Ukraine and Bible Prophecy (With Greg Laurie)

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well are all aware of what's happening over in the Ukraine right now they're under attack from Russia and people have asked the question is there any significance to all of this prophetically let me pull the camera back and say this I believe we're living in the last days I believe Christ could come back at any moment there are signs of the times the Bible tells us to be looking for and in fact Jesus likened it to labor pains in a woman who's ready to give birth the idea being the closer they get together the closer you are to the birth and as we see more signs more things happening they're reminding us Christ is coming back again let's go to Matthew 24. what did Jesus say in the last days there'll be wars and rumors of wars So This Is War and a scale we have not seen in a long time but let me look at another thing in Matthew 24 it talks about plagues being about us around us in the last days if the coronavirus is not a plague I don't know what it is a global plague also I would add that the Bible warns of a world leader that will come and dominate and deceive people ultimately But ultimately reveal his true colors and he's called the Antichrist I believe a lot of this government overreach imposing themselves on their people is a sign of what is going to come later when Antichrist emerges on the scene but let's come to the situation in the Ukraine so many Bible scholars believe in Ezekiel 38 as it speaks of Magog attacking Israel that that is modern day Russia I could go and talk about that for you know 30 minutes why they believe that's true I happen to agree with them but it says in Ezekiel that the Jewish people will be scattered and regathered in our land again we know uh during World War II after the Holocaust Jewish people from around the planet began to return to their land in Israel officially became a nation on May 14 1948 so that part of the prophecy has been fulfilled but then scripture says a nation from the extreme North of Israel will march on her called Gog and Magog if you look on any map you'll see that is the geographical area of Russia Ukraine used to be a part of the Russian Empire they broke off in 1991 are they going to be part of Russia again could be but the one thing that I think of is when I see the aggression of Russia or Magog if you will it's a reminder that that's what we're going to see when Magog attacks Israel so Jesus said when you see these things begin to happen freak out because you're dead no he didn't say that he said when you see these things beginning happen look up for your Redemption is Drawing Near here's the bottom line and take away truth Bible prophecies are being fulfilled In Our Lifetime it seems like we're seeing more things happen in real time closer together as the scripture said they would be so what should we do we should look up and we should remember that God is in control and we've read the last page of the Bible the last page of Revelation and we win in the end let me add this let's all be praying for the people of the Ukraine they're going through a time of great suffering right now pray for them pray that God gives to our leaders wisdom as they're making very important decisions in the days ahead
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 823,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harvest, Harvest Christian Fellowship, Greg Laurie Sermons, bible study for me, bible study, youtube sermons, Greg Laurie, Greg Laurie Live, greg laurie live stream today, greg laurie live today, greg laurie live service, greg laurie live on youtube, greg laurie sermons, bible prophecy, is russia in bible prophecy, ezekiel 38, ezekiel 38 war, ezekiel 38 war explained, Prophecy Points
Id: CwMegTvUTWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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