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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] hello good morning Happy New Year everybody Welcome to 2023 ones in the chat for one more year in the future ones in the chat for the number one community on YouTube you guys are awesome thanks again for being here we get to play some more workers and resources Soviet Republic such a fun game dude yesterday or rather the last time we played not yesterday but previously we got to uh get this one started and because it's so realistic there's a lot to build that's going to take a long time to do so so welcome aboard good to see you all here welcome back chat yeah look at all those ones all right hey thanks guys for uh last year an amazing amount of new subscribers tons of new people joining the Discord lots of new people to play along with lots of fun new games that we played in 2022 in lots of new games that have been announced for 2023 or later this year we got a lot of great games coming up that I want to play Harry Potter game just to name a few that could possibly have more demos like Manor Lords or perhaps we could get a further look at Broken Arrow before it's released later this year hopefully later this year a lot of games that I hope come out and that there's not major delays but um typically I like to live my gaming life about three months at a time so I don't look forward too far into like games so like looking forward to now until like the end of March trying to keep focused on what's coming out if it doesn't move you know it's release date and stuff like that I think even the the Harry Potter game getting moved again but again if games move that's totally fine because it's better than them being junk but the price doesn't change but the quality does you know so price is uh still a little spendy but we get a better more complete Game whatever the game may be so that's good news but uh yeah armored Core yeah I mean I'm hoping there's a lot of games that um that we saw like last year at game awards that get release dates um that get like official you know like secondary Trail like sometimes they show you just like a a trailer for the game but you don't see a Gameplay trailer so I I hope we get more of that I hope we get confirmation of a new city skylines I hope workers and resources Soviet Republic it's big updates I hope uh that all the games that we've enjoyed on the channel because you me you know I think a lot of you have subscribed to the channel because we have a lot of similar tastes and games so if you'd like workers and resources Soviet Republic you probably like City skylines too you probably like Planet coaster park attack you probably like um maybe other building games that don't have to do with um cities like you know railroads online and stuff like that that we've all played recently so anyway a big year for gaming as always and hopefully we get a lot of great news about it a lot of games that fully drop yeah for this Frontier updates uh falling Frontier that space game that looks amazing yeah project zomboid getting updates it's going to be a great year and hopefully a great couple of months so as we get further into January we'll find out what's going to be happening you know in February March when a lot of games get updates I feel like January gets a few updates February is kind of dead and then March is when things start picking up again uh March April May and then June and July can be quiet because it's the summer so you know people are kind of more gaming but anyway thank you to every single one of you uh for smashing the like button over like I don't know two or three million times you guys have hit that like button last year so that's amazing everybody who did that round of applause to you thank you very much every comment that was helpful informative positive and encouraging and just trying to like tell me about other games and things like that thank you very much for tipping me off to other good games and asking great questions a lot of good questions here in the chat YouTube I guess technically counts every chat message is a comment too so a lot of people spend their time here in the chat uh rather than commenting on videos and waiting a day or two for an answer or for randomly somebody to reply they just come here and they ask questions about other games and stuff like that so that's cool too so uh yeah so welcome to all the new subscribers welcome to all the new members thanks for all the member bombs thanks for everything you guys seriously there's there's such a long list of things I could be thankful for from you know all you in the Discord to devs who send me keys for giveaway to which we have some to give away for captain of industry too which is another game that's kind of like workers and resources in a way and so um you might like that too so we're probably gonna do some giveaways on that today as a thank you guys for all your support I tried as best as I could to do big giveaways last month in honor of Christmas like just before Christmas and after and I've still got more keys to give away they keep they keep dropping more keys on me to give away to you guys and that's awesome because games are spendy and time consuming and you never know which one's gonna be the best but some of them I play are really really good and uh so I can drop some keys for you on the Discord so join the Discord no one else is going to do it for you you got to do that that's right a bunch of Giga chats after today we're changing all the holiday emotes I guess in honor of New Year's I decided to keep it in one more day so tomorrow we'll change out all of our emotes and such so enjoy all right let's go ahead and jump back into our save previously and uh we're starting Road upgrades in this game because this is super ultra realistic because every single vehicle has to like drive to a construction site you you know in City skylines you click in a hospital that should take like two and a half years to build is built in like two and a half seconds but in workers and resources and in like Captain of industry for example but even more in this game everything has to be driven to the construction site the workers the resources uh always like not just like resources that you have to manufacture too like steel and concrete but then sometimes gravel that has to be mined or a surface has to be leveled off or something like that so yeah this is as far as we were able to make it in just a few hours last time but I mean it looks like we've built absolutely nothing but to be honest it's uh I think the game started in April it's or maybe March and now it's June so for two months we've laid out our city and we got a big amount of construction coming in and we're starting to upgrade these roads so this is a massive upgrade for us going from dirt roads to gravel roads it may as well be from like horse and buggy to high-speed trains just trust you know guys trust the 275-year plan okay 275 years we will probably have some somewhat decent housing okay just trust the plan all right oh yeah we're building and we're we're playing on the most brutal difficulty too so we're trying to prepare for winter uh we're trying to uh so we got like a water boiler here that's gonna be built that'll eventually provides like hot water and steam or whatever for the um for the housing so it's gonna be big that Road's almost done we're gonna have to upgrade these roads one at a time too let's do another road here we need to be really cautious about it we may be able to be trust but sadly we still need to verify it's true it's the same in life about a lot of things [Applause] well let's upgrade that road next oh yeah atomic heart that looks like a great game for this year yep I think that might be out on Game Pass I love that so many great day one games are coming to Game Pass like high on life was fantastic four Game Pass worked out really well too bad a second bulldozer doesn't go to that site this is going to the custom house with gravel why we have gravel right here and there should only be two trucks getting gravel we got to be real conscious about how we upgrade these roads too because if we if we do it wrong it could be like it's almost like wiring you know like if we do it wrong it's going to lock the whole city down Raptors this is a city Builder you got really frustrated with I like this one um I don't remember being frustrated with this one I mean you know every game has their advantages and disadvantages I want this game's feature to be more present and more where it's longer and tedious to build stuff which means you got to do a lot more planning it's more of a this kind of more of a city planner than a well no it's equal building planner as it is building it's both can you get a railway in this game yep sure can yeah I don't remember if there's a city