Why HGV Drivers are QUITTING. Trucking UK.

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so why are people leaving the hgv industry I've done a few videos recently on why I think you should become a hgv driver and I've had several comments from people saying that being a hgv driver was the worst job they've ever had and they're glad they've left or they're currently doing it and it's the worst job they've ever had and they're looking to get away from doing it as soon as possible so I replied to these comments and spoke to some other people to find out why it is that they have left what it is that's actually making them feel like they don't want to do this job anymore now the first reason that people gave for leaving the HTV industry and not wanting to do this job anymore was the working conditions this did Cover a couple of things main one though being particularly from trampers the conditions in the services and the truck stops now although I'm not a tramper anymore definitely something I can agree with I would avoid certain truck stops and services stopped my day short so that I was in Secure parking that was better so that I wasn't in the worst places I would try and stop in Lis and on Industrial Estates where most of the time it was quieter it was safer yeah just better all around if I did have to go in somewhere to get a shower when I was out on the road like I said I did things like stopping the specific ones that I knew the showers were relative clean but most of the time I had to give him a clean before I could actually use it throughout my time as a tramper there were services that did get a little bit better the facilities were having upgrades and refurbishments but let me know in the comments if there's somewhere that you avoid as a tramper somewhere where you don't like to stop and uh I'll see if I agree with you the other thing that came up regarding working conditions was the way that we get treated When we arrive at delivery sites and buy our plan now when we arrive at delivery sites we're treated sometimes like we're an inconvenience even if we've got a booking slot and we've turned up at the right time it's like we've interrupted their day and now they've actually got to do something they're just not happy about it this is something I experienced quite a few times and the trouble is it just puts you in a bad mood which then means you're annoyed stressed angry frustrated when you go back out on the road having to deal with a situation that wasn't needed and then yeah that's playing on your mind for the rest of the day with regards to planners yeah totally agree why would you want to stay somewhere where you aren't treated with respect Etc I've been lucky enough that I've never had that issue with any of the planners that I've worked with they've always looked after me treated me as I would expect to be treated and yeah never had any issues with them but I always made sure it was clear what I was willing or not willing to do with regards to jobs hours etc etc what I can do and had those conversations with them so that they knew the expectations and what what I was actually going to be able to get done the next thing was about hours and the irregularity of those hours some mornings we could be starting at 3 4:00 in the morning doing a 15 hour day which means we won't finish until 600 7:00 at night 9 hourss off and then back at it again the next morning at 300 or 4:00 in the morning and yeah for some people that's not a good thing the next morning we might not be starting till 9:00 and yeah that can be even worse as a tramper that sort of thing didn't bother me too much cuz I was out I was being paid for it it didn't really matter but as a day driver although that doesn't happen in my job now I'm typically starting around the same sort of time I can completely get where you would be coming from if I was starting one morning at 3:00 and then the next morning starting at 9:00 yeah that that really really wouldn't be good for me I would get really really annoyed and frustrated because you can't plan things you can't plan for dentist appointments doctor's appointments you've got no idea when you're going to be finishing and when your family is asking what time you're going to be home for dinner you really don't have a clue so yeah from a day driver point of view I can completely get that why that would annoy you along with hours people were mentioning pay now pay is something I'm going to cover in a separate video so subscribe and you'll get the notification when I do release that video but yeah pay it either wasn't what they were expecting or just wasn't what they were told really you have to put the hours in to get the pay that people were kind of talking about so yeah I want to make sure I give you the correct information in that video and like I say subscribe and you'll see when that one comes out the next thing that people mentioned was the CPC some people just completely disagreed with it and decided that they were going to let their license effectively run out so that they didn't have a license anymore other people just let their license run out because they didn't find the time and then of course you can't drive without it so then they've had to go and find other jobs from that point of view I have heard that there is going to be a written test multiple choice thing at the end of each CPC course and if you don't pass that as part of the criteria you won't get the 7 hours or whatever it is that's towards your 35 hours that we need every 5 years there were a few other reasons as well some people reached retirement age decided not to carry on being a hgv driver some people failed their medical because they hadn't looked after themselves throughout their hgv career and we told they're not going to get through their medical other people changed career in terms of stayed within the HTV industry some had gone off to be a planner and vowed never to treat their drivers the way they were treated but yeah are they or are they not hopefully this doesn't put you off becoming a hgv driver it's been the best job I've ever had and honestly I can't see myself doing something else if you have enjoyed this video please like comment subscribe all of those good things and hopefully I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ashley Hale UK
Views: 71,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hgv, hgv driver, hgv training, truck, trucker, trucking, trucking uk, truck driving, uk hgv, uk hgv driver, uk trucker, uk trucking, hgv jobs, hgv jobs uk, hgv vlog uk, Class 1 HGV, Class 2 HGV, Class 1 hgv driver, class 2 hgv driver, trucking video, truck driver
Id: hjh8pUxpCbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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