UI ANIMATION: Everything You Need to Know | UE4 Tutorial

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In this video you are going to learn  how animations work in Unreal Engine,   how they are created as well  as playing them and other cool   stuff like using materials as animations. If  that sounds interesting, let's get into it!   Most animations in Unreal take place inside a  widget class, which is what we will cover today.   So let's create one and add an element such  as an image to get access to animations.Then   in the bottom left create an animation, select  the image, right click in the timeline and add   the image. The canvas slot type gives you  access to certain special properties, but   that's not important for now. What is important  though is the timeline where the magic happens.   Animations in Unreal work under the  commonly-used principle of keyframes.   Keyframes represent a certain state of  an element at a given time. Put simply,   a keyframe represents the value of something  before and after. In between these keyframes the   element will be animated like repositioning this  image linearly or smoothly, but more on that in   a bit! The timeline is basically a container for  these keyframes. Animations can happen over time,   such as changing the rotation, or instantaneously  like changing its visibility. There are many more   properties that can be changed and animated and  you can recognize those by checking for this icon   next to any property in the details tab, which you  can also press to immediately add to the timeline. So let's put this into practice! I am going to  move the image from the left side to the right   side and I'm also going to rotate it. So let's go  to the timeline, to our image and click on "track"   and from this menu let's get transform. Now  we will be able to transform the translation,   rotation, scale and shear. Now make sure that  every time you change something and want to commit   to it that you add a new keyframe by pressing on  these buttons. As well, you can also toggle this   right here which is going to automatically create  new keyframes every time you change something.   Now let's make sure we have keyframes in the  beginning and after 1 second I'm going to go   to translation and move the X to a higher value,  let's say 600, then let's go to rotation and I'm   going to rotate this 180 degrees. Now if I'm going  to play this you should see the image go from left   to right and also rotate. Now, we have a very  basic animation, but this is only the beginning. Alright! Now we know how to create  animations, but currently they're   pretty boring, aren't they? How about  we spice things up by adding some   interpolation. (ball on screen) This will let us  ease in the animation, or ease out or even both.   To do that, select the keyframes you  want to change the interpolation to,   right click and select any of the cubic ones for  smooth interpolation. And while sometimes this   can be enough, more often than not you will want  to freely control how things speed up or down,   start, stop or pause. You can do just that  by opening the sequencer curves. From here,   you can edit the curve of the animation however  you want by moving the keyframes' tangents around.   What I highly recommend is setting the keyframes  to weighted tangents to get maximum control.   Now we can replicate that previous ease in and out  and change it as we see fit. On a related note,   if you want to learn more about slowing in and  out, make sure to watch this video by Daniel   Floyd from New Frame Plus, I had a blast watching  it and if you're interested in this kind of stuff,   definitely give it a try. There is going to be  a link in the description. Back to the video,   using the sequencer curves is usually  very useful for more complex animations,   so let's take a look at that now! Taken from the Mario Party's bopping   spree recreation, this is one of the animations  I used to give feedback to the player that they   scored a point. While this is still not  very complex, it surely is different from   the previous square. Let us take a look  at what happens throughout its duration.  So the first thing that happens in this  animation is that it is fading in and also   moving upwards. This is going to give it a feel of  dynamism. In order to make this more interesting,   we're also rotating the characters. This pretty  much completes the initial upwards movement and   makes it feel like a jump. Right, you can see how  these basically jump upward. There is no way to   automatically rotate the characters in such a  manner so you will have to do these manually.   Then, after half a second in which the text is  stationary, so the player has time to read, it   is going to start fading out and moving upwards.  But this time we are not going to introduce any   rotation. This is still a pretty simple animation,  but it is much better than having the text pop   out from nowhere. Now let's take a look at another  animation. The first thing that takes place is   that these two progress bars are going to start  filling in. Then they are going to fade out in   favor of the notification itself. The glowing  lines aren't actually animated in the widget,   but more on that later. Then after a whole  second and a half the notification is going   to fade back out. Again, still pretty simple,  but I hope you can see how this is going to   scale for even more complex animations. But how do we play these animations?   