Ultimate NERF Bunker Challenge! (Boy vs Girl)

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this is the boy burst girl nerve bunker challenge we're going to be customizing nerf bunkers and the winner of the battle at the end of this video gets to keep everything inside of it including the custom nerf guns that we made these are our nerf bunkers with this this one's Briana's is over there nerf gun in my pile if you guys watched our one color nerf gun challenge this was the one that Nick made it with what do you ever put this on a nerf gun it's like an abomination is this only gonna cut off his sweater yeah there's a piece of his preston styles like sweater tassels still like like i mean like you can kind of hold the nerf gun with it so I guess it works this is the one true gun the gun that yours truly hydro dipped in the nerf gun hydro dead video and this is the one that we're gonna rack up first wait pressin don't forget we also have all that oh my god this is like 10 pounds why is this so happy this is like what is this real thing so I think this is like a real world war 2 helmet why is there munition Foxx I'm pretty sure I don't think nerf gun ammo come inside of this okay way this actually might be useful right here this that's how you hold your nerve bullets here we go hold on wait is this the front said yes yes it's kind of hard to get off oh all right is this are you sure if your head go through that I think your head goes on the other side of that there we go that makes so much sense and then a water can in case the battle rages on for hours you got to stay hydrated this is to hold my hydro homies out there it's on the other side oh this is actually sick I the only the problem about my nerf bunker is that when I built it I just think it's gonna stop nerf bullets I forgot to mention this nerf bunker is movable so check it out I can't get distracted okay so we're putting these pegs in our pegboard this nerf gun is like maybe eight to ten pounds so let's see if it works how good the zeller by tell me that doesn't look thick oh yes that is sick okay that works so much better this one will be called the naked beast because it has no pain I don't know why this one's not been hydrated or hot or payments oh it's not gonna fit there this one's too big all what should we hang this one vertically that's great it's like slowly but surely my arsenal is coming to life and I'm so excited what are you thinking I think it looks great dude I mean I don't I guess okay so we've got one more box of ammo which we can hang up and then one more I can't fit much more like I could fit maybe one more nerf gun over here maybe one down here what do I got left hey man youngest oh we might have okay we could probably fit this there you go this is the big test now we got to see if it actually can move with all the guns mounted behind us no cool okay the wheels the wheels on this thing are not great but this works so good this works so good these are some supplies from Brianna's last shoot where she did last to leave prison unfortunately I was in that video I would never recommend being in prison ping-pong balls wait give me the spray paint see the Hey look at this oh dude I can use one of these if I can have a pegboard and reel I wouldn't be so dads walk around the bunker dude that'd be so good watching me I think girls are so nosy hello Bree you have that grin we're about to do something bad I got nothin what do you want why you guys look at it and what what's in your hand if you guys are anything I'm gonna be Brianna do me a solid take the device you're watching this video on and BAM turn it like this make that subscribe button great if I see a red subscribe button I'm coming for you with this nurse the bunker is complete we are missing two very valuable things one look I'll look at all these snacks I'm stealing this for a living I merge team don't tell them okay and then too so here's the thing we need a lot of mer man cannot live with one Preston Stiles how do you alone oh but he can live with an entire bucket now the main problem about this is if we lose the challenge Breanna gets everything in the bunker including the snacks and the merch but she's not gonna work watch this they ask you how you are you just going to say that you're fine I have to prepare myself Mady yes prepare for greatness how are you gonna put those always fish it's so hard to put things on one cheated on we'll be back after the short intermission no it looks great it looks great with your royally be merged it's a whole moment breathe you are ready for battle never been more ready as a bunker this isn't really what I was hoping I get when I was called royally B but apparently I get some white fatigue is this what this exceed fatigue like army fatigue I've never heard that oh oh hold on where are you where you oh so what's the plan here what's what's the move what are you gonna do well the best part is preston through this gun earlier and said this is trash I made this gun in the one color nerf battle challenge and it was the best gun it's gold and it's flashy it has no pellets in it pellets ammo I'm used to feeding animals then we have this really pretty blue one that also is pellet --less I made this gun and it was definitely the best impressions hydrojet video but uh then we had a nerf battle in everything digressed quite a bit my last gun oh she's got tricks I can't move in these fancy I can never you can never be anything the amount of