Udims in Blender to Substance Painter and Back Again

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[Music] hello and welcome to this set and this set we're going to talk about you dims so when i started youtube's weren't the thing and it took me a little bit of a while to get it straight in my head but i thought i would do a video on udems how they work why we might want to use them and how to then utilize them in other programs i'm going to use substance painter because you know that's the one i know um so you dims why do i want to use him well you see here i've got a little uh terrible crate model i've created and i've uv it just press a to select everything and you can see it's over here and it's lovely you know it's all fitting in space it's all pointing in the direction and i'm very happy with it except to say i'm not getting much resolution out of this for the individual pieces so i want my pieces to be bigger i want them to create them you know to take up the maximum space in here and all of this space up here is lost in our map you know whether it be 10 uh you know 1k 2k 4k map you know it doesn't matter that's wasted it's wasted space and yeah we could do better than that because you know we want to you know that it's it's just not good enough anyway i'll i'll stop rambling so under the old school way of doing things um i would simply create two materials so i would select the bits i want on one material say these pieces which faces and i would pack them oops where's pack gone notice here somewhere and you know they're taking up more space in my uv but the problem is now it's overlapping other things and i would either have to make those smaller or i would have to create two materials i don't want to make them smaller because the idea of this is to get more texture resolution so i would create a new material and that's where the issue comes because when i have more than one material i have to set up more than one material that might sound obvious but when you've got you know 50 models to set up and they've all got two or three materials on them it becomes a real grind um so you want to minimize that a new dims is a way of doing that so what udem allows us to do is essentially assign more than one texture image to a material so we can have one material and then multiple images um you know you can have you know not an infinite amount but you can have you know several image maps all feeding into one material and that one material only needs setting up once which is perfect you know that's why that's what we want you know we want to save time because you know not that we're lazy it's just you know efficiency is is a very key thing so what we'll do in the next little section is i'll go through and show you how to set up a a you dim you know you did material within uh blender so i'll talk to you then okay so to set up you dims on a shader we need to add an image into the system so i'll just uh go along to the image view so let's just change this one over here to be whoops not that one not edit mode it's that one there to be image editor and from our list up here we'll create a new one and we're going to make it 2048 by 2048 and we'll call it uh you did set up there we go now the important thing here is we need to tell it that this is going to be udim now a udem is not a single image it's an array a collection of images so to do that we click the tile button which might confuse you because when i first looked at it i thought tiled do i need to tell it i'm going to tile this object this this this texture so yeah perhaps a different terminology might have been less confusing to me anyway um so we've given it a name uh let's give it a color because black is just confusing and and click ok so now i have an image so this is currently um just one image in our array in our collection but we can tell it that we want more so if i press my n key to get my menu up and then go to the image tab down here you'll see uv tiles or you dim tiles rather and the first one is 1001. that's this space that's the very first space in the uv so we can add to this to add another tile which will go into the next position was a thousand and two and we could use you know if we're doing more i'm just going to use two for demo purposes um i've got one we've got a label and we've got the size of the image alpha black etc etc and i'll click ok and you'll now see that i've got two images so these are separate images they are physically separate uh within a collection of images so now we can use this to uv we can move our pieces around in here because our shader knows that it's going to expect two image two uh images and one will be a thousand one and one will be a thousand and two okay so that's the basic setup if i now go to the shading room where's that it's here i can connect this up to my material so my current material is called material i'll just call it crate matte so that i know what it is and then i'm going to add an image map in here so let's press shift a s and i'll just type an image to find it quickly there we go i'll pop that in and connect that up and then we'll select our image so we'll select udem setup and you should see that currently everything is blue because it's all in that zero one space all in that 1000 on one image and what we'll do in the next video is we'll just move some things around and see what happens so i'll talk to you then okay so i'm going to knit back into the uv room now so we'll just pop over there and then i'm going to select my faces that i want on a different udim tile there we go i think that's all of them and then i'm just simply going to move them over so over here whoops how do i get onto that kind of selection mode i'm going to press g to move them and just move them over so you need to be careful to make sure they're in bounds so if they go over the edge on one side you may want to just move them again so i'll press g and just try very hard to get those within the line g move it over a little bit more oh i think that's