UK HGV Driving With Wood - NO Tarp Required. What A Load.

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[Music] no hello and good morning my fellow Jers how the devil is everyone spitting all over the place like a theand so it is currently Thursday the 's coming around here so I'll back up let you in just going to be a bit tricky so today is April 25th which is a Thursday I'm sure it's the 25th it's 20 something it is currently 6:52 in the morning and we're in whis beach so we just started our shift we are about 10 minutes away from my collection point so no point starting any other cuz I don't know till 700 so we're going to M on over there go get loaded I assume it's going to be fence posts or Timber or some sort we got a flat bed on so that makes life easier we delivered a load of pretty much just the one the one drop yesterday I was home on Tuesday night so Wednesday yesterday came in uh half six drove to yoal loaded up a load of very small seller Parts like still work just like very small sections like one and a half meters excuse me and uh drove that all the way up to not them dropped them off and I drive here that was it that's all I did yesterday so uh we're going to crack on go get loaded up and take this down south that could be all I do today hopefully I get loaded at a bit more of a reasonable time CU I didn't leave YoVille till like about 10:00 and then by the time I got up here at half free to not on them and then that took a while to load off cuz it was a bit of fast to get unloaded and then uh 2 hours to get here so yeah I pared up about 7:00 last night so not too bad right let's get to the other side of wh Beach see you in a bit okay so we're only what about four 5 minutes from the customer not too bad I mean we are actually a lot closer than that but we just can't go through just bit of Road here so we got to go round got to go round this is a trailer I had on in the was it in the last video I think or the equipment on the leaked um yeah never mind um yeah the air Le's been fixed but the the brakes are now a bit grabby so I think the level sensor might be a bit off as well so yay it'll be right it'll be right it's an old trailer could probably do a getting rid of yeah unfortunately where I want to go is literally just through there but I can't go through there CU it's 7 and 1/2 ton I don't know where you can actually get all the way through there probably I don't know but no we got to go all the way around anyway feel like I've been a parttime or a week Monday on 12 12 hours Tuesday I done 12 A2 and yesterday done 12 and A2 I work normally by Wednesday I've like done all 315s and done both 10hour drives but no not this week this week I'm a part-timer that's been quite nice to having a bit of time to actually relax in evenings and do whatever but also means I don't get paid as much never mind [Music] have to wait for M be squeeze around there I'm strategic about it be about going up on the curb there we go so we're going to go to the port of whiz Beach and go load up a load of wood items over that posts so hopefully it's nice big Square bits of wood that sit nicely on the trailer and don't move around that' be lovely but no it's going to be post isn't it just be [Music] realistic means we going to have to strap the buggery out of it which is fine hopefully we get in there's no one else there that'd be great just straight in get loaded that ain't going to happen is it there's going to be a queue of trucks out out there waiting to get in I mean I don't know whe I could have actually just parked on this road and then just driven in from there in the morning but I say in the morning it's still morning yeah this road up I think that's the only problem about trying to park a truck around there is you always get loads of cars pared up around here as well probably not the safest place to park either but I'm pretty sure I've seen trucks park up along here just whether you'd actually get a space here at night or not I only just got into where I was earlier cuz uh it was the only space available I woke up this morning a lot of the other trucks are gone but a lot of it double yellow down there this guys spend the night ah this is them here they're not open yet I better back up move over guy front's called Tony hey Tony I assume he's going in there and he's going to be going before me all right y so they're not open yet so that's fun so I could be S till about 8:00 then it says 8:00 on Google but we'll see all right let's play the waiting game I'll see you in a bit Ah didn't have to wait long to get this open at quarter pass so I only waited 5 minutes 10 minutes so they got a boat here and they're actually taking the covers off the boat and moving them that that makes a really annoying noise I mean very simple design but if it works it works doesn't it do one of them things it lifts up with rust out would be pretty cool working on a ship wouldn't it but you would have be at home would you oh look they all lock in together as well Bing guess what we're transport not that stuff we've actually got a nice little tidy load all nice solid things that ain't going to move around on us so yeah we got some fence panels two straps on them can't strap them down too tight cuz it will break so we got them tight enough same with them these have got down really tight glad I got a flat bed because these things usually reach the roof nearly and it's a bugger to get a strap over these so luck we got a flat bed today but that's still low in the cab so we're still r at 4.2 M on the Tom got these nice big chunky bits only needs two on them but cuz of that pack at the top I need two on that and two on that so let end up having three on this pack and just two on that one so that's fine and then some don't know what these are something that's obviously pre-made that you put together in a pack it's like a table and chair set maybe I don't know something that's cool those funny little things they're quite narrow and these are quite wide these are actually wider standard pallet I think I don't know I think they're about as wide as a pallet but yeah compared to everything else I got on they're quite a bit wider and then they're quite a bit narrower so yeah two straps on them two straps on them obviously that doesn't need four straps singly I'd probably just put two straps on that but if I had them too high then i' put three on it but just happens has four just cuz the packs at the top that's got two straps on which is