Ultimate New HORSEBOX Tour!!! AD | This Esme

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[Music] is [Music] [Music] hello everybody this is me and today i am at bloomfield's horse boxes i'm going to be giving you the ultimate horse box tour as well as showing you around the factory how these are made having a little bit of a go myself but anyway let's head around the corner and give you a show around when buying a new car usually you want to have a look in the front but with the horse box i feel like it's a little bit more exciting in the back so if we open it up let's see where the horses go [Music] wow look how cool this is guys i love how there's these really squishy panels here so obviously when you're going around a roundabout your horse can lean on it when they're going around the corner um obviously this one isn't quite finished yet they still need to put some more like brother matting down but look how good this is so something that we actually have on our van is we bought a bit of rubber matting to go over the gap because joey actually once um clipped his shoe off in the gap um so this one does not have a gap at all it has a lovely little squishy bit here so you don't have to worry about your horse getting trapped in the gap their shoes getting stuck in there just the ergonomic um ideas that they have in these horse boxes are so cool and the middle partition moves it slides guys so if i just unclip everything how much space how cool is that okay i'm gonna slide it back now slightly slidey and then we come along put that back in and [Music] put that back in easy and then if i come through to the back there's actually two saddle stands which is brilliant on both sides so if you're doing like a venting or a combined training or you need a dressage saddle and a jump saddle or if there are two horses back here and you've got two saddles that you need there's not one that's really high up that i can't reach there's also a really nice step here as well so you can step up and down when mine is a little bit more of a leap to get into but yeah nice little step close it all up nice window very nice so this is actually the 3.5 ton professional model so this is the same as what holly smith has in charlotte do jardine but how about i show you one that's even bigger so this is the five ton aventa model so this will be perfect if you're doing a stay away show a three day event or taking your ponies on holiday because there is a lot of living in the back so let's take a look oh my goodness all right guys welcome to the inside how nice is this so i'm currently chilling on the sofa which can actually be made into a bed as well so you know can i have the horsey sleepover um there's a stereo there's climate control there's also solar panels on the roof so um that's awesome there is a bar as well because you know horsie people do have a reputation so you know you can have a bit of a bit of a party horse box here we have a tv how cool is that we have loads of cupboards and storage up here um because there is a cooker an oven as well so you know gonna have like your pasta your bits and bobs your food and things your snacks because you know at horseshoes gonna need a lot of snacks there's a sink for doing your washing up there's a cupboard there's a microwave there essentially everything you could want in here if i take over here there's also a shower there's a toilet there's a sink what more could you want really also something i love about this if i open it up you can just say hi to your horses while you're chilling in here having a cup of tea and you can open the bottom as well so you can just walk all in we're now where the horses go and in the back of this model it's a little bit different but we still have the sliding partition that i love so you can also move it in this direction too if i just click it into place which would be brilliant if you maybe like to tack up your halls in the back of the horse box joey is definitely one of those horses that does prefer that um so that's really great because you have so much more space to move around and also you might be wondering esme if the back is living then where do you put your tack well there is a handy little door here if i open it up you can put your saddle in here you can put your bridle on the bridle hook and it is very deep as well so you can put loads of saddle pads in there boots everything you can imagine and of course there's one exactly the same on the other side so again if you have two horses or two saddles plenty of room and we can't forget about the driver the interior here is so nice as you guys know i love my matchy matchy and even the interior matches so the seats and obviously you can custom choose all the colors which is something i love um also up here we have a little screen so when you're reversing there's a reversing camera but also when you're driving along and moving forward you can see what the horses are getting up to in the back all right let's take this three and a half ton professional model for a spin all right so it's been a little while since i've driven something this big but if i belt up [Music] turn it on oh wow okay it's suddenly done five miles so no pressure let's hope we don't crash it it's an automatic so that is brilliant got a little camera up there it's quite fun to look out but anyway let's go [Music] all right guys i thought i'd have a little stop and talk to you guys about what it's like to drive and oh my goodness it is so much easier than i was expecting it's an automatic so you don't have a nasty clutch and obviously it's so much nicer compared