Ultimaker Original Build Part 1 (WHAT YEAR IS IT EDITION) #3dprinting #livestream

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foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hello hello hello how's everyone doing today Saturday night and I feel fantastic oh hello mosquito ah yes yes yes it's it's it's finally time it is and my overlay's already bugging out uh overlay refresh there we go um it is it is finally time this is a build that for no real reason like let's let's be honest it's an ultimaker original it's the updated version of the 2011 printer from a kit from 2013 or 2014. it's this is old this is a dinosaur this is a printer design that they don't make these anymore because you can go down to the the Micro Center and get a 99 end or three that's more capable than this this doesn't even have a headed bed he headed bed hi I speak English occasionally um but I don't care I build printers on this channel it's it's what we do we we do live streams and we build printers and on Saturday nights I dip into the whiskey but I've been wanting to do this for a while because it's getting more and more apparent um that things have changed a lot in 3D printing but things kind of haven't and I'll touch on that more throughout this series and I've already talked about this in the past um but part of the reason I wanted to get this printer is because this is a 3D printer and with literally uh a few changes it's on par with current printers in terms of capabilities well let's be honest it's you know it's got a wood frame it's only going to go so far [Music] it's still still capable motion system the ultimaker motion system hasn't changed Nema 17 is still a Nema 17 a block of metal it's hot that is a glorified hot glue gun for molten plastic and there's a little updates there Fan's a fan you put Clipper on this this controller supports Clipper we can put input shaper on it so it's kind of like we've done a lot in terms of development of 3D printers but in terms of like the actual Hardware of a 3D printer let's be honest nothing new has come out in a long time we're just kind of putting it together in different ways um so yeah so this is an ultimaker original this series is sponsored by you because I bought this um I've been hunting down and the problem is I I haven't y'all I've had the opportunity to pick up an ultimaker several times over the years there's actually somebody local and by local within like 45 minutes of me that have one of these for sale on Facebook Marketplace the problem was it was built the problem with this series has been finding an unbuilt kit that wasn't a thousand dollars and with exchange rate it actually was pretty close but uh um so without further adhere uh David give the 10 Community memberships cheers David let's open up the box and see what we got to work with so some of this I've shown off on stream already because I've had this box for a bit now um so we're just gonna go through this and then we'll start building it and uh oh misadventure is a melting plastic that's doc uh for anyone who knows more on people that's Doctor stock uh 50 cheers to help defray the cost of staging that Beast thank you we we might have broke even on the prusa build I'm really hoping we break even on this build um so I'm just going to show you what you get unfortunately again I don't have an overhead camera but you know what what kind of brains powered a printer that was cutting edge in 20 um 11. well we got we got the ultimaker board version 1.5.7 I don't even think it has a name I don't even think it has a processor on it I don't see it or at Mega we got it we got it we got oop that's the wrong button there's your brain Arduino Mega um if you thought of ramps was was cutting edge um so the cool thing is um technically I can update the drivers in this I can put tmc's in this um I could put tmc's um this gets fed by 16 to 20 volts it it's literally a 19 volt Toshiba laptop battery brick that this power that powers this so this will take 16 to 20 volts um what it outputs to the motors I think they run it 12 volts the same with the hot end I'm not sure I have no idea we'll figure that out as we go um but yeah it's literally an Arduino I'm not gonna try taking it off um but it yeah it's an Arduino this is your controller board build it stuck oh we're gonna be building it soft believe me we are going to be building this stock and then we're going to be putting on the oldest version of Kira I can find [Applause] cheers to help break even thank you very much appreciated [Music] so that is I guess you could call it the brains um next up we have the bed the bed comes pre-assembled and by pre-assembled I mean it's just a what is this a half inch thick sheet of acrylic is it half inch or well it'd be nice if I actually had a scale that I could actually read that thing is ancient Where'd I put my scale I had a good one where the frick did I put it Where'd I put the bar on I had it really oh there it is ah okay uh oh wait I'm sorry ultimaker is European 10 millimeter I think so yeah the bread comes pre-assembled and by pre-assembled again um it is just a sheet of acrylic that's it um blue tape is your friend um so we got that uh oh did somebody give some memberships or why is that oh PF Dennis gifted five Community memberships cheers and Matt shammy five bones for some wood glue we might need wood glue um how does this compare to a bamboo you can fix this one when it breaks ah here we go um I might have to look for this in PDF format but it comes with a manual that's something you don't see even games don't come with a manual there we go ultimaker assembly instructions the fast easy to use open source 3D printer um I got a phone number here I I wonder what happens if I call you know what's so old when it's got it's got the old Instagram and Facebook logo Google Plus yeah if I run into problems I'm going to hit up ultimaker on Google Plus but yeah here we go we would love to hear from you I should fill out like the little questionnaire when you finish this build and be like hey yeah so yeah so there we go I'm gonna be following this Lord help me ah also has Twitter yeah back you know the funny thing is I could be like yeah the Twitter logo hasn't changed until like literally think I didn't even see this the first time checkers stickers oh this is an old sticker oh don't don't rip it oh my God these stickers are ancient aha you need to go right there I'll put you right here next to laser pick ulti maker original there we go put the ultimaker sticker up there I I Robot ultimaker um a boat and two that is thick also shout out to David for printing solid he hooked me up with a uh a couple spools of the three mil filaments that you they don't really use anymore because it's three mil um some wire wrap uh red panda zombie ten dollars cheers um 3D hubs join your maker Community get 3D prints fast and local why would you advertise for for sharing for buying 3D prints in a 3D printer I I don't need you I have the ultimaker um an end stop I'm gonna I'm assuming this wandered away from the electronics um rods and bearings so unfortunately um I do have a bit of surface rust on some um I'll be able to Scotch break this off I'm not honestly too worried um it's just a little one of these rods yeah yeah Calvin and then this is this is our Zed in terms of uh you know slop in this system we're gonna hope gravity takes care of that because yeah we belong like I can oh yeah by the way there's nothing to screw to this there's no screw holes in this I'm assuming you just zip tie it to it or something hi Colin huh what did he move the camera now the framing's okay it's okay ah okay good night buddy say good night and say good night good night uh ready A Gifted one Community membership cheers and dragonflint ten dollars here to help get a drink or two tonight during the build and don't get uh slivers yeah I gotta worry about slivers that's I gotta worry about slivers um and I do have whiskey in the freezer there so um a divider that'll be nice okay now on to the meat and potatoes and by meat and potatoes I mean the frame it's all wood it's got that that rich rich mahogany finish um it's all laser cut except for this I think this is CNC but everything else is laser cut and it's held together with tape and I oh this I hope this peels off okay this this masking tape is now we should be okay it's old um but nothing looks warped I don't think um everything looks to be in good shape um so I think we're okay power off when removed so some of it's basket tape and some of it's like sellotape so yeah so this kit was opened by the previous owner but they never put it together so I should have everything it's just it might not be packaged the same way um here's the screen ultimaker ulti controller hi David this is why you sent me that three mil filament I'm gonna need it ah the good old the good old ultimaker oh wow it's got a buzzer wow a full-size SD card fancy um multi-panel made by BK slash SW ope okay uh is the wood good it does look good like I don't see any warping to it I did check it earlier nothing looked really warped oh look at this how considerate a a four gigabyte a four gigabyte class 4 SD card thank you ultimaker thank you what is this from is there a date on here please tell me there's a date on here um 2014. so this kit is to be fair or the ultimaker original but it wasn't called the ultimaker original at first it was just called the ultimaker um so when they came out I think it was the ultimaker 2 they renamed this to just the ultimaker original um so this while this design is from 2011 the ultimaker original uh was released in March of 2011. this actual kit as far as I could tell is from 2014. so while it does have updated Parts it is not a revision update so it's got like a newer revision of the board than the original original but the actual design is the ultimaker original I don't even have the heated bed upgrade so um Apollo 10 cheers made a business proposing a damn no hurry but let me know what you think okay I'll check it after the stream uh document 10 cheers eating apple pie drinking whiskey watching Saturday Night build stream if I got myself a date night oh there you go um I okay if that's a date night heated bed with the ultimaker yeah so they had the ultimaker original plus which as far as I know uses the bed from the ultimaker 2 kind of jury rig to work into this Supply so it's a Toshiba 19 volt 6.32 amp um yeah problem because um I was hoping that it had like the the c14 inlet it does not it's got um this it did British it is it says British bit British and it's got like three prong things I can always like cut the wire and rewire it I might have a three prong somewhere from like an Xbox I could steal I'll check but uh yeah this wire ain't gonna work unfortunately 220 oh actually can this take be careful maybe hot please tell me you could take input 100 to 240. yeah I could put 110 into it you can put 110 to it I just need a different adapter um one little itty bitty roll of PTFE I don't know what this is for I'm gonna put this in this bag so I