adequate one there there there there all right let get a thumbnail for the video so how about that that do should do it that way that way maybe let's get down the other end get our paperwork signed off get down the bloody road so the the Tide's actually up here as well remember when I said about Baltic War the tide always seems to be out when I'm there it's always the same here as well every time I come here the tide always seems to be out but not today the tide is well and truly in yeah anyway we're going to get down there to the office yes I'm holding my camera but I'm on private ground so whatever yeah so we're got to get down here get our paperwork and shooting off down towards well near the yard actually is where we're delivering we're delivering somewhere near crew can I believe yeah so this would be how you want to POV video in it but I can't have the camera in my hand while I'm driving obviously when I'm driving on the public road but places like this ain't too really too much of a bother got unloading stuff in the boat look all right bet not film there doing that I'll see in a bit all right then boys and girls we are all loaded we have our paperwork this guy is stopping right across the Gateway for some strange reason anyway where we're going it's called hatch B shamp I think it's called yeah hatch B shamps to a farm there it's going to so that's not K not my boss said it was um I mean it's on the way to gr cam but it's just down from tort really oh hi thank you there we go yeah so uh yeah don't look too bad there 5 hours and 1 minute away apparently once we've uh driven through this lovely town of whis beach is a town isn't it I don't know yeah what I believe there's another truck block it comes from around this way but I don't know it's obviously a very small Channel no one knows about him but we we won't mention that so we'll get on out a bit and head on down south as far as we can I mean we'll get all the way there today whether we'll get the delivery off or not I don't know well we should be able to cuz we're doe there at 2:00 without a break obviously we need a 45 so about 3:00 the latest I should be there so it shouldn't be a problem so yeah let's get a kraken I'll see you a little bit later yeah oh bumpy all right so we just stopped on La by on the A14 we're going to go double check our straps so been driven for nearly two hours so we'll see if we can get any more clicks in any of these straps so everything's still where it needs to be so get a little bit on there this one all [Music] spe so there we go Sor if it all retension so ain't too bad so going to crack on down the road for another 2 hours maybe not quite stop for a break right I found the rain oh good I was really worried after two days we'd never have rain again anyone else getting sick of it cuz I am oh I'm getting really fed up with it oh my this has got to be the wetest start to any year we've ever had ever in the history of the universe yeah so I'm going to go pull in the strench from here I'm going to go have a break cuz I'm nearly up on my working time so I started at half 6 so I got to have a 15 minute break by half1 12 um or half hour break depend on how you look at it but I'm going to stop for a 45 cuz I've only got an hour and 11 minutes of uh driving time left anyway so I might as have a 45 here oh good the guy that was doing 40 and the 50 is now pulling into Tren yay so we're going to go in here get space and I'm going to have some something to eat for lunch um yeah yeah a little bit peckish not too bad let's see if we can get a space now that's the main thing couple of trucks on the old coach parking there few wobble boxes over there it's definitely becoming that time of year again where the old uh Caravans are getting out there and about oh bumpy all right let's see if we can get a space along here somewhere that'll be nice looks like there's a space there probably rigid in there hiding back I can't see well there's one there next to him no we're good we'll squeeze in there squeeze in the Easy Bay get the old seat belt off a second probably a little bit over to one side that's fine straighten enough a second that's right at that Beast all right that'll do stop it go back a little bit more actually can there we go all right put on brake over 45 lovely right then we're on the 358 just down from Junction 25 of the M5 near toron so yes they are heading east technically yeah so tur's just coming up now never been here before in my life so this would be interesting I gave him a cool and when I was about half hour or so away however far away it was I can't remember now stopped gave him a CO so said um about 30 OD minutes away gave him a CO and there a you come on in so I was like okay so let I'm heading on him so cuz I think there's a store just around the corner but my guess is I can't fit in there so they have a a second store which is on the farm which is where they store stuff not sell it so that's that's my thinking anyway you get out a lot of some of these little places the main shop won't be where they store everything so we're going to go in here and see how we get on I've had a look on Google maps and I found where the farm is according the Google Maps anyway so we'll see see if we can get any entrance it looks a little tight but not too bad be nice if it as this one on that roadblox wouldn't help there that make it quite impossible to get in there's a couple of farmy looking buildings along here so I sort of had a look on Google Maps and as I face towards the entrance of one of them I saw the little red sign saying the name of the farm so I'm going to guess it's that one cuz it was not that one and there's another one that name with the same name that's going to throw me off get the old curtain to it just now looking out the window oh actually truck shouldn't be up here no restrictions as far as I can see right it should be just up here on the left somewhere is this one want to be too late before I see the entr no I think it's this one here I'm going to guess it's this one I want to get right over yeah that's it that's a title Corner we'll manage it maybe yeah we're in we're in so I just got to figure out where a load of stuff over there so G goes over there with all that so we'll go that way somewhere there's a vehicle here with the boot open so they might know they might know try to be careful not run into anything here I I come around this way at this some of the time around cuz this will be a bit tricky to reverse