UE5 Free Blueprint Update | Periodically Spawn Meshes and Blueprints Along a Spline

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hello everyone I have a brand new free update for the blueprint I gave away in the last video in case you missed it it allows you to spawn meshes along a spline and it has a lot of other related options that You' need in this type of blueprint in this update we can now spawn things periodically along a spline and with that comes a whole panel of options in the options you have the ability to periodically spawn blueprints instead meshes along the spline and when I say spawn them I mean they can be individually edited once they're spawned in besides that we have a couple fixes under the hood based off comments I saw from the last video the new features are now infused with the previous blueprint and can be downloaded from the link in the description of this video let me drag in the new spline mesh blueprint and start with the new features we have a new panel called periodic placement that allows you to periodically have meshes or blueprints placed along a spline I'm going to add the default Unreal Engine Cube as a static mesh and we can see that it's being deformed along this bline to take the full volume of it we can scroll back down to the periodic placement Tab and check the variable periodic placement and now the mesh is placed by default every 1,000 CM we can change that by setting the placement distance to something lower like 250 and now they appear a lot more frequently I'm going to replace the mesh with this no parking sign and for the number of signs you can tell we really don't want anybody to park here but they're probably going to anyway because we don't have the signs facing the right way we need need to rotate the meshes along this blind which can be done using the rotate mesh variable we need to rotate it along the z-axis 90° and just like that it's facing the right way we can also have the landscape slope influence the rotation of the meshes by checking the variable tilt with landscape and now the signs are standing up straight from the hill they on the next option is to use blueprints instead of static meshes I've constructed the topof the line Street Lamp blueprint that has the function ality to turn on or off I'm going to use them as the blueprint but before I spawn them in I want to make the conditions a little more realistic I'm going to have the spline follow the road like I showed in the previous video and have them placed every 2,000 CM now that that's done we'll press spawn objects the whole road is now covered with Street lamps but it looks kind of weird having the landscape tilt them so I'm going to press destroy objects to get rid of the existing Street l uncheck tilt with landscape and then respawn them in that looks quite good let's get that in the time lapse very good now the last thing from this panel is the spawned actors list and it just keeps track of all the actors that get spawned from this blueprint this is necessary for to know which actors to destroy if you want some not to get get destroyed you can remove it from the list and then press destroy to wipe out the rest of them a couple of last things to mention for this section is that once you spawn any object they can be individually moved around and edited like a normal actor in your level with that they will show up in the outliner tab individually also you can use the spawn objects button to spawn stack meshes if you leave the blueprint section blank that's it for the periodic placement tab I'm going to quickly cover some of the improvements from the last version starting off the snapping to ground function actually snaps the spind to the ground now instead of just the meshes the mesh is also snap to the ground individually now and not just at this blind point I have this railroad track and I have put a cube in the middle of the tracks forcing it to go above the cube the start and end of the mesh get snapped upward and it adapts quite well considering how much it needs to stretch to get above the cube that suddenly next I have a new variable called forward axis and that's there for anybody using the meshes that go forward on the Y AIS you can tell which axis It Is by seeing if the mesh you want to repeat is aligned with the red arrow the x-axis or the green arrow the Y AIS if it is a y- AIS mesh it will repeat the wrong way and let me demonstrate that with these fences from quickel bridge all the meshes on quickel bridge are x-axis aligned so I believe this wouldn't be a problem but if it was y AIS it would repeat like this and that's not good it's proper to have spline meshes go forward on the x-axis but this function is here just so that you don't have to go through the process of moving it to blender or another 3D object editor and realigning it and one more thing if you have your mesh going along a road or spline and it's facing the wrong direction like this stop and slow down sign you can tell it to be on the opposite side of the road by switching the variable left side and then setting the distance from spline to be negative now you can see that says stop instead of slow all right that's it for the new features if you need a refresher on what any of these options do you can hover over any of them and check the comment that it reads out and if you like the road system in the background I sell the pack on the unreal Marketplace which there will be a link for in the description of this video I would also like to say thank you to those who bought it after watching the last video it really helps me be able to develop blueprints like this to release for free without having to worry about monetizing everything all funds raised from that are going into funding more development hours for These Blueprints and our game development plans for the future thank you all again until next time
Channel: A Vie Guy Studios
Views: 1,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dynamic Road System, DRS, Unreal Engine 5, UE5, road making tool, road building, procedural tool, game development, game engine, game design, game creation, Unreal Engine, Dynamic, Road, System, A Vie Guy Studios, Procedural, Geometry Script, Blueprint, Free, Download, Spline, Mesh, Meshes, Guardrails, Fences, Sidewalks, Road Curbs, Train Tracks, Splined, Update, Lamp, Lamppost, Road Signs, Street Lamp, Street Light
Id: ziXuDJqqzVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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