ULTRAGUIDE | Flesh Prison Fight | P-1 Guide Series

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[Music] [Music] the flesh prison is a chaotic fight and arguably can cause more trouble for the player than the fight that precedes it today however we're going to take on the whack-ass flesh prison by covering its various attacks how to handle them and bits the chaos and some general strategies for the fight without further ado oh wait wait hold on just a second let's take a look at how to skip the spine staircase first this is actually pretty simple but it'll take some practice before you really get it first you'll want to grab the torch then turn about 45 degrees to the right then walk up to the edge of the platform here next you'll want to dash jump and hold w for just a split moment no longer no less after this don't touch the movement keys while doing this look down and i like to turn myself to the right very slightly here still as you fall you'll quickly come to see a piece of spine just to the right as soon as you see this you'll want to hold right on your movement keys and you should come right up to the door of the bottom if you have the whiplash you can actually use the torch to try to find the way as well flush prison itself has a 100 hp with a 50 damage resistance to the electric rail cannon it has five unique abilities two of which we covered in the previous video the summon ability and the healing ability the other three are different attacks can use in tandem with each other making for a very chaotic battlefield [Music] the other three attacks are easy to see coming to a very generous tell a specific colored shockwave that is emitted from fp these attacks are the hellseeker cyclone the black hole and the pillars of divine light while it might be easy to see what attack is coming next avoiding them is another matter in and of itself it's important to note that fp will not use the same move twice in a row so let's take a look at each one the hell seeker cyclone begins as fp comes to a stop and starts to spin in the opposite direction slowly increasing speed as it spits out blue hell sticker orbs exactly like the ones the mineflyer summons these orbs will attempt to track the player down as the name implies and will do 30 damage each these orbs can be parried and inflict a decent amount of damage against fp and can also heal you the player if you can manage to deflect the orbs with an explosion you can sometimes take out huge chunks of ft's health or even get an insta kill however this is very unreliable to get and as of right now there is no consistent method of getting an insta kill if some of the malicious summons are alive the explosions they create can actually cause deflections as well one way you can avoid this attack entirely is by getting right up next to the base of fp the orbs will circle you but will never be able to touch you this is risky though because more often than not you'll have to contest with the other attacks the more reliable method is to move with the direction the orbs are spinning by slide hopping around the arena and saving the dash for when you really need it slide hopping directly across the arena may prove to be helpful as well during this attack fb can't use any other attacks or summon them so it's a very good opportunity to lay on some damage thick at 50 health or below the number of orbs expelled increases as the number of rows the fp fires increases as well harmless rows increase from one to two lenient from one to two increases from two to three and violent increases from two to three the next attack we'll talk about is the black hole summon this functions identically to the attack used by the corpse of king minos in 2-4 where it tracks the player slowly around the arena it even does the same amount of damage which is 10 damage and 99 hard damage leaving the player at one health on harmless fp does not use this attack at all you can easily bait this attack from one side of the arena to the other just be sure to listen for that humming buzzing sound makes it will not disappear as long as it's out it will only disappear when it contacts the player or when fp dies getting hit by the black hole while still under the effects of a previous black hole will kill the player the easiest strategy you can do to avoid this is slide hopping just be aware of where it is and start moving away from it attempting to dash through it will not work i've tried finally we'll talk about the divine light attack each pillar will deal 30 damage and will throw the player up into the air from the time the symbol appears on the ground to when the pillar explodes is about three seconds on harmless through standard fp will summon two pillars while on violent it will summon three at fifty percent health or less it will summon an extra pillar three on harmless through standard and four on violent [Music] [Music] the attack appears closer to the player on higher difficulties for example on harmless the pillar could appear on the other side of the arena while on violent it will almost always appear directly on top of the player moving into a pillar after it first appears will still damage and bounce the player you can easily avoid a pillar by slide hopping or dashing just outside of its radius and then when the next symbol appears in the ground you can simply just walk out of its radius as well [Music] after the attack begins fp can start using its other attacks almost right away which is what makes this one so tough to deal with by itself it's actually not too bad there's also a little more information i'd like to go over in regards to these summons the eyes have one hp and