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today we are going on a one color road trip we are going to drop the ball down the plinka board whatever color we get we have to use only that color to rent a vehicle get our road trip supplies survive overnight all the above with that one color I'll drop the ball for us what color are you hoping for anything with yummy food [Music] I thought that was pink how did it bounce over to yellow yellow is way better than pink what are we gonna eat just bananas all night we're gonna find something our first task now is gonna be to find a yellow vehicle for the entire road trip orange oh so cool right next to that one is this Epic RED oh I literally found our vehicle the banana vein we have just arrived to our yellow road trip vehicle look at this thing kind of looks like we're about to do some uh HVAC work okay come on in not very spacious but it's kind of cool a lot of room on this bed got the floor space too a sink somehow does it work oh that is epic any drinks in there no but it is cold so we can put cold drinks in there some things we have to get from the store obviously new fits but we need the yellow fly the inside so yellow blankets yellow sheets yellow everything decorations decorations to the mall throughout the duration of this road trip we have to complete a list of challenges and if we fail to complete even one we all three have to endure Hell's Kitchen and like all our punishments this one is not good we're bound to find all sorts of yellow things down here look an aren't you glad we're in the banana mobile no way guys yellow sunflowers all right we're at the store now we are getting yellow stuff wow fire what is that cardigan this is a samakati oh yes butterfly on oh that was cool yeah I think butterfly just sick I found some yellow shorts we also do need a bag for all our gear so perfect we got our first challenge ride a yellow roller coaster find this ride are you okay as hot as Carl outside we're here at the theme park they are open thankfully time to put on our gear hey guys we know there are different colors of yellow no different shades yeah different shades of yellow we got all different flavors in the yellow Spectrum you probably have the most different shades I know which sucks because I was trying to be the most cohesive we can be the Bumblebees yeah oh yeah all right to the theme park hurry bumblebees Buzz we have one Mission that's to ride a yellow roller coasters oh yes theme park tickets were 200 for one ride you can't do like two rides maybe they'll have SpongeBob prize hats or something running again it's his birthday no way we gotta find a yellow roller coaster here we just came here and paid all our money before checking if there was a yellow bench somebody's got to get our photo on here we know our mission is to ride a yellow roller coaster but we can't pass up having some extra fun they literally have yellow teacups we have to get in the world you already know what teacup we're going in right [Music] I don't like the spin this is definitely gonna be sick we're not gonna be able to ride roller coaster after this oh no no no no I think we're going into a different dimension Hey look it's not like I'm gonna barf dude stop that was awful why did you spin this up fast what the heck yeah bro I watch you guys all the time shout out James too hey Legends here we are the yellow roller coaster the boomerang this is the only yellow roller coaster that I can see I like drops I don't like Loops there's a big loop right there there's only two seats so I'm watching what just happened a lightning warning on your turn apparently lightning warning right when you guys are about to do the challenge if we didn't do the teacups we would have completed this are you kidding me if you want to win this biggest one you got to get three balls and one bucket the ball is probably way over inflated so you throw it in there it just automatically bounces out I know these guys are scheming maybe you need to put a spin on it so it does like a unicycle inside she pranked me oh let's go yes all right see how you do it Buster I'm going for Big Pine you gotta get all three boys yes yeah it doesn't matter we won as a team we got our next challenge get yellow ice cream at an actual ice cream shop let's go find an ice cream shop I hope by the end of this episode this whole dash is filled with yellow friends our next mission is yellow ice cream go Baskin Robbins they better screen I don't like Baskin Robbins I always find out Baskin Robbins always finds out Baskin Robbins always finds out bro Baskin Robbins don't play ah what did you do I didn't do anything yes you did oh I just hit myself with it I just hit myself with it I just hit myself with a stick oh hi man triple mango and I'll do I'll do lemon sorbet that is yellow on the way considering how hot it is today this has been the best idea yes what is our next challenge have to find a yellow animal I know of a few yellow animals well we'll find the zoo and we'll send you a selfie with a yellow animal I already know giraffe snake and bird take out what are we gonna have for lunch I guess egg queso chips fries there's nothing really that good mac and cheese mac and cheese that is definitely yellow I'll do a regular mac and cheese I'll do a regular mac and cheese I'll do a regular mac and cheese that's the most yellow thing I've ever seen they just realized that their tattoos are basically a coloring book clearly