don't lose it yeah most most power supplies will take whatever it's just the the outlet you need yeah multi-voltage yeah we should I'm not worried it's just finding I'm gonna have to find um and a North American plug for it uh we got some wires I got a USB cable I've got USB cables here ultimaker cable pack quality check check marks that's good they do quality checks that's good actually can I take this out I can take this out there we go all right hopefully I don't drop anything yeah okay ultimaker molded Parts wow actual injection molded Parts on a sprue so that's cool um nuts and bolts pack that's handy I'll need that I'll put you out there uh uh etx head pack I'm assuming that's the tool head I don't know what etx stands for but that's what we got there oh the mega pack and in the mega pack do an unwrapped Scotch 2090 blue tape and 25 mil Fancy Fancy Fancy one inch it's the one inch wow wow I want to hang on to that that's That's a classic um I've got oh my God ultimaker knurled dry bolt gear set oh cable organizer Packel this is gonna be fun it's so where's the tool head I want to find the the there we go there it is there it is oh there it is ultimaker hot end bundle well at least it's better than at first to be honest I was expecting to have to like put a screw and nut into it and then drill a hole out but uh there we go I got a heater I want to see what what the heater is rated for because it it takes 19 volts but what like is there anything on the heater that tells me what I've got for an actual heater rating on this thing no no okay well it is what it is um belt's back I'm assuming that's 2gt belt it's unlabeled but we're gonna use it small belts pack cool um I got more belt and a stepper motor I'm going to leave that together pulley pack are these MXL or two GT these are MXL micro switch pack bearing pack uh [Music] fan pack it comes with a 24 volt fan and that's a 12 volt fan and that is a big that is a big chungus fan I got like it comes with a blower I'm assuming this is for like keeping the electronics board cold um I do have some loose screws in here unfortunately um that I'm assuming that's for the lead screw and the motors um oh and some bearings I got a bearing pack here and the motors the motors are they're I'm sorry they're not ldos uh but they come pre-crimped um if you want to know more uh take a pause the screen there you go they are they're not even d-locked there's no D locks on these motors oh one has a d one has a flat on it okay so one has a flat on it um okay okay here's the thing I'm sure I can grab Motors if it's like an actual issue I can just grab Motors I you know it's not like I have spares on hand oh wait I do I've got tons of spares on hand okay so I'm gonna put you over here so let's put this box back together I'm going to make a little table here put all this on there we go Electronics table okay [Music] amount of people that say the print on masking tape here's the thing actually works pretty good um it's just you know it's current year and there is better out there but if you got like spring steel flex plate use it like use it but if you got an older machine and it's got like just the the the the knockoff build tax all destroyed yeah throw some blue tape on print pla on it who cares it'll work I had instructions it does so I really wish I had a uh how am I going to do a camera for this because I've got this camera but this camera won't you know let's let's see here you can look at my shoes [Music] ultimaker manual camera okay thank you for purchasing this original DIY kit and Welcome to our community I'm just gonna I'm just going to read it uh the assembly manual will guide you through the build process step by step during the excitement of the build process you learn more and more this will help you understand the working because of a 3D printer even better and give you the opportunity to get the most out of your ulti Baker besides the assembly manner there's also a user manual available online let's see if I could find the online one okay ultimaker.com pages slash support slash manuals that's a good sign yeah ultimaker okay support uh [Music] downloads no articles found 3D printers more resource web tools um [Music] okay we're give me the manual GitHub okay cool ultimaker repositories ooh okay uh original uh Derek ten dollars cheers what is better this printer the upcoming printer bot um I would say I would hold out um there might be a company I was hearing Rumblings of a company that may um oh check the Discord oh the blue uh support ultimaker article there we go uh there's a company that I've been hearing Rumblings about that may come out with a Delta printer that uses um Wi-Fi connectivity so that that may be something uh to look out for they might there's a there's a site called Kickstarter um that they might use uh to release that so that's that's something to kind of keep in mind there um there we go okay by the way if you if you're hearing printing noises that's the um the prusa printing away okay so there we go ultimaker original okay cool table of contents how many pages is this uh 105. 00 glaring van overstemin over stemming product description the parts of the ultimate commercial can only be used for assembling the ultimaker original you're not my mom I'm gonna use it to build a prusa or an Ender uh ultimaker limited cannot be held for any liability damage blah blah blah use symbols okay cool um General description all to make original revision four so if you're wondering exactly what I'm building ultimaker original revision for 2014. so this is the original ultimaker um from 2011 but it's the third fourth revision of it as you can tell nine kilograms okay oh it's compatible with Mac Max Head travel speed 30 to 300 millimeters a second positioning 0.05 guess what that hasn't changed we all still use the same Motors in the same belts when a printer advertises its accuracy that's just marketing fluff nothing's changed a step is a step is a step fused filament fabrication because we can't say fdm because that's trademarked um there we go be dry environment well I'd hope so it's made out of wood uh images on page 14 don't match the text blue is front okay fdm entry as far as I'm aware FTM is trademarked by I think it was stratasys it's like a trademark name so you can't use fdm um fuse deposition manufacturing you have to use FFF uh engraving all panels marked for the front or Front Bottom okay sanding before starting assembly you may want to sand the parts slightly to remove it I do have some sandpaper if need to what to expect okay uh before assembling the ultimaker assemble separate sub assemblies have to be built the description of you is to contained okay cool cautions and warnings cool [Music] right oh yeah and by the way David's here so everyone say hi David um in this manually read okay so we have there's the front the left the back and the right and the top and the bottom cool assembling the frame this is what you need to build the sub assembly about 60 to 90 minutes a hex key screwdriver 1.5 millimeter oh I got that hex key screwdriver two millimeter I don't have that however I do have my trusty LTT store screwdriver 5.5 millimeter socket oh that too okay insert ball bearings what so the first thing is inserting the ball bearings what Okay cool so I'm gonna need to get the four panels out it looks like okay so let's start pulling these panels out so okay and I have no idea how long this series is going to be by the way um we're gonna I I'm not rushing this build in any way um I want this to come out like mint I want this machine to look like the day like this is gonna be like a I want this thing to look good building into the morning no hecka no although there might be something coming up where I have to build a printer and a timely fashion and I won't say I'm going to do a one day build but we might do um a long C or a a short part no low number of Parts Long views here I don't know we'll figure it out [Music] because I know I don't do it and people have asked me but I'm doing a I guess he would say sponsored commission build we'll see oh the mark IV yeah the mark IV is um if you're wondering how the Mark 4 is doing by the way um what you do is you build your printer and then you immediately throw a cardboard box over it with a garbage bag door and you tell it to start printing ABS parts I should actually make sure that first letter the first letter should have gone down good it is a prusa yeah it's good oh yeah it's good we'll see and if you're wondering how the parts from uh uh yesterday turned out I pushed a video up on my on the Facebook or Facebook on the twitters and also on the Discord so go check them out there printed solid makes nice looking enclosures I bet they do how long will this stream probably three hours the normal stream we do is three hours I all my streams I budget for three hours right now because a little guy is on summer vacation uh the weekday streams are a little um up in the air for their time allotment but they're they're usually two to three hours um depending on the day of the week and whatnot uh but that's usually what you should expect from me I I do three three hour streams a week I I I see myself more as a streamer than a VOD producer video producer um on YouTube Just because right now the ROI for videos is ridiculously low um but it it gets really depressing when you spent several like you spend a day you know editing recording working on a video and you make you know 15 bucks on it I view myself more as a streamer so I figure hey now 9 10 a week that's good enough that justifies it they are wood yes this is wood what's Twitter um a social a micro blogging site and then some crazy guy bought it and renamed it but everyone still calls it Twitter because the new name is stupid I am actually no for real for real No Cap I'm actually surprised how good this masking tape is coming off I was actually a little worried like I was actually kind of a legit worried a bit that this masking tape wouldn't come off too good Okay so there we go come on oh this is the back I'm I had a little I had a little Panic there because I didn't see a third piece like this um with a hole through the or fourth piece with that but the back doesn't have a hole the back this is the back there we go see just sits back okay and it's just cool okay there you go ultimaker every panel needed for the step has two corresponding holes to place the ball bearings get the panel place the ball bearings make sure the top the bearings is image three where's image three okay so all of them have two in the top okay these are six eight 688 rs686 RS I can't see my eyes ain't what they used to be ultramaker is going to get a good spot um no this is not going to be a production printer this this is going to go with like the tico oh and be like a mantelpiece printer I think so these just kind of slot in and they just kind of they just they just go there okay cool um it is what it is easy MPC yeah now here's the plan I really don't want to modify this too much okay I want this printer to be pretty much