times we have spray-painted a squeeze and pull squeeze employees at pool here you hold that part and I'll squeeze and pull squeeze and pull squeeze I didn't even look at what color I was graphic you're just going straight for it Oh for it oh I got a hole my nose soon this stuff is strong wow I just thought of something what I am going to take Gordon Preston's guns and put this pink gun in front of his bunker that's such a good idea it's going to be wet it kind of looks like tie-dye I'm gonna just take it are we just gonna drag this over to Preston's yeah put a closer to him so he really knows it's his yeah you have to demand for wording perfect no we take one of his why not just grab the one that's already on the edge okay okay Bri what's the plan we have these Peggy's here now I've never put these into a wall so I hope they do what they're supposed to do how are those supposed to hold a gun you're supposed to tell me you should use these loins this one if you want to hold stuff up new toys these this one no Bree that's not that one it's crooked and I like it it is kind of cool oh I like this one that little needle [Applause] you just have to stab them in there okay no no no let's show of the people what you did here bring it it's the other way if it goes like this I was like this is the crappiest finger I've ever seen this yeah it's great you have to hang our bullets right here right here nice I have something up my sleeve to put the pellets in there's some reason I actually thought you had something up your sleeve that's fancy I told you had a trick up my sleeve but it was actually up my head I have an ammunition box and I'm going to put oh it does smell weird smells like a fishy I can't put the pellets in there no we're gonna have to hey give up I can't I only need one more thing to complete my bunker you don't know my eyes Maddy nice Maddy yes welcome to my royal eb merch store the best place in the whole world that's so to see just now blew out all my air spinning around now I need Aflac let's choose pink I'm wearing pink we're getting this is purple I said pink but we're getting purple put Maddy guess what what the best ammo is my new headband see I have pink poof pink pink headband cute poops and I also have crowns look at them look can we buy them yeah yes and and and what are these are those black puffs I didn't even know I was getting wristband I am so I'm just gonna take a couple of these and yep now we're good now we're good here is my last and final piece oh it's so pretty hey are you ready to pop a battle i'm ready for the battle no Steven she took one of our nerf guns there were minor gun we're missing a nerf gun wait so she took our nerf gun and left us with this oh I still do the paint is still wet stolen nerf guns or not we must hang up a flag for our base so I'm gonna actually wait I didn't say we couldn't can we tie it this is it we are now living like Larry ladies and gentlemen oh thank dude all we gotta get this nice yeah this looks so good actually it's time for the battle finally so the rules are very simple you get three lives each or you can capture the other person's merch and that is the flag it if you cap it bring it back to your bunker and fit win Lock and Load baby you're nervous I only have three lives or I get to take a slag and I don't worked out in a while and I don't have chutes on and so I'm gonna slip I just do one second screaming calm down breathe I'm gonna headshot you I mean come on take it a shot yet one you can't follow me too much if I shoot your camera woman do I get a point I think I got a headshot freeze lying I need this I need the merge hey step away from the merge um step away from the merge just a quick brain ooh it's that boy from that Murch I'm gonna take away your life I just need a quick pause put the empty one in your pocket actually you should probably reload it um can I have pity I'm Rayna so I'm going left my god this everyday dude up got the merge I've got your merge braids dangerous to cross back though to my bunker it's not gonna be safe I've got two lives left if I make a sprint right now I should be able to get back before Branagh can hit me twice great this is where you gotta get a headshot your butt's ticket whoa she's going for my merge she's going for the merge yes we're gonna do I'm gonna hide in the boxes somewhere you're doing something very suspicious t where did pressing go Bri I don't see Preston where did that come from I'm trying to scare where is he did you just shoot him nothing yeah now it's the perfect time we don't know where he is I know I got your jag ID I get your blogger we're jammin what's his secret blue she can't capture the flag if I've captured her punker where'd you put her merch dude I I don't know I lost oh shoot it's right here I can shoot the most dotty old break did you just say no say no do they head you this is the honor system this isn't paintball I can't tell she's got paint on her what are you doing any last words before I take your nerf bunker Bri don't take my merch and I want your merch but I do want your name sorry Bri don't forget to gamma in the first 16 minutes because your comments will be displayed here so make sure you guys come join that on vacations what to help make your brand off my life
Channel: Preston
Views: 17,899,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: 9IM55xHOHG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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