UK Border Force - Season 2, Episode 10: Snow Storm

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25,000 men and women work for the UK Border Agency at home and abroad their job is to seek out the breakers and imposters who don't have a right to be here they are the UK border force on tonight's show searching the valleys of Wales for immigration offenders you've got a water to enter the premises do and come up with the family business where everyone seems to be illegal they're husband and wife are they how did she enter the UK gang master and freak weather brings a passenger who creates a steam I want you to be on your best behavior [Music] it's 11 p.m. in Swansea and the Wales enforcement team are preparing a surprise raid on a Chinese takeaway immigration officers Harry and Williams will lead the questioning of any suspected illegal immigrants found working here officers immediately find three Chinese nationals in the kitchen is reported that the UK is the number one destination in Europe for asylum seekers from China just a child [Music] hello immigration do you speak English no do you have Passport a fourth person is found in a bedroom officer Williams take so tell her not to worry does she want to sit down for a minute you sit down I need something for this lady some identification some papers or her passport or something she doesn't have anything okay it is this your baby okay is she okay they're sleeping okay if we go downstairs we'll talk away from the baby okay so if you lost the lady she'll come down with us downstairs four people and a baby have been found at the takeaway home office records show this woman is a failed asylum seeker from China who came to Britain in 2004 she disappeared when her application to stay was refused now she's pregnant as a child and runs a business that is suspected of employing other illegal immigrants one of the men found in the kitchen admits he entered the UK illegally since he came in in 2000 has he made any applications to the Home Office no he's scared did he provide any documents related to say that he had permission to work in his country he's her husband they're husband and wife are they since he's married to the owner and they have a child together this case becomes a little more complicated there is the matter now that he's got a child in the UK as well but that you know doesn't take away the fact in the ask come into the country illegally the UK Border Agency tried to avoid splitting up families so it's unlikely that he'll be arrested tonight questioning now moves on to another man he's told officer Jiri that he's 18 and works in the kitchen doesn't get paid [Music] cousin yeah how did he actually come into the country I mean I didn't know somebody basically brought him in somebody he was brought in last night does he want to go back to China he says vet tear he was brought in by an agent probably somebody is paid several thousand pounds to bring him in he says he flew into the country into the air travels with the agent and walked through immigration control can you explain to the gentlemen then and I'm now going to arrest him on suspicion of illegal entry okay if you can just explain that to him was it you said you didn't touch you not coming me no Widow can take you there give me the job says officers search for proof of identity and find a copy of a national insurance card you team intervener okay so the some of the stuff here is a bonanza to approval person the documents are not his the team often find ID from other people as many work for short periods before moving on detective or even get removed or placed in detention and then what you'll find is this place would mo reoccupied by somebody else doing exactly so far a failed asylum seeker from China has been found employing her partner and cousin but there's still the matter of the woman found upstairs don't worry the officers will have to find out who she is and why she's here coming up an exotic seizure for the customs team so you got grasshoppers running game and delays at Heathrow as a case proves too difficult to decide what do you think and that's to be quite honest I don't know [Music] Britain's heaviest snowfall in eighteen years has brought most of the country to a standstill many of the country's airports or the brunt of the disruption both runways were closed at Heathrow but EAA has now managed to open the southern runway with limited flights Heathrow has one runway open and a passenger distant for Dublin has been forced to land here he's a man from Antigua who had planned to come to London anyway but his luck has just run out he was stopped by immigration after his name was flagged up on the home of his Database because of the snow he's kind of blundered into us I'm afraid problem with him is he's previous over style server the form 1 5 1 a is illegal in 2007 so coming here to visit his girlfriend he's quite chipper he seems you know fairly happy at the moment handling this case is immigration officer Allison Charles mr. Michael mrs. Charles hi mrs. Charles I'm Stewart and now Miss Charles hey gentlemen I'm taking my back if the man has overstayed before officer Charles has to decide if he's likely to do so again she was off with my passport and saying that she was detaining me he's the character all right I have never overstayed never got hurt any pumpin so you can understand when I'm having a laugh officer Charles has to try and work out who is right the home office computer or the Antiguan she starts with a phone call to his girlfriend when was the last time he was in the UK yeah was that April 2007 can you remember when he arrived so that's well over six months isn't it I don't buy in July 2006 he arrived in the UK you requested for an extension after six months this was refused now he should have left but he didn't he left in he leave April 2007 so he was hit a lot longer than six months although he denies it records