you know cosmetically as original as possible okay that is the goal okay is to not modify this too much however um I'm not a masochist so there will be updates to this printer what do I mean by that well um we're gonna put Clipper on it for one we're gonna get a Raspberry Pi zero two and I'm gonna put Clipper on it okay with a webcam you know because again I'm not a masochist I you know it's current year it's going to get input shaper um I may end up putting a heated bed on it we'll see and um the hot end we may fiddle about with the with the hot end to get it you know feeding you know proper filament and put a direct feed extruder on it because there's a there's been some good development with lightweight direct feed extruders lately um okay some of these are a little warped that's okay we'll make it work [Applause] 1.75 yeah because this is uh an original so it's it eats the three mil oh no they didn't they didn't laser this hole all the way through oh no even current all are 2.5 I know I don't know why they stick with it but is if you're not strain the tap threaded What tap threads on each side of the switch I was like not in this oh man in the limit switches we're mounting limit switches already okay so we got red blue and black okay so we need ABC okay micro switch pack okay Brew okay blue on Front Images are are wrong text is right okay okay the orange each of the switches are engraved on the panels except for the front panel okay two with blue wires two with red wires one with long black wires one was short black wires okay okay so on the front panel okay so okay so we're from the back and those mount in with m312 okay so I put the blue wires there yeah so attach blue wires and then it says red but I put the blue because the blue is Right which makes sense because these are the ones farthest from the thing so now I need to get some wires m312s where is my screw pack here is my screw pack here comes the part where I start piling up screws in front of me and we make a giant mess as is tradition as is tradition the bags aren't labeled there's no labeling on the bags there's no labeling on the bags okay that's m310 through 12. I've only had some sort of trade I know Steve gave me the stls like he linked me them and I should have printed them but I did not a last poor York I was a fool there we go okay so and these are all button heads too which I'm not a huge fan of honestly I don't like button head screws if you can avoid it 2011 the space shuttle program is still it's yeah I mean they're still launching shuttles in this in okay so it looks like switches up and switches go towards the inside okay and you're just screwing in a plastic and not um cracking it looks like hopefully this dual 50-15 fans Overkill prints a lot of pla for sure will glass window work for abs uh you can print ABS on glass I printed it I used to print when I printed all my parts for my first four on I printed it on a a mirror with a little bit of glue stick and it worked fine [Music] so we got one and you gotta be careful not to rip the threads out that's always something you got to worry about that's always nice foreign State going anyone up to do anything exciting today could be printing trays I could I could which one do I got loaded with film and I got the bamboo I couldn't do that mow the lawn nice so I'm gonna admit to something um if you don't hear from me I I I went and bought Baldur's Gate three um I haven't played I've been playing a lot of video games in a long time I started playing VR again just to you know kill time but I went and bought Boulders gate three I bought it today this morning I downloaded it um I played it for about three hours before dinner and then I after dinner I went hey I want to make a new character so I'm already starting a second character I'm not even three hours into a hundred hour game and I'm restarting um so if I suddenly like drop off the face of the Earth you kind of I'm just giving you a warning I'm hoping not to but you know we'll see also it is 29 degrees so in here and it's hot so let me get this fan going okay so we did that and now okay so which side is this and then the red go on which side is this what side are you oh oh look at that it actually has the the three and four it actually has the things that's cool okay attach the red wire stitches as Image six okay well okay I I don't have enough screws these the same length yeah okay so that m312 pack did not have enough screws [Music] no I printer you guys can't play games too much time in a black hole that was me like the last game I really like got lost in the sauce was um World of Warcraft classic when that came out I Disappeared for like two months um that was uh before I started streaming or no was I streaming no no that was just before covet yeah so like that was before I uh the channel was you know anything what it was so it's not a big deal back then but now you know I'm kind of dependent on this so but I've heard too many good things and I've seen like too many like teases of people playing it of cool things and I'm like you know what screw it I'm gonna I'm gonna bite the bullet I bought it downloaded it installed it so we'll see how it goes so you didn't give me enough screws here um hopefully those loose screws in here are the right ones no they're not on the 312s again as I prefaced at the beginning this kit is original but it was opened so I may have to do a little finagling um at certain points just to make sure that we actually have everything they didn't screw me over yeah well it really screwed me over was the whole cost of this thing because it's like the kit wasn't that bad but then there was international shipping from England to Canada and then there was you know FedEx or UPS or whatever wanting their blood money for duties and fees and all that so at the end of the day this printer you know you could have bought a mark III almost you actually probably could have for what this cost me keep yeah warranty missing parts I'm not I'm not too concerned about that honestly I I don't think ultimaker will do much with the information that hey um your kit that's ancient is missing some stuff okay let's get the back one here and then we got this switch okay attach the black switch with long wire shown in fine tuning position we describe in part okay and that goes right here how good will a five minute bench should be on here if we get an hour benchy on here we'll be good because the plan is to install the oldest version of cure that we can find and go from there foreign October 2012 sweet so I'm just basically like snugging these up at the at the top of motion these all need to be adjusted eventually I'm assuming and these are oh those are some chunky end stops okay to attach the black wire limit so it was short wires oh wait oh did I put the wrong one that was it for end stops um okay maybe this one was supposed to be that one okay one second here okay to attach them with short wires perform the following action okay let me see here okay long and a short okay um I've got an extra red one here I'm assuming this kit was missing um oh and it's got like black marker on it yeah okay I see what's going on so I gotta Swap this out I'll swap this out this one goes up top and then the one with short wires goes on the bottom down here that makes sense okay I had Clipper oh yeah we're gonna put Clipper on this I've already said that earlier in the Stream we're gonna be putting Clipper on it I want to do well the equivalent of a Resto mod on this so basically keep it as original as possible the goal is basically not to touch the frame or the motion system so we'll put Clipper on it I might swap out the XY motors for 2208s which I have they're they're flashed and ready to go in a drop in configuration um so yeah um how's the v-core going it's going fine I just I haven't been using a lot because I haven't needed it um I I did some test prints on it made sure it was all good it's out in the garage here I just haven't really used it too much because I've been printing printer parts right which like full plates of parts so so the smaller bed on it kind of makes it a little and especially considering most of the stuff I'm printing right now I only have like one spool of the color so it's not like I can you know maximize production by printing on multiple printers like I normally do I yeah you know the first release current cool I'll check it all later consider adding stain or sealer no I might paint it after it's together but uh this thing's a decade old and it's been sitting in an unsealed box like this printer will go inside this printer is not gonna be a garage printer right like right now it's 43 humidity in here which actually is kind of low um but this is not going to be an outdoor printer it's gonna be an indoor printer okay and then this goes on with the short wires down here which means I can get two more M3 tools vinyl wrap it 'd be kind of cool I know a bunch of people paint them I might just paint it or you know just leave it completely original for that absolute original look the plan is because the the inside is turning into a studio more um than production uh the printer's inside will be more for show um then um actual use so like I'd have this on I want to put like a shelf behind me for like a backdrop that'll have like the tico and this printer and you know maybe a v0 the gold v0 for example you know stuff that looks good to have as a backdrop but make it you know it still will be functional okay there we go got some end stops sweet assembling the X and Y motor wow it really jumps into this assembly eh okay so we're going to need a and b so this is B I'm assuming are these actually labeled at all no they're not labeled and a okay go there and you come over here I'm gonna need two of the motors uh those plastic spacers that are absolutely freaking everywhere and I hope I have enough of them because they look to be important okay yeah this is confirming it looks like somebody started building this kit and then stopped that's what this looks like because there's there are some impressions in the wood that tells me like a screw was used but not a lot of them so I'm thinking somebody started building this stopped and either returned this kit or or something because it's not it's not it's it's not assembled this kit is not an assembled kit but there obviously is some stuff that happened to it use dual extruders this one no this is a single extruder setup although there is on the capability on the tool head or on the the controller board to have a there is one free driver there's only four drivers being used so I could put another motor on here okay so we got that that that and that okay cool yeah that makes sense that explains why I have this belt here yeah so it looks like somebody got maybe a couple steps into the assembly here and then stopped because I've got like some of these parts are yeah like I have one of these belts out oh these are MXL these aren't even two GT these are MXL belts oh okay to assemble the Y motor perform the following actions place the pulley