ULTIMATE Mesh Cleanup in Blender | Instant Clean

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hey guys in this video I'll show you how to clean up a messy mesh the right way with instant clean the ultimate mesh clean Blended on so you've just imported an asset from online or other softwares and now I have to clean up all the issues that came with it by hand it's painful right therefore I made instant clean it reduces this process to only one click you can install it like any other add-on but if you're not sure though there is a detailed instruction in the description under this video once installed you can press n to open the end panel and then navigate to instant clean here you'll find the main menu of instant clean containing all settings a preset system as well as the clean button I now go over all of the five categories and explain you all settings after each category I will execute it separately and show you how it affected the mesh the first category is all about repairing the mesh starting with the loose geometry this is geometry detached from the mesh flying around in the space like single vertices and edges or faces and most times you don't want them so they will be simply dissolved doubles are vertices which are laying on top of each other like you can see here if the distance between two of them are below the defined distance you can set here then they will be merged into one word zero phases are simply phases with no area an area of zero and they will be deleted as well next dispensables they are vertices like this one here which is simply Superfluous so it's absolutely useless if you dissolve it you won't see any difference at all so you can simply delete it and last but not least we have not many Folds there are faces with edges which are connected to more than one other phase like interior faces and I think we have some right here yes and as you can see the edge of this face is connected to this phase and also to this to this face so this is the interior face and most time you don't want this so this will be removed let's see by executing the category separately and as you can see all of the culprits were dissolved as you can see in the detailed results so we had some loose edges some loose faces a ton of doubles and some dispensables and a bunch of terriers and let's see they're gone nice also the vertices are dissolved and the doubles are merged everything is fine continue with dissolve with this category you can get rid of all the geometry laying on flat surfaces like the roof all of these edges you can see here have an angle of nearly all zero and this angle you can find here if the angle of an edge is below the defined maximum angle right here then the edge will be dissolved so these edges will be dissolved but this Edge for example won't be dissolved because the angle is much higher than 5 degrees we've also in boundary option this is for meshes with with open boundaries like when I delete a face here we now have some boundary edges and if I subdivide one of the edges and give the boundary a shape like this and now you enable boundaries then this vertex will be removed but if you want to keep the shape of boundaries if you have some in your object then then you don't want to have this option enabled so simply keep it disabled we have also some protect options if you enable seam then all edges which are marked as a which are marked as a seam won't be dissolved when you have this option enabled the same goes for the other options like sharp edges edges which are the border of UV Islands or edges between two materials for example if you give this face and material and this face and other material then this Edge won't be dissolved let's execute it and as you can see our mesh looks very clean now and we got rid of a ton of triangles and you can also see the exact amount of vertices addressing faces right here and maybe you're wondering why we have some edges here and this because a face can't have an old so these edges are simply stabilizer that have to be there continuing with topology so now we have a lot of engons because of the dissolve operation to convert them we can simply choose quads or triangles so in the most case you want to have triangles because that's how the mesh is calculated in the background and this would be perfect if you want to export the mesh to a game engine for example and you have also a methods options um for the algorithms used for the triangulation but this really Advanced there you can also look up the blender manual about the triangulation algorithms that are available but you can simply keep it by keep the default options Beauty they work fine for the quartz option we have some compare settings which are basically the same as the protect options cause quads will be dissolving some edges to make for example or out of two triangles one quad so they have to be one Edge dissolved and here you can check what Edge could be dissolved and as you can see our mesh is perfectly triangulated and we can also see how the triangle amount has increased now and it's by for 84.97 and now we have 100 triangles the same goes when you use quartz and now we gonna talk about the fourth category the normals and you may have noticed all of the red faces you can see here and they are red because I've turned on the face orientation and they're all flipped faces so the normal of these faces are pointing inside inside of the mesh and you don't want that so you can choose to recalculate the numbers in our case we want to recalculate the outside so that the enormous of all phases are pointing outside of the mesh so that we don't see any red in the outside but everything red in the inside you can also apply Auto smooth automatically to all our selected objects as the with a desired angle and we have also the option to add a weighted normal modifier also some issues that come with imported objects are maybe custom split normates that were generated and then you can't apply Auto smooth or they they will simply don't change the shading of your mesh so you may want to delete them and also there could be all sharp edges marked as sharp automatically and if you don't want that you can also choose to clear the sharp edges so let's see how it works and nice as you can see all red faces are gone and to be precise there were 50 000 and 56 faces flipped so now the inside is completely red and the outside completely gray the last category is about unused object data like material slots or empty vertex groups which are simply unnecessary and you can get rid of them and therefore you have simply have to enable these options and empty vertex groups or empty materials Lots like when I add one material slot here this material slot will be gone and if I add a Vertex group but don't assign any vertex to it then this vertex group will also be deleted let's see if it works and the vertex group is gone as well as the empty material slot so if you now found the perfect headings for your type of objects then you can simply create a new preset of them by pressing this little plus icon here and for example I don't want to convert the topology so I can turn off the whole topology category by clicking on it and now add a new preset and my preset and the new preset is in your list and this preset will also be saved when you quit blender or use use it for any other projects you can also override preset for example if I change some settings right here I can simply press this little save button here and now this preset will contain these settings and if you don't like any preset anymore then you can press the minus icon to delete it and now you're wondering what this big button does this does execute all of the categories all enabled settings everything in one single click this is instant clean the ultimate mesh clean blender add-on it's available on blender market and gamrod the links are in the description below this video as well as a link to my Discord server where you can easily get in touch with me and also look into some devlogs and get a sneak peek on what's coming and join the conversation I'm looking forward to seeing you there and I thank you for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ruben Messerschmidt
Views: 9,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean, how to, cleaning, blender, b3d, blender3d, blender mesh clean, blender mesh clean up, blender clean up mesh, blender clean mesh, instant clean, blender addon, mesh clean, clean up, blender tutorial, blender clean addon, blender addon tutorial, hard surface, blender hard surface, blender modelling, blender clean up, blender addons, blender instant clean
Id: iy7k71E3pps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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