UConn vs. Kentucky - National Championship - 2014 NCAA Tournament

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Harrison's been able to do the last three games with his game-winning three pointers and that kind of stuff yeah man he's a clutch player as you could tell three games in does he's wanting to take that shot and like I always said that the biggest thing about that is if you're willing to take it you know a lot of guys shot away from the moment he's not one of those guys and hopefully it doesn't come down to a shot and if it does we're gonna make sure we move him away from that left side where he's been knocking out a shot consistently so you know he's like I said he got that clutch gene that guy's and then everyone's been talking about and he's not scared to miss the shot cuz you know that's the chance you take you take that shot and a chance you miss it and he's the guy that's gonna be willing to be the heroine so that's the that's just a lot of respect on the right side in the front then VIN Parisi SNY coach defensively in terms of defending Kentucky what are you looking to key in on well we first of all we want to get back a transition that's up that's our number one key every game especially them they got a lot of great athletes they used a quickness they used a speed they used a jumping ability to get it inside the paint so we want to locate when we get back want to keep them in front of us and then play solid defense we want to limit the penetration and make them shoot over the top next questions on the left side of the aisle Tim Sullivan Louisville courier-journal for Kevin Louisville defeated your team three times by total 55 points have how much is that matchups and how much is your being here improvement things happen throughout the season you know they got great players coach Pitino is a great coach but you know Florida be Kentucky three times so I mean it's all about going out there playing each and every day each and every game is it's something different and you got to be able to step up to the challenge and I tell these guys all the time we don't you know you don't play the game let the game play you and I thought we did that last night when they came out 16:4 we didn't get down we kept you know allowing our defense to take over and our selfishness to take over now together this to take over so I thought we built last night and but I thought we built on a lot of ups and downs throughout the season and that's what great teams do they take the challenge and they get better from it so you know we want to go out there and we want to win one more game and that's how only go questions for our student-athletes and coach ollie on the right side of the aisle drew Davis won't the four Star Telegram is for DeAndre and Phillip kind of what are you guys as impressions of Joyce Randall and what do you think the key to containing him is Phillip can you take that first I mean he's a pretty strong guy basically everything coach seven beginning just try to keep them off the glass DeAndre we're not focused on one player refocus on Kentucky as a whole but um just when the biggest get it in just everybody communicating and helping one helping one another and just always have other bigs back no matter what happens and them box them out and rebound the next questions on the right side for Adam for Shabazz and Ryan Adams Agora smy I think this Kentucky team has like seven McDonald's all-americans and seven future pros when you hear stuff like that what goes through your mind and does that give you any kind of added edge or motivation in this game Ryan first then she bets you know they date all Americans and they supposed to be future pros you know we don't really look into that it's another game we're gonna go out there and we're gonna execute our defensive schemes and play together you couldn't play UConn basketball you know we're not taking it as an extra challenge and then like they're you know they got a race to issues that just like we got to she bad yeah just like Ryan said you know we all play the game of basketball to compete against the best and this is one of them games you know it's uh at the end of the day like when I just said you know they're gonna throw the ball up my hair they don't do nothing different you know we put on my judges the same way you know they worked hard to get to this poison we did too you know you know we gonna do our best to try to get this w on the left side in the front Zack Zack Brazil ur your post Kevin what have you seen from DeAndre the tort of it you know he went for being kind of from an up-and-down season to be one of the best players in the country in this tournament you know two double-doubles obviously yesterday was phenomenal is there anything you noticed different about him no we just want DeAndre to play we always talked about DeAndre with touches it's not about points as touches it's activity it's effort we consider touch an offensive rebound defensive rebound 50/50 ball blocks and when he's active he scores if you look back through all the the stats in our season if he averaged eight rebounds he averaged 19 points so I mean that tells you when he's active and he's playing attention to details he going out to the ball we called a collective ball hunters when he's a ball hunter he scores because he's that talented his sillim none of our players got roofs on the own own the own them all right there no limits on our players we're just gonna go play hard and we're gonna play together there's no limits in our locker room there's no limits that our student-athletes they don't have no limits I'll do them I'll be doing them a disservice I put limits on to the right side Roger Roger Rubin from the New York Daily News this is a question for all five of the players it's a short-answer question beginning with the big guys going down the line in one sentence why do you believe in your heart that Connecticut will win the championship we'll start with Phillip then we'll move back down toward Chavez I mean we work hard I just feel like all the trials and tribulations that we've been through through our last season and this season just has prepared us for this moment I'm just gonna say hard that's it I think we put so much work into it and didn't start this season I think it started last season and just as this whole collective group is has been through so many down periods that I think we can really really worked hard for this oh yeah I mean they saying everything just wrapped at all the one we've been through so much together last year and this year we worked extremely hard on the preview come preseason is prior to work first season ever and you know we got a lot of Harden about a will and coach always told us that this was a special team and keeping saying that all year you said it all last year it's a special team and we really believe that and like they said I mean I've just got all the confidence in my guys and we believe in everything we do next questions on the aisle to the right side Daniel Serena Fox Sports shabazz coach called you basically an unpaid coach at one point just talking about how much of a leader you are on the court I was wondering if you could talk about your growth as a player under him in the kind of relationship you guys have had yeah you know I I came in with coach you know he was the assistant coach he was a guy I was always you know beside and we worked out a lot he you know he did a lot of things for me you know when Coach Calhoun was a guy that you know that you coach Ollie was a guy that patch on your back and you know kept him over for it and the four years we've been together has been tremendous man he's he's been where we all want to be a point guard in the NBA he's been through a lot and a guy like that who never you know pointing fingers at anybody but himself through all his trials and tribulation and everything he'd been through you got you could learn from that and we all believe we all believed in each other and no matter what's going on what I'm I'm you know I'm laughing and joking anymore you know when I was a sophomore and I was crying in his arms cuz I was upset the way I was playing he was always there for me and you know I never had a father in my life and like I always said you know I felt like he was always a father figure to me and that's what I wanted and he believed everything I did was with a lot of passion and may not be the right thing at the right time but he understood that I gave everything I got and you know when you have somebody like that in your corner you know you should always cherish that and you know me and has just been grown up since on the right side of the center aisle yeah Barry horn Dallas Morning News for the seniors can you tell me some of the similarities and differences between this season and the last championship season shabazz first I mean you know we had Kimball Walker the biggest difference you know that that team was definitely a unique team you know this is a totally different team you know a different coach different players you know different managers go down the line so I mean it just it's a totally different team we utter in the day I always said we want to do what that team did but at the end of the day we want to go on our own path and so far so good we just got to get one more 40-minute game same question to Neal I think one of the similarities you can see is we have we have a great backcourt and otherwise I would say this is a very different team you got you know more seniors more juniors on this team that we had our freshman year so we I think we have our own identity in their way is there a follow-up question yeah if you could please talk about what those differences what were what those differences are rather than just different players that's the biggest difference is the players you know I think the hearts the same everything's the same just to plays and I don't know how to go in debt with that I think you know I just kind of sums it up to the left side of the aisle Janene good morning guys congratulations Jeannine Edwards ESPN on this question is for coach also for the players what did you do last night what time you go to bed what did you do and what is the most interesting text tweet email phone call that you received coach first I didn't go to sleep too much I had to stand up stay up and watch Kentucky and do scouting reports and do those different things I have amazing coaches staff and we collaborate on a lot of things it's just not me they do a great job preparing my student athletes for the war in a battle so we was up you know all night preparing only text I got you know from coach Brown just saying congratulations and have fun with it and I love him to death and you know I had opportunity to talk to him this morning and he just gave me some some sound advice have fun don't make it complicated same question to DeAndre and then Shabazz last night after the game I mean we went to the hotel showered a some chicken tacos and couldn't really sleep I was tossing and turning all night just thinking about Monday and I just couldn't wait to get on the court and my text messages I don't remember how like 106 68 text messages so I don't really know I could go in-depth like he did after the game I just sat ate my mother we just talking and hanging it out and text message our guy was just saying you know keep working hard ready to keep your composure and you know where they just keep believing on the right side of the center aisle D Futterman from CBS News for coach and Shabazz and Ryan I would like to know simplistic question but you've watched this game since you were young men children what does it mean to be in this game the importance of this game what does it mean to you to be in the spotlight in a second question for coach if you're faced with your team up by one point with 5.7 seconds to go what are you gonna do the stuff Harrison you know hopefully we are in that position we're up and we have opportunity to fall back on our defense we've been doing that out the whole year hasn't been offense you know it's been defense and that's what we hang our hats on I've been telling you guys the whole time Madison Square Garden or not Madison Square Garden events to win those games and on it's the same thing we brought here to Texas we don't hang our hat on defense and you know in that situation I like to float I look at the Florida game who's playing the best defense you know the best five out there on the