five millimeter on the Y motor C image 10. when placing make sure to keep a distance of one to two millimeters between the pulley and the Y motor okay so where's my pulleys pulley pack holy party Kyle thank you for becoming a member pulleys five millimeters these are weird they're just weird okay yeah these are never seen set up like this okay um so there's no there's no flat on these and these have a single set screw there is there is only one set screw [Music] okay um make sure that this is running okay so one to two millimeters off okay so how much is this one second where's my where's my measuring device that I use for this kind of stuff cool so one to two millimeters this is 1.5 that'll do that'll do did I mute myself no so you just kind of put that on there and you put this in here and you tighten it and you call it a day there you go okay you do that for both or just the one notice do not attach the Y motor okay so we do that and you put one of those loops on it and then you put it through there with what size screws once I screws what size screws okay there's that there's that okay and then the bottom panel what size screws do I use [Laughter] 20 mil there we go okay 20 mil so there's the Y motor preparing the bottom panel do we do the X and the y or just the Y - okay what assembling the X and Y motor okay there's your two things okay so I'm assuming it's the X and Y do the same but it just like to assemble the Y okay so I'm assuming these are both the same it's just they only show the Y why okay well it do be how it is though I'm 320s are these m320s it says repeat for actually oh it says repeat for x make sure to assemble oh repeat the action okay okay we're good IR genius biggest brain biggest brain Mill yep when does a Whiskey Drinking begin uh we'll see um it depends on how things go depends on how things continue to go okay so you go on like that and you just kind of go in there like that okay I can dig it can you dig it I can dig it okay so we got this this through here um looks like the switches are on the other side that goes on there yeah I gotta oh yeah I gotta you gotta really squish that in okay that ain't gonna work there's not enough room there's there's that one from I gotta have like no clearance there one to two millimeters my butt more like one to two butt here is my my butt oh type hopefully I didn't lose one of those stupid spacers oh Where'd I put that spacer [Music] [Music] where'd that spacer go [Music] oh there it is I found it we're good that would have been mucho no bueno now I'm tempted to re-roll my character in Baldur's Gate to make it you know as realistic as possible with like very low perception where did I put the thing oh it's in front of me [Music] lost again um I I I'll I'll freely admit that I was very close to not realizing I was going live in 15 minutes um a minute ago or before going live these are very close to that stupid thing thank you okay I I see how that works so that's going to be how that works okay cool yeah we do the same thing but for this motor [Music] okay this one has a flat okay there's two without Flats I'm assuming the two without flats or wait wait wait wait wait am I an idiot one second here okay there's only one with a flat I'm assuming the one with the flat is for the extruder never heard of Nema 8 what the heck it's the best Nema oh there's some there's some more parts there are some more parts we're gonna Hope by the time everything's strapped together that it kind of unwarps itself and if not it is what it is make do with it potato potato yeah this motor was installed previously I can yeah this motor was installed oh wait I gotta put the put the belt on first oh don't lose the spacer spacer on Belt on steaming and clamp it yeah we're gonna let nature do it and by Nature I mean the the rest of the printer we're hoping the printer itself keeps the printer Square Emmett gotcha nylocks have no chance against the residences what nylocks there ain't no nylocks here oh all right there we go little nylon spacers are are a pain in the butt though I will say oh come on get in your hole there you go so again nice and loose that will go up there that will drive that sweet we're good there Awesome possum okay so prepare the bottom panel okay so this panel has velcro in it already which gives me Credence to the hole somebody started building this kit got like five steps in and then quit because this already has all the velcro in it so yeah grab this motor and this guy yeah I've got like four I got a bunch of washers here stuck to stuff yeah so this is a short motor which is on the bottom yeah motor with short wires and rounded axis yep okay so I've already put those in and then look big bang boom done look the velcro's already installed look how good we are at that you guys helped give yourself a gold star I wonder what had them quit I don't know maybe they bought a Tico instead because it's 2014. maybe they put a down payment on a deco okay um m310s okay so that just goes through there and then you put that on okay that's that's easy wires go which way in towards thing okay and three times although actually they could have bought a prusa Mark II Maybe I think a person Mark II would have been around this time wouldn't it Bruce Mark II oh this is where these these freaking Motors yeah one two three yeah whoever took it apart didn't put all the parts back together they just kind of threw them in the box nice going buddy from Barnacles I remember watching um uh uh Tom it's in ladder he had one of these I think too these even have washers nope no washers just right into the wood oh wait I'm doing this backwards no no oh going backwards Tom's early stuff yeah what was that one that he had for like his test bench printer that was like plywood or whatever and then he I remember he built the uh the not a prusa out of like plywood the Mark II came out in 2016. it's that old or it's that new oh man they built the person mark one then and they might have built a prusa mark one then okay wait a second uh okay is this the same okay one second I hate when things are are not mirrored should the text be facing up into the printer or on the bottom text should be down okay yeah oh so I had it right I had it right it's this person put the velcro on backwards okay okay so I did have it right [Music] I just gotta flip the velcro around here because I got these holes here that aren't in this plate [Music] yeah so so it's supposed to be like this where the text is on the bottom of the printer yeah because there's the right that's the left that's the bottom that's the Zen motor okay that makes sense so I gotta flip this all around okay wow this velcro is a little old and by little I mean a lot old ER velcro was invented by Nature well not really but there there is like some some weeds and whatnot that to for germination of seeds and whatnot like spreading the seeds their seeds have like little hooks on it that stick on animal fur [Music] Founders had issues with the what I would love to know is how different 3dp technology would be an evolutionary wise and whatnot and how quickly things changed if people realize you know threaded rods or and went to aluminum extrusions quicker okay so we put this on what is what is oh that's velcro okay put this on [Music] like let's be honest those first generation of DIY 3D printers where Jank AF like wood frames like threaded rods like [Music] just just aluminum Extrusion but I think aluminum extrusions weren't cheap back then like they are now [Music] covet hadn't happened um I think covet blew up a lot of the um DIY scene like voron blew up with covid because everyone was you know stuck at home and had to use their vacation funds for something okay assembling the cube shaped frame okay parts are needed short cable ducts long cable ducts okay um short cable ducts long cable ducts [Music] I'm assuming those are okay no no they're they're rectangular parts with some square holes in them I don't have those I don't have those um unless they're in another bag no that's for the controller um what are those okay so here's the top plate I'm gonna need the top plate so I might as well take the top right out now as you can see time I hope not I really don't want to like fabric it's not wood it's not wood oh okay foreign hopefully that's just you know burning and not mold okay fold underneath the wire Channel okay let me take a look here okay okay what screws do I need here so I need 37 M3 16s and a bunch of hex okay I'm assuming these are the m316s let me double check here yep so I need as the good doctor would say a metric boatload of these guys that's not the right ones Where'd I just put that bag of these are m316s those are m320s those aren't 16 is here's the nuts oh these all mixed up oh my God one second here M3 16s I grabbed one out of this bag okay these oh they're oh I'm just a dummy yeah these are m316s okay these are m316s yeah so I just happened to throw one m320 in there and I grabbed it on 3 16s and all those okay uh but would paint the case and parts with Elmer's Glue okay so what are those cable duck things look like and then what is c c blue Scotch tape you need tape for this okay to assemble the cube Place back on the table make sure the markings are facing towards you okay put the top in the back panel put the bottom panel into the back panel put three materials that I must be in the back back panel attach the four panels use 13 loose fixation is how you can tighten them later if you attach the accents be careful not to lose them okay see this is going to be interesting okey dokey okay place the back panel on the table okay let me find the back panel place the back panel on the table don't rip my end stops out okay place the back panel on the table make sure the markings are facing towards you okay put the top panel with the markings towards you into the back panel or it's the top panel I just had you are you the top panel I'm assuming you're the top panel top this side face down okay [Music] this side face down top okay see one one c one C okay that goes like that okay hopefully they were smart and did like offset stuff [Music] and then you put oh my God this is going to be a nightmare you have to put a nut into a slot and then screw up into it I think this is going to be the part where we start dipping into the whiskey because it's like yeah it it there's nothing to hold it in place you you just kind of drop that in there and then you put your screw in and you just do that 37 times and of course somebody put m320s in my m316s 37 37 in a row 37 in a row and I'm just finger tightening these for now I'm gonna have to go through and retighten everything I want to basically just get it built and then we'll have it sitting on this table which is nice and flat and then I can go through and square everything up after the best of my ability because I won't be able to square everything up because we have things like Motors and screws sticking out okay panel do the exact same thing one a one a that lines up okay cool I do it this way and just have it hang off wait why'd