Ultimate Batocera Steam Deck Setup Guide

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okay so today we are checking out how to install batera 38 which is the latest version of batera onto steam deck now in this setup guide we're going to go through literally everything with this I'm going to be showing you how to flash the SD car to a batter s on it which softare to use do that we're also going to be looking at how to transfer your games or ROMs through USB or even through Wi-Fi I'm going to cover both of those I'm going to be showing you how to download themes how to customize themes mess around with sound settings I'm even going to go into detail with video settings for your games everything I can think of is literally covered in this steam deck batera setup guys so check this one [Music] [Music] out okay before I start today's batt Sara 38 and steam deck setup guide just just make sure to hit notifications subscribe and like if you like what you see today it really helps my channel a great deal plus it gets you upate retro emulation content as I release it which is every day so we're looking at installing B Sera onto micro SD card today for you to boot straight in through your steam deck so first of all what we're going to do is just head over to the batera website and I'll leave the links in my description for what I'm using this setup guide and we're going to go to the download tab at the top and right at the top just here you're going to find steam deck if we just download this and whil that's downloading we're going to go to another website and this is bolina eter and this is the software you can use to flash that batera image onto so what we're going to do is just download etcher and from here I'm going to download the portable version of this rather than installing it if you want to install it just go to download and just go for your typical installation process but like I say I'm going to going to go for the windows portable version and just download this Okie do so I've got my image of bacera for steam deck which is 2.93 gigabyte and I'm just going to open up now eter portable and here's eter so this is very easy what we're going to do first is just go to flash from file and then we can find our batera image so in my case I'm going to go to desktop and here it is so I'm going to just double left click on that bat sah image and I've also inserted my micro sdx C cards this is a SanDisk Ultra and this we get see it's 128 gigabyte version and from here all we need to do now is just press on flash and should you get a little Windows popup user account control U asking it to make changes to your device just press yes and then just allow this to start flashing onto the SD card so this should take around 5 to 10 minutes minutes okay so next part of this process is going to say validated now it's entirely up to you I find that 99% of the time you can just go to skip and this will be fine if you want to wait for this to validate then that's up to you either way once this is FL flashed onto your micro SD cards you can then eject it and what we're going to do next is just head over to the steam deck itself okay so first thing we're going to want to do is obviously put in the micro SD card and just do this very carefully because these things are very flimsy and you don't want to snap it so make sure that's pushed in and it's nice secure okay then so the next thing that we need to do with the steam deck once your micro SD card is inserted is going to something called boot mode and we're going to do this by holding down the volume down button and then just pressing on the power button and as you can see we are now in boot mode so if I just zoom in just a little slight under this m just here you're going to find the SD MFC card so this is what we just splashed if I just highlight this and then press a this is then going to show us a little bit of text on the side and it's going to say B and this is going to boot us straight into battera Linux it's also going to resize the SD card very briefly so just be patient with this part and that's it and we are now into b s we just turn the volume down just a touch and this is what sellers on eBay or other Shady websites are selling for a few hundred when you can literally do this in a few seconds for yourselves so don't let these craftting people get away with it you can do this yourself for free and it's very easy as youve just seen so what we need to do first is obviously connect this to your Wi-Fi uh through connecting it to your Wi-Fi we can transfer games uh through Wireless methods or we can also uh put games onto this through USB stick but either way I'm going to show you how to do that so first of all let's get you connect connected to your network if we just press little button at the top just here the three horizontal lines what we're going to do is just go down to network settings and from network settings we're just going to use a d-pads to go down and enable Wi-Fi now that's going to take a few seconds just to enable and here we go so once that's been enabled you're going to find Wi-Fi ID has now opened up as well as the Wi-Fi key so Wi-Fi ID if we open this up we can then choose your network so I'm going to just quickly choose mine and then Wi-Fi key from here we can use the touch screen just to pop in your Network's password and once that's done we're just going to press back Wi-Fi enabled and if you've done this correctly you should see at the top right hand corner little Wi-Fi logo up here and it says Wi-Fi enabled if we just press a on this and that's all there is to it so now we've got batera on the steam deck and we've got Wi-Fi enabled you might want to consider installing this from SD cards onto a horror drive itself so you