Ukrainian or Russian Partisan Modified MP40

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hi guys thanks for tuning in to another video on Forgotten weapons comm I'm Ian McCallum and I am here today on Malta bringing you a cool gun video through the generous invitation of the association of Maltese arms collectors and shooters bunch of very cool people who put together a selection of very interesting firearms for us to take a look at so today we have a little bit of a discussion about a dilemma that collectors sometimes have so some collectors are really focused on condition of guns and they what they really want to see is a gun that's quite old but looks exactly like it came out of the factory I totally understand that the downside to me is if a gun looks like it just came out of the factory it probably hasn't been anywhere or done anything or really participated in any really interesting history because if it had it would have gotten used and worn and scratched and dented and and so on the opposite end of the people who are particularly interested in condition are the people who are particularly interested in the history of a god and where a particular gun may have been and what it was involved in and personally I find myself in the middle but leaning towards the historical side so when I see a gun not so much like this beautiful mp40 but one more like this really pretty ratty-looking mp40 I find this one really interesting and that's because of where this one has been and what it's done now we don't know entirely well have any definitive documented evidence of where this gun came from but we can infer a number of things just from looking at it first off this originally came out of a German gun collection where it was for quite some time so this is not a recently created weapon if we take a look at the finish it's all pretty heavily worn it's all evenly worn the gun is all matching and it has this thing hanging off the side this is a brass catching bag and best case what we can determine from looking at all of the oven together this is something that was put together by Russian or Ukrainian partisans during World War two let me show you up close so looking at this up a little more closely what we have here is a cloth bag that is mounted on to a little metal shell here there is a spring which connects this shell to the bottom of the magwell and this just sits inside the magwell so pretty crude this is I really can't picture this being a German field conversion which is one of the conceivable explanations like do this too if you're gonna be firing from a vehicle to prevent the cases from bouncing around but I can't see that really being the case in this one now once that spring is off then this brass catcher folds up like that which would allow you to empty the bag this cloth is very much of a Russian pattern Russian style we can take a look at the the stitching sort of stitching used to tie the cloth on to the middle portion there and there you go so when this fires casings are gonna just bounce off the metal into the bag and be collected nicely and for the right sort of partisan unit that could be particularly useful to not leave any shell casings as evidence that they were around in addition the muzzle nut is missing off this gun which probably means that it's just missing the muzzle not however it is conceivable that that was taken off because someone was using a suppressor a silencer of some type on this gun which would go pretty well with the brass catcher obviously again there's no actual evidence to support that there's not really any evidence that would speak against it that's one of the things of a lot of guns that show quite a lot of history to their use is often we don't know exactly where they were or how they were used we have to extrapolate from what we can see I can point out this is a BNZ 1943 gun serial number is eight two four two and we have that serial number here as well it's a little hard to make out the finish it's pretty well born but eight two four two there this is a matching gun and there it is again on the receiver so does an all matching gun as you can see from the finish its this is a gun that was hidden somewhere this spent I think it's a safe set safe assumption to make the dis spent a substantial amount of time underground and it dot rusty and it was cleaned up and that's what resulted in this really patchy level of or lack of a finish here's the actual attachment of the brass catcher you can see there's this hinged piece of metal right there that has been very crudely welded on to the top of the receiver tube of the gun so for someone who's interested particularly in the Eastern Front of World War two which really is by itself like the greatest single armed conflict in human history I think this is a particularly fascinating gun just a really cool story and the handmade elements to it I really enjoy seeing well fortunately the gun collecting world is plenty big enough to accommodate both groups of people the people who really like guns that have been there and done that and seen hard service lives and the guns that look as pristine as the day they came out of the factory so in fact the two groups probably aren't gonna overlap all that much in the guns that they are looking for so all the better for a happy medium anyway hopefully you guys enjoyed this little look at a what is probably a Ukrainian or Russian partisans captured mp40 if you did enjoy seeing this sort of thing on the internet please do consider supporting me directly through forgotten weapons comm or through patreon it is your support as viewers that makes it possible for me to come to a place like Malta here and bring you cool guns like this one thanks for watching
Channel: Forgotten Weapons
Views: 523,293
Rating: 4.9598322 out of 5
Keywords: mp40, mp38, ppsh41, partisan, ww2, world war, russia, russian, ukraine, ukrainian, germany, german, brass catcher, field modification, brass bag, rusty, smg, submachine gun, bnz, forgotten weapons, history, collector, collection, disassembly, development, mccollum, kasarda, inrange, inrangetv, amacs, malta, full auto, modified
Id: U3D65N7k2Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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