Ultimate Nylon filament test - Polymaker CoPA vs PA6-GF vs PA6-CF vs PA12-CF

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hello welcome back to my tech fun I'm Igor and the party maker again give me very big homework because they send me their own nylon and TPU filaments and I already tested their polymax and polylike lines and when I published this video maybe even TPU filaments will be already tested but in this video I'm testing their nylon Bae filaments but you know about the nylon that it is very moisture sensitive so prepare that you have to use some kind of filament dryer or if you have the enclosure in that case the hotter temperature will result a little bit drier environment inside but these filaments are manufactured with some kind of work-free technology and it is specifically recommended to print it without enclosure now let's see what are these copy paccf ps6 GF and pa12 CF CF and GF means carbon fiber and glass fiber filaments this means you should use a hardened nozzle even with this Copa filament it is recommended according to the right side to use some kind of wear resistant nozzle even if it is not so aggressive like a carbon fiber or glass fiber versions also important to know about this filaments that they required a higher printing temperature from this basically the lowest is the Copa which requires screen temperature between 250 and 270 degrees Celsius and the pa6 CF and GF requires 280 and 300 degrees Celsius and the pa-12cf between 260 and 300 degrees Celsius and with all filaments it is recommended to completely turn off the particuling fan at this moment I'm still not sure on which printer I printed my original imagination was to print it on my industry S1 Pro which is able to print higher temperatures even to 600 Degrees but I'm preparing some upgrade there I want to install some heat sink especially on y-axis stepper motor because inside the closure it becomes quite hot 80 degrees Celsius almost but I want to prepare it to be my Workhorse so probably I will print this on my poster Maxi s also which is able to print these higher temperatures maybe you're not even familiar with my testing method so I have those regular test resumes which I always use in my experiments and this means the results are comparable not only with the between these filaments but also with those which I did earlier and basically the results are downloadable from my website in Excel table but my pattern supporters have access to the Excel table where I summary always results from all testing from previous videos I'm starting with copy of filament and the temperature Tower will be from 270 to 250 degrees Celsius for the bed I'm not sure this moment but I will start with process starting sheet using some glue stick on it and the fan will be turned off everything will be printed on plus the max CS without enclosure and I will not dry it I will use it out of the box but during the printing I will use everyone filament dryer to keep it dry because this can easily absorb moisture even during the printing foreign change is successful so far the first layer looks good and I hope it will stay like that and this is the bridging moment I always like to record it with these pyramids without calling but now there is very very minimal calling on the fan okay the printing is finished few seconds ago I can see that it sticks quite good only 50 degrees Celsius ahead on the bed but I also use the glue stick I wait until it cools down and then try to remove it oops that was easy this is great painting on any temperature don't be confused this is 270 only I don't have that element the bridging already followed during the printing it was great on any temperature absolutely no stringing and even the overhang is great especially if we keep in mind that I don't have any part calling here only on 60 degrees I can see a little bit more deformation but beside that great printing on your top surface I can see that it is a little bit deformed probably it was too hot to replace the next layer this is the problem because I don't have any particle in here but otherwise this is a great temperature Tower it looks like I have the adhesion which I can trust so I decided to print all test objective ones only I have some critical Parts with some bridging or maybe two big overhangs but we see that this is approximately three and a half hours printing the printing is at 50 and each test object is perfectly striped without any problems I lost vertical objects for the layer adhesion test printing is finished and immediately want to check the build adhesion which is great and I will analyze a little bit better this vertical test objects I think it needs a little bit more cooling more than zero or I have to slow down the printing and as I thought so it's a little bit automated here on this part because you don't have any particleing and printing time for these layers is very short because every other object is printed until this or I have to slow down on this part or maybe enable the particle link to I know 10 or 15 percent but that will have an active effect of the layer adhesion foreign those vertical test objects and they look much better now in the middle third part I reduce the speed to 60 and at the 10 part cooling fan and probably this will have negative effect of the layer attention but I will compare them with the originally printed without any particle ink and also all other three materials in this video I print with this method separately so these are new test objects and they look much better here in this middle part end of the filament is locked and goes back to the resilver bag next is ps6 glass fiber the printing temperature is between 280 and 300 degrees Celsius but the temperature Tower will be from 290 down to 280 degrees I'm not going up to 300 because it is very close to alarm temperature on this printer which is 305 degrees Celsius and once I have a problem with that and the wet temperature will be the same and the fan will be off foreign not analyze that and it looks like it is in gray color I thought everything is in black and I like a sandpaper I can feel maybe those small fibers so definitely pay attention that you need a Harden nozzle for these materials the first layer will be fine and if there'll be no warping then it will