show he stayed two months longer than he was allowed officer Charles wants to find out what happened the last time he was here ask you in the last I'm using the UK okay what happened I came over here on a ticket for six months for six months because I have paid four hundred pounds to the Home Office to extended my time okay so you so I filled out the form just with the questions like how they asked it I didn't do anything wrong they sell it my passport back after they took the money and they said give them a reason as to why they must give me six months and they refused and every field after you will refuse what did you do I could have stayed in went on thank you and when you go back in the holding room I want you to be on your best behavior I'm not sure what they're doing five minutes give me five ten minutes okay calm down okay okay although he broke the rules on his last trip officer Charles believes he won't do it again I do believe that he will go back if he didn't overstayed that would be the only thing at the moment that's against him I've got enough to refer the case to the chief immigration officer and see what he's got to say mr. Dyson he wants two months two months until the end of March to visit his girlfriend and I'm happy to lend him actually he's got issues two other cancers which are fact that he was previously an overstaying he previously had an intention to stay longer than he'd said on arriving yeah and now he's here again on arrival on a visit uh-huh so he just assures that unlike last time yeah the chief isn't content with the Antiguans form as an over stare and there's something else he wants to know the Antiguans planned route into London was via Dublin was this a ruse to avoid scrutiny from the immigration team the Antiguan will have to face more questions before a decision is made at a Chinese takeaway in Wales the enforcement team has discovered a failed asylum seeker from China employing her partner and her cousin none are entitled to work in Britain officer Williams now wants to unravel the mystery of the woman found upstairs does she work here in the UK than in the restaurant she looks after the children so she child mines yeah yeah who is her boss Sonny Garcia me lady how much do you get paid for looking after the child another source on my house how did she enter the UK Cory come we've got mustard gang gang master she paid a lot of money to the gun must kill help him/her come here how much did she pay three hundred thousand yen yeah okay she says she was smuggled into Britain by Chinese gang masters it cost her twenty five thousand pounds a gang masters somebody who's really trafficked people in here to the UK she could be reluctant of in a beef she could be exploited you know to find that out can you ask her is there any reason why she cannot go home to China that's all the fish man so she borrowed the money from people okay and she would go back at this moment she doesn't have any money to pay what was it bed okay then she so she's in debt yes as the team decides what to do the child minders health takes a turn for the worse don't worry she's not in any trouble she's worried because she hasn't seen anybody like us before so she's certainly very worried about what's gonna happen next if she would like to come upstairs with she can get her medicine this is that her medication she's given to me but at the moment I can't allow her to take anything okay child minder is in breach of immigration law but concerns for her health come before any arrest this lady's potentially ill and she says she hasn't been seen by a GP and we don't want to take her in the car and she they have a heart attack or something you know we don't want to put her at risk at all but we have to maintain the UK laws as well based on what she told me downstairs that she came into the UK with no Passport then that means that she entered the UK illegally so I now go to a restaurant suspicion of illegal entry into the UK she doesn't have to say anything but it may harm her defense she does not mention when questioned something she later rely on in court and thinks she does say may be given in evidence okay tell her to sit down and we're not going anywhere for a moment my colleague and I will have a look in the room to see if we can find any identification documents for her okay gonna go near the bottom a nice one she's moved around a bit there's some of documents for London and for Astoria a decision is taken to arrest the child minder her employers are not to tain because the woman is pregnant and families with young children cannot be taken into police custody okay she need a glass of water or shinobi oh sweet Selena the child minder is taken to a local police station for further questioning along with the cousin of the owner who was found working in the kitchen although she's escaped to rest tonight the owner could still face a fine of up to 40,000 pounds 10,000 pounds for every illegal worker she is now in the process of reapplying to stay in Britain with her partner and their child a decision is yet to be made on their case in a later interview the kitchen worker admitted to being 17 he was brought into the country by a female agent with fake documents he's been bailed and is now reporting to the police regularly while steps are taken to remove him back to China at the police station the child minder complained of a heart problem she was bailed for a week she didn't return her employers said she had gone to London to claim asylum no claim has yet been made passengers that arrived at Heathrow have their details checked by two Border Agency units immigration and customs passengers from countries outside the EU have an extra check from a specialist customs team anything in here you shouldn't have this is cooked me can you see this that doesn't look cheap that looks like a mold on there that doesn't look too good to me you know and it's big perfect I wouldn't