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hi I'm Mario and this is my box truck tiny house conversion that I've been working on this is a 24 foot 1995 Chevrolet 6500 or top kick four-door box truck so about a year ago in uh 2022 in July I decided to actually June I decided to turn this which was my workshop for work I decided to turn it into a tiny house and this is where we're at now I've done a few little add-ons since my last video my last video I made six months ago and I really I've had a lot of things going on I haven't been able to do any videos but now I'm back I'm gonna start updating try to do it weekly if I don't I'm sorry I'm going to try to actually update weekly I'm gonna do more videos and but enough with that let me show you guys everything I've done come along with me all right guys so I'll start on the outside so we've done a few little things to the outside haven't done paint yet I'm sorry I haven't got to the paint we do have a ladder up under here that I have hidden we also did our our water fill on the the inside and then that's our vet for our all right when you look on the outside it's still basic I haven't gotten to the paint on any of the outside yet I'm still waiting to get there so we have a four-door 1995 box truck there is a ladder rack here we do have our water fill right here and our on-demand hot water heater exhaust we also have our vent fan for the uh for the bathroom and also we have 400 watts of solar panels renergy solar panels 100 watts each those are up on the roof and we have our window for the kitchen this is our mini split we have our mini split underneath we did put a generator underneath here this was probably one of the worst mistakes that I have made putting a generator on the truck it vibrates so much I'll never in life do that again so that has to come off while we're running it we did actually Mount the steps and the steps fold up and down so those are Beauty so you when you get ready to go you just put the steps on Roll fold the steps up and there is a chain on this driver's side that straps across and I know you're wondering why the pool noodles noodles are there but that's just to stop the rattling uh to stop the steps from actually hitting the door because it just makes such a a Ruckus and on this side we do actually have an electric uh our shore power outlet right there and we have a window here not much has changed on the driver's side at all all right guys come on in Let's uh check it out here oh come on in so a little bit has changed here as you come in we do have the five burner stove and we did put the hardware on and this countertop here is actually reclaimed wood off of the building we tore down with some vinyl on top of it I believe that's vinyl I have a toaster oven here because we don't have an oven this is a residential countertop not an RV countertop stove stainless steel backsplash we do have a vent fan here to vent out any exhaust fumes from cooking or any of the propane that's supposed to drop to the floor um we do have sorry about the camera angle guys I'm not a great cameraman but I know it's a mess in here so I will show you guys my mess but that is the microwave in it it does work farmhouse sink that's I believe like a 24 inch or 22 inch I'll have to put the link in the description below so under underneath our refrigerator we have storage underneath the refrigerator and this is a apartment size 12 volt refrigerator I I don't remember the brand I think it's Canon or something and above that we do have a mini split um 9000 BTU mini split I believe it's a Chinese brand I don't remember the name and that's above our RV window with a residential style frame with reclaimed material as well um Above This I have not painted the cabinets these are reclaimed cabinets that I that I did get and we have them going all the way across on both sides so they have not been painted we also do have the garage door that that still works and it goes up and down so that's why you see a difference on there's a step down on the uh on the ceiling here and on the other side here we have our dinette area and this bench folds down and turns into another another bit a twin size bed so this is our dog's food right here yeah he's he has to be outside right now because he won't let me make the video anyway there that storage here um on this side clothing storage and then on this side we do have more Electrical uh stuff that we have underneath this side we have one power inverter here and our shore power comes inside uh here this couch folds out and turns into a bed underneath this couch we do have our power we have a a 3000 watt power inverter um it's off brand and underneath this one we have a 1000 watt power inverter with a transfer built-in transfer switch uh also underneath this couch we have a 200 amp hour power Queen lithium battery and all the rest electric all of the rest of the electrical is underneath this couch here so if you go over here sorry guys it's a mess um I didn't really clean up well but this is where the dog sleeps uh he likes tearing up his dog beds but he doesn't tear up his blankets so anyway there's storage up underneath here underneath this step here so if you lift up you could see you could see some storage little storage underneath there and we do have storage underneath here and storage underneath here we have storage underneath or I'm sorry behind here we have storage and underneath these baskets there is a hundred gallon fresh water tank and if you go up the stairs we're sorry guys I keep all my belts here and they actually don't move when I when I drive I know it's crazy they don't uh so you come up the steps and this is our bed area here and their shelves up there with a power supply right here to charge your cell phones and anything else you need to charge and we do have TV here with working internet there is our internet box at T hotspot so and this is the bathroom sorry sorry once again I was about to fall this is the bathroom and it is not finished yet so right over here when you come into our bathroom sorry about the camera angle and I know you guys are probably hating me right now but this is the washing machine we bought and I have not hooked it up and so I should probably do a video on that when I hook it up and show how it is but anyways this is the rest of the bathroom and it's not finished I know I mean but I mean it's still usable we're still using it uh everything does work in here you know everything works everything's usable uh we do have I don't know if you can see it here we do have our fresh I'm sorry our on-demand hot water heater and we also have a bucket for the toilet and we have sawdust inside of that bucket for the toilet so this is our shower and this is the bathroom sorry about the angle I gotta get better at this camera stuff but this is where we're at and this is that's the door so we were going to do a barn style door however I'm not that great at uh a carpentry or putting any of this stuff up so that's where we're at but um that's a residential style window if I didn't say that sorry about that and this is an RV escape window uh I I guess that would be an egress one though so there's that and um I don't know if I missed anything but guys I am going to come out with more videos thank you for watching please like And subscribe and I'm gonna do a lot more maybe some daily Vlogs I don't know but please guys like And subscribe and I'm gonna show more of these videos
Channel: Ruff Journeys
Views: 107,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiny house, Tiny house conversion, Box truck conversion, RV conversion, Campervan conversion, Campervan, RV, DIY Campervan, DIY, Off grid, Off grid tiny house, Off grid Campervan, Vanlife, Camper trailer conversion, Trailer conversion, RV camper, Tiny house box truck, Tiny house build, Tiny house box truck conversion, How to build a tiny house, How to build a tiny home, Building a tiny house, Building a tiny house out of a box truck
Id: ZaEAk88MMd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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