building that frustrated Me Maybe I don't know it depends on the day oh there we go this Road's almost done we also need to build the power lines too they're working on that as well oh the excavator can work like the bulldozer they can spread the gravel around with the excavator nice this construction area is probably going to be here for a long time so I decided to make it look a little nice foreign political decisions in this game like Tropico I bet there'll be a governmental update in the future all right round the road is in so the gravel road maximum speed is 60 kilometers says where dirt is 35 so we've almost doubled the speed of our road traffic now we'll do the other side [Applause] I think he needs more gravel on these workers no oh yeah and they're coming in now oh nice Vehicles can overtake hell yeah nice these guys shouldn't be picking up gravel they should be uh oh yeah they should be picked I thought they were dropping off no yeah they should be picking up that's good that's working it's a big old road to upgrade especially since we didn't build this is about as far as we could build from the border until our vehicles like ran out of fuel so yeah love this music oh this game go into Seasons yeah it does uh we're gonna have winter eventually which is why we're building that heating facility over here I'm trying to build that's why we're upgrading the road so we can get materials in Faster essentially building better roads means we could speed up construction of everything since materials have to be purchased for a while until we can be self-sufficient vehicles are refueling nice first building is ready no power obviously but the building is ready to be hooked up yes Happy New Year's Eddie what's up John how was my New Year's good I had a nice meal oh yeah foreign we could build like Bridges out of brick and concrete I love that too we got a lot of uh types of bridges we can build in this game like we could do a brick factory make a bridge out of brick brick obviously a lot more simple in its uh production chain to make is power on the way to the store yeah we built power lines but they need to be constructed you can kind of see them highlighted here in yellow so those just need to be built I mean everything in this game needs to be built roads power lines it's just going to take time I might need to build like a dirt road over here just to follow the power lines so they can build it I'm not sure how it works but they're focused on the roads first which is probably the best thing because we got to get this Construction done before winter but the good news is if we don't finish by the first winter nobody lives here all of our Workforce is coming in from another country so we don't have anybody living here technically so if it turns winter we could still do construction without any like punishment but we want to try to get things done as quickly as possible so we can start making money while the two other bulldozers not working uh each construction site only like uses one bulldozer and I would do more roads but I want to be careful and do it one at a time I I don't think there's a way to assign two bulldozers to like a construction site and loading up with gravel takes forever probably going to do this road last or maybe not even at all foreign so then when this section is done we'll do this road next so we'll do the right Road and then the left Road this is cool I really I wish City skylines had more you know when you're building a highway it would be so cool to see all the construction of the highway nice boom boom hey happy New Years there Lincoln this game's got you hooked it's a good game takes a long time but I appreciate that it makes me appreciate like how long it takes to build a train setup or something it's good stuff Papa and they're gobbling up fuel like crazy too [Music] is it easy to learn as a game there is a tutorial and there are easier modes where you don't have to manage like Fuel and electricity and things like that so it is it is much easier than this mode there are much easier modes but still tricky in a lot of ways but I feel like if you go out with unlimited money and you make all the settings easy and just build stuff and see how it works you can kind of start to figure out like oh like you can you realize kind of what you're in for foreign back to get fuel yeah they're being fuel goblins totally fine with that means they're doing work foreign I guess it's kind of smart like because this um because the gravel plant is a little there's a line for it they're going to the Border instead to also buy gravel which is totally fine very nice it's a war boner how you doing welcome to the Stream [Music] you need a free excavator in the Depot or Construction office for what thank you oh he can't get out because this Road's doing uh upgrades LOL he got himself trapped that's okay look at those roads go man feels good to have those upgrades yep that's good uh is everything here product to your design or does the game Aid you in planning it um I mean buildings are pre-designed in the game but you have to put them where they go this is like building with Legos with a bunch of playsets mixed together it was a vast gamer also we got a heating pipe coming down here to this distribution center for heat so I think our first three priorities are of course we got food and then power and then Heating and then we got to worry about water but water we should be able to truck in for the start should be able to truck water in from the border well oh building that road too nice that Big O Road's almost done this is going to take like another two months here just for each section of this road hell yeah sports car your comrades from the nearby very free People's Republic introduce a new type of vehicle to the market available for purchase via rubles the S11 or Coupe wow oh lovely ah super free City construction zone can we make District I think we can make districts and stuff right um that's right there's a time lapse mode in this game they they know it's going to take so long that you can literally make time lapse like photos for it so you can take a picture every like week or something like that and see the city grow but when I was making a city like you can make a whole Republic like the map is gargantuan we're only occupying a very small space what's up tan Happy New Year are we winning in the New Year yep first Big O stream in the new year it's good stuff uh we can trade with uh these little custom houses so it's either Soviet or NATO so you can either earn or spend dollars or rubles yeah there's multiple Maps too and you can build as many cities as you'd like it's good for your first city to be a big city that then provides like power and food so like coal and food and basic exports from the start man good another Road's opening up filling up with more gravel what's up Tyler and happy New Year there private Tomcat nope no mods in retrospect I should buy bigger these bigger trucks for gravel but then again bigger is not always better too that means a lot more time that it takes to fill those trucks we'd have to have more trucks coming in importing gravel to like this thing's only 79 full if we had bigger trucks delivering the gravel we probably would be down to like 10 to zero percent a little bit more gravel and that's done it's happening it's happening tavaresh it's happening oh pretty spicy out now 32c now the fuel truck's working too bringing in fuel like crazy yeah that truck can finally Escape you're free he's finally free hey there we go Road done nice work let's do that little section I think we'll do this road nobody's on it foreign s have to be properly graded uh no we don't have a school yet I'll probably build that a little later yeah right now I just don't have the nobody lives here so oh yeah 2023 Star Wars Jedi survival we're gonna play that oh oh this is oh that's right this is coal storage for the heating facility so we got a drop-off zone for coal then it's going to be stored here then it's going to be added with water here to boil water to make Steam to go down these pipes to then go into the city that's cool that's cool oh you want to see me play Space Marine two can I play that yep our whole schedule is down below in the description so find out what we're playing next by uh checking that description down below there's a little schedule with a quick little thing you can glance at the day and see what we got planned it always changes of course but for certain certain games it's like 100 that we're gonna play am I streaming all day I sure am yep stream every day you like the design by the way oh thanks yeah I don't know this was kind of accidental I this is my first time playing The Realistic mode so if I fail it's all just learning and that's totally fine too I mean if I build a city and things go awry then we you