eat it these officers search for any products that have come from an animal mrs. Mills seven and a half kilos of horse made from Kazakhstan we do get horse make from time to time but it's not an everyday occurrence the item back just small cube and all the products of animal origin team sees over 30 tons of food products banned from being brought into britain every year where's your bag the officers can give repeat offenders a hefty fine and even imprisonment the most common animal products confiscated our cheese and meat the reason we were established is because of the foot and mouth disease to stop anything like that happening in the future so sometimes when food comes in when we're not sure whether the the standard is the same standard required to import stuff so it's safe for not to bring it in since they were established in 2003 the customs team has seen it all one of the teams had a monkey Drive monkey Madrid monkey been brought in and we do get things like rats on sticks as well we've had those this was found tough one of our own Chinese flights this is bears genitalia that has been found apparently it does have the aphrodisiac properties under it being a meat product as such it's not allowed server that has been taken this is a chameleon the absolutely reeks caterpillars are a fibers and we have Birds bits in our bird's nests which is Birds bit that's not allowed you never know what you're gonna come across yeah and a bag you'll always find something different probably every day [Music] as the green channel fills with new arrivals officer Harris spots a passenger with some suspicious pink bags when she catches up with him the passenger from Uganda confirms he's carrying a local delicacy grasshoppers so you've got grasshoppers anything else you say you're grasshoppers are cooked all over the place fun and games well I need to put those that will grasshoppers back in there whatever they're quite a delicacy I believe is that they are a delicacy yeah the grasshoppers have got a go because they're not allowed not much grasshoppers 280 grams not a lot but you only need a very small amount to bring in disease it's his first offense so the man from Uganda is given a warning not all passengers are so easily separated from their animal products officer Trowbridge has stopped a passenger from Turkey I have University graduated looking here the plug on it was it unfortunately just a meat and the cheese you can't bring it okay and this is just basically mince that's for the worst the worst raw meat they've totally have been it's just first name Asia okay well you know only one son and he came to too bright six seven months ago it was it was December he isn't a sec okay you know from Turkey well you will know the rules okay he's 30 he should know the rules the woman from Turkey leaves without the minutes it's her first offense so she's given a warning if the woman is stopped again and found to have broken the rules she could be fined serious repeat offenders face a jail sentence coming up the passenger from America who just won't give up so this is it tell her okay no more the manager who knows the game is up there is an ERF permit roof is expired and the man from Antigua loses his cool graciously I've done everything and be nice about this but this is like like being too much now I'm sorry for this still held at immigration control is the man from Antigua chief Dyson isn't impressed with his record as an over stair and wants to know more about his route into London via Dublin okay what's gonna happen is I I have referred your case I see the Antiguan still denies he overstayed last time despite home of his evidence saying otherwise leave on time I never overstayed but stop one second I once no no no you have to wonder know if anybody is you have over stings yes you have yeah when you came in 2006 you overstay no I didn't do nothing wrong all I did was paid my money just like y'all asked me to do and asked us to stay for an extension time and that was legally I didn't try to overstay sorry ma'am I've done everything and be nice to about this but this is like like being too much now I'm sorry I can't help for this right I just mention you to tell me about your routine that's got everybody baffled why would you fly to Dublin for me came up cheap it came justice chief do you understand that you wouldn't seen an immigration officer at Gatwick if you had done in that in that manner what you mean no I don't know about that I'm sorry he seems genuine enough not knowing about the routine and passing through immigration and that if he's lying he's a good liar the man is convinced officer Charles that his route to London via Dublin was merely a cheap ticket and nothing else the case is now creating some doubt between officer Charles and her boss I mean I'm afraid I think I'd like him refused do you think I must be quite honest I don't know I normally I'm for what what Matt is saying and I can understand where he's coming from but it just doesn't sit well with me at the moment it doesn't I mean he's given me the reasons why and I can understand his reasons why it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it but I can't be solved by 100% sure that I'm making the right decision chief Dyson wants to see the man for himself he will tell the Antiguan that he's being refused entry but least that's his plan to be honest it's not looking that good I need to be straight with you yes you're gonna be refused to entry okay now what I'm here to do is explain how you can come back in the future without having these issues and these problems because obviously if you've got a girlfriend here you want to visit her you don't want this happening do you know I don't so I'm not gonna see my girlfriend today not well finish um what am I doing wrong Oh what can I do to make it better that I don't I don't like this sort of okay how would you gauge your relationship would you say your