be printed correctly the bridging looks great but it enables the fan to 10 percent printing is finished and I know the bad occasion is great because I already removed this purge line and what I have here is a perfect temperature Tower I already follow up the bridging during the printing it was great and absolutely no stringing and look at this overhangs perfect overhang even without any Cooling great top layer and the bottom layer also great curved surfaces and I know that I have a great bad occasion so I will not have a problem with this filament of course I have to pay attention that it is abrasive so I need hard another you know I print all these subjected once only for those layered version test specimens I will add 10 Cooling and slow down on that critical part explained with the previous material and I believe that this glue stick is here recommended by prusa material table just to protect this surface because the bed adhesion may be too good this is now fifth layer and it looks perfectly so far printing at 40 percent only this middle 10 millimeters are printed with the 10 Cooling and 60 speed but I believe this material could be printed even without any part calling but I want this to be comparable with the previously printed copier I hope this will not have some big negative effect to the layer attention printing is finished just quick but notification check but I know it is great perfect shape foreign sorry but this bending May easily Break by time so I think this is safer matter because there is no stress inside the filament copy A6 but now with carbon fibers and here you can see how they lock the filament so I will do the same after the printing foreign from everyone I mean this is quite big tension because of this breaking in the path the first layer lay down perfectly so no problems with that but I noticed a little bit more friction I can hear a click sound from time to time there's the friction between filament lines and definitely a solution for the filament exit on this animal filament dryer is not really great I have to redesign it because it must be much smoother so far the printing is very similar to The Glass fiber version and another perfect temperature Tower starting with overhang analyzing great bridging no stringing and perfect top and bottom surfaces no problems with this limit either this is now the third layer and I'm using the same G-Code nice finishing that critical part and it looks perfect I will show you when it's printed and look at this beauty and before I switch the filament I need one more printing and there's a timing belt because a lot of you suggested to try the timing belts from nylon and not from TPU but we will see soon on the build plate it looks great but let's see how flexible is it no this is not flexible enough hmm it's a pity and I printed the bed from copy a on several sv06 which is able to print on those hard temperatures from these four materials these don't have glass or carbon fiber but officially it is also recommended on a polymakers website to use the hardened nozzle but this is only 12 minutes printing so I hope this another will not have any problems let's check the bad definition of this texture Pi sheet perfect as you can see the timing belt looks great but I think it's not flexible enough because when I start with the bending I fear that it broke and it stays like that it's a Pity because otherwise it would look great I want to show you why should you really use the Harden Hazard if it is recommended not sure if it is visible camera this is the rubber exit from the filament dryer and on this side it was in direct contact with the filament and it starts with the wiring end of the filament locked and last material in this video is a pa12 carbon fiber Which is less sensitive to moisture but there is still print from the filament dryer I quickly I want to check how Brickle is this material yes the filament itself is brittle like the previous GF and CF materials filament loaded without any problems this is the first layer and it looks great and the temperature Tower will be from 290 to 260 degrees Celsius the bridging is perfect with this filament too it's printed and a better location it's great like with the previous filaments too and this is another perfect temperature Tower great overhang with zero Cooling fantastic Bridges no stringing and all surfaces are great this is the fourth layer already so it looks great so far and the last elements for the layer adhesion test [Applause] this is pva-based glue and this means it is cleanable with the water everything is printed and now we have to talk about two important things one I know about annealing but six hours on 80 degrees Celsius I know that's something what most of the users will not do and I'm curious about their strength as they are now without that annealing uh later in separate video I will choose one probably copier and I will compare Anil and not only the test objects because from this I got more than half kilograms full the second thing I want to talk about is the moisture I already mentioned that the neuron will absorb moisture from the air but there's still not only for filament but also for printed objects and by time they will get a little bit weaker now polymakers have a great animation where they explain this and approximately after maybe one week or 10 days the objects are very close to that stable state of course less sensitive to this is the pa-12 but this means that I will leave them as they are now on open air 10 days and I will start my mechanical testings only after 10 day and I hope that state is closer to that which we will get only in half years and similar temperature in this room is between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius and approximately 50 percent relative humidity and now after 10 days I'm starting with the mechanical testing I'm starting with tensor pulling tests and these test objects are printed in horizontal position with four by four millimeters the smallest construction area foreign I see this kind of brakes this is typical sign of the weaker layer tension but we will find out in a few minutes and now the layout hasn't tested these objects are printed in vertical position and I'm starting with copier and these two are printed with zero percent