perhaps good yep it's not on there on there if you don't want to be too precise about it and you're not worried about a few pixels you could use s and just scale it down ever so slightly okay so now i want to sort out the other tiles so let's go can we do a select and invert no that would be too easy because i should have done it over here so let me select these again and then we'll do an invert so select invert and now i've got them here and these ones are pretty easy because i'm not going to move them i'm just going to pack them again so it's uv and pack and now i've got the maximum texture space i can for those there we are oops better select everything over this side tonight i'll get used to that eventually um okay so now our model is set up to have you know the maximum texture size available for the polygons that i've assigned to each udem we do have a kind of an issue here in texal density one of them is likely to be of a slightly different textual density to the other so it might be that you'd want three for this but as i say i'm demonstrating so you know i want to keep it relatively simple okay so that's setting it up the model is done um we've set up the texture we've set up the shader for you dims and in the next one what we'll do is export this out to another application in this case substance painter we'll create a texture and then we'll bring it back in and set it up so i will talk to you then okay so i'm just going to switch over my viewport shading to textured and then you can see what's happening here so anything on udem 1001 is colored in the blue color and anything on two is covered in the black color so they are successfully looking in different places for the textures okay so let's just export this then so let's flip to object mode and file export let's do an uh i've got one that i've tested on earlier called crate.fbx and now that's just gone off and done its business so in substance i'm going to create a new scene or a new project i've got pbr metallic roughness and i'll go to select and pick my crate now normally all i do here is set the you know the texture size make sure my normal maps right and then off i go but you'll notice i have a new box ticked here which is uv tile workflow so uv tile workflow is you dims and you know you need to have this on for it to work there are two modes you can use there's a a newer one which is preserve the uv tile layout per material and enable painting across tiles or the old way which is convert uv tiles into individual texture sets there's good and bad to each um i'm going to use you know the preserve uv tile um if you use the other version um it will create a material for each of your youtube tiles so you can change um you know properties across each and so on and so forth so let's click ok on there and when we come up you'll see i've got one material which is our crate map and underneath it we have two uv tiles and if we press f to focus in here and then zoom out a little bit you'll see i've got both my uv tiles here shown on the screen and that's perfect so now i can work within this layer to build my texture so we'll just do a relatively simple one uh if i had a fill let it think about it and i've got some wood over here somewhere just going to pick this wood rough drag that in whoops let's get rid of that one there we go i can see that this wood is pointing the wrong way for my uv because i've got these uh you know the grain is going the wrong way there looks like it would break so on my layer i'll go down to rotation on the uv and click 90. and now it looks right and we'll add a layer above that and give it some dirt so right click add bitmap sorry add black mask add a generator under that and we'll pick in general and that's going to put some dirt in various places always say i haven't baked my maps so let's just quickly do that uh texture set settings i need to be on the map for that so select the material and then on the uh maps area we'll hit bake so where we go 2048 turn off id update my curvature there we go let's do my kind of defaultish settings before i change them later if i need to change them let's bake those out so this is going to bake my uh maps and it'll bake both uh you know uh udem tiles and we should be good there we go back to it so now i've got all my uh maps i need for that generator to work properly and it's looking better but i'll go back and i'll just adjust this generator to make it a bit more subtle a little bit more subtle anyway there we go uh so for this one i think i'll just probably make it a darker color let's turn off everything but color and rough so i want the color to come a bit darker i don't want the roughness to be much higher there we go okay one last uh layer we'll add some edgewear to this so i'll add a black mask or use the metal edge wear just to speed me up a bit there we go you can see that's got some nice edgeware on it and what should we do let's increase our wear level so i want more on the edges but i don't want quite so much grunge so i'm going to take that down a bit there we go take the grunge scale down too so it doesn't look repeating okay so for this one i'm going to put the original wood on it so it looks no different but what i will do is change the color in that i'll pale it up so it looks like maybe that was the original wood and it's kind of worn away let's increase the roughness on it there we go okay so not the best texture we've done but it'll do for demonstration purposes so now we need to export these of course so i'll go to file export textures i'll go and find my uh export folder it's not in projects is it's in training there is new dims and i'll select that folder pbr metallic roughness png i'll leave it with png based on the texture dilution in the infinite and now i'm going to turn infinite off i don't like infinite plus diffusion and uh i want bass rough metallic normal height don't want to emissive because we're not using it uh so let's explore this out i suspect metallic metallic will have nothing on it but