UK Graduate visa updates | New PSW Changes from 14th May 2024 | Your Knowledge Buddy

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will be to end the abuse of the Health and Care Visa the UK government removed the right for most International students to bring family members with them to the UK starting on Jan 1st 2024 only students who are doing research based courses are now allowed to bring dependence in the UK so that's about student visa but what about graduate Visa which is known as PSW by most of you guys which is post study work forit now the government has ask the migration advisory committee Mac to review The Graduate Visa Rule now this Visa is commonly used by graduates from UK universities for poststudy work however the government is worried about the number of applicants and whether the Visa aligns with the UK's best interest or not so a review has been ordered by the Home Secretary maintaining The Graduate Visa's relevance for post study opportunities but good news for this year graduates the timeline gives Comfort to students who are worried that the graduate Visa might be closed this year similar to what happened in 2012 the latest report suggest that the review of the UK graduate Visa has started with a report expected by May 14 2024 however it will be MPS who will determine its approval or rejection so if you want to know what are the latest update on PSW please keep watching the video till the end but before we start a quick introduction about myself my name is ARA and welcome to your knowledge budy if you want to connect with me on Instagram my ID is your knowledge buy also if you want to study abroad my team can help you free of cost just fill the form from the link provided in my video description and they will reach out to you soon so without any further delay let's get started with today's video first let's begin with understanding what is graduate or post study work visa a graduate Visa gives you permission to stay in the UK for at least 2 years for MERS and 3 years for PhD students after successfully completing a course in the UK but remember there are some eligibility criteria number one you must be in the UK when you apply for The Graduate Visa so if you guys go to India for holiday or any break you cannot apply from a foreign land you need to be physically present in the UK to apply graduate Visa second eligibility criteria you will not be given graduate Visa if you fail in your exams which means if you don't get a degree but just get a diploma you are not eligible to apply PSW third if your dependent was already with you in the UK during your course or just came to the UK before you applied for PSW your dependent are allowed to apply for graduate dependent Visa now don't forget that from JN 2024 only students who are doing research based courses are allowed to bring their dependence so I know most of the master courses students will not be allowed to come to the UK with their dependent anymore fourth criteria your last Visa category should be student visa so let's take an example one of the student Rajesh messaged me saying he switched from student visa to skill Visa but he was fired from his company within 6 months so he wanted to switch back to The Graduate visa do you think he was allowed answer is no because on the UK home office s it's clearly mentioned that your last Visa category should be student visa only to be eligible for graduate visa and the fifth criteria your University should email home office that you completed the course only after that you must apply for graduate Visa else it will be refused now agenda two cost when you apply for a graduate Visa you will need to pay the application fee which is £8.22 you also need to pay the healthc care search charge which which is usually £135 for each year so in total you will have to pay £ 2892 now agenda number three what is the latest update on PSW well well well Home Secretary James claverly has ordered the migration advisory committee to conduct a rapid review of The Graduate Visa in a letter dated 11th of March clly says that UK University's reputation for Quality could easily be put at risk if evidence emerges of immigration abuse or VISA exploitation which are not tackled in his letter the Home Secretary says that while The Graduate route has helped to attract the bright International students to the UK and to work in our economic post study he wants to ensure that it is not being abused so what does he mean is that specifically some people apply for study visas not primarily for education but because they want to immigrate a committee report reveals that the number of post-graduate international students attending institutions with the lowest entry requirements has risen by 250% from 2018 to 2022 and onethird international students study at low tariff providers He also mentioned that he's Keen to understand the drivers behind this including whether it is because people are using these courses as a long-term route to work in the UK or something else the report also suggests that many International students transfer to a skilled worker visa from The Graduate Visa route that's one of the reason why the UK government is increasing the salary thr for the skill worker visa from £ 26,200 to 38,700 pound from 4th of April however you students fall under new entrance rule where you need to get a lesser salary now agenda number four what will this review consider so James cleverly has suggested five areas the migration advisory committee might look at number one any evidence of Av views of the route including the route not being fit for the purpose number two who is using this route and from what universities they graduated number three demographics and trends for students gaining a study visa and subsequently accessing the UK labor market by means of The Graduate route number four what individuals do during and after their time on The Graduate route and whether students who progress to The Graduate route are contributing to the economy number five whether The Graduate route is undermining the integrity and quality of the UK higher education system including whether it is effectively controlling for the quality of international students so before I conclude today's video I'm going to say do not panic as of now as the detailed report will be published only on 14th of May 2024 at least they are not closing the PSW for current year students so just be happy about it personally I believe and also all the UK universities believe that graduate Visa is critically important for UK jobs growth and Global Ambitions universities UK says The Graduate route Visa is important for making the UK an attractive place to study they're asking all political parties to promise to keep offering good opportunities for students to work after they finish studying emerging data shows that International students demand and enrollments are falling with reductions at postgraduate level most significant the survey results collected from over 70 universities show a big drop in enrollment specifically for postgraduate taught students in 2024 there was a report decrease of over 40% in the students likely due to changes in Immigration rules so what are your thoughts on The Graduate visa do let me know in the comment section below thanks for watching my video till the end and I'll see you you guys soon with my next video till then keep learning
Channel: Your Knowledge Buddy
Views: 60,622
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Keywords: uk graduate visa updates, uk graduate visa changes, uk psw visa update, psw visa uk latest news 2024, Visa updates 2024, Uk visa 2024, apply for graduate visa uk, Uk Visa updates May 2024, visa changes to UK, graduate visa uk, Visa to uk, Visa to uk graduate, visa uk, new visa updates to uk, new visa updates to UK, uk graduate visa processing time, graduate visa application uk, uk study visa requirements after graduation, apply for a graduate visa uk, graduate dependent visa
Id: e-pR5k1-R_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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