cooling with uglier cross-section area here foreign Cooling glass fiber version ps6 carbon fiber version pa12 carbon fiber foreign I can see the numbers only when I analyze the footage but even now I know from the feeling that all were very strong and all broken proper smallest cross-section area except this over melted part which I didn't like anyway so I wouldn't print like this and basically everything is okay with the layer attention and here there are those four cross-section areas plus the overnighted version now the shear stress that this test object is five millimeter in diameter and the sharing will be on two sides foreign all three pieces but they are all shared correctly on those two cross-section areas and here you can see how they look like after the sharing and for the feeling they are very strong in this type of the test the torque or twist test this object is 6 millimeter in diameter I want to record the torque at the 90 degree rotation and the Maxima torque and only now I feel that it's weaker glass fiber 0.9 oops 1.9 here six carbon fiber 0.6 1.5 and I feel it's break 12 carbon fiber 0.9 was the big it's interesting to see different type of the braking with copier I could make maybe two or three twists until it deformed but it didn't blow completely glass fiber and ph12 carbon fiber broke simmer here their head and the ps6 carbon fiber broke along the layers and now let's see how brick or tougher these materials with this half kilogram hammer and this Izod impact tester copy zero position okay assist glass fiber P6 carbon fiber okay 12 carbon fiber let's take a closer look so definitely it looks like the fibers do a great job in this impact test so these three are much stronger compared to The copier this is a zero position and this is after breaking The copier test object and this is after breaking ps6 glass fiber and this is very strong ps6 carbon fiber and this is ph-12 carbon fiber and if I measure everything from the zero position I will get these distances this is age but it has to be converted in meters in this calculation to get the breaking energy and of course bigger values are better and I think I have applications for one of these three filaments because I need a different bracket for this ISO tester a regular version cannot be used because two Bots has to be screwed in this direction and two bots in this direction temperature testing I believe that this experiment is important for these materials I have here are those test specimens with the M10 as a small load and I will follow the temperature with this cooking thermometer this is just a backup solution I will jump few minutes in this time lapse there is the reference line and here you can see the materials and I want to record the temperature of the first deformation and you will see the first one will be p12 or approximately 150 degrees Celsius and then co-pa or 165 and I couldn't notice any deformation on two ps6 filaments so you can reach the alarm temperature oh very soft and look at this they cool down now so look at this this is copier this is pH 12 and this rpa6 glass and carbon fiber and they are almost completely straight let's see if you can notice any deformation on them this is the glass fiber and this is carbon fiber and if I have to decide between two I think the glass fiber is a little bit more deformated now let's try to remove this nut okay now I'm preparing my regular bending creep test the specimens will be in exactly this order I have this C test specimens and I will place this 1.25 kilogram load on them and I will measure the deformation between these two reference surfaces foreign I'm locking the position with this printed object 25.94 this is the first day after 24 hours and I think the copy will failed very soon so probably it will not be finished and from these three interesting the pH 12 is the worse and these are quite similar I think pa6 carbon fiberation is a little bit better I just heard a crash after one and a half days the weight fell down from The copier test object picture once a day so this is after day one this is the second day day three day four day five day six without pa-12 and I place everything in oven on 51 degrees Celsius for one hour so this was the sixth day and this is after the heating and now removing of the load and this is the permanent deformation on these two objects and now I'm preparing my torque creep test I will tie this balls with this torque wrench and tomorrow I want to measure is there any additional deformation using the same torque and I prepared all test objects using the same torque and I marked them just in case and between tests they will be stored inside on room temperature next to these Sea Test patience and let's see if we have additional deformation after one day using the same torque this is after one day 24 hours all test objects has quite gorgeous work briefing the second day similar situation only on third day I notice a little bit less the formation on copious experiments but pH were always have the significant deformation every day this is day six and this is day six after hitting 51 degrees Celsius for one hour and this is the permanent deformation from one side and I can see the deepest is on copier and pa-12 and this is from the other side now I left the bending test for the end because we have to discuss very important thing and there will be some significant change in my testing method usually I use two cameras and I pull it with some crane scale and follow the deformation and I try to record the load at two millimeter deformational braking load but a lot of you wrote me in the comments that it will be more interesting to see some specific load and to see the deformation for it so sorry to mentioned distance between supers is 50 millimeters of course it has some fillet here maybe radius of one millimeter and then I will place different loads I will start with 1.25 kilograms then 2.5 this will be five kilograms and at the end 10 kilograms and I will measure the deformation if there will be some creeping or something like that then I will always wait 10 seconds and only then I will record the deformation in millimeters copier before I start I want to show you something so here I moved from 5 to 10 kilograms and as you can see it continuously deforms this