court and as can play together you can get one more stop and hopefully it comes down to that and hopefully we get one more stop to win a game and win a national championship Ryan or Shabazz did you have an answer to the first part of that question me too what was the question that means uh it just means a lot basically I don't you know we worked so hard to get to this point you know and we just continue to believe in leaving each other it's just so surreal to be back here you know our names can tell you you know who's a freshman you know the biggest thing God said it was it you know take your chances take the opportunity now because you don't know when you're coming back and for us to be back right now so surreal well we'll move to the next question on the right side Gregg Gregg Logan of Newsday for Ryan last night coach Donovan gave you and Shabazz credit for keeping will bacon out of the lane and taking them out of their offense the Harrison twins have as good as they are have been high turnover guys at times what do you see from them in terms of ball handling the you feel you might be able to take advantage of hello I ain't gonna reveal all my secrets but um you know I'm gonna just uh just try to do my best to turn them up and up up and down the floor at home to try to make them uncomfortable to try to get up get up in and be able to physical with them but um other than that you know they they good point guard they're big so that the dribble was a little high but like I said I'm gonna just execute the defensive schemes that clothes come up with and I'll just try to turn him up and down the floor on the right side in the front bench beagle with the New York Times Kevin Billy Donovan said last night at the big difference between last night's game and the game from four months ago was that you've evolved into a great defensive team when did that transition occur for you and when did you first get the sense that Ryan would be such such an effective defender as he is I knew Ryan was gonna be effective defender three years ago I mean it's nothing new to me you know we wanted him to be more consistent with it and I think he's starting to do that and just affect the game in so many different ways and he alluded to it earlier you know he had to mature as a as a young man and the basketball players not all about scoring he can impact the game in so many ways and he's starting to do that at the highest stage and he's been doing it last year he's been doing it this year and now everybody's seen it but I've been seeing it every day in practice the God never misses a practice I mean for three years they missed the practice so y'all don't see that I see it and I know the type of heart he has but I know the type of heart every one of these guys are up here and the guys that's in a locker room you know our walk-ons all of us got hardened we play that way it's not a fluke that we hear its core values and its principles it's not a fluke on the right side in the center Reid coach I read for graph with foxsports1 straight in front howdy a lot of players like Shabazz just said have referred to you as a father figure I'm curious what's your philosophy as a mentor and how has that evolved since you've become head coach I'm not here to motivate these guys and spire these guys they motivate themselves I'm just here to have value I just want to have value each and every day and if they need something at the end of the day they know I got their back negative or positive they can come in my office and I got their back and you know every day I come in with the same mindset that I want to get better at something I want to help them be better men in basketball is second to me I want them better people once they leave stores campus and if I did that forget about the wins and losses national championship all that stuff I think I've done my job if they leave that court that stores campus a better person and a better man able to make a make an imprint on their community on the right side in the back Raphael Raphael Johnson NBC Sports you know coach you've talked a lot about your team's improved defensive effort over the last month what's been the biggest difference in that area and also how much is Terrence Samuel helped in terms of the perimeter defense down the stretch Terrence been huge he's really allowed me to put three point guards on the on the court at the same time and it's really allowing you know us to create havoc on the defensive end picking up our pressure but it's really allowing us the space to floor and use our dribble drive sense more effectively and he's just been doing outstanding job our defensive mentality paying attention to details we always say the genius is in the details and we're paying attention to more details and you know these guys know if we lose we go home whenever you've got your backs against the wall like these student athletes have had their backs against the wall they fought they fight us and every one of them they fight to the end and they know you know if we don't bring our a-game and we don't have a B or C game we have an A game then we gotta we'll go home and they don't want to go home they made four more they made for this championship game and um we're gonna go out here and play 44 and hopefully Connecticut is on that big billboard at the jumbotron whatever Jerry generals call it saying we national championships and national champions and that's all we want all the way in the back to the left of the camera platform raise your hands guys coach Kent Taylor from wave TV in Louisville after that 33 point lost in the regular season finale you said something in a paraphrasing a little bit about you know these guys maybe we can play two more games go on spring break or something how quickly did you know that that wouldn't be the case that that they wanted to fight was it on the bus ride home was it the next practice I knew we was gonna fight I'm gonna just tell you what I said I said if we play like that and we don't go home and we're gonna enjoy spring break but I know we fight us and when we got back in you know on their bus and we got back to practice and I could see the look in their eyes and and dark trousers were promote you I'm glad that happened I'm glad that happen because we went back and I had to evaluate myself as the coach and I hope every player went today dorms and looked themselves in the mirror and have to evaluate the effort and down times like that just promote you so I'm glad it happened because we all got together we knew what we had to do to challenge it was in front of us and we was gonna face it and we got better from that and you know Louisville beat us again in the in the tournament but that's alright we got better from it and that's what we want to keep doing every challenge get better from it don't get down on each other stay together and I think that even brought us together so I'm glad Pitino did that to us on the right side in the front row Joe Trahan from wfaa-tv here in Dallas coach ollie this is for you having been born here and I understand you're a Cowboys fan yes and I know you took the team here to come and see the stadium when you guys played us from you back in January can you put in perspective what significance this setting has for you if any oh it's great significance um you know I was born in Oak Cliff right in Dallas all my family is here I'm able to get here my mother is able to get here you know it's just it's just a great opportunity to look out in the crowd and after we want to see all your family members here of course I'm a big Dallas Cowboys fan and I did bring the team here and you know I wanted them to come and just see you know where we can actually be a on this date tomorrow Monday and I just wanted them to have a vision they enjoyed the trip they more enjoyed you know going into Dallas cheerleaders locker room more than anything so but they enjoyed the trip on the right side coach Zack McCray franchise sports radio in Oklahoma City and being there and this is before your tournament run your name was brought up without being asked about it by Russell Westbrook Kevin Durant etc about how your presence there the Kevin Durant's quote was it was a game changer for the franchise and I was just wondering for those folks in Oklahoma City you what you think about something like that I think the world of Kevin Durant Russell Westbrook Sam Presti the whole organization they changed my life I know Kevin Durant says that but man he changed my life they gave me an opportunity to you know they took on a 37 year old point guard that they can't really shoot and gave me another life another contract so but the organization is so great they treat everybody first-class they treat the last player on the bench just like they treat KD and KD is a is a humble young man and everybody get caught up in that court I get quite a get caught up in the quote he said at the end of the day said I want to be called a servant and I want all these guys to understand that the best player on a team saying I want to be a server and if we can serve each other we'll be a better team and that's what the organization is built on and that's why they're gonna be a successful franchise going from years the years or years and it showed and consistency because that's their model [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go [Applause] there you go the kids from Kentucky to the sweet 16 [Applause] Kentucky takes know I dreamed about this day for a long time always dreamt about this national championship baby no one probably expected us to be here everybody got it nobody said we were gonna be here when you're we all finally it's all paying off we get to prove that we can win a national title we don't need anybody else to believe in us and we look each other now we already know this is Yukon time we always believed that we were gonna be here and now you're finally here [Music] [Applause] Kentucky [Applause] [Applause] spectacular performance by the Husky [Applause] championship game which team will shine tonight at AT&T Stadium let it shine sung by the inspiring body of Christ living sound choir from right here in Dallas as we bring you inside somewhere in the neighborhood of 80,000 will be on hand 66 games played to get to this point and two heavyweight programs left standing for the biggest title of all national champion will be Kentucky for women Connecticut hello friends Jim Anstey curve Greg Anthony can't wait to caucus with my buddies who would have bought three weeks ago selection sunday brackets come out all the speculation who will make it to the champion camp we got a seven and an eight seed playing for the national title yeah we do but guys as you well know this is not about Cinderella and it's also not about the fact that these are two elite level tradition driven program it's more about the fact that their talent has finally matured over the course of the tournament and that's why they're both playing for the title both clubs on a run what's interesting to me Greg is is how the two clubs enter this game a little different manner I think UConn a veteran Club methodical win over Florida they're healthy and ready to go kentucky's got some injury issues and expended so much energy getting past wisconsin which was followed by a national championship light celebration don't get in scrip seems the same every time three straight games with the game-winner this one the best of them all look at the depth on this shot just the fifth three-point attempt all game coming from Kentucky but Harrison incredible heroics in this tournament now take a look at this you may not have seen this footage into victory piles of a 22 Alex Poythress a very valuable reserve and former starter twisted his knee in that celebration and you know he said he's been in vain over the weekend since the game but he's a critical performer for this team particularly in this game remember Willie cauley-stein is out with the injury so Poythress and cauley-stein the two most important pick-and-roll defenders on this team and Jim they're gonna see a thousand pick and rolls between Boatwright and Napier tonight and one other thing to report we just saw this in the warm-ups you might remember on Saturday Julius Randle rolled his right ankle and he's been out here grimacing in pain on met with him yesterday that right foot last year he broken in the second game of his senior season and missed the whole season until the state championship game which he