The Ultimate In-depth HubSpot CRM Demo

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do you want to take a deeper look into the HubSpot CRM free well let's dive in in this video welcome to HubSpot hacks or we help you get more out of HubSpot squat crm free is an excellent opportunity for a company to get started in a CRM system without having the strings of a subscription or a payment right up front now sometimes it's difficult to know what am I getting and again when you talk to a little HubSpot sales rep I love HubSpot but anytime we talk to those sales rep you're always thinking is what they're telling me actually true so I'm going to walk through the hub spot free CRM today and show you the ins and outs of what you get when you get this tool so let's dive in and take a look around inside of hub spot free serum you have several areas here that you have to work with so you've got contacts conversations which is a little bit like online chats and things like that we'll get to that in a second we've got marketing which is going to be in the free serum mostly pop-ups in an email we've got sales which is going to be your deal pipeline we've got service which is going to be those tickets and then we've got imation which you don't have access to in the free CRM and then we've got reports as well so anything that you don't have access to you inside of the free serum will have a little lock box next to it that'll basically designate that you know you can't get that unless you upgrade so let's walk through the basic functionality here anytime you log into your CRM here in HubSpot you're gonna have this dashboard so you can actually customize this dashboard somewhat inside the free CRM to show you activity that is important to your company so here we've got team activity this is what's loaded by default by the way is this dashboard here we've got team activity we've got sales performance we've got a deal forecast and we've got deals clothes versus goal so this is all because it's preloaded we don't have any information in here to load into this dashboard but if you did it would show up in this area now if I go to contacts the way HubSpot looks at contacts so if you happen to look at SAR M let's say with Salesforce Salesforce typically organizes your serum in of contacts that are all linked to organizations or companies and then you have maybe child companies and then pair companies the way HubSpot CRM works is each individual contact is going to be by itself but it is associated to a company if it automatically associates through a domain or you actually go in and physically connect them to a company so it's a little bit different when you're comparing serums just keep that in mind so if I go to contacts I can see all of the contacts that I've loaded in in this case I uploaded a spreadsheet of contacts so that we have contacts here in this system and then how you view these contacts depends on if you add filters so I can filter based on a variety of information here on the left hand side again if that information is filled in inside of the contact record I can choose which columns I see so if I would like to see you know a certain thing when I get to this contact screen I can choose to see let's say I want to say first name last name company and date of last activity or first name last name company and associated deals this screen here has a ton of opportunity for you to customize the view and see what is most important to you when you get to this screen again and then you can also set those filters so if I want to filter by anybody who's gotten an email in the last 30 days I can do that as well so again this is really powerful from just a view and keeping that data data clean now if I want to see all of the companies I can click on companies and let's pull this down now again companies are going to be loaded based on the domain that was associated with that email contact so if I happen to upload a contact and it's so my name is Ali if it's Ali at test company comm well how does that will do is hub stop will assume the test company comm is the name of a company isn't it's going to go out to the web figure out if it can find the name of that company and then create a company record and tie Ali at test company comm to that company record if it's Ali at there is no company record that is created because that is a private or personal type of email address so if that happens to be let's say your your prospects happen to have D email addresses but yet there is a company domain you'd have to go in and physically connect them here in the free serum but otherwise HubSpot does a lot of xi heavy lifting inside the list you can actually create lists of contacts based on one of two things so if I want to create a list I can create two types of Lists inside of this free serum one of the static list and a static list is I can add someone to a list and it's only manual so they don't get removed if they happen to change a status so let's say for example I want to create a list of all of my vendors so I can create a list I come in here and I name it you know vendor list and then what I would do is I would actually so if I save this list I'm going to call this a static list and I click Save and the only way you can add someone to a static list is if you go and actually then go into their contact record and add them to a list so if I go to a contact let's just demo one here I'm gonna click into brandy now if I want to create if I want to go ahead and add brandy to a list I can add her to the list I just created vendor list and click Add so again that would mean that only the people that I have added to that list stay on that list basically from now until forever or until you remove them from that list and this is for information again that can't be determined through contact properties which is a different type of list so let's look at that different type of list again this is super powerful because when you have a CRM the most important thing you can do is you can actually sift and sort your information and then create opportunities and create emails and create sales messages for the right type of people at the right time based on their interests and other parts of information that you've gathered gathered