know there's going to be one system that's gonna like trip me up like well eventually the game will get an update for garbage Waste Management so we'll have to see how how that works maybe when the garbage update comes out it'll be too um you know like maybe it'll produce a ton of waste and we won't be able to deal with it and then we have to put all of our resources and workers towards that I doubt that'll happen but you know every game's a little different waiting for a little gravel there I think we'll upgrade this road next it's all coming together though you don't build the city the city builds you that's actually kind of true yeah because it is a little learning experience about everything I've never gotten this in depth in the game before I've tried to make it Easy by giving myself a ton of cash but eventually that will run out we're not in like unlimited mode but there's no shame in doing unlimited money either because this game is not it tries to hold your hand as best as it can but you know there's plenty of tutorials but you like all games you kind of got to get a feel for certain things you know it's like building paths and Planet coaster all right that'll be done shortly all right another one is ready yeah right now we don't have these gravel roads don't have the ability to do one way so basically these roads are like two-lane bolt Direction roads but later on we'll make them one way but yeah gravel and dirt roads don't don't get the option good good dude we're doing massive upgrades dude I mean I know it's just a gravel road but I mean the difference to the economy is going to be huge flipping a switch and increasing speeds of all vehicles by like on that flipping a switch but you get what I mean for like doubling the speed of all road vehicles good ah Supreme Soviet dude whenever I hear Supreme like Allied Supreme command or whatever a supreme commander of Allied Forces Europe or whatever yeah I always just think of like burrito supreme like whenever I have whenever I hear Supreme I always think of like either a pizza or like a a burrito or a taco like it's just like oh dude this is a supreme pizza it's got everything on it oh dude this is the new supreme burrito from Taco Bell it's like oh does it lead a small military force or whatever no dude it's a taco it's a burrito oh okay it's cool stuff yeah the Supreme taco that's what we'll name our party Congress you know how there's like the Japanese have the diet and uh think of Russia's the Duma for us it'll be the taco it's gonna be cool all right so what else do we want to add all right I needed to add like roads to these buildings to eventually construct them while we're waiting for these roads to finish I'm going to do layouts and more stuff in the city so we have four buildings I think back hero is going to build like football fields for happiness or whatever we could I it probably is a good idea to build like to put this stuff down blueprint wise before we actually started building the city because if we do that later it's going to be a bad idea I think we should at least start with a pumping station right so it's just a switch water loading and unloading station oh so we get to import water too and then put it into a water tower for now you can also build a water well will that directly Supply [Music] oh we can just start with a well okay a water substation small water well so we'd have to connect a well to a pumping station does the well does it need to be that'll export 280 water and this can hold 20. what's up Kazan how you doing yeah let's Pump Up the Jam just need a road connection too yeah oh no it actually just needs a footpath probably a good idea to build that in the city too this will need a well connected to it though and it probably needs a footpath because construction vehicles can also use footpaths to reach destinations I think how far can this be away I could be quite far away about 250 meters okay we'll build it close so we can put more buildings behind looks like the substation doesn't need electricity that will build a decent a decent footpath of path eventually all right then we're gonna need a water pump foreign for now though or at least make it a low priority the pumping station requires electricity foreign also I think this building will need electricity too nope looks like it just requires coal I think the piping goes under ground for the water so build a well and then a distribution thing so it'll be close to the city and let's lower the priority on that cool oh boy yeah uh some build yeah buildings need electricity with this uh substations so we have like a power line coming into the town you can't really see it because it's not built yet but you can kind of see it right there along the road and it'll Supply a lot of those buildings with power but like the construction site doesn't need to be powered it's just basically parking area for vehicles they just need fuel yeah there's water treatment plants too aren't there is that for Waste Water treatment like sewage we'll have to worry about sewage too to which if that's the case hi Soviet Union oh wait there's one for sewage treatment too so that we have to build that then sewage treatment versus water treatment so we might want that you need help to decide to start a new Pro editing project or start a new game oh what's the project what's the game feel like we should build this stuff farther out of town but we'll probably build it there then we can go one two three right there we'll probably do the water stuff last the more we add to our list of stuff to do the longer this will take but this is kind of like surviving Mars remember when you play surviving Mars all the drones and stuff land first and you have to build like the concrete Factory and you have to build the like the you have to get water and you have to get food and stuff all organized and build the Dome so people can live so essentially it's like we're preparing for human life by first having all those services in place so power water food distribution and then yeah we're gonna have to have sewage although sewage might be a little easier because we don't we do have a truck to bring in drinking water so I guess technically all we'd need to do is build like a if we build a water loading and unloading station we could bring in fresh water and then just pump it directly to the that might be a way around it for now although it's going to be a way to keep costs down but honestly building a small water well I guess this is a Time Saver one less building to build foreign can you just throw the sewage in the river Maybe there's a sewage discharge oh we'll see we'll get there that's way ahead of where we are now we'll get there eventually is the river flowing to or from the USSR both equally project is Oregon Trail the game is stranded alien Dawn I'll do a little both we're gonna play Oregon Trail again soon uh are we ready to build the other Road almost uh where are we oh we could do tennis too football can have 22 people visit though probably a better option thanks Maurice I think I'll build this after we delete this road and we've only got the dirt road because we have gravel Pathways and those will take a little bit to make I'm glad the workers are prioritizing the road building and not the path building first foreign 's getting done who gravels down to 54 percent still plenty of gravel oh hey it's almost done nice very nice nice Chad nice song is bumping yo Brad thanks for the two years there's a raptor AG congrats on the blue eye [Applause] thank you very much [Applause] a milestone wow how do you see your years again um there's like the there's like a button that looks like a square in some hands I think and if you hit that and your member you should be able to send your member Milestone that way foreign for the 16 months Happy New Years to you as well you want Chinatown detective agency yeah someday what else do we want to build uh let's see how many workers will this house I think it was like 96 or something so let's just say a hundred so 400 . and I don't think those are all workers either some of them are kids and if there's kids and they don't have a kindergarten then that means one of the parents has to stay home so we need mole 96 doesn't mean you know 96 workers hmm Technical Services or technical office 427 Kevin thanks for the six months as a raptor egg car dealer new member welcome oh there we go let's take a look at maybe a regular Construction office looks like it oh it needs electricity I'll have to build that later after the power lines get done but roads are top priority [Music] good ah they're waiting for those flatbeds to come in there they are what's up Sir William foreign game yeah that was pretty cool I enjoyed playing that with the boys had a good win in that one it was really cool hope you enjoy it now that all these