permanently got this on the horror drive for the steam deck and whil I'm thinking about it I actually uploaded how to swap over uh hard drives through your steam deck the other day so if you fancy watching that if you're looking at upgrading uh your storage capacity in your steam deck check that video out but if you want to do this what we're going to do is just open main menu again and from here we can scroll down to system settings and if we just scroll down to install on a new dis Target device is going to be your hard drive for your steam deck so right now I'm using a one tbte which I upgraded with the other day which I did my video on uh so if you did want to do this then you select the hard drive and then you go down to Target architecture and then just press on enable are you short and then that will then start installing onto the hard drive itself but we're not doing that uh because I'm quite happy with what I've got on my hard drive so what we're going to do is just take a little walk through Bon steam deck so if we go back into main menu as you can see we don't need to mess around with the controls everything's preconfigured on B Sera 38 ver steam deck but what we can do once Wi-Fi is enabled is we can go down to updates and downloads and if we go to themes we can download a range of themes just here so you know the theme which is default with batera is not the greatest it's okay but we can do better on that so one of the themes I personally recommends downloading which I like myself is Alec for NX if I just install this by pressing a you'll find at the top right hand side it says downloading and what this is next going to do is say it's strap in and once the process is finished we can then apply it as our theme but once this is downloaded I'm going to show you how to do that okay and it's going to say fee is store successfully so if we Press B to come out out of here and B again now to apply this new theme we're just going to scroll up to user interface settings and your top option is theme set if we just press a to go in there you will then find your theme in here press a on there and then if you press B to go back you then have yourself a brand spanking new theme which to me looks a lot better than what it did do we can also customize your theme so you're not actually left with this style of theme so to do this we're going to go to main menu again and we're going to go down to user interface settings again theme configuration gamist view style now when you go into a system on B Sera you'll notice just like I did with PC engine that is mapped out in a particular way but we can change this so let's just go down to tiles for example and if I press B to come out and go back in the PC engine you'll see that it's changed and like I say fully customizable so we can go again again into user interface settings theme configuration uh you've got lots of different options here to customize how your particular theme looks uh so menu icons for example uh standard PSX is what it's currently on we can go down to Xbox One press a come out of here and you'll find at the bottom just here that your buttons are now Xbox being buttons so lots to do and play around with just there uh other things we got just here to look at is again under updates and downloads We got content downloader and just let this briefly load up and what this is going to do is give us a range of different things we can download through b era such as bezels so bezel and decorations it's going to put images on the side of the display so rather having the black borus on the sides you actually have imagery on the S so it doesn't look so Bland so lots just there and we've also got Mega best Community packs which again is going to add a lot more effects to how your games look rather than having the really Bland looking black bars on the sides and if we go to the bezel project under updates and downloads we can then download bezel project packs and again this is pretty much just going to give you a little bit more uh depth to your games as it were so lots to look at and once you've downloaded these if you don't like them just disable them it's that easy see and if we come back out into the main menu controller and bluetooth settings controller mapping and what we can do here if you do want to remap your steam deck for your B on Steam deck then we're just going to go through this process so just hold down on the button and then it's going to bring you into configuring the game pad so uh to start with it's going to say East and we're just going to map that out with the B button uh South for the a button but like I said really all of this is already done when you've installed bah onto your steam deck but if you get into a situation where you need to do this again then this is how you do it so pretty straightforward stuff and just remember that your hot key is the button you press to exit a game so just make sure you remember which uh button that's going to be and we've also got the ability on back from Steam deck to uh pair up Bluetooth controllers so for example if we go down to pair Bluetooth pads automatically same I'm going to come up with searching for devices and obviously if you enable Bluetooth on your controller say Xbox or PlayStation controller it's said eventually going to find it now under game collection settings we can actually make up our own folders uh called editable and dynamic collections so rather than having your standard uh PC engine com or 64 Nintendo 64 you can actually create your very own folder to pop in your own games but I'm not going to go and St the options there if you want it under sound settings we got a range of options here to play with you can hear backgrounds music right now which is front end music if