came back for that's the same foot but shifted over now to the UConn Huskies we all know about Napier sensational all-america but he's found some help in this NCAA tournament he really has surpassed Napier his greatness is the reason why Yukons been good all season but really it's been about him finally getting a little help from his friends to have a chance to become great yeah Greg Daniels has just been lights out on that front line with providing balance from an offensive standpoint and toughness on the backboard and nobody's been tougher they Ryan Boatright defensively as disruptive as any guard in America he very well may be the catalyst as the weather not Yukon touchdown the nets well bracket Steve have been calling these two programs Blue Bloods Kentucky and Connecticut about to tangle for the national championship deep in the heart of Texas [Applause] ladies and gentlemen please rise to honor America and those who support our freedom at home and abroad the presentation of the covers is provided by the joint services honor guard from Naval Air Station Fort Worth please welcome award-winning country singer and songwriter Darius Rucker and Dallas's own Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and visual arts jazz singers in the performance of our national anthem oh say can you see by the dawn's early was so proudly we ever twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars the pair or everyone were so girl ever [Music] merci [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and of the free [Music] Oh [Music] Bree [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen welcome to championship nights making their 12th championship game appearance they are the winners of eight national championships please welcome the Kentucky Wildcats [Applause] [Music] Kentucky is bacon Iran [Applause] let's go catch starting tonight for the Kentucky Wildcats at forward a freshman from Rochester Hills Michigan number one James Young at guard a freshman from Richmond Texas number two [Music] at guard a freshman from Richmond Texas number 5 Andrew Harrison and forward a freshman from Dallas Texas number 30 Julius Randle at center a freshman from Brooklyn New York number 44 to Carrie Johnson [Applause] they are the three-time national champions and are appearing in their fourth championship game in the last 15 years please welcome the Connecticut Huskies [Applause] [Music] the Huskies [Music] [Applause] [Music] starting tonight for the UConn Huskies at forward a sophomore from Milwaukee Wisconsin number 0 Philip Nolan and forward a junior from Los Angeles California number 2 DeAndre Daniels at forward a senior from Berlin Germany number five Niels defy at guard of junior from Borah Illinois number 11 Ryan Boatright at guard a senior from Roxbury Massachusetts number 13 Shabazz Napier and introducing the head coaches for Kentucky in his fifth season for the Wildcats John Calipari for UConn in his second season for the Huskies Kevin ollie [Applause] so everything is all set now greatest night of the year in basketball is coming up [Applause] welcome back to the national championship game which will be governed by Vern Harris Joe DeRosa and Doug fouls with Mike Roberts the alternate at the table with thought here before tipoff fellows forming so much to look for I think the initial thing is how does UConn player they like to extend pressure but when you do that against Kentucky you're exposed on the backside with all those athletes coming in for lobs and offensive boards so you got to find out how you pot is going to approach this game defensively it'll be Nolan and Randall will be keeping an eye on grimacing in warmups tap pendulum back to Napier grandma thought well also remember the last game against Florida you carbs guards as much as they pressured neither committed a file in that game and so you gotta assume that's not gonna be the case tonight and secondly for me UConn guards like depression it's lawless thing at UConn and typically you pressure to disrupt often Kentucky doesn't run a lot of sets they basically are looking to play a lot of one-on-one basketball so those two strengths will be going at each other driving it inside right away [Applause] for the game's first two these guards are so dangerous for Connecticut both ends Jimmy saw the drive and now Boatright picking up at half-court we didn't see full-court pressure just man-to-man half court we've seen a lot of teams at 10:00 to try to cross match against Kentucky because of the side of their backcourt and although Yukons undersides they have gone with the prototype matchup of their wands and confident is Kevin ollie that they can defend pounds [Applause] by Kentucky one right back permitted by the for turn aways in that turnovers in that victory against Wisconsin airs Randall books at Johnson No no one has snatched and he's Matis isms on that play when the first time you seen all-tournament that someone physically could match up with Kentucky on that one when they attack the offensive glass Napier who took only six shots in the victory against Florida but played a very solid game did what he had to do with six rebounds 4 steals and rattles out Napier's first shot took a long time before he got a been attempt off on Saturday and to download dakari Johnson and this time he stores on the inside this is Kentucky's advantage it's the physical strength Yukon is really long and rangy and athletic but Kentucky can go right into the paint and into the bodies of the UConn defenders and have success but that's where it's the ability to pressure the basketball and not allow for those post feed angles to be created [Applause] past the Wildcats and I think important for you kind the two guys that have been the most important that most inconsistent scored their first two baskets in both boat rights and Daniels Andrew Harrison crimes and that was up ahead goodbye takes it to the hole when you attack the offensive glass as they do and you don't come up with the church they to get attacked in transition has the dark ways to take advantage its young to the paint and again first it looks like they might let it go foul ball or Daniels again it was slashing to the basket at this end by Daniel's and the speed and quickness of this UConn team has shown I think they're a little quicker than Kentucky getting out in transition also Daniel's getting that drive to the hoop and the other thing we've seen here early guys I think UConn has taken a whole page out of this constants book they are selling out to protect against penetration not extending their pressure as much but really forcing Kentucky to shoot the ball from the three-point line interesting move here randall comes out after only 2 minutes and 50 seconds and the Poitras you spoke about him in the opening with that twisted left knee in the victory pile on Saturday and he's out here we'll watch him I think the Willie cauley-stein injury was much bigger in this game guys than it was the other day against Wisconsin because of all the screen and rolls in the switching that kentucky likes to do with the chicken rolls but remember to Nate year at both life can go right around bigger defenders on the switch and remember also because of the two point guards they're never going to be in an attack position against five sets of eyes meetings they move to defense and when they get it on the weak side as when they meant to attack Daniels long on the three and out of bounds to Kentucky and the other thing but probably Stein good time on a guy that walked a hundred and ten shots this year and then such a presence as you said is protected as cylinder and their best pick-and-roll defender because he can switch on the smaller guards and he's so quick laterally he can stay in front and still challenge shots with his life that's his race boys he can play in space demeaning at seven foot he can guard on the three-point line while eyes and still recover to get to the paint to some test shots that for Kentucky this James young getting in his way again he was offended on Saturday had a game-high 17 for Kentucky against Wisconsin and he kept taking it to the pink like we've seen twice already once drawing a foul and getting to his left hand again and you know in the scouting report you're supposed to sit and write but he's so quick still manages to get to that left hand goes outside to five hitting the outside shop they've had Oakland looks will get that steel [Applause] see the misdemeanor Pusha bass Napier goodness and that's something that he and Boatwright do really well and you see here the contests there about guitar well that'll set both white to the line when we come back after this up sir sixteen timeouts welcome back to North Texas take a look at Shabazz Napier folks good defensive guards they time me they captured ripples and they get a feel for your tendencies as a ball handler and that play right there leads the foul on the Tory Johnson equal also at times make a ball handler more tentative because you know that a guy has the ability to pick your pocket [Music] so Randall you guys thought when he was out there for under three minutes he was not looking a hundred percent I thought he was struggling a little bit with his movement and I think my initial impressions of his name UConn is the much quicker team getting a lot of looks that they can knock down Kentucky's gonna have to pick up its defense a little bit and try to stay in front of these darts a champion is going to be crowned tonight oh right after the game get your official championship gear get locker room tees hats and more at the official championship store of the NCAA ncaa.com slash shop and Boatwright Instanbul this is an outstanding free-throw shooting team the Huskies top ten in the nation this year [Applause] napier almost got to it Aaron Harrison still trying to find it pick off the ground and off the hands of Nolan will go to Kentucky and that's one of the advantages UConn will have they will switch defenses they will show extended pressure they'll come back they'll give you a little matchup than that relentless man-to-man just the force Kentucky to fake that's what you want with great athletes to make them fake and not play off of instinct we meet at Briah the 7-foot freshman has come in for Connecticut now you see also Dominique Hawkins who gave them valuable minutes then a reserve role 11 minutes overall of action against Wisconsin another freshman and his boy is spinning [Applause] bounce pass rattles home had just entered the game I think is what we're going to see from Yukon transition basket to be half they're going to take it early it's not you're gonna run a lot of talk and already like the pressure they're bothering here's for the backcourt volunteer you gotta get to it when you sense how quick today is and how good he can be and the key to this is the anticipation there it just makes you a little tentative and hesitant with your hat your handle never Andrew and Aaron neither guys blow by you they use their size to get to the rim Randall back on the floor then off of that swatch shot another transition opportunity again that for to chuck here comes me [Applause] this is the major concern in Kentucky all these screen rolls switches Navy I'd shoot top of anybody but when you honor that we can get right to the rim there's just too many things to worry about game jelly we've got battles now and Primus has note that belongs to me seven nothing runs through the Huskies and looking for more and we've seen it all tournament both these teams have been great because of their ability to make adjustments and now kentucky's going to have to make an adjustment offensively because they're not getting the kind of shots we've seen them ghettos of course with this turn [Applause] get the benefit of a role and Randall takes it off the floor back to Kentucky rifle balls will get from UConn more than the other day on the switches hidden rooms as well they tried to attack one on one as Randall gets fouled but they fear and the Huskies have been pretty patient you see the switch here Randall on him he's just gonna rise right up over the top but he's not gonna get the balls into a lot of sights he's gonna continue to move the ball and and kind of let the action play out force Kentucky's defense to move before attacking immediately missed the shot at the other end and it'll put Randall on the line again a Dallas kid right here next Monday Lindsay Lohan guest stars as a high-maintenance bride to