other roads are getting complete transportation of everything is just getting faster they just take the alternative route cool foreign on Twitch you've been subbed to one streamer for about eight years wow that's a long time I see some of those twitch streamers getting like 10 years now finally Southern's been a thing probably over that School all right that's getting done that should get done soon split that a little into sections holding it about 50 percent that's good yeah those are member buses rolling through foreign I guess member slays one final day to use your holiday emotes is that crane oh thank you yeah we're just bringing in the remaining stuff holidays are over though well technically New Year's Day is still a holiday in a lot of places a lot of people get January 1st off as a holiday if you're not already not working because it's uh Sunday [Music] oh yeah maybe tomorrow yeah yeah true a lot of places if a holiday falls on a weekend they'll give you the day before so like if Christmas is on a Saturday and you typically don't get New Year's Eve off and they give you New Year's uh sorry Christmas Eve off hahaha that bus just plowed right into the gravel but hell yeah brother ripping dip it's like Rick driving that bus the hell that was smart though the AI tried to go through here realized it couldn't and then it just repathed itself that's very smart where's the bulldozer here oh maybe it needed fuel oh that's why all right he's on his way back gotta get that route done that's messing up traffic all right uh let's see so when we start manufacturing stuff maybe we should do farming and I'm thinking we can do some farming up here a little away from the city but nearby so maybe a bus stop now we can build a road vehicle Depot finally did Bradford get arrested in the end oh on our motor Town playthrough to being a cop in that game was really cool hey what's up Hunter Happy New Year uh where do I want to put this uh thank you for doing videos you enjoyed watching the video well thanks Hawk thanks for watching oh bus stop needs power too so we can't build it further than this but it might be a good idea just have it here oh so to even put down a blueprint I need an excavator that's free what do we have an excavator oh foreign now we can build it is this like Sim City I mean if you like SimCity there's a lot of similarities to city building but the needs of the people in this city are much different oh you can build free bus stops what oh I think I'll just build an actual one but that's cool that you can build a free bus stop it's literally just a tire with a stick in it oh cool when the land has to be leveled like that that's why the excavator has to be free to actually come out and oh my God that's so cool why doesn't City skylines have that bro [Applause] foreign I guess the nice thing about dirt roads too is it helps you to lay out the road cheaply and you can get it going quick shut it down later for upgrades that's better so then we'll have a bus stop to go to eventual farms and whatever else we build maybe a food factory wow all right now we're back up to 85 percent I think they just need to drop off a worker hmm [Applause] foreign yeah dirt roads are the only thing that's just kind of Auto builds it's more like you're just giving approval for trucks to drive through an area anything made of dirt is like that foreign [Music] foreign that back to dirt unfinished Road 61. I need scissors 61. foreign need fuel is that what's going on now we got fuel okay I guess we'll finish that yeah everything pretty much stopped but I'm not sure why well now it's going again I think we're waiting for an excavator or a bulldozer to get up there but they're not leaving there should be a bulldozer assigned to this road foreign a high priority yeah it's August maybe they're all on holiday now I'm gonna take a day off trucks are going so foreign foreign trucks are leaving with gravel again why the hell are they buying gravel when that's full weird whatever so long as the construction gets done it's fine they must be bringing more for the uh the road sections down here foreign what do we use the blue buses for these buses are bringing in workers to construction sites so even the gravel even with the gravel roads they still require 50 workers to do some stuff by hand so like when a bulldozer and some gravel trucks show up I guess those guys are still there with like rakes and stuff trying to like level up maybe like shovel like corners or something oh whatever physical labor would have to be required still just a little bit just a sprinkling sprinkling of manpower but nothing's quite as powerful as a big old bulldozer brother it looks like they're building that road too oh gravel's coming back in wait that's 108. well 0.8 but yeah I don't know why everything is stopped like that some things are still coming in foreign foreign we don't have workers we're importing a labor force right now from the border so these are quote unquote volunteers foreign yeah since Vehicles can reach the customs house everybody should be able to get up there oh yeah Vehicles can get up there from both ways foreign foreign 's got fuel it's like the party bus music you know what maybe it's this road let's undo this one Dr Funk uh I got a stream deck XL you inspired me to try streaming all right man enjoy that sounds like fun so a vehicle should be able to get up here to do gravel no problem I'm gonna do this section too then oh no this game is a little heavy-handed when you hit the destroy button like yeah I'd like to rip up this road okay dude new King City new Tactical nuke inbound it's like what thank you that'll fix the power lines I'm not sure why everything stopped all of a sudden everything's going great yeah is there a separate button for deleting roads I I don't think I've seen one oh that's cool we can actually give a rules for roads too like tractors only or set speed limits and things that's cool buses only for for example okay well there's a cancel Road button okay that's weird all right now no roads are under construction there we're gonna destroy all the bits under construction except for that one because it's actually happening let's see if that fixes it well that's promising the concrete mixer moved but workers are still needed over here so these buses should be moving oh look the uh the grass and the trees and all the colors actually change so there is a seasonal transition between Summer and Autumn very cool this construction worker at the excavators working just fine but no other buses are coming through oh well there goes the concrete mixer foreign maybe one of the roads disconnected the Construction office assigned tool construction's already complete building is not supported as Construction office what's the main building wow that was it so the road was briefly connected or disconnected so it canceled it as the source building how strange but it shouldn't have been disconnected some of the vehicles were still going there and I didn't toy with those so at no point were they disconnected weird strange yeah because the big old gravel dump trucks were still driving up there I mean all these vehicles use the same roads so yeah whatever problem solved for now all right so now we got to work on this road we'll do it section by section [Applause] we're gonna try to get all the roads coming from the customs house upgraded since a little more troublesome or at least more important because of the distance they have to drive hey Happy New Year to you too Reza be nice if there was an icon then letting you know that those were disconnected workers should still be coming in though for this job foreign okay strange as a person who was born in the Soviet Union don't seek logic workers decided it it was disconnected and went home okay I guess people took the power then oh well they're working on New Year's you spent yesterday just to get basic services in realistic mode yeah yeah this is not going to be uh fast at all like building roads are gonna be I mean it's almost like it's a real life or something Chad wow it's like it's realistic where it takes two years just to build a road you know even where I live it's like hey we're gonna add this uh we're gonna add a sidewalk uh we're shutting down the city for six years okay everybody's like okay so now we're gonna upgrade that road then this road here and then this final section so three more to go [Music] make that a medium priority did the 70s USSR have McDonald's already I don't think that was the thing until the late 80s I think there was one that opened up in Moscow and like 88 89 90 somewhere around there it was after the wall fell oh then that was like 89. Soviet Union ended in 1991 on Christmas Day I believe at least that's when uh what's his name resigned yelts enrolled in oh they're building the substation now for power