every day we can do different cheers yellow [Music] I have a color finding app that can determine if what we're actually doing is yellow I took a picture of the mac and cheese fuel yellow oh we think Mellow Yellow is not actually yellow what oh I'm sorry lying you have to dump that out that looks like yellow Isaac's trying to cheat the challenge this is such a waste if the yellow mellow is green then you better test Andrew's shirt it says celery it says lime yeah you made me pour out my whole drink take your shirt off right now all right now I'll get kicked out we are enforcing the laws here yeah Mr lime shirt it looked yellow I'm pretty sure it still is yellow it does look pretty yellow in here to be honest exactly doesn't matter so did my mellow yellow you look like just a craft single which one of these shirts is green both of them no this is yellow guys I just leveled up oh what I have unlocked yellow socks and yellow hat this one is so much better that other shirt was too small anyways look at the band it's becoming more and more yellow we're driving to the zoo right now where we've got to get selfies with three different yellow animals I love animals if we do not complete all our challenges before midnight tonight Hell's Kitchen is in our future well we're not looking too good because we already glitched the first challenge but we still have the rest of the day to see if we can fix that one the weather's not letting up so unless the lightning clears oh we have some upgrades here banana gummies lemon gummies some Laffy Taffy we have a new character Pizza [Music] oh my that tastes like lemon all right whoa sold out until 1 30. what time is it right now oh we can't have any more glitch UPS okay we have to find three yellow animals since when is the zoo only Advanced tickets only come on service this is taking eons to load guys come on it went through guys thank the Lord they literally only had two slot times open nice you go under the bed top bunk we haven't decided bed yet I just did no it's rock paper scissors like always um guys look it's me from back in the day classic dad joke for you I don't get it what was the punch line we already lost the first challenge hopefully we can recover later hopefully they don't close the zoo because the lightning let's go a giraffe umbrella helmet heck yeah where's the checkout another massive yellow fan this is amazing this is the greatest purchase of this video so far we found the drafts and it's not looking good they're a lot more Brown than I remembered are you yellow he doesn't look yellow to me that's a that was a no he's gay and giraffe only color match is 99 Brown we're looking for yellow animals at the zoo where do we find them I think it's giraffe you think draft's the most yellow I would say so reptiles not really any yellow reptiles that I know they're more snakes and they're more Brown kind of colored snakes oh no we found the lion except he's not looking too yellow brown mode I think it's a lot harder to find naturally yellow animals why are we conditioned to think that lions and giraffes are yellow let's just go based off of the Lion King lions are for sure yellow pale oyster I found the birds guys oh yellow bird there he is Donald himself take a picture perfect that's one down two more to go we are now in the reptile area feel pretty good about this that was the closest thing yet it's a chameleon he's mainly green but he has yellow stripes if only he could just change real quick we found the yellow python he may look a lot white but the yellow is so faded that there's still a ton of yellow on this snake especially his head mostly yellow I say yeah definitely mostly yellow where is he where is the Golden Frog we hit the jackpot too this is the yellow house nice yellow beetles for the win he kind of looks like someone colored him with the highlighter like we were doing earlier we got all three animals so I'm gonna send our selfies to Curtis did you uh get my pictures I did the yellow creature in the last one's a little bit hard for the spot oh the snake a yellow python he's in the back it's a really light hint of yellow no no it's not yellow no no the yellow is a light shade it's not it's white I accept them okay sure and you have to find a man wearing a yellow shirt and try to convince him to swap shirts what as we're leaving the zoo the gentleman right here on the bench with the other shirt Isaac happens to be carrying a yellow whatever this cardigan yeah yeah cardigan there's no way he's gonna say yes excuse me sir do you like this like the cardigan not a fan of yellow would you happen to want to trade it for the shirt you're currently wearing would you like this shirt that one no this shirt this is a nice one I believe it's a little wet on the fit too it's just a little it's gonna be a hard sell buddy that man loves that shirt I am pretty sweaty just drove all the way down here to this little village even driving here I didn't see one person wearing yellow oh he's out there he's one of us we're walking along the word Street and there's a guy right up the room should we buy one of these he doesn't want that he's not gonna wear that I lost Eyes On Target which means he might have just went into a shop there there he is Kurt do you want to trade shirts because we love yellow I love this shirt though oh yeah yeah where we went wrong was that guy was wearing a souvenir t-shirt where he's been before he would never trade that for a million bucks no way