be on a new to grow girls new time 8 7 central only CBS Julius Randle you Dallas Cowboys fan his heroes are Tony Romo and Dez Bryant who are accustomed to putting some points on the board right here inside of this beautiful edifice and Randall hitch to Hawkins I think does want to be important because he's their best perimeter defender and so while not the sprint offensively that the other guys provide work exactly his defense made you more important in this case the fine back to nature who wants it you could see it and he almost got another and the rebound bounces out to apply and the Reese for the husband's Napier falls to the floor and so too does Marcus leeeeee be a block on Leah I thought Napier was terrific the other day against Florida with his patient Florida did a nice job containing him and he never forced the issue just kept moving the ball like a senior does this time he frees himself up for an easy two out that basket and did you see that savvy move to get over a naughty and bounce pass a little slip just in the eyes you can see they're reading one another on that play beautiful connection between those two on that baseline out of bounds and then you get to see Andrew Harrison top angles not there in Huskies one run was it got the numbers they go to the trailer who says you know what - screams gonna watch the potatoes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and Huskies have the early momentum international championship game Gracie Wolfson's meant by that Kentucky during the timeout what have you heard Tracy well first off do not expect to see Julius Randle when they get back out on the court [Music] yeah let ik Traynor continues to come over and just keeps giving him water the julius randle had trouble with cramps at that Louisville game in December he missed a whole half so it is something to keep an eye on guys and then again to hobbling with that growing of the right ankle in the victory over Wisconsin on Saturday same foot that he broke in the second game of his senior year here at twisting would question with Christian high school he did not come back for three months until the state championship game when he scored 17 and they won another title UConn goes back to zone now this is about the third different look we've seen just try to keep Kentucky off balance Wisconsin's wondering why wasn't that the resolve on Saturday the same spot I've been in two of Kentucky players fall on the Wildcats that was Hassan crobat taking it to the hole and you know it's going against them they call them primal this is gonna be an interesting stretch here from Kentucky standpoint remember they've in essence been in this same position the last four games they trailed going into the half of all four and they were able to come back and they've been down significant deficits as well what I think Andrew and Aaron Harrison the two guys that have gotta figure out a way to play against this pressure in quickness of Yukons back were missing the last four shots from the field [Applause] Hawkins back outside and the twins seven to shoot splitting the defenders [Applause] on so many follow-ups as their best offense we've seen an all tournament just get into the pain any kind of penetration hit to the rim and put the ball up there let your bigs go get it back though the quick - and the other is for a screen and meeting at the hawk is and nature and he's giving up his Poitras Hawkins a little man on the floor able to get inside and get the rebound partly because Napier was slow to get up in such times as the rim you're gonna see the efforts my twist show Oh ill effect from that angle both right back at you with his own bucket more information and register for next year it's wide open right now and we'll see you this weekend from Augusta National we're gonna have now Hawkins [Applause] after a five Boatwright freshman from just outside of Lexington and Kentucky in familiar territory trailing in tournament games including that Louisville game where they were staggered early down 18 to 5 what John Calipari is going to have his greatest challenge as opposed to this tournament I believe because unlike Louisville who has a terrific backboard I don't know that their backcourt is at the same level I do eyes that you get with you kind not to mention the way they shoot free throws so he's gonna have to come up with some schemes that get his guys from constant Napier no dakari Johnson has the rebound Yukons put another guard on the floor the issue for California though this is a freshman Laden team they had to really scale back on schemes with this group because of their inexperience pick-and-roll coverage of the mutant lot of ways you can cover but you gotta have execution and precision and experience Kentucky has switched one through five all year just to make it simple I'm not sure they have other ski has it taken five Hawkins the ability to come in look how quickly he's able to clip that you can see the frustration right there on Andrew Harrison running back with the other thing though you still as a player they'll have to make the adjustment to the speed with which Yukon plays and we've seen that over the course of this tournament they've done that even though they're young team and it has been simplified you know they do have an ability to make the adjustments at times and go let's just see if that still prevails in tonight [Applause] big games of his it doubles up on Saturday [Applause] right on at all challenging Randall makes it tough not this time the five doesn't know alive too soon not in time by Julius Randle that was so impressive because he didn't get a chance to gather because Daniels that nudge right there doesn't allow them to get together still able to elevate and block that Queen that it's an impressive play defensively that was the first adjustment we've seen Kentucky down fighting over the screen rather than switching to that allow [Applause] rattling to get that block so we'll see if you con now makes adjustments in terms of how they run their picker go to attack what they're seeing Kentucky with 10 points in 10 minutes and then [Applause] Kentucky with 19 to 12 down and already having committed four turnovers and one of the most impressive things about this freshman punch is that against Wisconsin only four turnovers for the whole games and inside [Applause] facing him with the left hand to keep the ball alive remember though Jim Wisconsin's not a team that forces turnovers that's not the style of the state's way they don't have that scheme in their game whereas UConn is a team be more disruptive defensively because of that parameter quickly get in back it in dakari Johnson and Brock fell behind by Daniels misses the short shot question by Brahma the key for this Yukon frontline defensively they can't be able to strengthen but they can father Kentucky steel ball tips just by getting hands up [Applause] James Young I mean maybe is just so savvy and he's so solid with his decision-making [Applause] I think it's Napier's gaming that with the matchups to witness babies being played I think he's headed for a huge fight andrew has bang so much were they here's got a first couple times down the floor we the talk like he knows he can have it his way he feels like every time you say law he's the best player on the floor but having said that you saw a little adjustment for Kentucky offense week she's been able to get to the mid-range and in there with on the baseline I mean that was it impressive I was a Dirk Nowitzki yes the other thing we haven't really discussed Kentucky has not played well defensively the entire turn it's been about what they didn't do their efficiency that's allowed them to advance young likes this spot that's Nate here he has the most rebounds of any Husky coming inside to get the rebound in the day [Applause] a little chippy dan was unable to convert we reach the break Kentucky shooting only 31% double-digit lead seven and change to go and look at the bottom the starting guards for UConn have outscored Kentucky on the road 16 15 and this is what we've talked about because the pick and roll coverage for Kentucky this is not a great pick and roll defensive team they're going against probably the best pick and roll player the country in Shabazz major he gets the switch here he gets Julius Randle on his heels he rises up how many times did you see this against Michigan State last week Napier can have his way in this game and you made that point earlier Steve remember I think and he's such a smart player he went into the Florida game knowing in terms of the style that he wasn't going to be as aggressive because of how they would steam him but he knew in this game matchup wise that they didn't have a personnel to really just what what he wants to do and so that's why I think you've seen him far more aggressive at setting the tone here early on they come out of the break and again the best player Randle was taken a break he's only attempts at one shot didn't make it has not made a shot from the field with the couple of free throws [Applause] as usual force and that's Boatwright it's always the Huskies it seems with the twinjas hands tonight as Napier that what counts Poitras swats it away after it comes off the glass and look at Boatwright in Napier they have as good a ball instincts as any backcourt you're going to see him by that I mean you watch how the game develops they're always around the basketball via rebounding nice ball deflections they just have an innate ability to find the ball and is heading back to Connecticut and Kentucky's largest deficit of the tournament has been matched at 13 down well they're rattled right now and they're completely out of sorts when Young's got some foot out about speed kills me that this is a story of quickness right now Kentucky much slower team and now they're gonna fall back you do which is I think a smart move distant try to change up the rhythm that you Khan's gotten an attacking this office details here to the face line defines a good outside shooter steps in about by Poitras in the act of shooting that's the other thing that it's it could almost be nightmares just think about it you go zone and typically a zone is to try to force the non decision-makers to make decision in terms of your frontline player go a daniels aren't really good with the basketball at the hypo they've brought a little zone in the turban you guys saw some of it against Louisville not a whole lot they'll show someone 3-1 but this is a team that would rather stay in demand [Applause] get the most complete coverage of the sports you love all year long with the team stream app from Bleacher Report go deeper a team stream on your iPad iPhone or Android device today as Randall comes back in the Phi is from Berlin Germany his parents Christine and Frank are watching this right now on March Madness live at 3:45 in the morning in their living room that hooked up the computers to the television as is his high school coach who won a national championship intervenes miss 90 great game you'll remember a lot of you Hendrick row goal he's back there watching streaming in Germany and very proud of the five hits the two free throws you know what we've talked about with Napier this game is a good matchup for him I think it's the same for Randall I think this is a game that Randall's can have an opportunity to be aggressive I think that's the second on Daniel and and he's gonna have to be the guy to key though if you're Kentucky you your back court has to recognize that Andrew and Aaron has to they have to understand where the matchup lies in order for them to have success offensive the question I have you mentioned this earlier yet they don't run a lot of center be they've relied so heavily on the penetration of the Harrisons so now how do you make the adjustment you're not an elaborate offensive screaming team and you got a bunch of freshmen so this is a huge challenge young able amok reflect on Daniels picks up his second so he had to go to the bench that is Aaron Harrison left in it down the steel hands a tongue and a quick five point flurry for the cats just like that the zone Bayern Harrison comes up with the steal finally Kentucky showing some confidence and how about this duo right here they go by 42 and 43 and 42nd and 43rd presidents enjoying the game together President Clinton President George W Bush bipartisan sportsmanship become good Chris and they do a lot of speaking events together and heading up the