out of of was right okay oh there's quite a bit of room here then that's all right it's not too bad whever I can turn around though is a different matter um I got to figure something out back down there or something we'll drive down there and back out I'll figure out right let's see if I can find someone and figure out where they want me to sort of stop oh there's a doggy might ask a dog dog might know right oh tipped Let's uh get out of there somehow so we got to drive up there reverse back and then spin around spinner around um I'm going to to take that a bit wider I think pallet there it's going to be right in my way I think it might be right might be right might clear it yeah we'll get around it maybe oh no so reverse out try that again swing on out a little bit more that's pallets over there as well and there's Concrete in front of me so last thing I want it hits the concrete there we go that's got it we're around the pallet now put me as on for a minute and we'll try not smash the front end into any concrete posts that left there just what they got for stock really it's left on pallets and uh try to not run everything over yeah it's not the that wasn't nothing too crazy it's not the uh small smallest yard biggest yard in the world but it's also not the smallest definitely been in worse right we back her up there I'm all good superb we're out of there just got to get around this corner now try not to run over the doggy you stay there pal that'd be great take this as wide as we can and yeah we made it we're all good we're all good now it's just getting around these bits as well so ideally want to get over to the left as much as I can it's a post there to not get too close swing right out on this TX far as I can without touching the grass obviously and turn her in as late as possible I should follow around nicely then make sure we head Bo ain't going to hit that wall we be close to it we missed it but good straighten up and off we go back towards the yard a boss said I can park about the front of my house for the night and go home or uh well I'll say that depends of anyone parks in the spot where I nor Park there's like one spot where I live I can actually fit a truck so it depends if anyone's park parks the car some people like to park the car there and just sell and if anyone parks there then obviously I can't fit a truck so not with a trailer anyway all right so move on and we're out all right so we're going to go head back towards home pretty much and then that's it for the day so that was nice nice and simple could be a relatively early day I mean I'm due back at the yard at what 4:18 so if it is a case of going home then yeah it's going to be a very very short day for me but ah is what it is could to be a 10-hour day Co 10hour day huh can't remember last time I done a 10hour day I'm going to be get home and have so much time for activities get your mind out of the gutter um yeah so boss said when I get home more CU I can't Park up head back to the yard and then he's going to come over plan of what I'm doing tomorrow so yeah OB I'm not going to be able to do a solar job cuz uh well s of stuff's going too far away for me to do in a DayZ it's 5 and 1 half hours by the time I get there so and then that's 4 and a half back like to YoVille so I wouldn't quite make that a day if I can load up the solo stuff tonight and get an hour down the road then I should be able to get back tomorrow but I don't know anyway I'm going to head on home see you in a bit so the space near my house is free so parked up near my house which is nice also I'm going to show you exactly where that is cuz I don't want weirdo near my house but oh well all a little bit weird a we St me mileage quickly which is not a great deal really to be fair um I try and do now 414 km I didn't fill up today I failed up yesterday didn't I so you don't need to worry about that got nearly three4 of tank we started at 6:30 this morning it's now 4th a so 10 hours on the button pretty much no Night Out we've driven for 6 hours today so we' not done a great deal today really it's been a yeah bit of a quiet one I was expecting the house to like take up the road a little bit at least and then drop that off crab site in the morning come back but obviously that's not the case probably don't have the work at the moment it is what it is sometimes but hey I'll give the boss a ring in a minute find out what I'm doing tomorrow and uh yeah we'll go from there so I'm going to pack up my stuff here for a minute I'm going to probably try and edit this video tonight on the computer at home cuz it'll be a lot easier and quicker and we'll figure out what we're doing tomorrow speak to me boss quick I'll see you in a [Applause] bit where you g Gabby how you doing out in the rain you sausage come here good boy all right here I am in the man cave so going drop me laptop off down there cuz I'm not going to need that cuz I'm not out out again for the rest of the week put that there I'm going to sit there and edit this video for you yeah so that day was a bit shorter than I was expecting but hey ho it is what it is that's what happens when we uh when we do filming so well life is like a box of chocolates as far as comp used to say you never know what you're going to get and literally when I wake up in the morning I might know what I'm doing straight away once I've got that first Dr I don't know what I'm doing after that so that's pretty much how it goes for me all right so we're going to get that going get this video done for you so if you like the video give it a thumbs up if you do that it'll be great cuz it um it will show people or it will get YouTube to share my video out with more people the more you like it the more my video gets shared around also subscribe to my channel if you're not subscribed it doesn't cost you nothing what you do is you go over you click on the Subscribe button and then all you have to do is click on your subscribe subscriptions thing and then it'll come up 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Channel: Truckin' around with John-o
Views: 3,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hgv, hgv driver, truck, truck driver, trucker, trucking, trucking uk, truck driving, uk hgv, uk hgv driver, uk trucker, uk trucking, Class 1 HGV, Class 2 HGV, Class 1 hgv driver, class 2 hgv driver, trucking video, hgv video
Id: 2y_yaOQqyOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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