay out and show you in a minute so yeah depending on what we were taking how much we were taking percentages were varying um some people were just really honest and just so they weren't able to move on pricing at all when we asked them um just because they probably already priced pretty competitively um as they could they just weren't willing to drop but as you can see we got sirs from Scarlet Violet here we got gold we got the V Stars we got ARS as well um so full arts from sword and shield so a real mix of things so looking at some of the spicier cards now so these are the bigger cards these are the $50 $100 $500 up and up and up so I'm going to pull some of them out for you so you guys can see and again not all of them had the same percentages taken off of them it really did vary I think the best thing to do when you go to these shows is either as you're starting to look through people's cards or starting to you know look at a stand and think oh yeah you know I like this this and this just ask the seller ask the vendor if you take a bunch are they going to work on price with you some will say no some will say yes and like I said it's normally not until you've kind of worked out what you're taking and how much you're taking they'll be able to tell you what they're able to work with you on um if you end up taking one card they're probably well a lot of people are probably going to say they can't budge too much if you're taking 30 cards for example and they're all starting to get a little bit high value they're probably going to be able to move and help a little bit more although I will say some people like especially some people that we know as well they're just always really flexible um they're always willing to do some kind of a deal no matter what it is you're taking how much you're taking but like I said there were some people that said they just couldn't move on their price so it really does vary but always ask the vendor um don't be scared there the worst they can say is no I can't move on price and at the end of the day it's not the end of the world so let's take a look at some of the more expensive cards we've got the archus I mean we got a few archus in here but if we just do like a little flick through and nice card right here we have got the japanese1 Charizard and what I'm going to do is I'm probably going to pull a few of the goodies out to take a look at what is that noise there is something going on out here I don't know what it is but the cars in Texas are louder by the way guys this is the convention center it goes all the way down there it is massive like for example B set Charizard right here this one isn't in Crazy condition I think this is LP um so light play but just thought cool to pick up a Bas set Charizard shiny Charizard from shining Fates we got the popular all Arts like the Dragonite from evolving Skies lots of evolving Skies all Arts this was one of my favorite pickups right here um from the Eevee campaign this is sealed um didn't find any other sealed copies of these but thought we'll grab that I found a few others that were raw but they were they weren't in the best condition okay so this is fun we have some of the Munch promos got the Eevee right here I think all we also managed to pick up Psyduck and rowlet as well obviously not the Pikachu and mimiku cuz they are super expensive another really nice card here the Espeon I'm a big Sylveon fan so the God ofir and Sylveon GX this is the alterate art don't forget guys you can also get alterate arts in the Sun and Moon era pretty pricey now um but yeah I absolutely love these and I love Sylveon so maybe I'm biased against that one now this is a favorite the Coro cor me managed to actually pick up two of these they're not PSA 10 they're not perfect condition ition but I love Coro coru and thought you know what these weren't too badly priced either they were picked up with other cards in bigger Deals they weren't picked up individually and both of those deals I think we were able to get a pretty good percentage off I think one of them was close to like 15% um and the other one wasn't that far off either so again ended up working out pretty well with that one okay two of the juicier cards right here which we picked up we have got the Japanese shining Gyarados and Magikarp right here I'm trying to capture I don't know if you can see cuz there's a reflection from the window but the Gyarados has a really nice swell list price for both 1700 1,000 on The Magikarp 700 on the Gyarados can't know I can't remember what we paid but again these were picked up as part of a larger deal and again that deal did come with um quite a good percentage off all of the cards that deal was really made up of a lot of the more expensive cards that we picked up but these were definitely um probably two of the highlights right there you could easily go up to one stand you could buy one booster box and your whole budget's gone you could buy one or two slabs and your whole budget's gone but we wanted to make it a little bit more fun where you're picking up more quantity so you're picking up singles you're picking up some booster packs you're picking up maybe some cool items like that deck box like that hat um cuz I feel like you can either spend it really easily or if you want to try and long it out it can actually it's not as easy as you think if you're picking up smaller items so I feel like the variation we got is good but there is still some more things to show you now time to look at the booster packs okay so the booster pack selection very varied we have got black and white era all the way to waty we have got first edition we've even got one first edition Neo Destiny pack you saw us picking that up with loose packs yesterday we got Neo Revelation cool of Legends probably two of the best pack artworks right there as well unlimited Neo Destiny we have got L crimp with the Team Rocket and base two right here archus one of my favorites Stormfront in there best black and white set ever which is Legendary Treasures also got a guaranteed Hollow base set booster pack as well um and then we did manage to pick up a little variation of uh evolutions and evolving Skies as well but so in general picking up some vintage booster packs a nice amount and also a real nice variation lots of different sets from lots of different areas in the comments do let me know if you were to be picking up booster packs at a convention vintage what would you be going for would you be going for maybe black and white Heart Gold era Platinum era and picking up a few or would you spend more and pick up one or two packs looking at things like your first edition NEOS um or things like guaranteed Hollow watsy packs and to close out the weekend we showed zetro the cute little Minecraft Bulbasaur that we got him I don't know if he was scared or unimpressed or what but I mean I love it it's cute and guys another collector con done
Channel: PokiChloe
Views: 121,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Collection, Opening, Vintage, Modern, Booster Pack, Booster Box, Pokemon Set, Pokemon Collection, Sealed, Vintage Opening, Modern Opening, Mystery Box, Pokemon Mystery Box, Pokemon Card, Pokemon Cards, Pokemon Opening, New Pokemon
Id: d8R9lZvW2Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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