you make clicking noises when I make clicky noises you catch on something no you didn't catch on nothing let me make it clicky don't be making clicky noises foreign [Music] who put all these m320s in my m316 screws seriously I mean who does that okay um okay put the top and the bottom put the front panel in the and then the front Okay and then the front okay foreign work surface to build this on it is actually really nice [Music] at all 16 20 same no because unfortunately if if I use the wrong size it'll crack the wood and I don't have you know spares for this isn't exactly an easy thing to get unfortunately so foreign this will be the newest ultimaker in the world though I mean let's be honest I'm doing the front why am I why did I spin this that way there we go when was the last time a brand new ultimaker original was put together let's be honest when do you think the last time somebody actually put one of these together because you know they ain't making these kits anymore the ultimaker that cared about this is long gone so you know they don't care about this anymore all right okay use 13 that and 13 that okay cool so we did that place a short duct cable on the left and the short on the right okay so these I need to find these [Music] oh these okay I think I think these are them nope these are not them those are fan shrouds nope so it's not that it's in the injection molded part no oh it is just fabric it is just fabric okay oh my God yeah hey Place short cable on the right side of the back panel okay place the long on the front does it just droop oh it folds over you do this and it you sandwich it in there [Music] and that's how you run the cables through it that is the most like you could have just zipped item come on guys this could have been this meeting could have been a zip tie yeah these yeah so you fold this over and then you fold it over and it makes like a little white protective sleeve that you run the wires through later but I mean like you could have just put some holes in the frame into zipped item instead of this I mean it works I mean it works but still okay put the right panel yeah see see okay okay right side left right oh I've got a do a little cleanup here on one of these parts laser didn't clean it okay that's gonna be fun starting I'm not pinching any wires we're all good there okay there we go it's 150 rubber mallet dead blow hammer I have to justify its use occasionally oh dang it that's a 20 mil it's a Lexi for those that are wondering which is it German probably German I forgot something to take it back apart uh no he knew because of Maintenance um I wouldn't call it percussive maintenance because it's not maintenance we haven't built it yet when it's built in your your faffing about with it after it's built then it's maintenance this is produced you know bashing the together but no if you're serious about like Machining um you don't need a 150 Hammer the 150 Hammer comes into play when you need to hit something that's made out of metal but also not damage the thing that's made out of metal which happens actually quite often you'd be surprised don't ever use a butt for yeah you got to be careful with butt fours I tend to leak foreign Ty stubby I do want that LTT stuff and I I like I'm not going to say if I had known the stubby was available at LTX I would have tried even harder to go because believe me I did try but uh if anyone grabbed one at LTX and they happen to have an extra um I do have a P.O box and if it does arrive you will have many many thanks along with potential compensation foreign I might do a video like I did with the uh the uh Tico we'll see I was actually going to do a video for tomorrow and I had some of it recorded and then I kind of scrapped the idea because the video that I was doing was probably going to get too much uh draw too much of a crowd and I didn't want to deal with it so I trashed the video idea to be honest Chris Smith PC isn't sticking to your Pi bed uh you might need to try some glue stick or something I think for for polycarbonate I've never printed with a person PC yet so I I can't really speak on its uh I know prusa makes a bed or um a flex plate specifically for nylons or yeah not not no yeah nylons I don't know try glue stick I don't know I don't print PC a lot I've only done it a few times and I think I use glue stick to help glue stick failed miserably and did it fail miserably on a brand new fret like a completely freshly cleaned Pi sheet too [Music] use glue stick it came with and it worked that's the thing sometimes you just have to you know try a bunch of different stuff and find what works for you G10 yeah do you think you that's the last in use Tico I want to call it in use yeah I could plug it in right now and I can load a print up and print something but let's be honest I ain't doing that if I need to print something I ain't using the tico I've got a plethora of vastly more capable machines on at my disposal oh the visibot coming um I printed one plate if you like here uh there you go this was the uh the plate that uh finished this morning and so these were literally this machine was built we did one calibration Cube just to make sure the thing bloody works um and then I loaded up this full plate of ABS Parts no brim nothing hit print and um after they cooled off they just fell off the bed no warping or nothing so I'll take it I can dig it although let me check on this set because I got more parts printing oh we got some warping on that one I'm gonna have to check that one okay so that's that sheets are the best ever yeah so now we flip this over I don't want to take a look at it like until it's together together okay one second here because I'm thinking I'm actually might have a print fail here out of today you're warping on that corner do I Let It Go yeah Let It Go it's a hook it's a handle if the handle fails whoop-dee-doo it's just warped let that go it's right at the very edge of the bed and it's one of the the handles for the VZ bot so if it fails I'll just reprint it it's I'm not gonna cancel a whole plate of parts for that okay so we've done that and then I think we do the other side too yeah we do the other side too what's this remove the blue Scotch tape why are the same Scotch tape for what [Music] okay let's do the other one foreign [Music] yeah so yeah that's right put that on there that on there rotate pivot [Music] okay pull the bolts in oh okay so the thing I'm not doing foreign noises Where'd I get it somebody linked me in the Discord I have the I have them printed out I don't know if the kit actually came with printed instructions or the previous um person who attempted the Assembly of this kit printed them out um but they're Linked In My Discord if you're you want to follow along at home for whatever Godly reason thank you build hello there welcome back [Music] tap a tap tap the screws will pull everything in tight it's just for now it's just started basically you'll want to yes I will be putting Clipper on this I'm pretty sure there already is somebody already has a Clipper config for this already like it's an Arduino Mega this is like the first thing that would have been Clipper compatible looks like a printer from 2812 you are so wrong ballador because this is a printer from 2011. you're overestimating it foreign Motorsport you have a correct one for me awesome possum Clipper will destroy this thing well here's the thing Clipper unlocks its its potential and all you need to do is just not be dumb and push it too hard just because you can outrun a printer with Clipper doesn't mean you have to instead what you do is you run it you know within reason but now hey now you have input shaper and pressure advance and a whole bunch of new features and you know remote monitoring and uploading and whatnot so just because you can run the printer to the point of failure doesn't mean you should that's why Clipper you know while it's really cool to put Clipper on an old Ender 3 and you know YOLO it with a 15 minute benchy the hot end can't keep up the extruder can't keep up you're over taxing the motion system it's going to make your Ender three obsolete new K1 will do that waiting for that to show up one day that'll show up put it head to head against the anchor mate m5c what does c mean I don't know it's a buzzword cheap and we'll get a K2 here's the thing reality couldn't come up with their own name Annex already has a printer called the K1 and I think they have a K2 and a K3 as well guys come up with your own printer names it isn't rocket appliances thank you got one little piece splintering there what time are we at right now 9 54. not bad I couldn't come up with a logo does a K1 have a logo okay ready oh I'll take it I'll take it okay we're around the outside around the outside tightening everything up all right foreign firmware it's good stuff if you're the thing the the biggest downside with reprap firmware is it only runs on certain boards um yeah you have the option of some non reprap firmware boards so non-duet boards now but at that point I would say just go clipper um reprap firmware really shines where you're running it on a duet because a duet in my opinion is probably the best 3D printer controller you can buy the hardware is solid they're fully featured they have a built-in web UI that has input shaper it has pressure Advanced linear or linear Vance it's got you know the ability to remote monitor the printer I wish it had webcam support but it doesn't have enough power to do it I don't think um you can do an IP IP cam though so you can get an esp32 the the biggest downside with reprap is the cost of the duet boards I know they have some lower cost boards now um so maybe they're a little bit more attractive but reprap really shines when you're running it on a do-wide in my opinion this the wood is spongy like I could feel the the woods kind of spongy screwing these screws in you could feel it it's it's a little it's a little spongy oh that was a crack we're gonna leave that you turn it until you hear the crack then you back it off a quarter turn voila say in ultimaker what was that circular thing well the tape which I never used cool okay move the wires so the limit switches through the cable oh notice the guide okay so now I gotta run the wires down through all these slots and whatnot where's my whiskey we're going to get it in a second actually it's 10 o'clock [Music] these actually work pretty good I I will say you know I thought these were kind of dumb the the wire loom thingies for wire but they actually work pretty good um Kudos I guess to the uh ultimaker team I guess for I've never seen that before that's that's this is this is new or not new but it's yeah something I haven't seen it's been annoying to push these wires through it though [Music] foreign what do we got today what do we got today I think I got something different I have got Alberta premium Canadian Canadian rye whiskey today [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] that's good [Music] I think I screwed up or not really um can you sneak behind here no [Music] I'm trying to route a wire behind here for cable management purposes oh that's stuck that ain't gonna work okay I'll make that work I'll make that work later you go there you go there oh these are Tangled how did you get twisted like that oh my God how okay there we go there we go are we are you untwisted now you're untwisted now okay cool so they sent me the aluminum I have no idea honestly um I haven't unboxed the kit yet we're gonna do that on Tuesday um so basically I'm it's I'm everything from the I was told to print all the parts for a mellow kit so that's basically what I'm doing oh all right there we go okay oh look how clean that looks look how clean that looks okay now let's try to guide the the end stock cables behind the Y motor okay so yeah I gotta try and figure out how to because I need to pop that out or here let me loosen these and see if I can make this work see if I can go there we go all right come on [Music] foreign there we go got one now you want to and you're caught on something what are you caught on there we go gotcha gotcha gotcha I'm on the wrong screen ah foreign there we go sweet foreign attach the various is attaching various parts okay so what I'm going to do is put these wires um into one of these looms for now so we don't accidentally destroy any of them so you go in there you can go in here too okay go in there just might that kind of works okay cool that goes there there we go there's a truck outside by the door [Music] at RGB oh don't worry it's gonna get all the wubbubs [Music] there we go okay just to keep those from dangling everywhere while I'm flipping around and whatnot okay cool when in part 11 when in part 3A cool are these labeled okay you go over there because you're you're weeping okay so 3A I need two of them here as they are one part 11a okay so this is 3A okay two of those and one part 11 a yeah notice if you show me pictures of what these flipping looked like oh 11c I've got a bunch of 11c's 11b 11a I'm assuming I just love attach various parts is the frame Square yes yes it's it's Square enough you want to know what inspires confidence extruder gear okay some bolts hex nuts and lock nuts okay cool attaching the parts okay so I need some are those hex nuts are lock nuts okay attached make sure the lock nuts or M3 are on the outside okay so m316 with lock nuts and this is on the outside it looks like the one in part 3A is six millimeters thick not four mil oh okay there is oh it is six okay cool okay so this just goes on the back I guess I don't know what this part does foreign I just love how it's like assemble various parts assembling okay and then these go over okay so flip this over on oh these prevent the the rods from falling out okay cool that's cool wow American Maggie this is how we used to build 3D printers we had we got wood and we have nuts and we had screws and we liked it that way and I dropped my airpod [Music] there we go yeah it's not upside down David you're you're upside down oh are you David do you still sell ultimaker stuff it's a drinking problem hey I'm suffering from the same thing there we go the frame is ready on to the next section okay what are we at there so we're at 10 15. no all the maker dropped us as a reseller after produce prusa bought you ah okay I don't think did they was the ultimaker 2 ever available in kit form or was it only just a pre-assembled unit I don't think they ever sold as kits okay so the next part's going to take us 60 to 90 minutes um it's 10 15. I think this is a good spark part to pause at yeah I think this is a good part to pause at and we'll carry yeah look at all these finicky little things I'm already I'm already into the whiskey um so I think this is a good place to pause it at and we'll carry on next Saturday with the XY assembly but we got the frame together which I thought this would be more of a a thing I mean I could check and make sure everything lines up that no those aren't the right size these don't even have like chamfered ends oh my God oh God this is gonna it's gonna be interesting uh I I I I and and of course just just Brash bushing just Brash bushing no no linear Rod just brass pushing okay where's the one with the where's the rusty one this guy okay I gotta clean this guy I've got surface one right show face West I'm one of uh one of these so I'm gonna need to find some kerosene and a Scotch Brite pad which I don't think I have any Scotch Brite pads here no I've got Stones I got dykem I got a flashlight does that work oh it does work yeah yeah I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to clean this guy up so yeah yeah I think this is a good spot to call it for today you can see there is some discoloration like it's really noticeable on the top I'm hoping that that's just you know because I'm seeing gray gray is usually not a it gray is like a moldy color I'm just hoping that just discoloration from the laser over the years I don't know this is fun this is fun plus it's getting really hot in here [Music] yeah it is it is it is chunky rust I can feel it I think that's there's only the one yeah there's only the one that has that this thing failed yours has discoloration too okay so yeah it is a nice size and it's light and it's Square like it's let's try it yeah it's I can't check the sides because the sides have screws can't really yeah it's hard to tell but Brillo Don was all I needed for Bruce Smith PC there you go yeah dead tree nice aesthetic yeah I this is cool like no joke I'm actually kind of happy I'm I'm enjoying this build I got a feeling you know next week is going to be a little bit of a a PTA meeting type with all this stuff we have to build up for the XY joints and everything but that should be cool [Music] this is cool this is cool I'm happy with this [Music] smaller than an SK Cube and has a larger build volume the ultimaker motion system is pretty space efficient if I remember correctly like it's not as as I don't think it's as compact build volume to frame size as a forum but also you got to remember the frame on this is six mil thick like there is no extrusions here you don't have extrusions you have literally a piece of plywood resonating frequent of the plywood is uh it's yes is the frequency many many frequencies several frequencies to be excited oh I'm hearing chunky that ain't good Oh no you're going you're going good okay surprisingly light all the frequencies okay come over here some more fan it is getting warm in here another reason I'm calling off the uh I think this is a good point to call it yeah because X will do the XY assembly and then wiring and then how much how much of the manual are we through we are through about a third of the manual so we have all that to go through for all hmm and then the tool head and all that yeah yeah that'll be next stream will be finicky I got a feeling look at that look at that tool head foreign oh yeah the bed frame's all all wood too there's the bed frame oh my God [Laughter] that looks like a boron part oh yeah don't forget to enter for the draw there's the extruder oh there oh my God [Music] look at the size of that extruder oh my God that thing is that is a chungus of an extruder like there's a spool holder oh electronics are all on the bottom there's your fan shroud and everything oh not direct drive no this is not direct feed this is not a direct feed tool head um it's Bowden I will be at some point as long as the only thing I'm worried about is room up top as long as the tool head I have clearance up top here I would like to put a direct feed extruder in here um either something like an lgx light um an Orbiter V2 or even a V3 or just something new um I'm not so concerned about the hot end as long as it's all metal honestly because I don't think we're going to be pushing speeds and feeds that'll warrant high flow so as long as we're sitting at V6 level we'll be fine um I think I could swap in a V6 block with V6 nozzles and go 1.75 we'll see we'll see um the plan is to keep it as original as possible we're trying to get the most out of the original design and if we start swapping everything it doesn't count anymore in my opinion but I do want to keep this as original as possible so something I'm just checking something here okay uh the proof is breathing is it I have a fan over here blowing at me which probably isn't good but it is it's 28.9 in here it's actually gone down a degree do you keep spare Electronics in stock yes and no I have a few extra octopuses on hand just because Victory Tech sent them to me years ago um I keep wire heaters basically I probably could build a printer from scratch I've done it before the bonsai was built using pretty much all leftover Parts um remember two is one one is done when it comes to 3D printers and it's a good idea to have extras on hand of mission critical stuff fans heater course thermistors have an extra stepper too like yeah am I going to Earth I am going to Earth I will be going to Earth [Music] so yep what do we got right now we got 344 people here make sure you like the smash button unsubbed because I refuse to get a cat don't blame me blame like no I'm not a cat person I I prefer pets that you can actually do stuff with um and also we got we want to do some traveling in the next little bit so we're gonna go petless for a while um after coda so yeah I'm going to Earth I'm trying to figure out Smurf um yeah I'm trying to figure out what that slot is for I got a there's a slot up front here I don't know what it's for because there's nothing there why oh probably the controller how does the controller Mount to this where does the controller Mount to this is it underneath because it's I don't know where is the ulti oh it oh it just rests it just rests on here so yeah that's slots for the look at this Beauty look at this beauty haven't you ever seen such a beautiful printer look at that thing look at that thing that's beautiful how does it send donations um if you're on YouTube there is underneath the where you type and chat there's a money sign um and you have the option for super chat or super sticker and also gift memberships personally I'm a big fan of gifting memberships because it allows those that aren't a member of the channel to become members of the channel and hang out on the Discord in the super secret Channel and also have access to the members only live stream that we do once a month um and at the end of the day I get the same percentage so it doesn't really if you give me 25 or you super or you gift five memberships I get the same amount but one gives five people memberships for a month yeah the mesh in the wood where is that yeah let's play with that look at this can't play it like an accordion though but it does it does Bend [Music] I'm a little worried because I found another spacer pack one two three four five six okay these are different ones okay oh I missed it uh harrenberg gifted one Community membership and swapper gifted five Community memberships Cheers Cheers what color did Tom paint his Tom painted his didn't he not Tom painted his oh spacers all the spacers and dragonflies