Canada a few weeks to do another one the President Bush went keen to the opening ceremony to welcome the team to his hometown [Applause] says hello and once again I was just about to comment on how - Calipari is kind of change it hasn't changed the effectiveness of Napier this is an excellent three-point shooting team 39% on the season they make more than seven per game so the zone is pretty risky with all those shooter where's young stepping up that to chew and climb through for the rebound as Aaron Harrison and the thousand boat right take a look at nation this is you're not expecting a shot to be taken from eight feet beyond the three-point line but he's got the ability to make this out and now what happens after you make a shot like that now you got to take a step further outward will allow him to get into the teeth of the defense the thing is as a shooter when we've seen zone clean straight possessions values sitting on that shot because you know what's going to be there for you [Applause] Harrison missed on his first two shots from three tonight could have been the last minute though they always go there's no [Applause] Andrew Harrison again the tough angle without the pass out I hit the jumper because Andrew Harrison made a playful phenotypically his attacks [Applause] that's a good basket ten of Kentucky's 23 after that three-point shot and a half to one and a half control Connecticut Kentucky right now is starting to create a little havoc here for the Huskies really unforced errors though Tim again it's not like they're getting into them defensively it's just little confusion in theirs on offense which is awarded well what's happened though it's a game allows to tuck the sides that have more impact they're so big in the backboard as well as the front line that there's not a lot of space to operate for Utah and three more - four - from beyond the arc [Applause] your game in the tournament they find a way to battle back yep very familiar script [Applause] Kentucky's pour out of nine close it again from Kentucky already five the entire semifinal win over Wisconsin Nevaeh hold on Nolan download first on Nolan it's an 11-3 stretch maybe the freshmen have finally found their footing Ollie's 15-point lead has been trimmed to seven by coach Cal's Wildcats folks there's going to be an unbelievable matchup tomorrow night on ESPN the Division one women's basketball national championship game first time in history women's basketball history two undefeated teams will play for the national title you've got Notre Dame looking for a second national title and UConn looking for its ninth and that's tomorrow night for more information go to ncaa.com john calipari a lot of credit for going to the zone here and the thing about it is you can't execute it perfectly they get it to the high post it makes the right decision but sometimes you can't out execute athleticism and that was just a terrific athletic play by Kentucky to save that basket the owner issue is if they're playing against the zone without Daniel's if the two fouls been an 11-3 now it's 12 free run for the Wildcats since Daniel sat down it makes a huge difference obviously he's their their big scorer during this run so dakari Johnson hits the front end of a one and one only a 44% shooter from awry and somehow they peer the one who is able to control it divides is a pace line count napier from the wingman let's go over to Tracy well guys Kentucky well aware about Julius Randle and during that timeout they continuously look over to see if Randle is going to start he's going to go out there he's going to stay on the bench also John Calipari right now really liking the energy from his team he's been on them all game and again they've gotten basically nothing for Brando vyses had a couple of great blocks by him but not a field goal his Hawkins passes up the shot here is Randle taking it inside and he shuts down and Napier again got the quick hands on it and the ball is on the court leads to a tie up and it stays at the Wildcats in with 151 to go in this first half Kentucky flowing back six down [Music] Kentucky trying to become only the second number 8 seat to win the title Villanova did it back of course 85 that epic win on the Wildcats floor there at rupp arena kentucky new constants 96 each with three national titles as the Huskies go for 4 tonight in a 15-year span [Applause] now his latest space never since Daniels write down the two foul things have changed takes a big step to the hole Hazleton contorts and get the two the beds not much floor spacing for youth on Kentucky went back to a man-to-man let's just napier during what he does Joseph 4:45 drought without a basket [Applause] just leaves down wells work appears Randall hit he lays it in for the first time tonight they're going to give good decision by Harrison to get Wendy to allow that explosive to take hold [Applause] we haven't talked about much remember Kentucky they have a huge foul advantage in this game are these seven fouls committed against UConn they've only committed three they lead the treachery and preach all attempts that's another way they're able to Canada work themselves shoot specimens in Boston was Andrew Harrison who forced the steel and has picked off the globally Kentucky can get the last shot [Applause] let's see how poised the freshmen are with this use of the clock right here [Applause] taken off with six driving up high off the glass window [Applause] we talked about the adjustment Kentucky would have to make in sometimes you gotta become a playmaker it wasn't a great pass but it was the right decision by Andrew Harrison to get the basketball over to Randle first thought he was bouncing with his left hand again go and that's the adjustment they made that shows a lot of maturity you know sometimes you can't just keep going with the same thing that they made an adjustment to be more of a playmaker here down the stretch of this first half Randle getting going here a little bit in the last minutes of the first half yeah based on the help he's gotten from Benares until you're more speed and roll action from Kentucky rather than that one-on-one style we saw against Wisconsin I think they found they just couldn't get around those two marks early this game but midcourt the shop owners [Applause] [Music] who had just picked up his second foul on the Randall basket so for the sort of a game in a row Kentucky goes in the locker room either trailing or tied at one point let's go over to Tracy thanks a lot coach you had a fast start there Kentucky battle back there our second half team so what do you need to get back to doing in the second half here well wheels second half team two so whatever Kentucky is we gonna go one step farther we got to play together we have some turnovers they start getting on an offensive rebound we got a we got to stop penetration they start getting into our yard we want to protect that um I like our position and we just got to play at a level five and finish the game Oh led by Napier's 15 points but again that lead at one time was 15 coming up AT&T at the half EJ Gregg and all the guys with their first half analysis plus the winner of the Naismith award is revealed on HMCS at have to the locker rooms with UConn leading at 35 30 we'll return after these messages you're watching the basketball championship AT&T at the half is presented by AT&T rethink possible 20 minutes away from somebody cutting down the nets here at AT&T Stadium it's AT&T at the half championship game in college basketball here on CBS and UConn leaves at 35 to 31 with six minutes to go in the half the Wildcats of Kentucky were down 15 their largest deficit of the tournament so far but it's a four-point game at the break this is Clark Kellogg that's Kenny the jet Smith Charles Barkley on the far end you'll hear from them in just a second as we jump into the highlights of the first half then for the trade you talk about dignitaries around here at Jerry's place and the Assaf Bill Clinton also saw George Bush here you and you saw the Blue Bloods in this game between UConn and Pawtucket off to a nice start strong move here by DeAndre Daniel nice throw down and folks take ample provision love all of death that was what kind of party right the block party is invited and Yukon in transition and he gets the role on the other side and Yukon jumping out it's 15 8 at this point and then watch this move by Ryan Boatright the boat show off the glass and it's 72 8 unbelievable boys bye you caught early for Kentucky stayed in it again unbelievable boys by Kentucky this is the reason why both of these two ever here they have been able to both take paint makers yeah and still get up but give John Calipari credit ifs which they went to his own to changed it an entire complexion of a second it's really the first a scuse me that what's the difference in the game that's when that leave went down when they went to the zone but give Cal some credit for Kentucky going to that zone that was the difference goaltending right there after the score was 32 15 they hit a 300 to get the steal by Aaron Harrison and they're lovin that in Lexington they can't afford shirts down there summertime man it's summertime the Lexington is got summertime pass whoo everything is how the bass there he's got in the gym range 15 points for Napier and I would mention that coinciding with Kentucky making timely threes and going to the zone and DeAndre Daniels picked up his second foul at about the 540 mark and had to sit the rest of that first half yeah that's going to be the difference can you play that zone when you have all three of the three scorers in the game because we've seen that it have a difficult time gone in a man-to-man Randall didn't store until late to the first half the Harrison brothers didn't score in the first 10 minutes of the game no field goals for them but then they pick it up and suddenly a 35 31 game at halftime so what do you what do you reckon being uh being said in the locker room number one we get to you in one second Kenny what do you think they're saying in the locker rooms right now I really think just like the other night when we saw Kentucky play Wisconsin both teams have to feel pretty good about where they are Kentucky with this poise and maturity showing in the latter part of that first half to cut a 15-point lead to down the floor and I think UConn feels good about the quality of shots they've been able to get throughout the first half what caught your eye here Jeff you know sometimes when you see people play on television we really haven't played against them that much in the building I didn't really that good can they really crushed me can they really do things and if you look at the first possession we're freezing right here where Kentucky is running their office they said Boatwright and Napier are that good as we let it go every possession in every touch is well with outside the three-point I think that giant uh key had their advantage throughout this tournament be a mate we'll get to the rim off the dribble there were steals they were tough passes over the defense on Monson UConn has to solve the zone Kentucky has to be able to get to the rim and make something happen and without turning about basketball over because those guys are that good and we have to see Chuck if wit Deonte Tran you Daniels on the other wing who's a three-point shooter is that zone still going to be effective well I think it will be effective I think the one guy you can't guard is young I think he's got he's the best player in my opinion on Kentucky's team I'll obviously the twins are terrific roundels very good but young to me is to one guy who's unguardable I suspect him have a big second half he had ten points in the first half to lead the Wildcats more board game five 231 when we come back we'll send your board side to Greg Gumbel as AT&T at the half continue AT&T at the half is presented by AT&T rethink possible and by Grant Hill what did you take away from that first half well John Calipari is moved to the zone was a stroke of genius and he had to swallow his pride that's something that John Calipari probably would not have done five or six years ago grant Kentucky's a team that played zone on 5% of its possessions this season John Calipari made his reputation teaching man-to-man defense at 5-star basketball camp when you're losing to a team that's faster than you you've got to slow the game down and his decision to go zone did just that it really did