the malicious faces have two the i summons have a small beam attack that will deal 15 damage to the player if they manage to land a hit malicious summons shoot out a mini malicious beam attack the beam itself will do 20 damage while the explosion will do 30 totaling up to 50 damage sometimes 53 if the explosion hits you twice which can happen if you're caught in the center of it these beam attacks from both summon types can actually explode the player's car eject causing a super explosion you can actually charge back the malicious face beams though doing this during normal play is very difficult and impractical but it is really cool at percent health or below on all difficulties the number of summons will increase harmless goes from five to six lenient goes from seven to eight standard goes from ten to twelve violent goes from eight eyes and two faces to nine eyes and three faces so before we move forward i want to say this you've got to conserve your stamina as much as you can something that can kill a lot of players is the over alliance of dashing or dash jumping and when you finally need to dash to avoid fatal damage you don't have enough stamina you should be familiar and comfortable with the other movement mechanics that the game has to offer especially with slide hopping as it is used a lot during this fight but now let's talk about some general strategies fp is always idle for a few seconds at the start of the fight and this is a good opportunity to put some damage into it however if you've watched the previous video in this guide series you'll know that damaging fp too much will cause it to heal so be ready to take out those summons as soon as they spawn in as i also covered in the last video some of the best ways to take out these summons are with the default marksman split shots carefully picking them off with the revolvers or my personal favorite method nuking them as soon as they spawn in by shooting a coreject grenade with the malicious rail cannon these little guys are a high priority to take out and they'll heal fp when the timer goes off they'll also constantly harass you as you fly around the arena if you're really desperate for the kill you can whiplash them to you or yourself to them during the heal some great ways to deal damage to fp are through pro boosting shotgun swapping and the nail guns all rail cannon variants are very useful for this fight as well just be sure you can take out the summons if you don't use the nuke method for when they spawn in [Music] if you get right underneath fp you can easily pull off a rail coin even with the 50 damage resistance this will do a nice heap of damage no matter what you do there is a technique that can help you out greatly during this fight and this is known as quick swapping i'll quickly cover quick swapping here if you've seen my video about the shotguns you'll have some understanding of this if you swap to a different weapon right after you fire you can cancel the recoil animation and instantly fire your next weapon custom keybinds are a big help but not everyone is comfortable with them at first it takes some time to get used to them and develop them i use custom binds myself and i'll show you what they are here on the screen in just a moment the only weapons quick swapping doesn't entirely work with are the slab revolvers after you fire them due to the global cooldown animation and the rail cannons due to their recharge if you're having trouble getting speed for slide hopping one quick way to get you going is to jump slam jump and slam again but as you hit the ground the second time tap the slam slide button and quickly jump right away [Music] you can use your whiplash as well to fly to fp but be aware that you could fly right into one of its attacks if you're not careful the real key is to practice the mechanics you've learned and to react to each attack fp uses accordingly they'll come out mostly randomly all you have to do is look and listen for the tells if you want to practice your movement skills the long tunnel in 2 4 is a great place for that i'll also leave a link to my movement tech video as well if you want a more in-depth look at those different mechanics but for right now let's have a look at everything we've covered and see all this in action [Music] so when you kill fp be very aware that you can still die during its death animation either from the summons the black hole any orbs still spinning and the pillars of light so basically anything that can kill you can still kill you with time i know you'll be able to clear the flesh prison but after it falls your fight still goes on free at last i would like to give a special thanks to mclintree who had put together some of the data i used here on flesh prison without him i definitely would have missed some very important information he also has some data i'll be using for the next guide so thanks again i really appreciate the work you've done there as always thanks to lock for the damage and health chart for enemies and bosses and a huge thanks to everyone who's been supporting me over these last few months it's been a bit rough but things are looking a lot better and uh i'm sorry if i sounded a little weird in this video my nose is a little stuffy my allergies have kicked in pretty bad anyways class is dismissed for now and i'll see you all in the next lesson
Channel: HerbMessiah
Views: 137,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, p-1, Flesh Prison, game is good, retro, shooter, fps, indie, arena, action, style, guide, ultraguide
Id: pkIvMmk0sIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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