is speed up with a little bit but then I decided that I want to record the start deformation then the deformation after 30 seconds and after 60 seconds but in this video I will show you only the deformations after 30 seconds all other deformations I will show you in the results part so this is now copy a with the deformations after 30 seconds on given load glass fiber ps6 ps6 carbon fiber ph12 carbon fiber and here they are after this test almost no permanent deformation very minimal visible let's summary our results in this Excel table which is downloadable from mytechfun.com website but of course data will edited its summary table which is available for my patreon supporters let's start with the creep test so this is the route data distance between two reference surfaces and The copier failed after one and a half days and period 12 after fifth day but what we need is difference between two days that's why I prepared this data and this is visible on this graph at this point is copier this is pa-12 and only ps6 filaments perform good in this test slightly better ps6 the carbon fiber version and now the torque creep test these are two values but what we need is the average and this we can see on the graph and interesting here the pH 12 was the worse and only basically ps6 perform good after fourth day so if you want to use it in combinations with some screws so definitely then ps6 cover fiber version is the best between these four tensile test and the layer education test I like to present always next to each other on the same scale and on the layer application don't forget I have here copy without any part calling and with 10 Cooling and it is good to see that there is no big difference and another interesting information that there is no big difference in between the horizontal and vertical printed object and this is great because this is very close to my dream filament where I don't have to care about the position of the printing and we don't have that weakness along the z-axis this double-sided share stress well definitely all four are great in this test but the best is ps6 the carbon fibon version and now that bending test so in this table I basically presented only the deformation on the slot after 30 seconds and that's what can we see on this graph but this is much more interesting and I think that this new testing method is so great that it is worth sacrificing my previous testing method for example this is a deformation under 2.5 kilogram load after one second 30 seconds and after one minute and this is presented on this graph and this means if we can see some kind of horizontal or near horizontal line that's good if it is under the angle this means we have a creeping during this one minute and this load is too big for this filament this is that classic torque test basically I think the the load at 90 degree angle these blue values are more useful and the eyes of the impact test which is very important for the nylon filaments and all four perform great in this stats especially ps6 carbon fiber version and another test for this filaments perform great and there's a temperature test and basically these two didn't deform on 200 degrees Celsius of course don't forget that this is very short 15 minute test so I wouldn't use actually these filaments on on this temperature but basically this is the testing method which I always use so the results are comparable with those which I did earlier another conclusions well first of all I apologize for wrong video but this was huge work and it cannot be shorter but maybe you didn't even notice that there are no ads during the video about the print sheet actually in the meantime I received from prusa Friendship specially designed for PA material but it is too late for this video it will be tested in one of my next videos and about these materials first about printability which is great this of our favorite technology Works fantastic and they can be printed on open printer of course pay attention that you need a harder nozzle and definitely I would recommend you to use a filament dryer any filament dryer tested on this channel can be used for this purposes to keep it dry during the printing and immediately after printing put it in some resilval or vacuum bag with some desiccant inside of course between film and rice I would recommend those with the fan and the possibility to place us the second inside about mechanical properties well they are not really equal and that's why it is important to know your application and choose the correct filament for that for example I need a stiffening bracket for my eyes of the impact tester and for this four I choose the ps6 carbon fiber version because it was the best on that impact test and also it performed great on that screw creep test of course I will check the screws after a week and I will use some bigger washers to spread the load on the material for example pH wire is less sensitive to moisture called PA it can be printed at lower temperature and it has very similar strength along the Z or maybe in X Y Direction of course keep in mind that the nylon grips and especially pa-12 for example so it is not good for application where you place a constant bigger load on them for example that's why Stefan from CNC kitchen Affairs when it he built his volume zero using CD printed parts for carbon fiber nylon instead of ABS because of this scraping of course now I am smarter after this test and definitely something you should keep in mind so they are great on impact test on on their temperature resistance materials but they creep carbon fibers are great in in the bending test and I'm curious about your opinion about my new bending test method I think it will give us a great information maybe from uh maybe I will repeat this brand new bandic test with some more important filaments like I don't know maybe polymax pieces some ABS or something like that if you have some additional experience you know write me freelance in the comment section and thank you for watching and happy printing
Channel: My Tech Fun
Views: 38,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polymaker, 3d printing, nylon, nylon filament, pa filament
Id: cQb-hbr1KYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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