gets a community membership cheers piss the white spacers uh it's for the MCU okay cool varnish I do I I'm kind of tempted to Varnish this at least the outside um because I think it could pop like it won't damage any of these maybe I will varnish it I don't know we'll see or I I kind of want to leave it fully stocked though that's the thing how many hours it cuts it's all industrial this is all done industrial they probably put one sheet out and cut the whole machine in one go like this is industrial laser cutting level try it out first of all this is going to go inside actually I'm not going to store this in the garage this printer is now going to go inside uh we're gonna build it out here um but it's going to live inside just because the humidity is more controlled inside so [Music] fungus and Termite this is going to be in my house I hope I don't have fungus and termites in my house I shouldn't there's a fungus Among Us varnish might warp through it yeah I'm Gonna Leave It stock honestly I'm just gonna leave it as is let's be honest we're gonna build this we're gonna print with it for a bit we're gonna mess around with it for a bit but this is not going to be a Workhorse machine this is a show piece right yes I will be putting Clipper on it I will be putting Clipper on it there's already one crack well not crack but I've already got a chip of wood missing in one area I will say I haven't got a sliver yet so that's good you coat the wood do all sides yeah I'm not going to take it apart to do that I honestly I'm going to leave it I'm not going to coat it I'm going to leave it Plain Jane's sock as I can it's gonna go inside it'll be fine I mean let's be honest this has been sitting in an unclosed cardboard box for 10 years right almost 10 years and it shipped across the Atlantic so I'm sure any damage that would have happened to the wood has already happened and now it's going to sit in a climate controlled basement um for the rest of its life so I'm I'm pretty sure it will be fine I'm I'm honestly not too concerned oh tell me where you can see my work here on this channel where can a clear coat might be considered the problem is I've already got electron I've already got the motors in here I've got end stops I'm not going to just spray bomb a partially assembled printer it would have been smart probably to do this before putting it together but that would require taking everything apart having all the parts laid out painting them drying them all properly and then going to do the build with everything in a big pile so all right oh no that's late I was gonna switch I was like oh hey there's a rocket launch but it's an electron launch and it's not till 1am so we're not gonna watch that on the stream unfortunately thank you walks in hey uh so I know you have that like upgrade program where you could send in Old like old printers and you guys do like upgrades or something is this does this qualify when was the last Magic Smoke moment uh we haven't fried anything in a while um technically it happens every stream because there's a clip in the intro but that's an old clip and we haven't had any that's actually like from build number two on this channel so that's like that clip's like two or three two or almost oh God that clip might be three years old now oh jeez uh SpaceX game static fire booster static fires yeah oh booster nine yeah booster nine oh that'll be tomorrow though probably not gonna do it tonight um what was I talking about but yeah you wanna know what's funny or scary um I was checking my numbers the other day this is stream today I think is number 325. I've done 325 live streams like regular scheduled with content with me on it talking I think we're up to 325 live streams let me let me uh lie playlist let's see here because I don't the problem is I don't tag them all right so they don't always show up yeah yeah so right now there's 303 live streams in the live stream playlist but I I there's some that I didn't tag right so if I go into YouTube like my Creator portal and view like all live streams that are public there's like 325 of them roughly because it's been since what May April May of 2020 is when we started when I started live streaming but that was like once a week not every week for a bit and then oh then it started getting serious about a year into that where it became every Saturday with the odd weekday and then what was it April of last year I quit my job and went full-time YouTube and it's been since March of last year it's been three a week for a year and a half with the odd week off for family vacation and whatnot so there is a mosquito in here now where did you come from yeah you stay over there by that light okay okay what position do I hold on voron um technically there there is a hierarchy but it's not really that complicated I'm an admin on the Discord and part of the team I guess um if you basically the easiest way to figure it out go on the voron Discord if they are flagged as an admin they are the voron team but there are there's hierarchy within that too um basically doc Steve and Max Max is at the top Russian cat food um and then um anyone with like an engineer role actively is in development of thingamajigs and crew is kind of like the cabal level remember Goron's not a company it's just a bunch of people having fun designing printers wait there is a hierarchy technically yes but it's kind of like uh a hive mind kind of thing right we're actually kind of working on trying to sort it out properly but again Hive mine and I use the duct tape yep uh type of QA tester for docs I got on to the team the reason I'm on the Boron team is billions and billions of years ago when the war on team was on slack and there was like 20 people um if you built a voron and you weren't a dick on the on the on the slack um it was pretty much hey welcome to the Boron only Boron Owners Club which was kind of the team kinda sorta ish and then I just I I think I was just there when the door opened and and they just haven't kicked me off yet they just I don't know I technically have the media roll you know everything I do on this channel is nothing to do with Boron because this channel is my own thing and anything I say and do on this channel does not reflect on the words and opinions of the voron team blah blah blah fake it till you make it I'm still Faking It grandfathered in I think so so I appreciate your IP I don't there is nothing there was one part might have been two parts on the Boron V 0.0 that I designed those are the only contributions to actual voron Hardware design is two parts that were very quickly depreciated on the v00 um other than that beta testing beta testing I used to do a lot of beta testing um back during like the the 2.1 2.2 days um and like I I've got I've got switch wire serial number three I've got or two sorry switch wire serial number two uh V zero serial number three so I used to be really into like testing stuff like you know as it was being worked on um but then I kind of fell off of that because the the Channel's just taking up my time and whatnot so I do I do the tutorial videos as a YouTuber um every now and then I make a war on related video that I can you know pin it on the announcement page because it's Warren specific and I can add it at Fourth at 40 000 people and it does help my YouTube numbers when I do that though I think the last time I exercised that privilege was at uh Rocky Mountain with the v24 video where it's like hey I'm about to really improve my YouTube metrics by doing one quick at everyone hey v24 video come watch it is that whiskey it is because we got what 40 000 people on the board on Discord last time I checked is it ground beer right now let's grab a beer at 10 o'clock because we got to the point where it's like okay time to install the XY assembly which is an hour to an hour and a half and it's really finicky apparently um so I'm like you know what we're just gonna stop here and just ride out the rest until three o'clock foreign plus I don't know about you I I kind of want to go back to playing Baldur's Gate 3. I I started up a dragon board Ranger so see how that playthrough goes in my playthrough I mean see if I'll get more than three hours in the game before I want to try something else because that's what happened the first time it's 11 in Rio it's 10 45 here I think you guys are in the same time zone is there a screen on this printer there is it literally just hangs off the front so yes there is a screen which considering this thing is running a mega there there ain't no web UI until we put Clipper on it that is which means I'm going to need a USB micro to USB a connector the Mind player reproductive yeah mind players are not fun I honestly it kind of sucks you have to redo that stupid the intro every time stream the game I don't do game streaming because I I don't I don't know I've I've streamed Alden ring a few times on the Discord and the uh the only uh voice chat channel on the Discord which if you want access to my channel member um I don't know obviously it wouldn't be on this channel because I if I were to go live on here playing Minecraft that that doesn't really help with the YouTube metrics uh you soldered your USB cable to the Arduino can you do that you can do that can't you because it's just you know positive negative and then signal right oh yeah you got the four right there yeah you got the four on the bottom so you you technically could solder right to uh those four I guess if you wanted to do that I don't know if I want to do that I love this board like look at this everything on here is a through hole like you could build this entire board by hand it's it's nothing like the resistors are just through-hole the LEDs are through-hole all the everything the the mosfets the LEDs the the connector everything is just you can make this board Yourself by hand I think because everything that's important is on the Arduino which you buy so also look at this power switch but yeah so if anything breaks on here you can just buy a replacement and solder it on yourself because it's all literally you know through hole it's all through-hole there's no surface mount on this at all like talk about user serviceability [Applause] no I don't think these were assembled by hand these look too I don't know actually there's flux on it so maybe they were doing it by hand thing you do you are on the Arduino um there's no exposed pins on the Arduino though you'd have to still solder that's the problem which drivers um that's a good question actually if somebody who knows more because the drivers are literally just labeled alty drivers like I think they're a4988s or that type of driver but they're just called ulti drivers on the on the PCB that's all it says there are schematics for that board on the reprap Forum so there you go Allegra a4988 so there you go good old standard allegros if it ain't broke keep using it noisy drivers they're not that bad I mean my V1 because I've got a B1 that's got drvs in it and it's actually not that bad ER than the bamboo to this day I have not I