That is done through code and I will show you two  ways of playing animations. Now let's go back to   our original animation. If we're going to head  over to the graph, we will be able to see that   our animation is now a variable. And now accessing  this we will be able to play it in various ways.   So let's get a custom event and I will call  this "Play animation". And to play it once,   frankly you just have to call Play Animation  from the variable. Now, things get a bit more   complicated when we want to queue animations. So  I will get another custom event and I will call   this "Queue animation". Let's get this variable  again and from here I will check if it is playing.   But before checking with a branch if this is true  or not, I am going to negate it. This way when the   animation is not going to be playing, this will  return true, otherwise it is going to return   false. And if it is true, I am going to call "Play  Anim" and from false what I'm going to do is get   a delay with a duration of 0.1 and once this is  completed, I am going to once again check if this   is true or false. So this is basically a loop that  is going to happen every 0.1 seconds until this   condition is going to be true. Now there is one  thing with this system that you should know. This   is only going to work if you queue two animations  at once. If you want to queue more at the same   time, it is not going to work properly. For that,  you will have to develop a system that is going   to keep count of how many times it was called and  with what information. That should not be too hard   to develop, but if you have any problems make sure  to let me know down below! But animations can also   be created outside the widget editor and then  added to a widget by creating materials! While   materials are mostly used for in-game meshes,  they can also be assigned to image-accepting   properties, such as an... image. Let's  recreate this effect and display it on the UI.   So inside the material the first thing that you  want to do is to go your main node then go to   material domain and choose User Interface. Now for  this material in particular we will also have to   choose translucent mode. In order to actually see  this, let's go to final color and choose white.   And now we can actually see something on the  left side. So first, I'm going to get a parameter   called "Size" and its default value is going to be  0.5. Now I'm going to multiply this with a number   and this number should be somewhere around 0.95  and then using this I'm going to set the radius   of a radial gradient exponential. So let's get one  and plug this inside the radius. Then in density I   would like this to be pretty dense, so let's go  with 10. And this is going to give us this neat   radial gradient. Now we're going to add something  to this, but first let's plug this in opacity. Now   we're still going to see that white square because  B is 1, so let's see how we're going to set that   one up. Let's copy this a couple of times. Then  set the density of the third one to 50. Then I'm   going to get the size and multiply it with 0.8. I  will plug Size inside the radius of the second one   and this inside the radius of the third one. Then  from the second one I am going to subtract the   third one and this is going to give us a hollow  ring. Then this is going to be multiplied with   something that is going be the actual movement of  the animation and then added to our initial radial   gradient. And then out of nowhere everything  is going to look clean and we will also have   a nice texture that looks like this. Now we will  want to move this over time so let's get a panner   and plug this in the UVs. Then in Coordinate, get  Texture Coordinates and then in Time, obviously,   we are going to get Time and plug this in here.  Now for the speed I only want this to move upwards   so I'm going to choose 0.5 on Y. And if I'm going  to preview this now, it should be moving. Now if   I'm going to plug this inside the multiply  node we should see something pretty strange.   So what we're doing is basically combining  the hollow ring with this moving texture.   And then if I'm going to stop previewing this, you  should be able to see the animation that you saw   in the beginning. The only thing that is missing  is an actual image or texture. Then what we can   do is open a widget, then go to this material,  select it, then select this image, go to brush,   image, then click on this arrow. And as you  can see now this is going to be animated. And   obviously you can still animate this inside the  widget. So if I'm going to play this animation,   you will see it move from left to right. If you liked this tutorial then make sure   to subscribe to stay up to date with other  videos and hit that bell if that's your thing.   As well, consider supporting my work  over on Patreon like these kind folks:   Aviram Ifm, Bader AlQahtani, ETIOSA ODIA, Giovanni  Pena, Golden Glow Master, Leonardo Pereira,   Luc Schurgers, Realitätsverlust and Taman Gerring.  And let me know in the comments: what do you like   more? Easing in or easing out? Can't wait to hear  your answers! Now make sure to go and watch this   tutorial to learn more about UI! Thank you for  watching and I'll catch you in the next video!
Channel: Nitrogen
Views: 25,494
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Keywords: ue4 ui tutorial, ue4 ui animation, ue4 widget animation, ue4 widget tutorial, ui animation ue4, widget animation ue4, ue4 tutorial, Ui design, ue4 animated widget, ue4 animated UI
Id: EK0di47pdY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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