from them over the last you know however many months and years so if I create a list and I want it to be a dynamic list or in this case what HubSpot calls an active list would be based on contact properties so I'm gonna call this just a test active list just to demonstrate this here so a test active list would be based on a change in a property so let's say that I've got a property that I want to create a list based on whether or not someone is a customer so if someone doesn't you know isn't a customer with me anymore and I go in and I change their their status to you know prospect or I change them to what's called an evangelist or other they immediately roll off of that list and I will no longer be emailing them because if I choose to send an email to all customers they will not be in this list because that property inside of their contact record has changed so if I say I want to look at life cycle stage so a life cycle stage is the way inside of HubSpot that they didn't know what level of engagement that person has with your company and life cycle stages are this is what HubSpot uses this is a preset so it's important as you look at using this CRM if you do choose to use HubSpot you need to go in and think about this is something that again I talk about this a lot go to a whiteboard and determine what you're going to call each one of these stages and how you so what does it mean to be a subscriber what does it mean to be a lead what does it mean to be a marketing qualified lead we have a blog post I'll put that in the description a blog post about what the different lifecycle stages mean so feel free to jump over to that blog post again down in the description below here and learn more about lifecycle stages if in fact we want to move forward on the HubSpot very powerful but very important that you understand what each one of these are so if I say I want to get everybody who's a customer and I apply that filter right now in this testing around that I'm showing you this in we don't have anybody that is labeled as a customer but if we did they would pop up here on the right-hand side and then you would be able to send correspondence to them based on this specific list so I'm gonna save this just to show you how this would then show up in our list so I've got here a test active list and again the size is zero but it is an active list and I've got that then going forward as an asset alright so that gives us through a contact tab you know conversations couple things here we've got a video about conversations in terms of how to set up some of the things like a live chat conversations are gonna be those messages that you're having with your customers on places like your websites on Facebook this is very important so the biggest like I would say the biggest thing is a free CRM user that's awesome is you're gonna have access to this inbox and in your inbox you have the opportunity to link your inbox to email chat forms and then Facebook Messenger so any messages that are coming in from the company come into one place and you can assign them to people inside your portal to manage now if you start getting a little you know if you have a lot of messages coming in if you happen to be a company they get a lot of messages on social or a lot of messages via support email you probably gonna look at upgrading this but for more information about this specific area inside of the hub spot free CRM refer to our video about setting up the support inbox and you can get a glimpse at what's what's possible in walking through all of that functionality because it's super powerful but that's what this this is so all of that here then flows into conversations now the other thing inside of hub spot is there with the free serum you get five email templates and they're the first five you create so if you happen to be thinking I want to create a template for a new introduction email a welcome client email a breakup client email a hey you're late on your payments think about five powerful communication things you do through email that you could standardize across your company and then all users of your CRM what I have access to these templates inside a hot spot so that's what this is they give you one sample in here but you can go ahead and create up to five if you want to get rid of this one you would just click on here and delete again this break up email sample template it's one that comes pre-loaded inside of house pop and then we've got snippets which snippets are going to be a way for you to set up the opportunity to create a shortcode that would lengthen what you're going to do so let's say at the end of every email I say things like let me know if you have any questions have a great day if that's how I close pretty much every email I can create a snippet in here that would be I give it an internal name this is a snippet and then if I type pound email clothes or pound clothes when I'm typing an email inside of house spot if or in my even inside my Gmail you could actually type pound clothes and then it would expand that even further so a interesting thing inside of HubSpot not a lot of people that I know use this functionality there's another tool called text expander that I would you know if you're gonna use a lot of snippets and codes and things you want some really crazy productivity look at that tool but this tool inside of the hot spot free serum does give you a lot of that functionality for the free side of things and it's worth the world so inside the free serum you also have these pieces here that are marketing so we've got ads now we're not gonna go too deep into ads so basically what ads do is you can link your ad campaigns so if you're running ads in Google of running ads in LinkedIn you can link that here inside of your HubSpot accounts that's probably a little bit more complex in terms of a serum functionality but you can do that here we've got email how about just analysis last year where you can do up to 200 or 2000 cents so this here if we wanted to create our first email you can see that a free email gets you 2,000 emails sends a men month that's not 2,000 emails that's tooth like 2,000 email campaigns that's 2,000 emails sends total so if I send one email campaign at 501 email campaign a 