ONE CLICK mesh cleanup in Blender

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hi guys aru here with naruto for blender in this one i'll show you how to quickly clean mesh with three add-ons one is from blender it's called 3d print toolbox another one is machine tools which is free add-on by machine and the third one is hard ups which is a paint add-on now let me just subdivide this cube a few times are we going to get something like this i'm going to go to queue menu with hard ops and add lattice because slot is with hard ups is just so bloody easy to add gotta add maybe two uh two edges on y axis and select all you know these four and move it somewhere here and i'm gonna grab this shape and put some bevel on it and we're done now let's say that i wanted to you know um clean this a bit and you know i i don't really need all these edges on the side let me just apply this you know all these edges here i i just redundant and if i for example wanted to run a cleanup on this one with machine tools it will not really do anything because these are quads however cleanup from hard ups will actually get rid of them you remove all the unnecessary geo which is great and you can add your own right if you want to now it will also remove some additional edges which you might be careful about you know you might want to pay attention to what's been removed and also you can set it up so if you go to control tilde you can actually set up your own settings here um in this menu okay by the way this delete interfaces is disabled by default and i also usually have it enabled because you don't really want to enter your faces invoice most cases because there's no money for geo now another tool which i really like for cleanup is um is machine tools and it's so bloody fast and easy to use it's just crazy so let's say you got some you know like um no manifold verse here you know like uh just floating about and maybe some some geo being i don't know somewhere in space and maybe you got some separate geo somewhere here after bullions are joining you know joining two elements or whatever and here we just want to clean it all you need to do with machine tools is press three and they're gonna be gone of course not everything's gonna get cleaned up because you know this is an edge and so something like it's going to get um you know it's just going to remain on your on your mesh but all this other junk was just removed with one click so all you need to do is go to either vert mode or edge mode and simply press three and machines gonna clean it for you and you also have um i have a menu here another cool tool that i use quite a lot is uh 3d print toolbox which is a add-on that comes with blender so when you go to um to blender here to addons and you're gonna type 3d print toolbox you can see it's in here and literally this is for 3d printing but what i use it for is for removing on manifold geo and it's really brilliant so let's say that i had like you know um sometimes you know some stuff cannot be removed with a mesh clean from hard ups or or even machine tools uh the cleanup tool so i use in these cases i use you know a 3d print toolbox and it's really cool so what it does for example it would remove all kind of non-manifold geo so let's say that you know i don't know i just had these faces and i just shifted them and they kind of floating on top of my mesh right you can see them in here the shading is breaking right and if you have a complicated mesh you just can't see all these things because it's just too much you know too much to look for so all i need to do is go to 3d print toolbox i'm simply going to go to this cleanup option make money fold and i'm done and all the faces and all the junk is gone so i'm left with a beautiful clean manifold mesh and then i can you know keep working on so if you're working on bullions and you know you start cutting stuff you're gonna end up with you know all kinds of weird stuff you know some words floating in air or whatnot so you can use all these three tools and they all have different behaviors so you just need to you know figure out which one is which but um i usually use mostly i use machine machine tools cleanup and this 3d print toolbox now um clean mesh from hard ups is fantastic for when you want to um decrease the amount of geo right so for example if i had a i don't know a cube and and this cube is you know subdivided really heavily and i wanted to i don't know you know create some kind of uh uh some kind of selections and i wanted to you know uh play with my geometry here and create some interesting shapes obviously i'm designing something i don't know whatever and you know i'm done with it right and i don't need the rest of this junk okay so all i need to do is go here and clean mesh and bob john cool and all you're left with is this which is just genius you know and if you really need to um let's say um add more geometry and you have a lot of handguns well then you use dice from from uh hard ups right so you're gonna go to mesh tools you're gonna use dice and you can slice it on another axis that you that you want right because you can add all kinds of axes in here uh x y and z right so if you slice it you will see that it's going to get sliced uh through the end guns so anyway guys that's it for this video hope you enjoyed it give us a like and sub if you did uh links to all the add-ons like hard ops box cutter and also machine add-ons in the video description so if you need those add-ons go ahead and buy them for anyone who's not aware we release a new course with josh gambrell on the blender bros brand it's a mac course so mac design in blender massive course almost 50 hours of videos 180 videos in that course to make designs tons of bonus features amazing stuff really cheap 230 bucks it's available on a gumroad blender market art station soon coming to cg trader and also on our website thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed the vid give us like and sub if you did and i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 105,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, hard, surface, tutorial, scifi, mesh, cleanup, machine, tools, 3D, print, tool, box, hardops, topology
Id: gyKD9jUoISk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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