Ukrainian wheat vodka recipe

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Hello dear moonshiners! Today I gonna make home brew based on wheat wild yeast for rye or popularly wild moonshine. I saw on the forums, that exactly this moonshine has better taste than moonshine based on simple yeast At first you must prepare come-through. so the basis of home brew. For this you need: 1 kg of wheat, if u have summer wheat, you'd better use it I have only winter wheat. then 200 g of sugar, and 1 L of water. For syrup pour out water put sugar boil water and simply dissolve sugar I dissolved sugar and now syrup must simmer down till 20 degrees Celsius then I pour wheat into enamel pan I washed wheat from the dust now pour in wheat with syrup. Syrup must cover wheat to 2 cm then leave it in the warm place uncovered for about 5 days till beginning of fermenting. After 3 days come-through for wheat vodka has foamed and is ready. Then I make syrup put 1300 g of sugar into 6 l of hot water Let syrup simmer down till about 30 degrees Celsius Syrup has simmered down, so let's make the mash, Pour out into fermentation tank the come-through and then warm syrup. Well, let's mount the waterlock to our would-be home brew and let it ferment in the warm place. It's the fourth day of fermentation with wild wheat yeast. it's fermenting slowly and smooth so, it doesn't ferment as volcano like with simple yeast To the smell it's like a rye beer or chinese tea it's pleasant. So, it's the second week, the wheat is fermenting but I have some of the finer points The body of brew became like a jelly So, I bought wheat in other place and made check come-through I leave it and will observe and think what's the problem: wrong wheat or smth else So, here we have two come-through, which I will observe to control the body especially the body of the check come-through It's time to distill our home brew The first brew has gone off so that means, that it keeps to have jelly body with specific smell. I think it's so because of the sort of wheat. The second brew is different to a colour and it's better to the a rye beer Most probably it's because of the sort of wheat as well and it's fermented in for about 11 days Well, let's distill it! You can pour here some syrup Action! I'm waiting for the first drops! Here we have our moonshine. I make first distilling very quickly without without extracting foreshots and tails Well, after the first distilling I've extracted 650 ml of.....moonshine - I mean raw alcohol Now I measure its ABV's.... thir-ty se-ven % Now I mix moonshine with water in ratio of 1 to 1 and star the second distilling Let's begin the second distilling on the ash fire with extracting of foreshots and tails Here we have first drops, I start extracting of foreshots orienting by the smell I've extracted about 50 ml of foreshots and now I'm extracting hearts drop by drop on ash fire Well, after the second distilling I've got foreshots maybe even to much, I think and 260ml of hearts. So, let's check ABV Well......its ABV is.... ....fifty...... Well, what can I say.. The aim of this distilling wasn't to get the quantity but to know the tastiness of product and I'll check it out in 2 days Let's start testing our wild moonshine or wheat vodka pour out! By the way I stretched it till 40% ABV It's very beautiful....clear exciting... To the's like it's like off-corn....tender smell of... off-corn or like grandma's baked bread brew nice smell let's drink it What about taste? it's the second moonshine I make with wild yeast of cereal And what I'm surprised its taste. It's unlike the sugar moonshine It has its own unique taste Exactly this wheat moonshine is soft There's no proper to moonshine savor Goes well. Well, what can I say about home brew? The corn must be high quality! It must be summer hard wheat for the avoidance of such mistakes like mine. Use fine wheat! Secondly: during the fermenting...... during the fermenting you must mix and taste the brew don't let it turn sour Only now I realized, why my home brew became a jelly and its smell was a bit sour. It's because of my inobservance to the brew. But this one is very nice, so I think I'll prepare some more of such a brew and the moonshine is very nice. Thanks for watching! Subscribe for new recipes! Thumbs up for Ukrainian vodka! Se ya!
Channel: alkofan 1984
Views: 658,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grain vodka, vodka recipe, Ukrainian vodka, how to make vodka, moonshine, moonshine recipe, moonshine wild yeast wheat, liquor, alcohol, homemade alcohol, drink recipes, home cooking, video recipes, cooking, Vodka (Distilled Spirit Type), Alcoholic Beverage (Abused Substance), Drink, Recipe (Website Category), Food (TV Genre), Distillation (Invention)
Id: Y2QUh7kZapU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2015
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