good foreign looks like 4chan LOL we need more relaxed that's what we need that'll speed things up [Music] all right good lots of workers and stuff are coming in as long as mostly the vehicles are working that's good some of this equipment might not be needed the moment like concrete mixers gonna be a few years till people could move in I'm thinking hey happy New Year jurisky good to see you nice we're almost done with all those roads up there gobbling up that gravel gravel goblins I love it in a game when a problem happens and you can kind of figure it out I do I really like that troubleshooting sometimes really it's like if you've ever had a model train set before and it just stops working you're like oh might need to get out the soldering iron 1600 feet of cable it's like oh dog unplugged it oops oh yeah transport fever is like that true yeah I like building uh the fun thing about transport fever is when you've got when you're doing all passenger stuff and you got like buses that bring people to a train depot and then the train brings them to like an airport but then you've got like a tram Line running around the city with the airport and the tram brings people to the airport or down the city it's just cool when you have interconnected passenger lives one of the first games um and it might still be on sale on Steam which by the way remember Chad the steam sale ends on the fifth so we're coming up on the last couple of days to to buy something get something good but um before City skylines was the thing they made a game called Cities in Motion and that game has pretty much all of what city skyline it's you don't get to build the city but you do get to like plan out all the routes and build all the bus stops so it's like you can build like Metro lines train stations bus stops pretty cool purchase and consume yeah we're going to put that in the the store soon there we go yeah Cities XL I remember that there was kind of a gap in good city builders between like 2010 and 2015 before City skylines came out Sim City came out in 2013 so that'll be 10 can you guys imagine that 10 years it's been since that new SimCity came out it's not even new anymore but between like 2010 and 2015 before City skylines it was like a wacky hodgepodge of all sorts of games Sim City was good but it's kind of a little bit of a well it was strangled by corporate greed to be honest EA but because SimCity has always been great like SimCity 4 was like the best of course with tons of mods and stuff SimCity 4 is still alive and kicking with lots of cool stuff to do it's just a different city Builder but you can't really a lot of people are just like oh dude this game's bad compared to City skylines like what do you mean man it's like 11 years younger than it I think SimCity 4 came out in like 2004. but remember games like SimCity helped pave the way for like all sorts of building games but I appreciate like games that are somewhere between like Roller Coaster Tycoon and City skylines like Mall building there's like a video on the channel you may have missed about building malls there's like a mall building game coming out soon where you can build them all put in spaces hire the employees it's quite detailed it reminds me a little bit of Park attack but parkitect's good that way too especially when you get a lot of creative people together to like try to do things differently it's interesting When people's creative differences smash together and then you kind of get something pretty cool it's much more interesting to look at all right this Road's gonna be done soon how do I rank SimCity for a way way way up there SimCity 4 is just awesome I mean going from like SimCity 3000 to SimCity 4 . SimCity 4 pretty much laid the found work of the groundwork for how or the foundation of how City skylines would work how like you can you know a lot of these games now you paint the ground right like if you're like oh I want to level this area so I can build something so you click a thing and then you just kind of like you know you paint the ground flat and I'm sure other games did that too but SimCity 4 is one where it was like directly involved with city building like modern city building with that Ford did some really big things really differently and did a lot of things that like made sense and were challenging in the right ways and we're fun although I always had problems uh getting a budget in SimCity for it's like okay taxes are five thousand percent expenses are zero I'm still losing a million dollars a day okay I don't know I don't know how that works he still loved the modular aspect of SimCity 2013 completely agree K flow what I really like about uh SimCity 2013 is that when you need more power in a in your city you just upgrade your power plant in City skylines you gotta like build another power plant and another power plant and another power plant and it's like can't we just upgrade this power plant with like more boilers or more generators or like a nuclear power plant with another reactor I feel like that's a missed opportunity for uh City skylines where you should be able to add on to that and I think maybe they did that just to try to say they were oh we're different than SimCity and it's like well okay whatever you say pal I don't know what I'm going to do with this road yeah true you could increase the capacity by raising the budget but I don't think if I if I give a nuclear power plant a million more dollars it's gonna like make more power you got to build a reactor yeah it's kind of cool to be able to like future proof your city you know like if you're I don't know I I I think that should be in there as well as all this intricate Road building like what we're doing right now and buses are bringing in workers things are happening things are happening maybe what we'll do eventually is build a roundabout although are we really gonna have that much traffic maybe later on I'm from Florida what's up Logan to the stream bro now we'll do something like that for now all right another section of Road complete yeah happy New Year Peter okay gotta be real careful in these sections it could shut everything down I saw workers coming in I don't know where they were oh the bus stop how ironic cool hell yeah brother rip and dip huh I love how in this game too you have to plan for like detours because like we can only upgrade this road at a time because you know like this one's has to stay open imagine in City skylines if you could actually see road construction or or maintenance or upgrades going on because they like lock several Lanes of traffic to like upgrade a couple Lanes at a time foreign yeah maybe we can make this a connecting line for workers I don't see any option oh well it doesn't have power so it probably doesn't work buildings without power but it's like what just a couple of Lights a couple of light bulbs will workers walk from a free bus stop to a construction site or do they do they actually have to go to the site I feel like we need another bus Depot but never mind that one's not even working full well we're gonna work up here now we have these set to medium priority is it hard to get into the game um a little bit I mean it's much different than other city builders but once you I mean if you get the game and you play the tutorial and you go into sandbox and you go in unlimited money and just start connecting things and seeing how it all works you can kind of figure it out you'll build some um you know you'll build some houses first and move people in and then start with Small industry like farming or something and you'll eventually figure it out it's it's different but it's not it's not difficult so that's pretty cool it's really well done it's a game that I think will always be a little clunky and that kind of feels right for a game like this it's got a little weirdness to it but every city Builder has that like even City skylines it's sometimes it's impossible to build a roundabout without a million mods shouldn't be but it is I'm glad we got a couple things built so far imagine when we go to build like a new bridge in town it's gonna be exciting where is the gravel for that section hmm bum bum the biggest Wendy's in the world is in Tbilisi Georgia over three floors and fifteen thousand square feet chat I should take a day off and uh we should go to a Wendy's should I go see the biggest Wendy's in the world make a video out of it go by the Wendy's franchise in Georgia make a video title it something like the the big Wawas do like hope you understand dot dot dot me looking stressed into the the thumbnail of me looking stressed oh my God something horrible must be happening six hour and 26 minute video crying and shaking I don't think that connection really had any problems I'm getting superstitious though about this part up here imagine the nugs imagine the nugs all right