I press a on this and come out your music is gone and if we go back down to sound settings put front end music on again it's back on again so pretty simple stuff so what we're going to look at next then for this is how to add your own games and it's very simple so to add your own Games first of all we're going to go through the method of popping in a USB but for this we're going to need a little device which is going to go into your USBC port on your steam deck and I'm going to connect my multi USB reader which has connected a keyboard and a mouse so if I just pop that into the USBC ke port on the steam deck now what I'm going to do next is just press on the F1 key on my keyboard and that's going to bring us here and this is where we can start adding games okay then so I just plugged in your USB stick into the multi USB reader and on the left hand side just here you should then see your device show up so in my case my device is called New volume if I just use my mouse to left click on this one I've got a couple of games here and what I'm going to do is trans spur these games on to batera onto the SD cards stat is so I've got a Nintendo Nez game and if I just make a copy of that now what I need to do next is just hover it over onto the ROMs icon on the left hand side and each one of these folders here represents each system that batera Caterers for so obviously I need to go to the Nez folder for this and what I'm going to do is just paste my game Loosely in here and here we go chip andelle rescue rain now I've got another game here and if I go back to my hard drive new volume I've got a Sega Mega Drive game here if I just copy this and again go into that ROM fold on the left hand side and I apologize if you don't see this correctly we're going to look for Sega Mega Drive and this is going to be listed as just Mega drive again just right click and paste your game and that's all there is to it now you're also going to see bios just here so for systems like Sega CD uh Sega Dreamcast and various other systems uh Sony Playstation 1 uh you're going to need to put your bios files into this folder just here uh but you might need further guidance on how to just set up particular systems uh when bios files are concerned normally there's a little bit more to it so we're going to do the basics for now and obvious see once I finish this we're then going to look at transferring your games through WiFi so what we're going to do then once those games are put into those ROM folders we're going to go up to the file at the top just here just left click on that simply go down to close window that's going to bring us back into batera so from here we can scroll through here is Sega Mega driver Sega Genesis our game isn't there and so for the other game that I've just put in is not there so what we need to do is press a button at the top here we need to go down to game settings update game lists yes now if I go back into my Nintendo NES folder my game chip andell is just here and if I go back to the mega Dr Genesis folder my game is just here they look a little bit Bland at the moment so what we're going to do is scrape some artwork so this is going to be pressing the top button just here and if we go down to scraper scrape from we got a few different options where the scrape artwork from screen scraper is the best undoubtedly if we just leave it on that next up we need to go do scraper settings image source I recommend putting this to box 3D box Source leave this on box 2D uh logo Source just lead to Will and from here you're going to find scrape for so I'm going to enable video that's going to offer us a video preview for these games also fanor uh we're also going to select manual now at the bottom just here you need to sign up with is free with screen scraper websites going to be in my description once you've done that you can then pop in your username and password and just use the touchpad on your steam deck to put in your details then once you've done that just go to back and we're going to go to scrape now and at the top just here you're going to find your scraping the artwork Sonic the Hedgehog now if you want a scra per system rather than doing everything it wants like I'm doing here to do this say you got your games in the Genesis Mega Drive we're just going to go in there press the main menu button scraper and from here we can then scrape individual systems rather than everything like I've just currently done very very easy stuff to do we just go back out of here for now as we can see Sonic the Hedgehog 2 has now at least got a bit of artwork it says scra and fish update game list to apply changes we're going to press the top button just here game settings update game list and yes if we go back into Genesis here's our game now in some cases your artworks are look better on certain themes rather than others if I go to the neest folder we got a preview video for this now for example if I go down to user interface settings and select theme configuration uh game list view style this time I'm going to go up to say detailed and press back go into Mega Drive and as you can see the artwork looks slightly different for some reason it's not scraped a video for this one but we're also going to check out Nintendo NES chip andelle cool stuff so yeah really all depends on the theme you're using and also how you customize your theme so that's about it so let's actually go and open up a game so Mega Drive we got Sonic 2 now if I press the button here on the top left this is going to bring few options up if I go to Advanced system options emulator I then got a choice of four different retro AR of retro cores to use so I'm going to just leave this to Auto for now and we can also play around with a game aspect ratio by