ULTIMATE HubSpot CRM Tutorial for Small Business | CRM Software Essentials

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integrating a CRM into your business is now a necessity if you're serious about well ultimately driving more Revenue a CRM customer relationship management software like HubSpot allows you to streamline communication improve and optimize your sales processes and essentially implement the right systems in place so that you and your team can focus on growing the business HubSpot is a great full feature CRM platform that offers nearly everything that your business needs to grow and succeed in your market and today I'm excited to dive into an updated HubSpot tutorial that covers all the key features and tools that HubSpot offers small to medium-sized teams okay so before we go ahead and launch into this updated HubSpot tutorial consider subscribing if you haven't done so already or if you're new to this Channel and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and tools to help your small business Thrive online and with their heavy note out the way let's go ahead and get you familiar and comfortable with this Dynamic CRM platform [Music] thank you [Music] okay so to get started with HubSpot the first thing that you need to do is navigate over to your browser and type in HubSpot forward slash CRM and that's going to take you here or feel free to click the link in our description below this video now one of the great things about HubSpot is they offer a completely free forever plan that is more than insufficient enough for many small and micro businesses what I love about hubspot's comprehensive free CRM is you get access to marketing tools sales Services CMS and operation tools essentially every feature you need to grow your business with HubSpot but yes there are limitations with each of these tools however as your business your team grows you can always transition into a paid plan for example if you wanted access to more advanced marketing features inside HubSpot then you can upgrade to the marketing Hub again if you find the free plan is too limiting you can always upgrade at any time okay so let's go ahead and dive into HubSpot simply navigate up to get free CRM sign up and we'll meet you inside your HubSpot account okay so here we are inside my HubSpot account now the purpose of today's video is to navigate through all the essential features and tools that HubSpot has to offer however if you want to set up your account then I suggest you watch this video tutorial that I created earlier I'll link it up above and down below in the description for you to check out and that tutorial is going to navigate through the process of actually setting up your account so adding your business details connecting your calendar your emails and making sure your account preferences are set up correctly so go ahead and check out that video if you want to follow a tutorial for setting up your HubSpot account okay so let's dive into HubSpot and show you how you can use this all in one business platform to grow your business okay so one of the most important activities that you can do inside HubSpot is manage your contacts so to do that simply navigate over to the left hand side click on contacts and locate contacts and that's going to take you here and today I'm using the free version of HubSpot for the purpose of today's tutorial and down here you can manage all your contacts within different views so at the moment we have all contacts selected and if we navigate down here you can see that all our contacts are down here now we can search for specific contacts by adding a name number phone number or any details related to our contacts and you can see all of the columns along here now within the free plan you can manage all your contacts with up to five different views so for example if I navigate over here I've created a my clients column and this view allows me to see all my clients if I navigate over to backlinks this is another view that shows me all my contacts in relation to backlinks and to create views all you need to do is navigate over to add view then either choose a view that you've already created or you can choose from the standard views or over here or simply come down and click on create new view then you can simply name your view choose to make this view private to just you or everyone on your team and then click save we're going to exit out of this for now and again if we navigate down here you can see all our columns we can also edit the columns by clicking up here and you can rearrange these columns if you like so for example if let's say lead status was important to me I wanted to put that up next to name and we can also change these columns if we like we can delete those columns and we can navigate over to the left hand side and we can choose a property that we want to add to our column so depending on the nature of your business you can select the different properties that you want to add to your columns to better manage your contacts now you can also navigate down and you can create a property if you like so again if you cannot find a property up here you can always navigate down and create your own property so let's go ahead and exit out of this and to add contacts manually simply navigate up to create contact then come down and take the time to manually add the information the relevant information for this contact their email first name last name the contact owner that is myself job title phone number and then lifecycle stage down here for example if we click here we can categorize the life cycle stage of this particular contact I'm going to navigate up here and click on lead now under lead status we can click here and we can choose which stage that this lead is at on our sales pipeline so think about your sales pipeline as your team's sales process what you're doing is you're taking each lead each deal through the stages of that sales pipeline until they convert and that deal is closed so maybe this is a new lead I'm going to go ahead and click on new then come down and click on legal basis for processing context data and I'm going to navigate up here and click on legitimate interest Prospect lead however you can take the time to go through each of those different options then simply come down and click on create now when you manually create a contact that's going to take you to this contact overview here you can manage all the different details regarding that contact you can also engage in specific activities for example you can navigate up here add notes send an email call add tasks set up a meeting and more over here you can also edit the contact information you can see recent communication the number of deals you have with this contact as well as tickets payments attachments and more down here we can also navigate up to activities and here we can monitor all the activities associated with this contact and again you can navigate through each of these activities what I could also do is navigate up to