Ultimate Coffee Can Survival Kit!

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welcome back to ranger survival and field craft i'm andrew and a day or two ago i posted a pic of my coffee can survival kit and asked you what size can it was if you were anywhere close to 10 ounces you'd be right hey guys really quick before we dive into the kit i just want to say thank you for all your support so your continued support means a lot to me so make sure you like and subscribe before we get started all right now for our coffee can survival kit there are four rules that i use to build this kit rule number one the lid has to close so this lid has to close yes i have tape on it right now it's because i'm out here walking around in the wilderness rule number two is has to be small enough that we can carry it in one hand just like this now rule number three we have to have a second container inside of this kit to hold all the items in the event we use the can to boil water cook food or transport water and then rule number four is we have to have at least one item per priority of survival inside this kit so that's one item for fire water food shelter signaling land navigation and medical aid so let's go ahead and take a look inside this can and all the kid items that we have all right so here's our can let's just go ahead and dive right in now take the tape off we'll pop that off put our lid to the side first thing you'll notice is a bandana bandana single piece of cotton red bright red that we can use for a flag we can use this for a strainer we can use it to collect snow melt snow for water we can use a bandana for a variety of things and it's going to be one of the first things in our kit so put that off to the side all right that next item is a small headlamp this is just a small pencil headlamp with several different settings on aren't what i like about it is the strobe obviously for signaling especially during hours of limited visibility small head lamp fits right inside this coffee can kit all right next whistle attached a red 550 cord lanyard onto the whistle make it even more visible with this kit but a whistle for signaling next is a bright orange lighter with duct tape around it yellow duct tape use a lighter start fires and the duct tape can be used for a variety of purposes but in bright orange in color and yellow duct tape good high visibility next the ferro rod now the ferro rod good for starting fires colored lanyard and then tape around the handle because it's a black ferro rod make it highly visible another fire kit item next item is a match case orange bright orange with storm proof matches inside and then also wet fire tender just shoved inside there there's a spare striker on the inside of the actual match case itself we can fit that tinder right in there close it all down into a waterproof fire kit and then i show you guys the trick about how to start a match which is the small striker on the bottom of the actual match case but match case for fire all right next item is that emergency mylar space blanket for shelter craft mylar blank gonna be one of our first shelter items next we have a fresnel lens for fire lighting and magnification another awesome fire lighting kit item right next we have a leatherman wave this is an awesome little multi-tool that fits inside the can perfect silver high-vis but multi-tool it can do a lot for us next item is just a ziploc bag let me put in here this is that secondary container i was talking about we can put all of the items in this bag and then use the actual can itself for cooking boiling water and then transporting water while having another way to carry our items next item we're going to have that signaling mirror it's in a duct tape case and protected with high visibility yellow duct tape and then a red lanyard in case we drop it talked about survival signaling mirrors ad nauseum on my channel but another way to signal for rescue next we have our land navigation tool this is our compass just a suto a10 i believe is the model with the string still attached we can use this put it immediately around our neck in an emergency situation attach things like our whistle and then even our feral rod to the string and then have it around our neck as a mini survival kit some of the most important items anyway on our person at all times we'll have a compass as a navigation tool next we have a candle having a candle on there just another survival tool with a variety of purposes all right next in our kit we have some smaller items we have water tablets just another way to purify or treat water we can use that quart size bag as our secondary container and use the tablets to purify water using this container if we're without the metal container for whatever reason or if we can't make a fire next we have snare wire it's a snare wire for snaring traps and food next fishing line wrapped around a small toggle fishing line too easy used for more food procurement and then we have a small sachet of hooks made from 100 mile an hour tape for our fishing kit so a lot of items for food right there and then speaking of food we have a high calorie food bar just a energy bar with approximately 230 calories but food item in our container too easy next we have 550 cord high visibility red 550 cord used for lashings you know constructing shelters ridge lines etc a quarter fits in here and we have a this is a 55 gallon drum liner orange that is one mil in thickness and fold it down into a very small package so you can fit it inside the can we can use this as a browse bed we can use it as a signal like a flag use this as an emergency shelter as a poncho we can use this orange trash bag for a lot of things plus being high visibility high color it's going to make a signal in a survival situation so this is one of our emergency shelter kits along with our mylar blanket next for one of our medical items we have a few band-aids or plasters this along with things like our bandana and even our clothing can be used for emergency bandages or for treating wounds while also having a way to cover up those injuries prevent infection is going to be key now we have just a small little roll of surveyor's tape for hanging on a tree limb as a marker blazing a trail can still use this as a way to signal all right next and our last item last but not least is just that coffee can very sturdy can we put all of our contents of our survival kit inside use this can when we don't have the contents inside for cooking and boiling water for making concoctions for transporting fire we can use containers for a variety of things but having a container and then having our kit inside just makes this a small multi-purpose easily mobile survival kit that we can take with us just about anywhere all right so here's our kit completely laid out minus the cam which is off to the side now we had to have at least one item per seven priorities of survival fire water food shelter signaling first aid and land navigation and we have those items here for fire craft matches lighter feral rod even a candle and fresnel lens a very robust fire kit fire is very important for our shelter craft 550 cord mylar blanket and then a 55 gallon orange drum liner all high visibility elements for our shelter craft for water we obviously have our can to boil water in and cook food and then a secondary container in the form of plastic bag and then purification tablets to treat water for food we have our high calorie energy bar and fishing line fishing hooks and some snare wire to procure game while out in the wild and then for land navigation we just have our compass we could use the paul method if we knew our distance and direction to all of our points using this compass we could recreate our map right on the ground for medical aid we have just a couple of bandages we can also use our bandana for a medical device if we needed to plus our clothing for improvised medical aid devices and then for signaling at the top we have our surveyors tape our signaling mirror our head lamp with different functions on it especially a strobe for night time and then auditory signal in the form of a whistle but this is the entirety of the kit right in front of you all right so this wouldn't be a complete video if i didn't show you how to fit all of this inside a 10 ounce can so let's pack it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now remember one of our other rules was the lid has to close and we're not going to use the tape so we put the lid on lid has to stay closed the lid is still on and secure all right we can even put our finger over top nothing's coming out good to go now let's put our tape back over top before we bust number one rule here and that is our coffee can survival kit all packed up ready to go all right guys that does it for the kit you see with four rules lid closed there's a second container and carry it in our hand and then there's at least one item for every priority survival inside this can there's a lot of stuff inside this can a good little kit to put together so i hope you like this video if you did like this video hit that like button hit that subscribe button leave me a comment the comment section always appreciate you guys feedback i want to thank you guys for everything you do for me and for the channel for your likes your views your subscriptions your comments your feedback andrew shares and i'm back with another video as soon as i can guys thanks [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ranger Survival and Field Craft
Views: 27,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nvg9iALWQPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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