default this is going to be on auto 4x3 which is fine Mega Drive games were designed for 4x3 aspect ratio but we can put this to full screen so if we put this to 16x9 for something like a 8 bit or a 16 bit or even some 32bit games it's going to look very stretched now if we go down to game rendering the shaders Shader set we can add different effects to our games in some cases so we can add scan lines curvature gives you old school crtv look let's just apply this one smooth games by Auto this means it's on Auto always assumes it's going to take the next option which is on this is going to smooth games out so they're not so pixelated inter scaling again this one is going to be selected to on as this is by default on auto if we come out decorations decoration set we can put a different decoration on for your side so by default we're going to select the bottom one just here so let's come out and open up the game by pressing a so here we go and you also notice that because I've got this on the site and I've also got it to full screen some of the image of the game play is cropped out so what we need to do is just change some settings as we know the game was cropped we couldn't see everything so game aspect ratio put this back to Auto which is going to put it into 4x3 and if we open up the game again and as you can see we now have got a full display with the sides and I remember back in the day my brother had this with his Mega Drive 2 and it makes my Sega Master System look absolutely diabolical at the time so of course Sonic 2 was probably well in my opinion the best Sonic game ever made but that's debatable with Sonic CD and the recent Sonic Mania anyways if we come back out of this game by pressing the hot keys and here we go so let's just pop over to the NZ game chip andelle so it's going to be the same options so view options Advanced system options and you're literally going to have the same options for most of these systems so top is always going to be emulator and again we got a choice of a few different retro watch course and everything literally is going to be laid out the same [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so anyways let's exit out this game and next up I'm going to be showing you how to wirly or rabber selling games to your steam deck through Wi-Fi okay so back over on the computer what we're going to do is open up a Windows SP Explorer and in the search bar at the top just type in what I've got just here so I person ly find that typing in pi followed by pi again pressing enter that's going to bring you into batera so right now we're actually inside B Sera on the SD card and very similar to pressing F1 on the keyboard with B Sera s on our steam deck we now got access to all of the contents on the SD card so obviously we got the same structure here we got ROM waterer we got bios water so I'm going to put this in the test and I'm going to go to our website in download a game and put it into the ROMs folder so this is one of my favorite websites for Commodore 64 games uh we've got a brand new Christmas Commodore 64 game here to use which is free uh China minor Christmas let's just download this a second uh no thanks take me to the downloads and we're going to download a d64 if you're a c64 fan uh d64 essentially means it's a floppy disc image so we've got the image of that and what we need to do next is put this into the c64 folder inside of ROMs so here is my game just here d64 so whilst I'm still connected to my steam deck abouta I'm going to go down to ROMs and from here I'm going to just scroll down until I find c64 now if I just drag my new c64 game into this ROM c64 folder there we go so that's now be transferred across onto my steam deck's SD card so if I go back over to the steam deck right now okay so now my Commodore 64 has been transferred through Wi-Fi what I'm going to do is open up main menu again and I'm going to go to game settings update game lists yes now if we go to my Commodore 64 folder we're going to find that game which I've just downloaded if we just open this up to make sure it's been transferred and here we go complete with Commodore 64 decorations on the sides and if you're into commodore 64 very briefly if you need to bring up a keyboard then just press this button at the top just here and that's going to bring up a virtual keyboard awesome stuff so we're now ready to play some festive c64 games and there we go and that's it for today's steam Tech in batera 38 setup guide like I said at the start of the video I try to fit everything into this video to get you up in running and getting the very best out of better sah on your steam deck so if you got any questions obviously drop comments below this video but hopefully I've got you up and running with the very Basics uh also like I said at introduction of the video if you like what you see today hit notification subscribe and like so you don't miss up on upcoming content also helps my channel out a lot if you give us a like as well also be sure to check us out on social media I'm on Facebook Instagram Tik Tok and Twitter but until next time stay retro [Music] n
Channel: Just Jamie
Views: 3,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Batocera 2023, Batocera 38, Batocera 38 steam deck, Batocera 38 steam deck setup guide, Batocera 38 steam deck setup tutorial, Batocera 38 steam deck tutorial, How to install batocera on steam deck, Justjamie1983, Steam deck batocera 38, Steam deck batocera 38 setup guide, Steam deck batocera 38 setup tutorial, Steam deck batocera 38 tutorial, Steam deck batocera tutorial, batocera, batocera setup, batocera steam deck, batocera v38, steam deck batocera
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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