companies and add a company associated with this contact okay so what we're going to do is navigate back to contacts now you can also navigate over to import and you can bulk import your contacts if you like and you can also set up connections between your other different tools for example if you use WordPress as your your website what you can do is install the HubSpot plugin directly onto your WordPress website and you can automatically add a chat feature onto your website and HubSpot will also automatically connect to all your forms meaning that if a website visitor submits a form on your website that information is going to be collected and added into your HubSpot CRM and it only takes a few minutes to set up that connection if you want to learn more about connecting HubSpot with WordPress what I'll do is add a beginner's tutorial up above and down below in the description for you to check out and also what you can do is navigate up to marketing and you can create landing pages to collect contact information not only this but you can also create a fully functional website inside hubspot's free and paid plans and of course you can use this website to capture contact information through your different forms on your website okay so that is a brief overview of contacts now what we want to do is navigate over to the left hand side click on contacts come down and click on companies and managing views properties and columns inside companies is the same with contacts so again if you want to manage any of your companies you can do so here okay so this is where you can manage all your records Associated to the accounts within your CRM now what we're going to do is navigate back up to contacts and then navigate down to calls if we click on calls this is simply where you can manage all your calls then if we navigate up to contacts we're going to come down to activity feed and once you've set up your account for example you've set up your website and you're starting to engage in CRM related activities this is where you're going to see all these different activities in regards to contact activity and more next we're going to navigate back up to contacts and then come down to less and within less you can essentially better manage your different records for example if we navigate over to create list and let's say I want to create a contact based list where I can manage all my customers in one list I'm going to navigate over to list name and I'm going to call this connected customers then you can choose if you're creating an active list or a static list an active list is automatically updated over time a static list does not automatically update as your records change so I'm happy with active lists I want my new contacts to be added to this list over time so I'm going to navigate up to next then we want to add a filter click on filter and we can add basic or Advanced filters to better manage our list so I'm going to navigate up to add filter and here we want to select a category for me I'm going to select contact properties and then navigate down the page and the property that I want to select is lead status and for me I'm going to navigate up here and I can choose is any of or I can select any of these however I want to keep is any of the following contacts connected and on the right hand side that's going to generate a preview list of all my contacts that I'm currently connected with these contacts have already converted in my Pipeline and now they are connected which means they are connected customers so that is the list that I want to create so to create this list I'm going to navigate over to save list and just like that I've created one list I'm going to navigate back to lists and again I can manage these lists by using views I can also create folders and I can create more lists up here so this list is an active list every time a contact becomes connected they're going to be added to this list so that is just a basic overview of how you can manage your contacts and companies with lists okay so now what we're going to do is navigate over to conversations and this is all about communication with your audience and contacts if we navigate down to inbox we can preview our inbox and to manage all your email conversations so you can send and receive emails inside HubSpot you do need to connect your email account for example you might be using Gmail or Outlook you do need to connect these within settings and once you connect your Associated business email account with HubSpot you will never need to leave HubSpot to send and receive emails now it's important to note that with hubspot's free plan you can only connect one email inbox okay so what we're going to do now is navigate back up to conversations and then navigate down to chat flows and this is where you can set up chat flows with your website so that you can engage with your visitors as they land on your website think about this as a chat bot you can create simple chat automations or you can allow visitors to chat directly with your team now you can also navigate over to Facebook Messenger and you can do the same through Facebook messenger and to create a chat flow it's really easy all you need to do is navigate up to create chat flow choose where you want to add your chat flow I'm going to choose website then come down and follow the process of setting up your chat flow for your website I'm going to exit out of this for now and cancel out of this I just wanted to briefly mention this feature but I'll dive deeper into this feature in another tutorial okay so what we're going to do is navigate up to conversations and then come down to Snippets and this is where you can simply create email Snippets these are structured shortcuts or structured Snippets that you can send to your contacts this reduces the time friction of creating the same response over and over again now to create Snippets simply come up to create snippet and you can manage your Snippets within a folder to create a snippet simply click create snippet then go ahead and add a name for your snippet add the text the content for that snippet and then the shortcut keyword so that you can quickly generate the snippet when you're creating an email then go ahead and click save snippet I'm going to cancel out of this for now and that is a brief overview of leveraging Snippets inside HubSpot now if we navigate back up to conversations we can also leverage templates to further our communication and similar to Snippets what you can do is create 10 plates email templates to send to your contacts now these could be templates like a sales agreement could be a follow-up template or a welcome template for a new customer again you can manage your templates up here and to create a new template simply click here and choose to create a template from scratch or from a template Library I'm going to go ahead and click on Library I'm going to navigate down and select the follow-up email that follows through and then click on save my selections and as you can see my