Ultimate Calendar Guide for The Sims 4 (Holiday Ideas + Tips)

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[Music] hey it's ocean sims and welcome back to my channel today i'm going to be showing you how to get the most out of your sims calendar with a handful of fun and easy holidays that is bound to spruce up your gameplay i'm also going to show you how to add event type holidays that your specific household can celebrate more info later so keep watching the video i made a video like this previously which will be linked at the end of this video but because my play style and ideas have changed since then i'll be referencing this one instead all right so we have the calendar open first and foremost i play with seasons at 14 days and about 98 of my saves doing this makes me feel like i have time with my sims and it allows me to squeeze in more holidays do you see all these holidays also one week of fall is never enough so that's why i also make it two weeks we are in winter so let me start by showing you like the starter holidays that i have in winter and then i will show you the extra ones that i throw in there so we always have winter fest in winter where of course we decorate we have the best of spirit we open presents father winter is going to come and give us more presents it's going to be great i want my sims to kind of like prepare for this day because sometimes i forget that it's approaching so i create winterfest eve where my stems will decorate as well they'll still have the festive spirit but then they'll they'll light candles and they'll light their trees and all that so they're really like getting in the mood for winterfest i do give them a break they have the day off work and school and then of course at the end we have new year's eve i keep that relatively the same except i add drinking because you know from my adult sims they like to have fun you know they like to to drink and you know get get twisted on this night and get their new year's eve and count down all that stuff make resolutions all that good stuff is still the same i just add drinking because of this calendar normally i would have like any extra winter activities probably in the first week of winter but because it's already passed i added this extra one on sunday which is polar palooza and i just recently started doing this but i forget to add it sometimes so on polar palooza you basically do a polar bear plunge where you swim in freezing cold water in any outside pool and i think it's really fun and i throw in the water fun tradition in there as well because it'll also count for the same thing it's almost like you're asking for yourself to catch a cold and i'm just kidding actually i'm gonna take off the day off work in school because it falls on a sunday anyway so if you can participate you can if not then that's fine too again it's more like an event but i set it as a holiday because i just like my sims to acknowledge that there's something to do that day if you notice this pool icon you may say oh my gosh i know i've never seen that icon i don't have it um this is actually a mod it's a very small mod so for those of you that are on console i'm really sorry but you can just throw in any other icon like this or something to make it the equivalent but this is the more icons more holiday icons mod by little miss sam and i use this because it actually prompts me to create more holidays as you can see we have a lemonade icon you can say oh this is like the day i'm gonna you know do a lemonade stand with my kids or a fishing day whatever the case may be these um holiday icons aren't really like you know a crazy mod they're just extracted icons from the actual game itself it's a very small mod even if you aren't a mod user this is definitely one that you need moving on to spring i love love love spring i think it's one of my favorite um seasons to make holidays for i always have a swing into spring day it's always going to be the first day of spring on your calendar it's where your sims are going to decorate for spring they're going to do some baking clean they're going to clean their home and now with the busted dust kit you can actually just i believe you could just clean anything to be honest with you cleaning is kind of taken to a whole new level with that and you're going to start your garden because things grow in the spring you're also going to cook a big meal for your family it's like you're getting ready for this like shift in the sim world and sims still have to go to work in school this day however it's placed on a sunday all the time for me because kids don't go to school on weekends so they already have this day off and then most of the stems don't work on saturday and sunday anyway that's like one of my favorite holidays it sets the tone for the whole calendar trust me it really does and then two days after that we have love day which is still the same as it normally is you go on a date romantic spirit watch romantic tv and then a super fun fun fun day i used to place this day on like weekdays but then i didn't want the kids to have to get out of school for it so placing it on a saturday is a flower shower day and this is where you're going to have your egg hunt in the flower bunny this whole holiday is just dedicated to like kids to be honest with you so yeah no day off work in school it's falls on a saturday so that you can like really ensure your sims get to participate the next week is mother's day this is mother's day i recently just thought to add this in because mother's day is actually coming up and i'm like why don't i put this in game like it's mother's day hello like what so mother's day you're going to give your mom flowers gifts um you may even go on a vacation or travel meeting you might take your stem mom out to eat or whatever the case may be be thankful for them and then i put cleaning here because maybe like everyone in the house wants to clean for you know the mom and everything like that instead of her like cleaning and stuff or whatever this is my iconic holiday right here it is health day which you can place this day any time before summer you'd want to make sure you do this in the