so hopefully that gets built this Road's finishing we'll build this one oh workers getting dropped off here it's weird to me how they're dropping off just a few at a time you think that they would haul their maximum which is 30 plus or something oh it's almost done I love seeing that that's so damn cool yeah yeah this game keeps getting better and better the devs have been adding just tons of cool stuff that makes it more of a more about the city you know things like the garbage and the water when water treatment came out I was like oh here we go like with water and um sewage and now pretty soon garbage will be a thing it's like well there we go now we have to solve the problems of any City I'm gonna build a road that follows this pathway bum foreign foreign delivered it's so cool how long that take it makes you really appreciate how long it takes to make a massive City this will probably be a lot faster in the future too because when we have several construction offices up and workers supplying all the time things will only get faster as roads will be better I don't think this will take this long forever however could you imagine building a freaking steel mill whoa bruh okay there goes the bulldozer hey happy New Years there Jason hope you all had a wonderful uh holiday so far Chad joining me on the first stream of 2023 feeling good looking good things are good all right Exile welcome aboard it's a raptor egg remember welcome yeah thank you very much for smacking join new member New Year lots of construction to do there foreign I think there needs to be a construction management game like this too I know we have like construction Sim and stuff but should be playable with more people like in a motor town for example we played that one yesterday motor town was really cool a bunch of people can work together to have a city function by driving all the vehicles like trash garbage trucks and police cars and ambulances and buses and taxis really cool stuff your PS5 is here in two days awesome good to hear damn things are getting fancy you didn't see me deliver pizza yesterday I delivered uh Burgers I found like a Wendy's and was on a little moped I made a quick little delivery so I did one for the food gonna be cool if we get like 20 members of the Goof Troop this year and have a full uh year of that that'll be awesome okay more gravel's coming in nice now it's going to take a while I would like to build another yeah we're going to get a goof platoon yeah I want to build a Construction office I just don't know if it'll work without workers living here where's the Construction office well I'm gonna need power coming in so we gotta get those power lines built too but I don't think there's a way to prioritize the power lines oh yeah there is okay all right let's make Power production top priority then so we can get a Construction office going and then maybe build that over here God the soundtrack's just bopping blowing it up really good stuff wait what this building no okay well worst case scenario the power lines pass right by so we can just build a substation over here confusing hitbox thank you very much for becoming a raptor egg you guys are awesome thanks for all the egg memberships hatchlings uh little Raptors Raptor Plus after ultimate and sigma Apex Raptor tiers you guys are awesome thank you very much for supporting the channel it's really cool very thankful thanks for all the gift bombs too helping other people we've we've had some very difficult and challenging gears all of us a lot of stuff going on so thanks for uh helping to build a community and keep people together and giving people somewhere to be kind to each other and just relax and enjoy gaming everybody needs a place to get away from it without getting away from it you know it's like fishing but sometimes you can't go so we have these lovely Hobbies I know some of you work on your other Hobbies while you watch these streams and stuff too some people are like building model rail sets or building doll houses or like working in your work like some people have like a wood Workshop I know there's like a guy from Denmark who watches all the time and makes Wooden Spoons and bowls and things and sells them has an actual woodworking shop chairs and things like that it's awesome it's very cool that's what Chad's quiet they're Gamers but they're busy they're busy gamers so just j33 much love to you as well after three years you finally have a balanced City and City skylines you mean three years of playing or like you had like three years of like money being in the negative you're building a oh Lego Technic right now awesome oh the Dodge Charger from Fast and the Furious dude I I think strawberry got some more Lego from his girlfriend for uh Christmas that's such a good thing for like couples or for anybody Lego are good at any time it's nice to give somebody something that you know Lego's got a little puzzle element to it you know okay look at the instructions put things together you know at least it always gave me that Vibe like you know you dump out the little bags then you gotta go on the hunt for Pieces Just Like You Would The Edge pieces of a puzzle good times good times bulldozer needs gravel trucks are rolling bulldozers going where there okay high priority Construction office what does that need first 12 tons of concrete cement mixers should be going yeah the cement concrete mixer should be going missing truck without covered with covered Hull well that's somewhere else covered hole foreign that might explain why some of the construction's not going on I guess the mechanical Parts need a covered hole uh let's get oh here we'll do two covered Haul trucks here foreign by capacity go with that one cool all right so now construction can continue we're missing a truck type but that's why we left open spots cool 82nd Airborne thank you very much for becoming a raptor egg as well thank you very much for the Big O support so those trucks will come in from the border what if it's smart enough to pick up the mechanics before welcome them of course the Russians are cheap they won't give you the the Soviets are cheap they won't give you the uh fuel I don't know my Channel's like the cheers for the modern day yeah I used to be a lot more uh aggressive but now that I've gotten older and have become more empathetic and understanding of people I'm not in a rush anymore now I've gotten time to slow down a little bit and try to be more personable a weakness is becoming a strength your dad was re-watching all of Cheers oh man I feel like I can't watch cheers without like drinking along like I feel like I should also have like a big O beer you know what I mean they'll never be shows like that anymore though and 82nd Airborne thanks for upgrading to a raptor hatchling as well thank you very much again for the added support that's very nice you Norm all right chat maybe maybe we'll get a norm emote but by the end of the year we're just gonna have a mash emote a norm emote stuff from Frasier Seinfeld I wonder if it will tell you what is needed to transport certain cargo is there a way in this game to see what cargo types take what vehicle like it's obvious that like the concrete mixer halts concrete and it's obvious that dump trucks hold like gravel but those mechanisms must require the covered truck unfortunately I think when we buy a new vehicle has to come back and refuel then it gets to go out and pick up the cargo yeah so now he needs to refuel yep and then when he refuels that then he can go to the border and pick up those parts years of streaming experience yep getting there I wonder what your PC specs are exclamation point PC I think the I think the stream Lab spot's a little spammy chat I think at this point gifted memberships and and memberships in general I think it's been long enough I think enough people know about that now I think we're gonna cut back on a little bit of the stream Labs uh in the chat other than if you guys type in a command for it I'll still have to have some things in there or maybe it'll just be less frequent so it's not as annoying it should be informative but not spammy oh damn yep now we got two rows being built doubling our speed Dublin is this Ireland yes yes we are in Ireland now we got to build a pub for Norm normsky oh wow sheepdog 45. uh thank you very much I'll give that a second and see if it reads it off let's see off down I'll read it uh thanks for the entertaining positive vibe content with witty funny honest commentary onward and upward brother Amen brother thank you very much for your support it's very kind to you [Music] thank you chat for the insanity very cool from all of you helpful backseating from chat that's not too spammy kindness and people checking on each other it's cool man it's good vibes thank you yeah happy New Year Chad happy New Year a lot of