and you know I wasn't surprised I thought UConn would come out and kind of punch Kentucky initially and knocked him down but the freshman did what they've been doing all year they regrouped they gathered themselves they got some confidence reminding me when I was a freshman going against UNLV in 1991 took me a minute to get used to their length their athleticism their pressure but once you calm down and realize you can have success against them you can have success and that's what's something what Kentucky did so now what's going on in the locker room and what changes do we look for in the second half but for UConn they need to figure out this zone and I thought they'd settle for too many jump shots Napier took seven jump shots there was a possession or a stretch where they had six straight possessions all contested three-pointers the timeout at that 1:45 mark Napier got into the paint made a crazy shot but they got a drive and dribble penetrate against his own driving kick is always the best strategy we're going against a zone well look bigger three-point shots obviously helped which is something that Kentucky has done very well during the tournament they've shot 40% are in the tournament 33% where the season and ironically it was Andrew Harrison not his brother Aaron - Caymans keep city 3 for 13 from three-point range in the tournament he was two for two but look John Calipari right now is pointing at number 30 in his halftime locker room we have a thoroughbred on our team Kentucky cannot win a national championship with Julius Randle only taking three shots in the second half like he did in the first half they've got a ride Julius Randle to the finish line I don't know if he's hurt he's got cramps the matchups are an issue obviously UConn is double teaming in but he's the toughest and biggest player in this game they have to ride Julius Randle to the finish line 35:31 UConn and half 20 minutes to determine a champion 20 minutes to to crown a champion we're back with the second half after this AT&T at the half is presented by AT&T rethink possible just a moment ago Tracy spoke with Coach Calipari coach Julius Randle does not look like himself just three shots two rebounds what's giving in so much trouble out there he's 18 he and Andrew push-truck they're young they're nervous they're there they got away from what we were trying to do see when you have that anxiety it's hard to be aggressive and so I just told him we're gonna win this thing we're down to buckets if you'll play with energy and lose yourself in a game I'm happy where we are I mean we should have been down 20 so we got to change the witness thanks a lot and again this is what we've seen over and over again they keep rallying late in the first half and eventually the last four minutes they hold it in this tournament things changed when see Andre Daniels went out for Connecticut that's a great point both he and both white got into foul trouble when there was an issue for it for UConn eight files committed only three for Kentucky changes how they play the game and I think that also helped him tough you get back in yeah and I thought Young's two three-pointers there during that stress we're just huge because Kentucky couldn't find anything offensively little penetration kick-out he makes two threes now they feel good about themselves and then of course Randle with those two late hoops so I think Kentucky now has some footing there the numbers from the first half young did a couple of threes as you pointed out and so too did Andrew Harrison who made both of his attempts so Kentucky to inbound we've got 20 minutes to go to decide the national champion Thranduil use it outside and that is the stock once again we see Aaron Harrison his first three of the night sad and also a really good decision by Randall played tours teammates McDaniels that's way short short trip it is too [Applause] [Music] got a great whistle in the first half they had a couple of clutch fouls was really hurt them particularly Daniels sitting down boat light as well so we'll see if all right and endows can get back into the flow after sitting for quite a bit there late in the half and meantime only three fouls called on Kentucky that half none of them buy a starter they're both whites and isn't able to free himself that separation leads to the basket yes as you can see his mother they're enjoying it I think it's a little easier for Boatwright to work himself back into the rhythm because Daniel's is going to be more of an issues for UConn can he get into the flow offensively there's Randall and has to go back out with his young now underneath is gonna be on dakari Johnson how about the way at the other end both rights was able to free himself just again it's the ability to create that space that step back there and then to go up in rhythm that's gonna be a challenge all night for Kentucky would Randle and young have to defend one on one on the permit against Boatwright and naked that's the first foul on a Kentucky starter in this game the one on Johnson [Applause] gives it up and another clean thought they say by Kentucky and it's gonna stay with UConn no one's had a couple of them stuffed Kentucky of changing its demons chasing over the top the Napier gets the ball right where it needs to be but there's that length again on the backside and we've said it earlier it's you know sometimes you just cannot out execute the elite level athleticism that Kentucky possesses down low they take Nolan out and they bring in Amitabh rhyme up and that's specifically to finish that play if Kentucky is going to go away from switching and try to hedge and get over Mather is going to get in the lane Brian though is going to be more capable of finishing on the receiving end of those passes they're going to review the shot clock here so here's what we're talking about but instead of switching now it's kind of a chase Randall backs off so they fear it's going to get right there the officials are looking whether to see the whether the ball hit the rim or not which I which it is yeah so 35 is correct so you come to inbound underneath with the Colt 35 and the last time they inbounded from this point in the first half Napier speedom is a ship they move to the inside this time he's unable to take it inside and that's going to stay with the Huskies seem to be a debate about that one though Kevin ollie first NCAA Tournament and he spied to know is this the right call many angles pic tells each deflected off of an eight year or not by the shot clock was a lunes slow to start on the inbounds drove by the fly and once it touched the husky player took a couple of seconds to get it started right Briah and no one having fits trying at this finish from right underneath yeah that's a great play by the khari Johnson coming over but Rama had to make a play with the basketball in that possession as opposed to catching it above the rim now they're giving the ball back to UConn that the Husky players would retreated thinking that it was kentucky ball and now the Kentucky fans letting the officials haven't and pounds the boat right got a three on the way Wildcats underneath you convey we're gonna finish underneath the names here in boat ride we're gonna have to hit those little mid-range shots against this wicked little defense and Daniel's has to get warm by the way as well yeah we've been talking about Randall they've got to get on the Yukon side definitely Daniels and Johnson to the line as these hats Mariah Daniels has only four points after 27 point amicus Iowa State 20 points against Florida and by the way that's number three on crime Oh Barney Johnson get about 44 percent from the line folks zero wants to know are you a real fan hashtag prove it visit the Coke Zero social arena in March Madness live and that's part of the dilemma for Kevin ollie we'd love to have why not on the tour but at this stage of his career he's so foul thrown but he's not going to be able to play those extended minutes is going to have to come up I think it makes them [Applause] by the Huskies who about five minutes ago in the first half these starters go that way for them Harrison with a left hand you can able to shield off the Wildcats say they've done a great job on the glass actually have a 21 18 edge is for the most part other than that last couple minutes before that they've kept Kentucky at the offensive boards you see that Napier almost not vote right backwards so upset about that last move over Dragic also he didn't he didn't run the right set vote right that they had called in terms of that possessions there's Daniels he is putting up the same kind of game we saw in the semi-finalists two out of seven from the field [Applause] because they'd only want to one of six in this half Kentucky's the three-point shot away from tying this that star [Applause] the danvers bubble to get a clean handle Napier soars to save it into the lane and a dish Daniels also saves it wide open bossed up Napier swings it to Boatwright and lift it to this ball handling buying you coming I would have liked to see Napier take that shot we're not going to get into why we're wide open look Kentucky because there's two five Daniels time now Kentucky drives in Harrison cuts into one and you can just see the difference in the energy level right now Kentucky far more aggressive that got UConn on their heels you could hear it too Greg there's a foul out here the crowd predominantly Kentucky food a big climb back into this game with their deepest in their transition game Harrison getting all the way to the rib and the leaves down to one [Music] welcome back and Kentucky has rattled this new time to take a look here Brian beau right not running the right set in the senior Shabazz Napier telling him hey listen let's get back into executing here because in essence they're planning that to Kentucky's hands and you know what that's another reason why he didn't pull that trigger on that three I believe is because he understands the importance of them continuing to run their offense in to execute because to start this half kentucky's come out with energy and fire and confidence and that's why right now they're on the verge of being able to take the lead kentucky's put them on their heels and Yukons put themselves on their heels exactly yeah i think some of these mistakes have been really self inflicted by the huskies so two shots coming for Napier mom's Carmen she doesn't miss these games ever maybe she's the reason she came back to get his degree in sociology this summer NCIS NCIS Los Angeles all new starting tomorrow 8:00 7:00 central on America's number one network so napier looking for a 17-point and you know the other thing has happened is Andrew and Aaron Harrison have made the adjustment to the quickness of Yukon they've been much better since about the 10-minute mark of that first half and picking their spots at getting into the teeth of the defense and also creating not only for themselves but their teammates a little different looks by youth gan dropping back into that 2-3 zone the Harrison twins the Houston area kids this is as Kentucky I'm not sure about that position there he was a little late arriving and he kind of leans in and more than anything it's just a flop that's what prey on witless got right to the rib not a whole lot of content not a lot the spin negates some of the contact and he sold it to the official I thought he was there but I just didn't know if there was enough contact third battle voiceless and it takes away the basket look like the maze have been a no-call [Applause] now napier weaving through that defense with five to shoot behind the basket of famous takes it to the paint puts it up and we can't find it right now a good job with the help defense about the Cara Johnson establishing [Applause] - Aaron [Applause] Poitras a3 with a title sit down it out not really a three-point shooter UConn will live with that one purchased only made each freeze all season and a turnover look too much English and Napier probably more frustrated with himself there they're getting out of character he tried to throw the ball through the legs this is not the time for that kind of play Napier too experienced too good but they're getting a little frustrated because of their lack of ability to penetrate these defense [Applause] in for the Wildcats he has really blossomed in this tournament particularly in Indianapolis news game had against Michigan with four dunks in ten points over the Randall