spring because again this is the restart of the year essentially you know what i mean so health day you're going to clean again you're going to get your life in shape again get things nice and organized exercise go on a vacation go to the library go read a book go to a yoga studio and do some yoga and you're also going to make a resolution this is not just for new year's eve you can also use this just to say hey i want my sim to promise to themselves that they'll write a book or that they'll get a promotion or whatever the case may be it's health day so it's like your mental health this is your you know you might want to eat better whatever the case may be so your sims can make resolutions on this day and they actually do have the day of work in school especially um for sims that again work a job and everything they need that that day to just right in the middle of the week to just cool down and get their mind right before summer and everything else gets so hectic so that is a key holiday then it's summer and let me just say summer is supposed to be like the most lit and exciting part of your sims calendar okay so for summer as you can see this week right here looks so jumbled it is the week before fall i'm going to talk more in depth about it after i go over the main holidays but this is essentially summer break for your uh your teens children that go to school they will not go to school at all on this week monday tuesday wednesday thursday and friday they already have saturday and sunday off so basically this is a week for them to have fun and enjoy their lives for that week before they start up school again in the fall and that's how it is here where i am we'll get into that and i'll show you how i did that the first holiday for summer is going to be for evergreen day i know but i thought it was kind of quirky because in the eco lifestyle pack we did get a new world called evergreen harbor so this day is called forevergreen where again you're paying attention to your flowers it's almost like an earth day we're basically giving thanks to evergreen harbor because that is the most eco-friendly like that's their brand eco-friendly so we're going to garden we're going to have a little bonfire chat with friends if you want to get flowers go on a vacation and travel to evergreen harbor go to the community you know marketplace go to the community space and do whatever they're again an iconic holiday i used to name this sim day but now it's will right day like here in the states we have a day called columbus day which is very questionable so i'm not even going to talk about it better example martin luther king day where you are essentially giving thanks to and appreciating a certain figure in history and will wright is the founder of the sims okay so this is really will right day and we are going to come together as sam's barbecue fire have fireworks sims love this day trust me they will love this day they will appreciate you for doing this day and then saturday this is more like this isn't necessarily a holiday but it could be it's more like a festival a yearly festival it's a pride festival this is basically a day where you're going to be in the art and music spirit you're going to be dancing singing telling stories drinking having fun now on to my favorite week on the calendar and that is summer break so for summer break we have the school holidays tradition and this was created by little miss sam i've covered this before it very briefly but basically it allows your sims to not have to go to school that day so your other sims will still have to go to work like you know mom and dad will have to go to work but the kids get to stay home and enjoy their life and actually create a life worth remembering because i feel like sims you know children and teens and stuff they don't really have time to socialize and stuff after school well at least my steps because they're too busy doing homework so i keep that in mind again this whole week is summer break um the next day i wanted to implement father's day because in the summertime that's when father's day arrives just like we had mother's day i still put the focus on father's day but i added the school holidays so that the kids are still out of school but again this is more so focused on father's day rather than the whole summer break thing but it's still technically their summer break which i like because it makes sense on father's day we're going to barbecue give gifts dad is probably going to watch tv like some sports or something and you can go out on a vacation travel go somewhere go to the beach go have fun whatever the case may be it's about your your dad so you're gonna have fun on father's day and again it's still part of the kid's school holiday so basically any day that's not like a focus holiday i just have the sun here as a block you know summer break school holiday just so that it's known that it's a school holiday thursday we have the world plum bob so just like football or in the states we call it soccer which i don't get by with football everywhere else but it's the world plum bob kind of the equivalent to the world cup where we are going to watch some soccer or football on tv have you know our friends over cook us some hot dogs for them have fireworks when our team wins and yeah it's just like that kind of day again the stems will still have to go to work but they would have to take off that day because i remember my dad would actually take off for the world cup and then that friday they have a school holiday which is of course their summer break and then saturday they don't have school you know because it's a weekend anyway sunday they won't have school and then monday it is back to school which you could even make a back to school event or not event for holiday here and say oh it's back to school day type of thing so i found a bus icon i named it back to school i even have custom traditions for kids which i will link everything will be linked in a separate post on my tumblr in your mind if you want that to be important to you or you want that to be something you remember it looks good on the calendar you know it just it looks good so you