first template is created I'm going to go ahead and click on that email template and what you want to do with each of these HubSpot Library templates is you want to customize them so they're relevant to your industry relevant to your business and what you want to achieve with this template then once you're finished personalizing customizing this template simply go ahead and update the existing template or you can create as a new template so as you can see it's really easy to optimize your email communication by leveraging Snippets and templates I'm going to exit out of this and and then navigate back over to conversations Okay so we've covered conversations now what we want to do is navigate over to marketing and these are all the tools that HubSpot offers to help you grow your business if we navigate down we first have ads and this is where you can connect your ad accounts like your LinkedIn ad account your Google ads account as well as your business meta Suite so you can manage your Facebook and Instagram ads so again HubSpot allows you to manage all your ads inside HubSpot so you don't have to jump between all these different ad platforms you can come down and see a quick demo if you like or go ahead and connect your accounts I'm going to leave this for now and navigate back up to marketing and then drop down to email and for the purpose of today's tutorial I've already gone ahead and created an email campaign now think about email campaigns as email broadcasts what you're doing is sending bulk emails to your contacts and remember we created a list earlier what you can do is bulk send emails to those specific a list that you've created inside HubSpot for example an email broadcast could be a newsletter like this email here top three business growth hacks this is a newsletter that I send once a week and this is value that I'm sending out to my contacts so to engage in email marketing and to send your first email campaign to your contacts simply navigate up to create email then navigate over to regular select a template we're going to go ahead and click on simple and this is where you can start customizing your email campaign before you send it to all your contacts if we navigate over to the left hand side you have these different blocks that you can drag and drop to build out your campaign for example if I wanted an image on my email campaign all I would do is drag and drop and place that image where I want it on my campaign then I would upload an image and play around with the customization options on the left hand side now you can see this text element here all I need to do is click here navigate up to edit element and then I can start editing the content up here I also have access to these formuling options up above now once you have taken the time to go through your email campaign you've created your email then what you want to do is navigate over to your settings and again once you make any changes make sure you click save then make sure your settings are set up correctly you've got a from name so the name that you want the contact to see who that email is from the from email address subject line preview text and more down here then navigate up to send or schedule here you can choose who you want to send this email campaign to you can choose from Individual contacts or you can choose from a contact list this is the contact list that we created earlier maybe I want to send this email campaign to all my customers that are added to the connected customers list that I created you can also choose individual contacts or you can import a list of contacts or you can create a new list then when you're ready simply navigate up to review and send okay so what we're going to do is exit out of this and that is just a brief overview of how you can get started with email marketing inside HubSpot now if you want a more advanced tutorial on how you can get started with creating your first email campaign then what I'll do is add a beginner's tutorial up above and down below in the description that will dive deeper into email marketing with HubSpot okay so what we're going to do now is navigate back up to marketing and then navigate down to landing pages and this is where you can simply create landing pages like this one here which I created earlier to essentially capture your contacts information you can simply create these landing pages inside HubSpot similar to the process of creating email campaigns you get access to a drag and drop builder then you can promote those landing pages across your different channels across your different marketing platforms again if you want to learn more about creating landing pages inside HubSpot what I'll do is add a beginner's tutorial up above and down below in the description for you to check out okay so what we're going to do is navigate back up to to marketing and then come down to website and like I mentioned earlier within HubSpot you can create a full feature website here you can create website pages and here you can create a blog so if we click on website Pages that's going to allow us to set up our website now there are limitations with the free plan however you can still create a website with the free HubSpot platform and I've created a dedicated tutorial and review of the HubSpot CMS the website builder if you want to check that out so again we're not going to dive into this feature I just want to highlight that you can access this feature with hubspot's free CRM again check out that tutorial which I'll link Down Below in the description if you want to learn more about the CMS features inside hubspot's free CRM okay so what we're going to do is navigate back up to marketing then we also have social which allows you to manage your social media activities however in order to access this feature you will need to upgrade to the marketing Hub professional player in then below that we also have SEO you can optimize your website you can engage in search engine optimization but this is only available in the marketing and CMS Hub professional but what we want to cover is forms down here and this is where you can create forms to embed on your website again this allows you to capture contact information so that you can build up your database okay so now that we've briefly talked about marketing what we're going to do is navigate over to sales and we want to focus on deals and better managing your deals is one of the main reasons that you'd leverage acrm like HubSpot so if we navigate down to our sales pipeline your focus is to optimize the sales process and to help your customers move through the stages in your sales pipeline until they become a customer so you can see we have a few deals in here now and you can see the total value of each stage down here for example if we navigate up to discussion on details we have two deals that are currently in discussion with the value of seven thousand dollars and each of your deals are associated to a company and a contact and again you want to focus on managing your sales