5000 or 1000 and then one or 500 I will hit my limit of what I can do with HubSpot free but again this is super powerful because now you're not having if you have a small database at least in the beginning you're not having to link a third party system like MailChimp or Constant Contact or drip you're not having to link that inside a house pot just to get some of those email campaigns off the ground as you get larger you're probably gonna want to consider things like marketing starter or if you want to do some automation or workflows you'll have to look a marketing professional we have a whole video over on our simple stretch channel about what the different modules of HubSpot are if you want to take a look at that but the free serum will get you 2,000 sends you have this drag-and-drop editor there's there is some limitation on what you can do creatively inside of this tool but again for if you're looking at a free tool man there's not really a better place you can go besides this free on getting 2000 cents a month now landing pages and social are gonna be two things that again they're gonna show you and you're not going to be able to access those because again looks like they've taken that lock box off and they've changed us into somewhat of a a power button but you don't have access to those inside the free serum so again refer to that Marketing Pro video if you want to learn a little bit more you do have access to marketing as a forms now forums are gonna be a way for you to create a forum on your website so if you have WordPress if you have Squarespace you can actually create a form that you would embed on your website and if someone submits that form then all of that information goes right into your CRM and you can even automate a follow up email that's super important for anyone who's looking to get started with CRM because let's face it if emails or information comes from your website and it's a lead and someone says hey can I talk to someone on about more information about X why wouldn't you want that to end up in your CRM all right so that gets us through the marketing tab here now inside of sales I've got deals and I've got tasks now we've got a different video about how to set up your deals deal stages and getting started with deals inside of HubSpot so if you're already there check out that video but how spots gonna give you some predetermined deal stages that they think that you need now again I always advise people that if you're looking at creating a strong sales pipeline or sales process you need to take the information that the CRM gives you but then spend some time researching concept and strategizing what your deal stages are in your company and then go in and customize this for yourself but inside the free CRM you actually get all of this information presented to you in a way that you can use for free and get your team on the same page about what you have in the pipeline what stage that's at what the value of it is so powerful to create conversations between sales and marketing and sales and executive leadership this is the place to be and again the same thing with that the contact records I can create filters so if I only want to see deal stages that are you know let's say I only want to see appointments scheduled deal stages I can apply that filter and if I had deals loaded here inside of HubSpot you'd only see those deals that were at this particular stage now if you don't like this Caban board you can actually view this a little bit differently inside of a table now if I hide deals in here it will show me a table and the columns it'll look very similar to that contact view and again give you visibility into what sales activity that's happening in your company this is typically what people think about when I think about a CRM and if you're using a spreadsheet right now I encourage you think about this because this is gonna give you a ton of value you're linking all of this information back to a contact record let's let me show you real quick what that looks like so if I create a deal name let's call it test deal this is a stage that's at let's say it's a five thousand dollar deal I can have a closed date here so if I'm a sales manager I can go in and look at hey what is everything we have had we have anticipated to closed by this date that gives me a good understanding of how we're doing from a growth standpoint and then I've got a deal owner so if it's not me and maybe it's somebody else and I can see maybe one sales rep on your team has 25 deals the other one has one there's a disparity there how do I manage that I can associate deals with the companies and then I can search associate them with a contact and all that information then gets stored inside the contact record so I can see that information going back and forth so if I created that test deal that's gonna live here and if I didn't link it to a company I can go ahead and add a company and let's say I'm going to link it to this one here and now I've got this company linked if I go to that company record you can actually see that I've got one deal here loaded if I click into the deal again I can see that this is a test deal that go back to deals I can actually see there we go there's a test deal figure out at the board view you'll see that it's there on appointment schedule so this is one of the most powerful pieces of that CRM but the fact that if you're doing this inside of a spreadsheet now or a different system we've now got all that information linked together inside of that contact record and again we're still in the free CRM zero dollars a month you can go ahead and get started on this now tasks tasks are gonna be things that you need to do in order to move those deals forward or create consistent activity toward leads inside of your CRM so if I happen to create a task let's say I've got a deal outstanding and I need to follow up with you know Bob and it's just difficult sometimes to keep your finger on all the things you need to do so again inside of see the HubSpot free CRM when you create a task so we're gonna say follow up with Bob and it is a to do or I can say that it is a call or an email I'm gonna say it's a to do today the priority is going to be hi I can look for the record to associate