we'll see okay so now we've got our model painted and we've got our maps exported and what we need to do is be able to set them up in blender of course so we'll do that in the next section and i'll talk to you then [Music] okay so let's get this out but i just want to make a note of something just in case it happens to you and you think you're going crazy um i happen to have saved this closed it and reopened it between videos and since i've done that my black faces on these uh polygons has have gone now i don't think it's an issue because i'm not going to use this you didn't image we set up um but you know it makes me a little bit wary so just be aware that that happens but it doesn't actually make a difference because i'm going to delete this now there we go right so for this i need the node wrangler plugin to be turned on so just go to your editing preferences type in wrangler whoops if i can type in wrangler without making a mess of it and just make sure you've got a little tick beside that node wrangler box there because it makes the next bit a little bit less painful okay so with that done we select our principled shader and press control shift and t and you'll get a dialog box up which no dragger is going to use and we're going to select all of our maps here now i'm not going to select all of them uh because the next bit involves uh hooking up lots of different maps and i don't think some of these maps are used uh oh well let's do everything except the normal and the height so once you've done that because of the naming in your textures because it says this is base color and it's on 1001 um you should know that that's where it wants to go that's where it wants to be the same double o2 you should know where it is on the uv map and where it should be and where it says metallic and roughness you should know which channels to put those in so put base color in albedo metallic and metalness and roughness in roughness which is terrific which means i don't have to do it manually which is all right by me so i'm going to create this so principal texture set and node wrangler will then set them up for us i say set them up set them up partially so there's a little bit more to do here that's why i haven't done all of them because it will just add loads of time to the video so as you can see this isn't right it's putting everything on the same place and that's because each of these images is set to a single image and we need to set them to udim tiles so we'll just do that and you'll see immediately that the middle bit starts to go strange because not only do we need to do this we need to actually tell each of these images that there are two tiles on them so without doing this it won't show up at all so next then i'm just going to flip over to the image editor and then i'll select each of my images so there are only actually three to do because i've only picked three channels so it's not that many but you know with additional channels it's going to take a little bit longer so it's just like we did on the um when we set the template up uh select the image in the n menu under the image tab we need to add a new set so i'm just gonna click plus and one and okay and once that's done it adds a new space but it needs to reload the texture to get the new uh the new mapping so just by this uh the file here just press this little refresh button and it will bring it back in again and sadly we need to do that for all of them and is one reason why i didn't uh bring every single one in so it's add a tile however many tiles you happen to be using hit the refresh button and job done and one last one then not that one i've done that one foolish man so there we go add a tile refresh the image and job done and i hope you saw as i was doing that that every time i refreshed the image the um you know the preview changed you know another aspect of it changed so let's have a look at the shade editor so yes everything's plugged into everything if it doesn't plug in it might be that the node wrangler or blender doesn't recognize the name the naming convention is quite important you know it has to say something fairly standard like albedo or base color uh metalness or metallic um roughness or rough or something it has you have to be able to give it a clue it's not going to figure it out for itself yeah and it's all done from the name um and of course it's very helpful in substance in that when you go to export you can actually define those so if i export textures here and go to the matte settings you'll see that these are set to be base color metallic height emissive etc etc so everything comes to fit in with substance um but if you're using a different template if you're using something else you might just want to make sure that that works and of course the udem id needs to be on the end of the texture name okay so uh that's it i hope that was useful and uh yes i will talk to you in another set let me just go to the render room actually let's uh not there let's go to the modeling room and just have a look at this in all of its really dull glory yeah looks alright as far as it goes yes excuse me so that's you dims how to set them up in blender initially exporting the object painting it in substance and then bringing it back again and i hope that was useful i'm repeating myself now old age you see um so i will talk to you in another set [Music] you
Channel: 3DMegaverse
Views: 9,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender to Substance Udims, blender and substance painter tutorial, how to use substance painter with blender, blender and substance painter, blender to substance painter workflow, blender substance painter workflow, blender to substace painter, blender to substance painter, blender to substace painter workflow, Blender to substace udims, blender to substace, blender to substance, blender zbrush substance painter workflow, blender to substance painter tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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