UE 5.4 Live Link Face and Vcam finally connected! Setup walkthrough

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if you've never set up live link or you've never been able to set up live link for the face app or vcam check out this video in this tutorial I'll show you what I did to finally get it to work let's go over how to connect the live link face app to Unreal I've been using a metahuman so if you don't know how to add a metahuman to your project check out my tutorial metahuman how to use and create a custom meta human so that we can get started with this tutorial first we're going to go to plugins so we're going to go to Ed it plugins uh we're going to need a few plugins um first one we'll need is the AR kit apple AR kit and the Apple AR kit face support plugin okay uh next we'll need the live link uh plugin um go ahead and might as well just click this one as well okay so now that you you have those four enabled um you'll need to restart unreal once you have unreal restarted we're going to go ahead and uh go to Project settings um and then we're going to go down to rendering and scroll it's the bottom half here and uh it's under Advanced the advanced drop down and then um just from the frame buffer pixel format change that to 8 bit okay next we we're going to go to UDP messaging and just scroll all the way down you'll see it here UDP messaging um and then under unicast endpoint that's where you need to figure out what your computer's IP address is so um go to your windows search and then just type in the command prompt here me I'm going to drag it over here type in ip config hit ip config and then from there you will see your IP address okay um I'm going to make sure that's the same one it looks like it is so it matches and go ahead and type in that same IP address your computer's IP address here under tunnel unicast endpoint um but don't include the uh colon zero and then another tunnel multicast endpoint go to your iPhone go to settings go to Wi-Fi and then click on the you know like the I with the circle around it the IE icon for information um scroll down go to IP address and then uh type in your phone's IP address here okay next thing we'll need to do uh is connect it to the metahuman so go to Windows go to Virtual production go to live link add source and then uh click Apple AR kit Source click add okay and our iPhone hasn't been connected yet go ahead and open up the download the app first actually go to the App Store go to live link face app go ahead and open up that app once you're done downloading that and where you see under streaming and then it says live link iPhone click on that and under targets put in the your computer IP address so it'll be this it should be the same as uh this one here UDP messaging it' be same as this one here once you do that you go you're going to go click back hit done and then uh we're going to go ahead and see if that went through click on BP and then your metahuman and down here under LifeLink um this would be blank you wouldn't see iPhone once it's connected at least you know one time for your project you'll see iPhone here and it'll stay there um you'll also need to make sure you uh enable this as well looks like my iPhone here is it's not listed here other thing that it could be is you have to check to see if you're on a VPN you you'll need to disconnect from your VPN and uh it could also be a firewall issue so in your windows search and type in Windows Defender Firewall click on that and then on the left side click on Advance setting and then uh once you do that click on inbound rules click on new rule we're going to make a rule so that it allows um unreal to communicate and your computer communicate with unreal so hit click the port here and uh it'll be UDP messaging so click UDP me messaging and then specific local ports um you'll want to put in these here these ports okay should be good like there needs to be a space there click click next and then you're going to want to uh allow this connection hit next allow the connection go ahead and enable all that and and then uh name the rule to something like this could be like Epic Games Live link and then hit finish I've already done that so um I have it here okay and then if we double click on it uh like ports you can see the port you can see the protocol type CP so we are good okay so now I'm looking at my iPhone through the live link app and and uh it's now um you know showing my movements through the metahuman my facial movements um if you look to the bottom right bottom left here you'll see the iPhone is now listed and to the left you'll now see um you know you can now see that it's listed here as well um this of course you want to make sure this is checked and um that's pretty much it hope you uh like the tutorial and have some fun with this this is a really cool uh tool um and then we'll go ahead and move on to doing vcam LifeLink vcam let's get started and connect the live link of vcam to Unreal go to edit plugins we'll need to install a few plugins one is virtual camera enable that live link which we've already done in the previous tutorial so enable that and then um pixel streaming okay once you have those three plugins enabled go ahead and restart unreal once you start restart unreal um go here virtual production select vcam okay now you'll see vcam below here on the right you'll see vcam highlighted go to vcam component make sure vcam component is enabled and also allow all input devices is enabled um download the app from the App Store it's called live link vcam once you have that downloaded go ahead and click on the app and then um you'll see a place to punch in your computer's IP address go to your command prompt and windows and then just type in uh ip config and it's pretty much the same kind of setup that we did for the uh live link face app so the live link face setup um covered a lot of the things that we've already need to do uh uh to get connected so we have the plugins enabled we have vcam we created the vcam um next we'll need to make sure that we are not connected to VPN um and uh once we have all of that confirmed hit connect and see if it works if it doesn't work go back to the live link base tutorial and there um we went over the firewall wall issue in creating an inbound rule so for that we use UDP messaging for the vcam we actually need to have TCP enabled we need to set up the firewall inbound rules a little bit different what we'll need to do is just type in Windows Defender Firewall in your windows search and then uh you'll see this here go ahead and hit Advanced and then on Advance you go click on inbound rules and then find the inbound rule that you created for the live link face setup okay mine is here I'm just going to double click it and then you'll now see protocols and ports for that um for the live link pH setup it was UDP that we allowed an exception for so for this setup we need to choose TCP okay so just change that over leave everything else the same hit apply and then once you do that you should be able to connect so let's go ahead and give that a try I had to restart unreal but let's go ahead and try to connect now okay awesome so it looks like we are now connected yeah looks like we have connection and now I can can move around in real time which is really cool hope you have fun with this tool and uh thanks for checking out the video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animation Labo
Views: 1,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #animationinaminute #animation #maya #motionbuilder #unreal #autodesk #epicgames #animbot
Id: zbjNsfu_5ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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