don't have a printer that's louder or quieter or correction yeah louder to this day I don't have a printer that's louder than the bamboo it is still the loudest printer I own and that's not a good thing or am I drinking whiskey because this was a fun stream so I'm not liking all these set screws I'm seeing in here okay let's try and not lose everything this time [Music] go that bag's empty this bag's empty very loud hot event yeah [Music] Taz Sidekick is pretty loud well the task Sidekick is is a very it's it's a new printer but it's an old design like it's I don't know how that sells yeah this thing the the hotend fan so this has like the weird thing where the hotend fan cools the part as well there's like only one fan um and it kind of does double duty if you look at it so you got this fan and it's it's not a blower fan it's a radial fan and it blows down and some of it's directed at the hot end and like there's no heatsink fan at all what are we at right now okay so you got 10 minutes until we do the draw so at 11 o'clock again we're doing the giveaway for the spool of polymaker filament Link in the video description to enter for that [Music] no heatsink cooling at all awesome swap in the heat for a Revo there would need to be a mount for it and then you would need a heat sink at that point or a heatsink fan which actually wouldn't be too hard because the revo is pretty thermally broke so you don't really need a ton of part heatsink cooling on a Revo that's one of the good things about the design it's pretty stable [Music] are we going until the printer is ready no Allen um we are the next step is the X Y assembly which is 16 to 90 minutes and that came up about half an hour ago and I'm like we're gonna end the stream at 11. so I figured it was a good point to end are you going 2.85 yes because that's what this comes with and uh I want to give a shout to printed solid and David for hooking me up for a couple spools of three mil I've got it sitting inside yeah we're gonna start car it's not cardboard it's it's wood it's Rich mahogany mahogany mahogany making them out for the let's actually here let's let's have some fun thingiverse okay all team maker original so let's see what mods we have available for the ultimaker original oh here we go the V6 so we've got so if I want to put a V6 in it why didn't okay people who are around and designing 3D printers in like 2015 to like 2018. you know blower fans are a thing taking a radial fan and putting a duct and putting it towards your nozzle is dumb why were we all about that back then like why was this instead of just a 30 a 4010 like why was why is this a thing oh and those are printed too nah wood wood okay so that's that gear upgrade extruder upgrade oh window upgrade oh and this people hanging tools off their printers who hangs tools off their printers blowers weren't easy to Source okay that kind of makes sense relevant popular oh and again thingiverse sucked search ducks e3d has a conversion is it like actual con Like official conversion ooh the fan shroud [Music] BL touch Mountain oh there you go this is what you need this is what you need look at that it's not a Tuma look at that look at that hmm well Ben I'm tired I'll just here you ready you ready I'm gonna do the bamboo thing wait wait let me find it so this is how you take an old design I dropped something go okay so this is how you make a modern printer ready what you do come on okay whatever what you do is you take your modern printer right this is a modern printer okay it's running 32-bit OS it's going you take it in closed printer you put core make a core XY because that's what you do put a high flow hot in it make it 32-bit cool you're like every other and close but here's the secret sauce here's the secret sauce okay you run down to the home desk spot okay and you go get yourself a Craftsman blower okay and then what you do is you take this and you duct tape it to the side of your printer and congratulations you have a modern corks y That's enclosed like every other modern corks why that's enclosed pick your poison do you want to have a butchered open source version of firmware or do you want to lock down firmware pick one you get one option get a leaf blower pretty sure I grabbed a spider web with that too ultimaker DIY yep although I'd be worried that might actually break the bed off yeah it might yeah it might blow the tool head off unfortunately oh it's Simon says that yeah just get a leaf blower they're cheap they run on batteries so you can probably convert them to 24 volts pretty easily ultimaker cork spot you don't need to convert this to core XY the ultimaker motion system is actually a pretty solid motion system it's just kind of ultimaker or really only ultimaker does it because it's weird because you got like here's your X motor and here's your y motor so this motor moves this Rod which moves this Rod kind of thing it's weird there's a lot of linkages to it because this spins this Rod which moves that and this spins this Rod which moves that and that doing that moves your tool head and yeah it's it's weird you don't see it too often racer D also used to okay so yeah there it's it's not unknown it's just not used often I'm gonna use the same board I'm using the same board it's it's Clipper compatible so we're good the only thing I gotta figure out is if it outputs if the hot end is 12 volt because it the board takes 19 volts so is it a 19 volt pot in is it a 24 volt hot end or is it a 12 volt hot in same with the fans like is it stepping down the voltages because the hotend fan I think is 12 volts yeah the hot end fan is 12 volt so I don't know if it steps down or if it only steps down some things 18 volt 40 watt for the heater cartridge okay so it's special so that makes if we wanted to put a Revo in there hard I mean you could put a 24 volt and just deal with the lower power like it just wouldn't run optimally but it would work [Music] 24 volt 71 is the math if you want to match the 40 watt 18 volt yeah but there is no 70 Watt 24 volt Revo I had to take that apart so Moss set the output with 24 volts Supply hey you could wow I mean you could just put 24 volt in and then just PID tune it and whatever it comes out to is whatever it comes out to you just might not get you know 40 Watts or whatever it might drop down a bit you want to upgrade the belts for G2 I'd have to replace all the belts in this because every every belt and pulley in here is MXL so I would have to swap out all the belts and pulleys for 2gt which might be worth it might not I got a feeling that we're not going to bother with it 12 volt Revo and pwm Max no you can't you can't limit pwm that way you Tim you can't that that is some people think you can do that with fans you can't because all it does is it's cycle it doesn't change the voltage the suddenly filament good what is good filament is polymaker and uh we're gonna give away a spool of polymaker right now so if you didn't enter you'll have another chance on cage die where we start the uh the VC bot build hopefully um I don't know how far we'll get in the build because I want to do the whole unboxing and everything um and Tuesday isn't a short stream so it's only gonna be like a two hour stream um nope not that link two sheets there we go great there we go um so Tuesday is going to be a short stream probably only a little over two hours going live at 11 A.M um but we're gonna start the VZ bot build so it might just be on like go through the kit look at everything and then start the frame and then that'll be it but the VZ bot build Series starts on choose die oh the Blaster turnout the uh the Blade Runner one got it right here um here's the thing I gotta reprint a whole bunch of this so this is it currently right now it's held together with hopes and dreams and blue tape um some of it does work okay some of it does work the way it's supposed to um but a whole bunch of it is cracked and warped and yeah having to drill and tap um generic resin wasn't the greatest idea in my book um grips turned out really nice though I'm sure these will shine up if I clear coat them um but the plan is I was talking about serai tech they're going to send me some build resin the nylon build resin I'm going to reprint some of the parts that basically I'm going to take this apart everything that is kind of borked I'm going to reprint and then I'll put it back together and see how it goes then and then move on to finishing it but there it is right there so triggers don't work also um I ordered the wrong springs for the triggers I ordered the right ones they're on their way unfortunately Amazon Canada doesn't have them in stock in stock they have them in uh stock overseas so I won't get them till the end of the month so okay the ultimate original came out in 2011 give me a number between 11 and 20. I need a number between 11 and 20. 17. okay 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 all right whatever seventeen round round she goes where she stops I don't know but the winner will get an email from me after the stream ends Greenwell congratulations Alan Greenwell let me pull up your information one of one I'd like to see it cool so congratulations Alan you will get an email from me after the stream ends with information on how to collect your filament from polymaker I run golf clubs in chat um so we're gonna call it there I am tired I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my drink here and go play some uh Ballers gate three for a bit and then go to bed um so again Tuesday we'll carry on with the V we'll start the visibot build series um this will be Saturday nights until it's done the busy bot will be Tuesdays until it's done and then Fridays will just be printed chills um floaters or whatever unboxings whatever comes up um so we're gonna call it there again shout out to polymaker for the spool of filament that we gave away this stream and every stream link for them and more in the video description also shout out to you guys because this kit was Source um by myself with some help from some others um and I had to pay for it with my own money so for those that gifted memberships uh became members of the channel yourself um or donated to the channel I thank you I would not be able to do the things I do create the content I create without your continued support you made it all possible so cheers so it is Saturday enjoy the rest of your weekend be safe out there wash your hands and I will see you on Tuesday goodbye [Music] good [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: NERO 3D
Views: 7,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, printer, printing, 3d printer, 3d printing, 3dp, fdm, fff, filament, voron, nero, nero3d, nero3dp, diy, hack, custom, reprap, livestream, ultimaker, ulti, maker, original, printer kit, kit, build, series, wood, lasercut, old, classic, resto, original+, ultimaker original
Id: Qcgy97t92fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 36sec (11076 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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