pipeline so that you can drive more conversions and you can close more leads now with hubspot's free plan you only have access to one pipeline if you want to be able to manage multiple pipelines you will need to upgrade to a sales Hub however you can navigate up here and you can edit the stages in your pipeline now if you want to learn more about pipelines and how you can better manage your sales process inside HubSpot then again what I'll do is add a beginner's tutorial up above and down below in the description that will dive deeper into managing your sales pipeline okay so what we're going to do now is navigate up to sales and then navigate down to tasks and this is where you can manage specific tasks so if we navigate up to create task then simply come down and add the details about this task like the name of the task the tie type of task who the task is associated with the records the account the contact then come down to assign to add who this task is assigned to then the due date the time as well as set a reminder if you like and add some notes down here and tasks inside HubSpot are great because it connects to all your different activities inside HubSpot for example on a specific stage of your sales pipeline you might want to do a follow-up call to move that contact to move that deal through your pipeline to the next stage you can set up reminders and connect that to that associated property again if you want to learn more about task management inside HubSpot I'll add a beginner's tutorial down below for you to check out okay so now what we're going to do is navigate up to sales and then come down to documents this is where you can manage all your different documents upload and manage all your different digital files then we also have meetings if we click on meetings this is a cool feature inside HubSpot that allows you to create a scheduling page a booking form directly inside HubSpot rather than using a third-party tool like calendly you can simply streamline the process of booking meetings directly inside HubSpot as you can see I have an example meeting over here so let's go ahead and preview what this booking page looks like and this is what this meeting link this meeting booking page will look like so I can automatically send this via email to potential prospects that might need to book a meeting with me okay so I'm going to head back and for those that want to learn more about creating a scheduling page inside HubSpot I'll add a beginner's tutorial up above and down below in the description that will help you get started with this feature okay so what we're going to do is navigate back up to sales again forecasting as well as payments so collecting payments and playbooks are only available if you upgrade from the free plan however you can create and access quotes so here you can create Dynamic quotes into your contacts the whole idea of adding quotes inside HubSpot is to further streamline your sales process and enhance the customer's Journey okay so now what we're going to do is navigate over to services and then click on tickets and this interface is similar to managing your deals inside HubSpot basically this is where you can manage your tickets so any issues that your customers face you can manage customer support and issues with this tickets pipeline for example if you create a new issue and then when you're working on that issue you can move that particular ticket over to in progress and eventually into resolved or closed to create a new ticket simply navigate up to create ticket and again just simply navigate through the process of adding the information for that particular ticket it's incredibly straightforward and this allows you to ensure that you're on top of all your issues that your potential customers or customers are facing it also allows you to understand the pain points that your customers are having with your products also Services okay so next what we're going to do is navigate over to automation under automation you have sequences and workflows again in terms of leveraging automations inside HubSpot you do need to upgrade to a paid plan and you can see the plans that you need to upgrade to in order to access these features now if you're interested in learning more about automations inside HubSpot for those that want to upgrade to a Premium plan then what I'll do is add a more advanced tutorial down below that will cover automations and then next we have reports and under reports this is where you can access a basic reporting features if we come down we have data management and you can access Integrations and data model I'm going to navigate over to dashboards here you can create a new dashboard from scratch if you like based on the information that you want to measure and analyze within your CRM or you can create a dashboard from these templates down here we have a chat overview email overview marketing marketing channel performance sales and more down here so what's important to you what's important to your business what do you want to better track and manage with these dashboards for example I'm going to navigate down and I'm going to click on sales choose the reports that you want to be included in this dashboard I'm happy with all of these then I'm going to navigate down and click on next and I can add a name to this dashboard and choose who can access this dashboard I'm happy with these default options I'm going to navigate down and click on create dashboard then navigate back up to the top click on reports and then come down to dashboard and here you can see my sales dashboard as well as all the different reports associated with this dashboard you can also navigate over to manage dashboard to further optimize and manage your dashboard however that is a brief tutorial and overview of how you can get started with hubspot's essential features and tools for your small business and there we have it guys that is it for this updated HubSpot tutorial and overview now if you have any questions about HubSpot make sure to pop them down below remember we have all the resources that we mentioned in this video in the description below this video and with that thank you so much for watching this video all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like And subscribe to this Channel and that way I'll see you in the next video take care guys foreign [Music]
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 18,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hubspot crm, how to use hubspot, hubspot tutorial, hubspot tutorial 2023, how to use hubspot crm, hubspot crm tutorial for beginners, hubspot crm tutorial for beginners 2023, hubspot crm demo, hubspot crm marketing, hubspot free plan, hubspot free crm demo, hubspot free crm tutorial, crm software demo, crm software sales, crm software for customer service, crm software for small businesses, crm software for startups, Stewart Gauld
Id: 4WDPCa9h8sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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