relationship is the type that is leading to something a little more serious yes it is leading right I mean are we talking you know the M word here yes yes so if it is the stage where you think it's time that you are moving it on the step there is a there's a a fiancees entry clearance would you love you to come here get married or would like to remain I'm gonna give you this couple of days temporary mission okay I'm not comfortable with that to be honest with you it's okay I know I haven't done anything wrong so I'm not panicking so Michael I think I think I have no issues with you as a person and to give you credit having spoken to you you know I have again looked at the decision in my head I can't change it but I am aware of a few more factors okay I hope see you again yeah you know much as he's a lovely man I still think he's circumstances outweigh his his charm because he's definitely a charming man and I am prepared to give him temporary the chief has given him two days temporary admission to see his girlfriend after which he must return home no thank you at least forgive me at least a couple of days it's better to know no there no no no okay thank you very much thank you [Music] two days later he came back armed with more paperwork stating business reasons to keep to his original returned a lot of the things he'd supplied did go quite some way to filling in the gaps that we had so on balance of probabilities I decided that now I was willing to overturn my own decision and allowing entry he was landed anyone visiting the UK with the record as an oversteer faces an uphill battle proving their credibility but this man's perseverance paid off and he was granted entry to the UK for his full holiday deep in the Welsh valleys illegal immigrants live in small rural communities where many believe it is more difficult to be found officer folston is part of the enforcement team that searches the valleys for immigration offenders if immigration sort of have a blitz on these particular city centers and that tends to push people into if you like more rural areas and they I think they tend to believe sometimes if they doubt the site then they're of the mind but if we get in then they will come to our attention at some point today the team will visit an Indian takeaway where they've been given a tip-off about one of its workers sees a Pakistan male so the last trace we've got has expired in September oh seven okay so subject suspected have been an over stare the man they are looking for is from Pakistan he was given a permit to work for one year over two years ago they believe he's still here and still work so were you do any just move to the front it's all clear officer folston begins to question one of the men found in the kitchen do you have any identification on you the man produces a driving license and is fingerprinted it's the man from Pakistan they came here to find an individual with the same details as this gentleman was working and be signed in at this premises and this individual is the target that we were looking for this evening right now officer foster needs to find out if he's working here could you ask him please how long has he been working at this restaurant so he's saying he's not working you then no anybody see him working when we came in she denies working perhaps the owner can help us just got a few details the other gentleman he's working for you also yeah he's he's on a work beau man you have a copy of that somewhere you must have somewhere where does he live he live upstate could you know his men yeah core share it with me tell me the secret Russia Delhi secret is yes don't tell me there is there is an EE at work permit to work yes I'm listening but there's a but coming yeah is is expired when did it expire his work permit Osseo so why is he still here mr. Ali he's just to see him for possible yes so does he have a passport also the boss realizes there's no point in life and admits his worker is illegal but he could face a fine of up to ten thousand pounds hello there could you just inform this gentleman that on the basis of the information available to me at the moment I believe in to be an oversteer in the United Kingdom and therefore he is under arrest on suspicion of being a novice there okay the district's way did he understand the next step is to find his passport passport definitely not you know that he's been arrested on suspicion of being a novice there that gives us a polar search for this accommodation as well and basically what we're looking for is passports if they find it removing him from the country will be a lot easier and just when the search looks hopeless the helpful boss makes another confession might be in my file in my house your house 20 minutes from here sure davia you might need you to produce that for us then two officers go to collect the passport which is 20 miles away at the boss's house okay thanks very much oh I know I'll buy mustard that's the gentleman that we arrested at the house he's overstayed his visa needs to go home now so now we've got the valid passport we can book flight for him to go back to Pakistan the illegal worker is detained before being removed back to Pakistan at the end of the week the Wales enforcement team got their man on this occasion it's just one of the hundred and fifty takeaways they visit each year in the Welsh valleys at Terminal 3 a woman from California has been stopped at passport control she used to live in Britain as a student but since then has been refused entry on two previous occasions her most recent refusal was a month ago when she arrived for a job but had no work permit clearly she's been refused entry to the UK twice most people don't ever get refused entry to a country so that's have happened to her in the space of five months her immigration history immigration officer Lisa Lee starts with a search of her documents it appears she has letters from hotels