to having a trailer where there's something at the back it swings out it's just like driving a slightly bigger car really so anyway i will see you guys when we are back at the factory [Music] there was me what did you think honestly i'm used to driving quite a small car and this really didn't feel that much bigger i've had a little look around the back as well and they are just absolutely beautiful fantastic would you like to have a look around how we build them yeah sure that'll be awesome come with me so here we are outside the back of the factory this is where we store all of our new chassis the bloomfields are all built on brand new platform cabs so when you buy your balloon fields you get a brand new unregistered vehicle with zero miles on it oh awesome so these are the platform cabs that we use they're all ready for us to put a body on we have recently launched a new brand called equito which is built on a pre-owned chassis so it just makes it a little bit more affordable but also a fantastic build quality but as we're looking at the bloomfields today we can take you around the factory and show you exactly how they go from this to a beautiful horse box brilliant so esme this is our fabrication department anything that involves metal work is made in this part of the factory it then moves into the assembly line for the coach builders to assemble the vehicles we use jigs for most of our parts that we use because we want to get total quality control and make sure that the sizes are exactly the same on each horse box it's actually quite busy in here how many horse boxes would you say you make in about a year and so over 12 months we generally make up to around 200 horsepower okay quite a lot would you like to go and see how to put together this is the assembly area we've got two different production lines one is predominantly for the aventa range which you've got the living in the back and the other line is for anything that doesn't have living for example the professional the bloomfields one or any of the legacy range each of these a-frames has got the entire horse box on it so that our coach builders have just got to build the horse box to the drawings that they've been given for each vehicle that's so cool have a little look at this like half made one over here yeah of course [Music] so next helen showed me the bloomfield strength tested bulkhead you only get to see this during the build process but it is incredibly important as it protects the driver and the passengers from serious injury in the event of an accident so next is time to have a little go myself so i headed to carpentry where they hand make all the beautiful interiors all right it's now my turn to do it and i don't know if i'm gonna be as successful this is actually really satisfying okay so for the next stage apparently i need to wear this so let's get changed [Music] [Applause] all right guys i now have my beautiful outfit on because i'm gonna be helping out with sanding down the horse boxes getting them nice and smooth and prepared and ready for painting which is happening over there let's get standing after sanding the horse boxes go through to paint i'm here in a sealed airfed spray mask so i'm not breathing in the fumes and giving this horse box some finishing touches in this amazing matte burgundy color all the designs bespoke for each individual customer [Music] so we're in the painting room as you would have seen earlier but here is the horse box that i was painting the bits for and how pretty is this color so this customer has custom shows everything so the color the design we've got a horse head here under all of this like tape and things it's gonna look so awesome when it's done this is the original design that was worked through with the customer and here is the finished product looking great even with a little bit being sprayed by me wow helen that was so awesome to be able to see what it takes and all the hard work to make your beautiful horse boxes i'm so glad you've enjoyed it we're really proud of what we produce we've been building horse boxes for 16 years now and we believe that we just keep getting better and the company's getting bigger but we do produce other things as well would you like to see yeah sure so esme this is what else we do we've got our own clothing brand called team bloomfield oh cool we do everything from technical riding wear to general everyday fashion wear and i thought maybe you could pick something for a giveaway that would be awesome so um all the information for my giveaway will be over on my instagram page at this underscores me so be sure to find the giveaway post on there but anyway i better start picking there's a lot to go through all right guys what do you think to the outfit again be sure to check out the giveaway but anyway before today's video ends i'd like to say a huge thank you to bloomfield's horse boxers very kindly having me here today for filming i've had so much fun if you'd like to check them out i'll leave a little link in the description below but anyway guys i'd like to say a huge thank you to you guys for watching today's video if you're new or haven't done so already please like and subscribe because it really does help me out and i really do appreciate it and i'll see you all next time bye guys i think they might have left the key in this one definitely not going to drive away with it no no not not at all not at all [Music] you
Channel: This Esme
Views: 163,289
Rating: 4.9664836 out of 5
Id: DoKEcXafxzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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