Big Bird Justin's been talking about big birds since we started this challenge she just found a duck store what a lot of ducks all right get bohemo yep if you're wearing all yellow aren't the Ducks free all I have to think about that maybe I'll have to have a yellow day excuse me sir we're making a YouTube video we're trying to trade someone for a yellow t-shirt three options here in normal circumstances I would totally do it but I can't give this one up why I just got it I was just going to Bonnaroo this is harder than I thought I don't know what Bonnaroo is this is a funny joke guys hello hello I'm getting a little worried about this challenge not only do we have to find a guy wearing a yellow shirt but he has to be willing to trade for these options you already knew banana we have to get banana what are we gonna do with those make lemonade we're doing pretty good oh holy come on ref I think you literally broke my toe the bit was supposed to be I pulled a yellow card on him that's got to be a red card rough okay fine oh gosh yellow blankets finally and pillows we're at checkout and I still haven't seen one guy wearing yellow that we can trade for one of these shirts this is what a road trip is all about fellas one chip lemon golden Oreo oh I got it Grill hit me in the Town we're in a major traffic jam this is really cutting into our ability to finish these challenges we just spent the last couple hours driving to a brand new city in hopes of trying to trade a t-shirt we don't have a lot of time left if you didn't know we're selling not this color but potato chips potato chips js2shop.com we have fingerboards available now if you want to buy one where do you land we gotta stay on topic you got to keep your eyes out for a guy wearing a yellow shirt the city's got too many good Street fingerboard spots we can't find a guy wearing it the old shirt here we might as well just give up I don't want to do Kel's kitchen someone up here I think it looks like they're wearing a yellow T-shirt oh man I can't trade this one I'm sorry I just saw some guy inside he went down the escalator but he was wearing a bright yellow t-shirt it looked like a plain T-shirt there's no way he's that's sentimental to him people are very attached to their shirts I went down the escalators down to all the elevators he could literally be on any of these 50 floors what even is this building we just ran in without even checking it pick a number oh gosh okay 46. guys I think we might actually be stuck on the elevator we went up to level 52 and now it's not moving what like no matter what I push it doesn't work whoa whoa we're going down really fast there we go [Music] what happened why are we going down so fast we're gonna crash it says X I'm scared price for impact just want to get out of this elevator these just open close out please please let us out where did we go we went up really high and then went down really fast hey yellow shirt guys long gone yeah Justin said he was gonna go find a bathroom but he went the different direction I have no idea where he is we've been walking all the way up the whole alley what the storm are Brewing we were walking and all this trash just shoots out of this alley dude I think a storm is about to happen again it's almost night time the wind just picked up out of nowhere the clouds are evil guy that was going up the elevator no no way you just saw the other the guy from earlier he just went this way like 16. I cannot believe we did it no way okay I gotta get a picture with you I can't believe that we have that guy's t-shirt oh what are we gonna do with this I don't know our next mission find Justin this is the last challenge okay for midnight tonight all three of you have to each drink an entire bottle of mustard I hate mustard I know who likes mustard oh Justin I found them and I found a new I couldn't find you in downtown I was slaying yep oh that's so mustard mustard so much mustard mustard we have five hours left to drink these bottles of mustard as you can see a fresh bottle of mustard no funny business the spout of Destiny go for it no oh my dude you're insane oh my are you okay you don't like mustard that much this is gonna be impossible guys holy what are you doing what are you nuts he has to finish it we all have to finish our bottles or we all lose right now we are heading to In and Out to get a side of fries for each of us to help with this dang mustard challenge what do you think our poop's gonna look like Grimace three orders of yellow french fries this is a diabetes life hack he grabbed an Oreo and is just inhaling it is that necessary is that even doing it actually get flavored I'm getting a bunch of flavor it tastes so good without mustard give me me fry give me my fries fries are so good after eating so much mustard is it good for us to eat that much mustard why not why can't you just finish it all just full send it and get it over with it doesn't get old dude it's still so bad I'm gonna do a big amount remember we all three have to finish our bottles so I'm counting on you Andrew because you've been struggling the most with this I might let you guys down no please don't I'm sick of this make some progress no way dude you're cracked what's wrong with you what a beast I got maybe a quarter left maybe a half the smell now dude yeah 59 minutes to finish our mustard bottles hurry oh stop what's happening what's happening you're definitely not gonna finish this challenge I might as well