Randall stop [Music] [Applause] over the back it's gonna be Hollander : his second that's big they were both into play and Daniels immediately looked up at the official that's leading please don't give it to me two shots coming for Julius Randle Vawdrey gave a basketball Maya's mother Carolyn who played not even ten minutes from here at the University of Texas at Arlington there she is she wore number 30 so he wears her number to honor her and she named him Julius after Irvin now that's five straight missed free throws for Kentucky remember this is one of the best free-throw shooting teams in the country in UConn and one that's not so good Kentucky six for 13 overall to the Wildcats your gun is not missed although they've only been there six times Poythress in for Randle but the one thing though if you UConn as poorly as you play you're only minus two in the half so you've done a decent enough job defensively to see if you can get these rhythm back into your office again I'm going to get their guards back to their dominant cells but UConn has not been able to get the penetration from Napier volt lighting to no one and again just not strong enough with the hands to finish [Applause] McConaughey on Harrison let's probably the first impressive defensive play we've seen from Yukons back for quite some time [Applause] and the tenth turnover for Kentucky who talked about it only for all game against Wisconsin but a much different look than it is today exactly it's an easy ball if the Kentucky fans are upset but you cannot take a charge once the guy is already in the air but he was luckier the good fathers behave yeah this boat ride he lost it able to get it back Huskies have not made a field goal in over six minutes missing the last seven chops this year mob sit down low Daniel Gil finished no taps it whoops and hits it to go that's a the angle just to see something go through that gets him some confidence I think that's really more that he could going off every few times this is gonna go against UConn and it's no one for the third time this wasn't new you're struggling this white flag and this is it now he gets the break maybe this will get it one I think it's critical right now this is Napier's game Kentucky has changed its pick a ballclub bridge they're fighting over the top Napier can attack this Kentucky defense now so tight his team needs him to do it he's got to be ultra aggressive and look to score I agree with you but I think for me new times defense has to get that going if the game has gotten so slow that it's allowed Kentucky size to have more impact that's why we're seeing a lot of these contested shots and blocked shots because there's nothing in terms of the flow it's really span still offensively for UConn and in part it's because defensively they haven't created any energy or any transition opportunity Napier goes to the bench given a few extra seconds over soon we'll have the right [Applause] so fast shot by the senior from Berlin souther can't believe it he's yelling at yo he went 2-3 zone for a different look if I it is a corner 3-point shooter yells too late boom right with Harrison there Harrison was going to be cold on the hammer his second so free-throws coming out of this break the boat ride for at halftime UConn plus one and a half 39 Jim Nantz Steve Kerr Craig Anthony Tracy Wilson how about that last possession by the Huskies that legible take the look right there and get five and you saw Calipari talking about James young you see how he doesn't recognize the personnel that's what the FA's out there for is to face it and shoot the three if you over commit and those are the kinds of plays in that one two possession game that could be the difference that's why Calipari was so animated with him and losing focus on a huge possession when Napier wasn't even on the floor and they keep Napier on the pinch did a little bit more time for him to recover he's gone almost the entire way this is more than likely his last rest so I think Kevin ollie would like to get him maybe another minute or so but no sense waiting around and messing around in this game eight peers not a guy who's going to get overly fatigued remember Kentucky at cut it to one and now it's back up to seven red you said this during the break it took me I was 3 for 13 to start this house and yet the Wildcats have lost ground Vanus get a shot in the last 4 minutes at this end Randall's doubled over that's it to the first row let's go over to Tracy [Applause] during that last timeout Napier jumped into the Connecticut huddle and he said come on guys we need to control the post but it's not about how good we played defensively or offensively wanted to get us well they had valuable possessions when they had him on the bench here he takes the shot coming back in and upping the lead to nine he is one of the best you'll see in college basketball as just having a feel for the game and pays for every possession never overextend and really takes himself out of the game [Applause] that's gonna be four on it is spectacular drama gets a piece of it but he still able to power through here watch there he gets a piece of a table of still power through that possession - really that's Terrence Samuel though you can't allow blow bods in situation like that because that's Annette's and how the beach tend to pick up foul it once again young getting to his left hands got to try to force him right if you can and that's a huge basket the thing about a play like that it's a momentum play [Music] but these young Wildcat yeah Bressman starters are back on the floor and back to the zone for Kentucky get by on the best number he just hit the free so little less shooting as for the Huskies against this zone Napier blasted you know what it's funny that this wasn't going to make the call until Nature has learned to plead with him that it was a kickball and it's her 101 initially I'll say that he had to come it has to be intentional you can dribble it I thought he did reach out to kidnap bats like hockey : say that was great Paul go Phi is back out to give him that shooting presence against that zone snow July of course having just hit a three buckle the trips to go James John better be more aware of his position in the corner that zone [Applause] steps up back of the rim [Applause] goes to his left then will go to the line the tide for Kentucky in the first half with those two threes and now he's doing it again the three-point play with the dunk and a couple free throws in the momentum right back the Wildcats WA and a third foul on DeAndre Daniels who misses it one in commits the foul at the other Thursday night football coming this fall the CBS and NFL Network we're excited about us coming this September on Thursday nights there is Tony Romo with Jason Witten when Tony and his wife Candace's there on the right of the screen they just had their second child a boy named rivers born on March 18th [Applause] mmm to Philip Rivers what's the big admirer Walker now to get rivers let's see now Kentucky in that zone [Applause] not in the game so they don't that could make way other than goodbyes that Randall to commit off the back of that one to off the back [Applause] for the Huskies and Harrison dishes [Applause] again a momentum shift and larger Lexington a 6-nothing run is real you know the spark came by young exactly what Charles Barkley talked about in the halftime show right looks like he's hurt I'm on the timeout he is hurt it's easily roll is ankle here on the catch yeah [Applause] Wow with exactly nine minutes to go and a half one of the biggest players on this Husky roster asked a call timeout [Music] three-point game here in Texas you're leading Kentucky Napier 19 for UConn and how about this boat right after the timeout stays on the floor but is the national championship game all right you got it you gotta fight through whatever and if you can eyes that tomorrow they have ten to shoot here [Applause] here [Applause] comes Kentucky now let's do can continue it says defend the drivel look that angry [Applause] give by trying to guard Rambo with parental can get a head of steam he can go right through the fire that's a tough matchup this with time Boatwright Goethe made a play on that Marine to fight over the screen there's a lotta young and young again gonna go back to shoot - when Boatwright came onto the floor out of the break is walking on his heels I tried to stretch it out he didn't fight over that pick and roll which is the first time that's happened in the game and then he wasn't able to get to that loose basketball which he had been doing earlier in the game fourth foul on Nolan and the sixth team foul on the Huskies and let's go to Tracy we mentioned that boat weight is trying to stretch it well during that last huddle you had the athletic trainer over there his hand was on that left foot just trying to stretch it the whole time Kevin ollie didn't talk to him at all during the huddle but then once around before he walked over and asked him if he's okay and he just said I'm gonna tough it out guys smart you wait until he's already on the floor to ask him if he's okay cuz it's too late for him to go back to the bench well plus you don't want to distract the rest of the team list of that time out keeping the focus on the game this the third time could has trimmed the margin [Music] to free up Nate here they gotta set get her screams and get him maybe even off the ball before he receives the ball to make another pun there's a fear that ball seem to come out as he was on the way off but they say at last touch Kentucky's it'll be hustle basketball coming back from the under eight and the young cats control things down the stretch as they have every tournament game [Music] Huskies to inbound having missed their last five shots in over three minutes without a hoop Kentucky has never led in this game but they brought it back to one on three occasions after trailing by as many as 15 in the first - its Napier in traffic in trouble and bounces it out right to Aaron Harrison that was just great these fish by Kentucky did a good job of holding container but also being disciplined to not overextend their health [Applause] to take the lead for the first time through on the floor once Poythress taken a Talon [Applause] look like first discussed out there let's take a look at well he's got ball there is the I know this content but he's also got his hand on the ball in essence neither guy has possession in that respect that was chroma that's a trick why do four which is the arrow to the seven-minute march to Kentucky Bakugan to dodge that one attempt for the lead for the first time in the game for Kentucky napier Harrison billion right we're mini a banner flies they crazy over that shot there's Randall get them a great play to run that play throughout the tournament pleading with his team I guarantee you they went old and practice yesterday Topeka did not recognize the action there's the fights off to the cage [Applause] then it was goodbye two of the three holdovers from the 2011 national championship team he's worried about this Randle can find that joke and it looks like they're gonna go with a little too free zone or a mashup tool and they've gone small you time so also they're gonna have to really connect it on that defensive backboard that they can force a miss there's young stepping up for the zoo that assails past the lip this is going back to Connecticut but you talked about that play there just a rub screen and it's tough because the guards aren't really the ones used to having to provide the help on what's an essence a pick and roll and then a nice delivery and get fire in rhythm they're not hesitating knocking down that triple now Kentucky goes back to the so both teams really changing their defenses throughout this second half trying to corral the other one and also as we started to get down the stretch both these teams have been terrific down the stretch but game a flu shot for crayon arrived at the house Daniels just not there challenging Daniels those please ride on them and this would probably be it is on defy mount Daniels he's just so strong it you know you back off and because they want to force him to shoot but when you give him space now he gets that head of steam and it's tough to take a charge on Randall because he's so shifty as he attacks the movement as you venture making this small lineup for you from we're gonna have a very difficult time keeping him away from the hoop and