new people joining hello happy New Years everybody 2023 day one and remember you only got 12 months left till Christmas oh wow that was extremely delayed thanks again sheepdog 45. Tim T thanks for the 15 months Happy New Year to you as well good to see you in the chat thanks for the entertaining positive vibe content with witty funny honest commentary onward and awkward brother amen dude this is get the more we're playing this the better it's getting man like I was kind of getting nervous that it'd be too slow but honestly feel seeing this come together and knowing how long it takes for stuff to be transported from the border gives me gives me a new respect for like what it's like to make stuff in the city like when cities are built I I would imagine not not all cities in the world are producing what they need to build like wood has to be imported a lot of the ingredients for making concrete they might have a concrete couple concrete plants in the city but it takes a while to like get all those materials and ship them in it's gonna get busier as you build more yeah well that's true like the more we play this the more interesting it's going to get like at the start it was literally like all he did was build a road but now you realize that those trucks were working at like half speed they were like 35 kilometers an hour now they can do 60. it's like bro where are those covered hole trucks what are they up to oh they're delivering stuff too I hope they're delivering up here though these are set to medium priority sheepdog 45 with the upgrade to a little Raptor thank you very much for Big O upgrade brother so many upgrades too Insanity chat insanity dude look at those Vehicles going now we got some traffic going Chad we might build our first our nation's first stop sign imagine that it might happen foreign we're gonna have a ceremony welcome world leaders it's gonna snow soon too luckily we don't have to worry about having anybody uh warm just yet looks cool yeah the city looks cool game's cool too you just bought ano 1800 on Steam having a blast awesome super matte yeah keep in mind guys DLCs for City Scott any of your favorite city builders probably have DLCs and they're probably on sale for steams uh winter sale so you know you got a couple days till the fifth but you know don't be like me and like forget until like 20 minutes beforehand you have ice skating streets in Oslo really I've wanted to go to Norway I gotta go I gotta find uh I gotta make some Norwegian friends swing by and have some fish and bread your mom got you a 50 Steam gift card oh that's almost like a hundred dollars then on this on the Steam Sale that's perfect timing that's a good gift Linus ABN welcome as a raptor egg new member New Year all right what are we building now okay no more roads are being upgraded so let's keep that going you know what we really need is I would love to see a a Japanese City builder in this style rebuild Japan after World War II all the way up into like the 80s and 90s from like 19 50 to like 19 like 2000. that'd be so cool 50 years of just like city building in Japan be interesting and what would be interesting about that too is that you'd have to be building a more modern Japan but you'd have to be mindful of all the traditional buildings temples old buildings and things like that and then eventually build up into what it is today I would love to see all the different building styles different techniques different um Landscapes different building you know architectural style for everything from um you know residential buildings to commercial buildings yeah balancing old and new building the shinkansen and like having to be mindful about what it takes to build that yeah periodic attacks from Godzilla that you got to worry about exactly true why stop at 2000 you want to make a cyberpunk Neo Tokyo sure yeah why not go into uh 2050. 100 years oh there we go hell yeah oh that's a good name for it 2100 Tokyo that'd be a cool name for it where you build from 1950 to 2100 150 years of having to build train line it would be like um I would imagine it being a little bit like um transport fever it would be interesting to build all of Japan and not just Tokyo although hyper focusing on Tokyo would allow it to be more detailed I would appreciate that uh maybe a Simulator game where you drive a snow plow in Tokyo you all know what that would be called yep uh tourism is the thing in this game yep [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] vehicles are going crazy now thank you it's gonna snow soon we only have one snow plow hopefully that's enough it's probably fine we'll see concrete's getting dropped off nice foreign it's good to see when there's no vehicles parked or fewer and fewer Vehicles parked oh yeah this plays at a much slower Pace yeah for sure but that's why it's very realistic you know it takes uh months and months or years and years to build hospitals and universities even in modern times we need more buses foreign is running without issues good although I think it could use some people all right hey they're building the power lines all right we're getting electricity in boys hell yeah progress all right power lines are going in that's awesome did they build it all the way and they sure did hell yeah foreign oh and there goes the wires awesome man things are popping off oh yeah the bus stop will be powered soon when the electric substation is ready I have to buy Power too but uh we I don't think we have to it just makes it more efficient I can imagine the like the bus stop powering like two light bulbs feels good man thank you oh excavator's in now then after that we need bricks boards oh we need relax boys and also 2.5 tons of steel man when you can build a city where you can make all that stuff yourself that's crazy like when you got oil go like the the most mind-boggling thing to me is when you can actually have like when you're making your own ships like when you have a shipyard that you're supplying with all the stuff yourself like you've got a steel mill and all the other stuff needed to build boats that's incredible a Machu Picchu World Builder would be awesome All The Terraces true so this guy's hauling electronic components have to be hauled in a covered vehicle that makes sense they don't want to be damaged by the weather that's for sure hey this is done yeah we don't need coal at the moment but we just set it for coals that's okay dude things are happening still slow but much faster than it was I love seeing all that gravel piled up too um will your first industry be Lumber uh we could do that I think farming might be pretty important and we can feed our own people and Export food [Music] I mean we can do both yeah we do a lumber industry up here we'd have to have people well I mean we got to figure out how many people we're gonna need so if we want to do farming we're gonna have to do the math and figure that out food factory farms Jonathan welcome aboard is a raptor egg thank you very much for the support foreign and we can eventually get a train Network coming in or going out oh yeah that's true coal power plant that's where we should start yeah we should start doing our own power and then export it but we'd have to find where Cole is oh there's a mini map oh there it is so we have coal here oh kind of far away oh we only have one spot with uranium which is here luckily the coal is not too far we'd probably have to do a train line or something I'll have to bring the train line around uh if we do a power plant I think we might do it here then we could have a train line bring the coal but also we can connect it to the Customs yard interesting we got options foreign you brought the you brought the pizza Welcome Aboard dude uh of course the problem with coal is we actually have to like purify it too we can't just like you can't just mine coal and then send it to power plant you have to do there's that in between thing yeah the Cold War processing plant so first you have to have the mine then you send it to the processing plant then you can send it to the power plant looks like we can also build solar we can build wind power plants that's cool how much does that build 35 megawatts nuclear power plants provide like almost 10 000. wow yeah we're gonna have to I I mean if we're gonna do coal we have to have a ton of people for mining a ton of quite a few less for the processing and then a few people for the power plant but we need a lot of extra workers for that but I think power will be our first export which means coal and we also will need coal for our heating plant too so it'll actually serve two functions and I guess we could import coal and Export power wind is good for early game you can make a big big a wind farm that's true I like the potential and the opportunity for selling power I like that I mean if we can balance