just give up at this point I thought we had a chance guys don't worry I'm still gonna eat it what no you're not that's the point of the fries eat eat boy I swallowed a good most of that we've got yellow frisbee we got the street lights so I'm talking about gotta make sure I keep hitting the mustard slowly but surely I'll have you know that my toenail will split in half from this bleeding because of this guy doing a slide tackle into me at the store wait oh what the oh my gosh really near the end dude Justin's a beast at mustard chuggy this is the banana split roof whoa this is cool oh my gosh let's play King of the Hill ready to hit the road again what ah no more bustard all right it's up to you fellas to figure this out and hurry up we only have like probably 30 minutes left we are looking for a place to stay for the night somewhere we can park this or we're not dealing with villains or other weird stuff that happens at night parking garage should be fine as long as banana fits yes we barely fit we're home for the night guys we need to determine where we're sleeping we have the floor which in my opinion is the best spot in the van or the bed which can fit two people how is the floor the best spot in the veins because you're by yourself and you have the inflatable I think it just depends who's in the bed with you yeah if you're in the bed no that's the problem winner of rock paper scissors gets first dips Rock Paper Scissors Shoot what the heck what are those you can't do that there's a stick of dynamite that's nice Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh wait oh okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh gosh wait you won Isaac one are you kidding me you already know I'm getting the bed anyone could join me I don't mind but what are you picking I'm picking the floor I guess I get to sleep with the Great Bambino oh they're filming a video oh they're doing Joe Blaster battle oh they are different gel blasters I'm gonna throw a banana grenade at them grenade out [Applause] give me more bananas Drive hurry Grenada [Applause] what is happening you said you didn't want to take us over there any bad guys we're in the middle of a war zone I could open up the side door the back door we can throw bananas from all angles let me pull around again I gotta get him with a banana this is the craziest most random thing we've ever run into this is weird for us dude three grown men dressing all yellow and it's a new plan they know we are in this vehicle so I think the next phase is elevator I've got a cluster of bananas I don't know but we're going with it I'm ripping and shopping what are you doing hello oh they've surrendered that was a great Battle Fellas since that garage had way too much activity we're gonna go find somewhere a little more remote 10 minutes before midnight and I still have too much yellow mustard Andrew how are you doing there's no way dude I probably only finished like this much of the mustard come on one last little chug oh I didn't even drink that much finally found a parking spot I am going to inflate my bed now I'm really sorry Andrew Andrew is gonna love sleeping next to me Ben this is great guys coming to the bed which way are you supposed to lay I don't know dude is this a bed for ants is this a Plinko board for ants Center for ants smaller the bed the more snuggles you get please shut up you don't have any homies not snuggle homies that makes me sad for you I snuggle my wife and I snuggle the homeless I have some bad news guys it's 11 past midnight and I still have mustard in my bottle I'm not gonna lie I also have a little mustard in my bottle okay so we filled together yeah go to bed Justin is in the perfect Firing Line my butt is right here for breakfast and Justin's right down there look at these cozy yellow blankets I got my yellow pillow this is the best we could have done with the yellow color scheme good night unless something happens I'm gonna fart on you all night doesn't matter heat rises I'm fine hard sink good night guys well we clearly lost and we're not able to complete all the challenges so we have to endure Hell's Kitchen all right chefs let's start cooking oh it already smells spicy in theory this is all going to get in our eyes and we're gonna be in pain oil is going to Splash oh geez you didn't think about that one not only is it going to be spicy in here it's also extremely hot temperature it is getting really hot we have to use every ingredient we have fellas we are going to be boiling water vinegar and oil mixed in with hot peppers so all the air in here is going to be combusted and infused with pure Peppers I'm going to start adding some of these oh gosh [Music] oh boy all the seasoning Chef I have a feeling we're gonna be chilling and then all of a sudden it's gonna blast us oh black ties oh gosh oh boy stay away at my eyes it's a lot of that dump that all out get in get it in there oh that one I just don't want you here breathing in here dude oh my eyes you idiot my eyes I did not expect it the burners
Channel: JStu
Views: 2,284,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jstu, more jstu, jstu studios, jstu roadtrip, roadtrip challenge, one color challenge, one color roadtrip, roadtrip but one color, all one color, everything is one color, everything one color, one color only, one color only challenge, one color only roadtrip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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