could add that i just think it's really cool because your sims will go to school on that friday and literally have so much time to build relationships friendships clubs skills they could literally build a lot of skills and spend time with their family this way so it's very important to me that kids have like a summer break now going into fall which is really like a lazy feeling type of season because i don't really have a lot of holidays here i have basketball finals here which is again another sports related thing you don't have to add this but it's just like something to look forward to but it's basketball finals completely different than the world cup they might air grievances they might say hey you know um i know i said your team really sucks but they won and i just want to give my respects like i'm gonna give respect where it's due or you might have some fighting and of course you can invite guests over and they can watch the finals with you so you could do this for any sport or just anything in general just create that type of holiday where again in the middle of the week your sims could look forward to it you could have an ice skating type of like holiday where you're like i just want to see see the ice skating olympics and then of course i do have harvest fest i have that scheduled in the second week of fall i like to just enjoy that first week of fall to just relax and then the holidays come in in the second week like near the end of the holiday so for harvest fest you will invite guests have a grand meal be thankful for everything also bake some delicious food have a day of work in school but we will not do the gnomes on this day i don't like the gnomes i don't think they're quirky and cool or entertaining i really don't like the gnome so i take those out immediately and then we have spooky day which of course you can decorate trick or treat wear costumes have the mischief spirit i actually added this because i feel like you might want to prank people you know maybe you have a sim that's not into trick-or-treating or wearing costumes they just want to prank people and do crazy stuff if you do have the spooky spirit though you could carve pumpkins on this day and it would actually count towards um you know this tradition i don't know why that took forever for me to say moving forward to some good stuff though these are like the starter holidays that you can just add in your save so that you have things to look forward to within your stay while you're playing but if you want to add a little special twang to it you could also add for instance say it's your kid's birthday sunday um what i might do this is a perfect picture i might just do this say it's bob's birthday you could you know have the art and music spirit on his birthday and bake and you know actually no let's say it's baby bob's birthday i have like custom traditions for toddlers to use so say you have the slide you can put that up there the tiny tree house they could go in the jungle gym you could bake them a cake even though holidays are for everyone in that sims world you know if you're just playing you're not really caring about what other people are doing so in your household in your actual household when you're celebrating this again you can make baby bob's birthday a holiday where you're celebrating all these things and it feels meaningful because you're like oh you know i have it in my calendar and i'm actually doing these things and it just feels really cool another way that you can like enhance your gameplay with your family um or your specific household is creating little things like a family game night and you know i just chose this random icon and you guys could play games you know video games toys rk games chess table and it'll mark it off as you know you completing that tradition and it's just a way that you can just say okay on saturday we're going to spend time as a family you could do a movie night um just anything like that and again or or or or pizza night again there's no pizza eating tradition unchecked day off working school because you still want to go to work in school just in your actual calendar with your family you know that on sundays you guys do pizza and your your family doesn't have to cook and you just know that you're gonna order and you feel involved when you can see that little icon pop up and it says hey it's pizza night it just makes you feel good inside and so you could add something like that in there there you have it those are what is this basically a holiday starter kit holidays that you know right when you open your save add them in there so you don't have to add them in later and again you can add on those little like event type holidays or whatever the case may be also just going back to the calendar in general just remember that your calendar can be used for more than just holidays if you just want to plan ahead like today's saturday for her but on monday i might just add an event for her i don't know maybe have a rainy a weenie roast that day you know boom you know and just make sure you remember that you can also just plan ahead with stuff you know there you go see don't forget that you can also schedule events in advance and this is what i really really really love about the calendar i wish you could like plan dates if you could plan dates on the calendar that would also be kind of cool i hope you guys found this video helpful i hope you enjoyed it if you did don't forget to like comment and subscribe just keep swimming always always always stay wavy and i will see you all in the next video already peace out [Music] so you
Channel: oshinsims
Views: 113,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, sims 2, sims 3, sims 4, the sims 4, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, let's play ts4, sims 4 vanilla, the sims vanilla, sims gameplay, gamers, gaming channel, sims 4 seasons, the sims 4 holidays, holiday ideas for the sims 4, holiday ideas for sims 4, the sims 4 calendar, sims 4 calendar, the sims 4 seasons, seasons holidays sims 4, sims 4 tips
Id: 9lTK3RtozqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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