our if we could start making a little bit of money to cover the vehicle costs and make like we're gonna have to import fuel for a long while so if we can pay for all of our fuel and like vehicle purchases by exporting power that's good thank you construction is not assigned to a Construction office interesting there we go don't know why that would have been disconnected yeah we'll be Diggy Diggy Hole soon we're gonna have to build a bridge then to get across here because the coal is like down here so we'll have to build a train line and a bus line that might be what happened last time where we tried to upgrade those roads and then it just the Construction office didn't assign itself foreign yeah if we start mining coal we probably should import some for safety just to make sure we never run out of coal it's a good idea the small coal storage holds 870 tons so that's good Cola import nice these trucks should be importing bricks right now and this is set to high priority too unless workers have to arrive oh yeah okay all right that makes sense oh wait the resources are already there resources on the construction site they were already they were already delivered cool all right so we're getting another Construction office so that'll an actual decent one nice was my final verdict on settlement survival after it left early access um oh what's this white stuff settlement survival is cool I liked it oh boy snow plow go oh boy I think we're gonna need some more uh Technical Services and buy some more snow plows oh cool where would that be I think it's a technical office oh we can build five of them good foreign plows have to run continuously foreign yeah there are bridges in this game concrete brick Steel kind of weird that they have to add gravel to that I feel like we could bypass that by doing this there we go technically they'll snow plow on their way back I bet that's your problem with the lack of incentive that's why communism failed couldn't start plowing until he reached the uh got to go blade up till we reach the technical office are there any Bridge stats regarding traffic Vehicles cross ship paths underneath no I don't think so but that's a that's actually a really cool thing foreign seems we should have prepared a little better for winter I don't even know if you could set your snowplows to certain areas or roads can you we could increase the range that's cool now the roads are just do all the roads where that really slows them down that's cool it looks like snow starts around mid-november and temperatures are finally going to approach negative 15 C M probably more than that hell yeah brother all right the trucks are arriving so that'll speed things up fascinating game now we just need uh workers to arrive yeah snowplow reinforcements have arrived now they got to go fuel up first nice what's up Clint Watts happy uh New Year's to you as well mm-hmm raptoria flag for Merch I think they used to have Flags in this door pay I don't know I could only make merch for what they provide like the base item for I think they used to have that and now I think it's not a thing anymore but I I'd like to sounds like a good idea rip and dip brother hey there we go flowers are picking up the pace cool that's really badass City skylines has that as well but City skylines needs the seasonal transition not just permanent snow I think it's an eyesore to look at the white snow all the time why do you call this ultra realistic I mean I've been watching the Stream it's a crazy amount of work that goes into Construction maintaining roads I mean snow plows are now out we haven't gotten a lot done which makes it super realistic like me IRL okay this road is Never Gonna oh yeah no it's gone finally Ever After I'm super late but watch him from the beginning happy New Year same to you there sick Banks welcome foreign yeah plow those roads boys no it's a blizzard again no at least we got snow plows everywhere foreign [Applause] foreign let's see and these are the fastest boys plowing speed 43 plowing speed 21. oh oh but they cost so much more no connection to a customs house Road connection with Construction office doesn't exist it doesn't it comrade because it isn't there is it not connected to the road oh they're gonna build a little gravel road there oh new member welcome thanks for the 12 months congratulations on the one year thank you very much for watching glad you appreciate the channel it came down to the gravel there we go we might have to go with those faster ones and sell these but we'll we'll try these out for now and see how it goes you didn't see it because it isn't there can we take Grandma to Market oh God that game dude no no chance these snowplows are working as fast as they can let's focus on doing the uh foreign you did a Cod puree onion rings mayonnaise Olive Groton cheese that was divine wow chat with the fancy cooking nicely done we talk about Wendy's all the time in the Stream but then chat I didn't realize so many people were related to Wolfgang Puck all the time there we go all right so that should change the winner priority to make gravel roads more important thank you all right cool that should tell them to do all the roads in the town I'm surprised we don't have to buy salt or anything like that uh they probably use dirt that's true a little sandwich well all that progress we were making this ground to a hole but that's what happens in Winter and that's even more realistic for those who've Ever Done Construction in the winter you know I've done it too a lot of things slow on down including people which is like yep do what you can what you got to do uh defeat Lewis thank you very much for the Raptor Plus Membership again welcome on back good to see you new member welcome thank you very much for the support uh you can kind of see roads I mean you know that's actually pretty good snow plowers are doing a good job I don't think we need that road anymore but you know I just built it so we could do the construction we'll delete it later we're building another Construction office so that'll speed up Construction this is cool we're gonna need an alternative Road set up here too so we can upgrade this road actually there's a road here isn't there no yeah well we'll have to make one and then we're gonna actually have to have workers come up here via bus so they can like work there what's up Ohio rail fan welcome back whoa foreign foreign this to gravel another building completes all right so now we've got our small heating plant complete they're building the piping that comes out of the heating plant now they just need to build the Conveyor Systems and the piping to go to the city and the distribution plant and we got our substation and our Construction office is almost done dude crazy progress I mean you know in this game Crazy progress is this the future somebody like apple crumble with ice cream I do the crumble gets a little crumbly though crumble can you can have real good crumble or like eh let's go that's why I go with the lattice the lettuce yeah roads are looking better thank you Good Times all right so the office is pretty much done here except for a little bit of work from the workers that means we'll get more construction vehicles or people in nice bro nice you feel you have to have a good understanding of logistics for this game yeah every game is a little different this one the thing that tricks me up the most is just trying to figure out the order of construction or like when we can safely build a road without cutting off access to the uh to the heart which is the customs office where we get all of our stuff for now for now let's see winter Year One boom all right that's it for now guys we'll come back to workers and resources Soviet Republic sometime soon we'll pick up where we left off lots of things are happening now as we still are laying the foundation but it takes a long time so we'll keep on uh going through this one through the next few months until we got the next big update which will be for garbage I'll see you guys in about 30 minutes for our next stream of uh another building game I think you'll all be a big fan of I think you'll enjoy what's coming up next and then later tonight we'll figure out we're going to stream with the guys uh Lumberjacks out I don't know where red and Jerry are or what anybody's feeling like planned so we'll have ourselves a third stream later today too turn on that notification Bell check the channel on the daily for new videos uploads and more and giveaways in the Discord thanks for watching guys I'll see you in a little bit thanks for watching
Channel: Raptor
Views: 19,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9xo17XiKXqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 7sec (12727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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