it to and let's say I'm going to pick one of these here it's assigned to me and I can pick a due date and I can also pick to send me a reminder via email to follow up with that person again a sight out of mind but the software keeps you engaged and then gives you that reminder of when you need to do it all here in that free serum and then I've got a couple other things here that you'll find valuable from a sales standpoint we've got documents so documents would be those consistent sales documents that you use in the sales process to give them one central place to lead to send your sales team to send those out to prospects so if I upload a new document let's say I'm going to upload something like a I don't have any examples here on my desktop but if I uploaded a new document let's say it is a pricing sheet and it was here in this area I can actually have all of these things somewhat standardized for my sales team and then when I'm creating an email for my sales team I can actually eat or an email for a prospect I can email them and then select the documents from HubSpot to send to them and then I can actually track how well that document is being opened how well it's being received all of that inside the documents area so this is super powerful if you're looking at a tool let's say like Salesforce they also have a documents feature this is pretty common but again you get this for free inside of the hot spot free serum now one more thing that I think is just absolutely phenomenal you get what's called a meeting link and inside your meeting link what you can do is you can use that to link to your calendar and people can book meetings directly on your calendar now in fright that's inside the free CRM you only get one meeting link but that's that's usually enough to get you started because what that meeting link then does is gives you the opportunity to get out of this like back and forth of does this state work does this state work no and then there's seven emails later and finally you've got a date inside the free serum when you connect your calendar you actually have the opportunity to then link your calendar and people can book directly on there and you can then take that hassle out and once someone does book on your calendar inside the free serum they then become a contact or that if they are a contact already that information then gets recorded on their contact activity record so all that stuff inside of sales here we've got play books which is only a feature inside of sales hub Enterprise so we won't cover that here today but that is there as well service hub is gonna be another feature and then we've got service tickets which you can create some base ticketing here if you if you have a customer service issue if someone submits a hey I need you to look into this this probably varies based on the type of business that you have but this here it would be a feature that you know it's fairly new HubSpot service is a fairly new module in the last couple of years but you do get a little bit of functionality for free now you've got this tab here with automation and this is a little bit of a teaser because you don't have any automation inside of your hub spot free CRM if you Google hub spot or if people when people ask me about hub spot marketing they're usually referring to a lot of the automation or marketing automation and thats related to sequences workflows and the automated actions you don't get any of that here inside of the hub spot free CRM but hub spot automation doesn't do you a lot of good if you don't have a solid CRM in a solid database foundation first so that's why they kind of start here with this free CRM and then we've got some basic analytics tools inside of the hub spot free CRM we've got marketing email analytics so that's the email analytics of who opens you know what was your click-through rate and that kind of thing and then you've got this prospects tool which we actually have a different video about this if you install the hub stock code on your website whether you have HubSpot on it web WordPress or HubSpot on Squarespace those are the two we have videos about if you want tips on either one of those on how to install the code you can go check out those videos but basically when you install that code on your website it's going to track then the domains or IPs that are hitting your website and here you would actually see what domains hit your website and then how many pages they viewed you don't actually get the who like the person who hit your website and you don't actually get the individual like page information so there's other tools in the market that do that HubSpot so we'll give you somewhat of a high-level view we have a video about how to see what companies are visiting your website so check that out if you want a little bit more information about that so that is a run-through of the HubSpot free CRM there's a lot of functionality in here and if you want a deeper dive into any of these functions drop a comment below we'll make sure to direct you to the video that makes sense for you if you are considering HubSpot and you haven't taken that step yet we do have a free resource called ten things to consider before purchasing or using hub spots we have actually a note in the description below that you can go ahead and grab that as well so that's it for more tips tricks on how to use hit that subscribe button and if you're considering you have spot or you are a house clock or a CRM user I would love to hear from you drop a comment below we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: HubSpot Hacks
Views: 148,174
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Keywords: HubSpot, HubSpot Tutorial, HubSpot Setup, hubspot crm demo video, hubspot crm demo youtube, free hubspot crm demo, hubspot sales crm demo, hubspot tutorial, hubspot tutorials, hubspot, hubspot crm, crm demo, hubspot free, what is hubspot, why go hubspot, hubspot crm introduction, hubspot introduction, crm hubspot, what is hubspot crm, hubspot crm overview, hubspot intro, hubspot crm free, hubspot free crm training, hubspot free crm, hubspot crm tutorial, hubspot demo
Id: zv2QXavTvH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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