where she weren't previously CV here has a couple of copies four copies on quite thick card so it's not just copies that have been done just to carry it appears that these would be given out there's a postcard here it appears to be a friend and it actually says the idea of leaving home now when so much is happening in the u.s. survey must seem very hard so are we talking the recent presidential inauguration or are we talking in her personal life that we'll need to establish but then appears to be everything that you would not expect anyone to put on the table it casts into doubt somebody's intentions when they travel really TVs and everything else is it because there is some other intention in her coming back to the UK that's only something we can find out after we speak to her so what's the purpose of your visit to the UK today to visit friends and finish packing up what I couldn't pack up in December why have you brought CVS with you on holiday those were just in there okay you were granted temporary admission when you were refused entry last time how many days was that for I think it was two days or three days almost three days not sufficient time to conclude your affairs here to pack up my flat now and the friend has mentioned that there's a lot going on in the USA at the moment what does what does she mean by that my mom was in the hospital and the day before she came home my stepfather moved out could you not have deferred the trip I could have but she wanted me to go and see my friends in London in the country and pack up tie up everything here although she was refused entry last time she did get three days to pick up leftover belongings from her time here as a student but now she's back with the same reason as before it's perfectly plausible that she needs to come back and end her affairs here however that's why she was granted temporary admission last time but we have to base it on probability here and is she likely to become an immigration offender she's been refused entry twice before but could it be third time lucky for the woman from California this is frustrating stuck at immigration is an American woman who's here to collect items she left on a previous visit but she was given the chance to pack up her things a month ago and now she's back using the same story as last time officer Li is worried that she's here for other reasons what are the chances that she'll overstay and one of the chances that she'll seek employment while she's here so that's something I need to discuss with the chief now and see what we can come up with I can't say I'm sympathetic I mean this is the third time that she's trying to basically come here isn't it and we can't see that she's made much of an efforts to do anything either by mail or by telephone or on the Internet I'm sorry and she just she's turned up now I don't know if your way she doesn't have a job in the States either and she hasn't applied for any permanent jobs in the state since being back really for the last year and a half that she sees her future as being a United States that's my concern it's going to talk to her again you see the difficulty I've got is that you were given time albeit three days to pack up your belongings and arrange for everything to be done last time and now you'll see here entry again I did for those three days I did the most I can do in three days the primary purpose you say it's in seeking entry to visit is to conclude your affairs in London that's one day and I just happened to ok so it's only gonna take one day to pack up I know I'm not sure I don't remembering everything I have at my flat and it depends on my landlord when they can do the final walkthrough but the main reason for me coming is to see friends that I know will never travel to the States it's kind of the last visit to London because I know once I start working full time I won't travel I think it's just made things worse really um she's now saying that were she not to have any belongings here she would still have come just to see friends as it's the last opportunity to travel before she gets a permanent job so I don't think anything she's told me he's gonna make any difference really she says he's only gonna take her one day to actually pack up the things that she has left and the rest of the time she would want stir common and see friends who she know she will never travel to the u.s. can you trust her to go out for one day she can go back to Saturday morning okay so that gives a one-hole day and this is Last Chance Saloon because we've done this before so this is it okay no more okay there's some bad news and there's some good news the bad news is you are being refused entry to the UK we are granting you temporary admission again as we did last time because you complied before they prepared to give you until Saturday morning so you get tomorrow to go to your flat tomorrow I will really have time let me just explain something to you the fact we're giving you temporary mission this time it was extremely you're very lucky to be granted that all right the woman is given one day to collect her things after which you must return to America for the third time the American woman has the word refused stamped into her passport this is frustrating because you do everything above the board and I know at school there were tons of people you didn't do things but the board and they're still here you [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UK Border Force
Views: 752,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UK, Airport, London, Air Traffic Controller, Reality, Force, Reality TV, Air Control, Border Security Force, Security Guard, Cineflix, TV, Production, United Kingdom, Heathrow, Security, Border, Maximum Security, Investigation, UK Border Force, Police, Border Security, England
Id: nWsMQ7mY1V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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