this is also the irony of it this is a small lineup for Kentucky it's just there so as you can see Julius Randall's parents it's just that they have with that size great quickness when you look at Randall and Poythress so they can go play the four and the five and still be able to not be liabilities necessary themselves big-time at the line let's go back to Kentucky out of bounds Napier Boatwright and each went after it and they were thinking the same thing I'm gonna grab this and throw it to the Sun guy yep [Applause] push and Harrison says I'll take it right back that was a surprising development they cared girl fees tire yeah that's what I'm thinking but a heads-up play he's making mistakes you never see from them they're exactly right listen it's he's won a national championship but he wasn't the guy on that team he's got a different responsibility this he warned against a team and Kentucky that his battle-tested they've been here Vanessa's the entire tournament and they missed the front end of a one-and-one Harrison 13 out of 23 Kentucky from the line and that's really the difference it is kentucky's staying with this versatile defensive lineup dakari Johnson on the bench because of the pick-and-roll coverage back down barges are comfortable at waitress and Randle down there is Velma was in the jam as they didn't get it out to go fly and now both lights looks up and realizes if the shoot [Applause] Randall forget about that and this is one thing I remember [Applause] 10 seconds of the shot clock they don't write to me taking it in [Applause] tournament games has come up with a walk for a slam in the last minutes that created sparks here's another one [Music] and let's take a look at the Capital One Cup impact performance the new cons he's done it what his team has needed it time and time again off sensitively but he's also leading them and rebound at six in this game which we talked about how important it was and you saw an example there by that offensive rebound by Portland now one of the things we often see in a tournament game particularly championship game teams tend to try to protect the lead both close look need to look to really maintain their aggressiveness and look to school I think that sprained left knee from the victory pile just fine failing to hit the free throw for the three-point blockers we're wandering with UConn how long do they stay with this small lineup I think you stay with it until Kentucky proves they can defend it Kentucky's for you consistently these beers big one and his boys jumped out to get that rebound I like the shop for [Applause] coming out of the pack is Pope right and that's an example right there which we talked about transition that mean you gotta shoot it but she could at least see if Kentucky's able and get me that put some pressure on the defense and how about that play bunkers five stay in front without fouling and then getting the rebound [Applause] against Florida for the go over the top there's a bit of a fatigue issue really on is defensible [Applause] another championship banner back the ganzel for the fourth time in 15 years another empty trip here for the Wildcats with two tornado blood his boat light flips it back to Napier point-blank shot defied again stay in front just causing a jump of the movement for Randall to miss that shot and then you can't able to get that defensive rebound which is also equally as important they've won the Battle of the torch to this point in the 230 lunge who would have guessed that inside two minutes for the national title just by that would have made it a look to Napier we talked about what the one out or the quickness of you you almost got to the final four is the player got knocked down on the Elite Eight here last year at 95 and there is Kevin ollie and one thing about this there's his son by the way with a big-time quarterback [Applause] look at that foul situation that's big Kentucky with only 5,000 one to give and then a one and one after that but don't forget UConn finished off every game with unbelievable foul shooting in this tournament [Applause] of 140 and in no hurry with a six-point lead working it down this great free-throw shooting team goes outside why here tonight and that's tapped out going to Kentucky Daniels you know they usually need Daniel's to have that big game we're not getting it from him tonight and they're still upset the two fouls early kind of took him out of rhythm and he hasn't made a three hole at full that might a sealed up right there Kentucky awesome spectacular this [Applause] if able to slide in therefore the two as we approach a minute just need to play solid defense and secure possession here remember a foul won't put them on the line that's going to be the sixth team foul right there I don't like that well one more but John Calipari calls timeout this is what he wants to discuss the foul situation and the clock ever these are all freshmen except for Poythress very young club time to square off here guys grab your first with Kentucky yeah listen we both understand why he calls the timeout there but you've done two things one now you quit UConn in the pillow - you've reset the shot clock and now that gives them the opportunity to run this remember this is a two-possession game not a one-possession so this is want to be really in you gotta follow the right guy ensuing UConn gets the bell in which they do if you thought link it's gonna be danger time looks like Kentucky over to his coach [Applause] with a poacher's skelter for a moment 15 to shoot 30 not to the game [Applause] underneath [Applause] a drama just a horrendous defensive possession for Kentucky if you're not gonna foul then don't foul and don't leave the guy wide open underneath it was like a late double team that really wasn't necessary looked like young just left his man that Steve Ott really felt once he made the foul to call the timeout you almost half the foul at that point because remember this also a great week he's now seven of seven in the tournament it just that was I mean again it's a young team that's one of the disadvantages to the inexperienced because you got to make sure they know what you want to do before that's a critical decision by Calipari that made backfire and portress with his fourth child UConn ten for ten at the line if you're young [Applause] three-possession game on a two-possession [Applause] Harrison takes Bishop Hall back out to Andy for the three and that was all [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Wilkin national championships for that remarkable young man right there Shabazz Napier and Kentucky the chance to set the mark is the youngest national championship team of all I was talking to Kevin Holly yesterday most people thought like Kentucky's year The Outsiders he said my kids don't blink you don't understand with tenacious we're resilient we're tough that's the Yukon way the way I learned from my Hall of Fame mentor Jim Calhoun with fighters the coach Kevin Ave who carries the initials ko a great ball and also a team will always take confidence when you feel like you have the best player on the floor Shabazz Napier was that tonight first number seven seed to ever win the national championship very first game had to go to overtime to beat st. Joe's tournament it's been from the very start [Music] a second ring for Napier apply a no later on that eleventeen Kevin ollie you are 6-0 as a head coach in NCAA tournament play you caught your alma mater to the promised land the UConn Huskies are the 2014 [Music] [Music] Storrs Connecticut and why not be happy champions of college basketball on the men's side are the UConn Huskies shining moment the champion UConn Huskies up next the presentation of the 2014 national championship trophy will be made back with that and more Texas on CBS [Music] welcome back live to North Texas where the UConn Huskies are the kings of the basketball world let's take you now down to the court for the trophy presentation that a new national champions Jim Nance is with the UConn Huskies Jim alright thank you Greg Gumbel and ladies and gentlemen the UConn Huskies the national champions I'm here with the president of the NCAA dr. Mark Emmert and the chair of the NCAA Division one Men's Basketball Committee Ron Wellman for the presentation of the national championship trophy to the Huskies and head coach Kevin ollie well thank you Jim and first of all congratulations to both the Kentucky Wildcats and UConn Huskies for the great tournament run that they had this year now on behalf of the NC double-a and the division 1 men's basketball tournament committee congratulations coach Kevin ollie and the UConn Huskies as Mark Emmert presents the national championship trophy [Applause] how do you put this one into words Kevin coming out when you know you're a team that's a seven seed you lose a game by 33 in March you know right before the tournament and you gel and go all the way to the title right I said in the beginning 18 months ago when we started this process that the last is gonna be the first and now we was last and now we first but we always did it together and they was wanted and when I was a group and it was great what's up and then there's what you like to talk about this UConn family and the UConn way of doing things with all your entire basketball operations and staff all UConn people my coaches staff my players all of us you cars are family all I love knives here and that's what it's all about coach Calhoun the greatest coach ever he paid the way [Applause] Coates dude [Applause] let me see if I can find Jabez Ryan you want that trophy but I thought with nine minutes to go we might not see again how did you manage to keep playing on and I got a lot of Hardman my team mates is giving it they are and we put in too much work all year for me to for me to give up on ankle sprain this moment was too big Thank You Ryan Shabazz book in national championships the dream comes true you talked about you wanted this spot your last game to be the last game of the season with everything on the line how do you describe this one honestly I I want to get everybody's attention very quick if I can have your attention if I don't have your attention let me get your attention ladies and gentlemen you're looking at the hungry Huskies is what happens when you beaten us last year two years [Applause] sebastian has been named the most outstanding player of the Final Four congratulations to the UConn Huskies for the fourth time in 15 years the trophy is heading back to stores Connecticut the national champions [Music] welcome back everyone and this is where it happens what a tremendous funnel forward a tremendous championship game here at AT&T Stadium and the Huskies fans the happiest of them all as we continued from North Texas we'll remind you our tribute to the NCAA tournament one shining moment still to come what a run through the tournament the Kentucky Wildcats made our Tracy Wolfson just a few moments ago with head coach John Calipari coach what a ride but what can you say about this team how they've grown up over these last few weeks and all the adversity they have overcome this whole year to get this far well obviously I'm proud of these guys and we had our chances to win that game stayed a one-point game we're missing shots for missing free throws and we hung in there these kids never gave up I needed to do a couple more things for him to help him to get him over the hump and we just didn't have enough we couldn't foul late I know everybody's why don't you file because they're not missing those two guards never miss our best chance was to possession games stop and make a basket timeout you know try to steal that was our best chance and we had our chance we just you know missed the shots and free throws we need to make you have to be proud though you said it they were in it they could have won the answers I thought at halftime we were gonna win the game I thought too started a half and then I saw the game kind of go a little wild and you know we went zoned and dried their sweat a little bit because they were the aggressor and it got them to back up a little bit and slow down then it gave us our chance and that's all I can ask these guys put us in that position you know as the coach that's your job to get them over the top give him something give him something extra and we didn't give them enough to get them over the top what were your final words to them in the locker room just told him I'm proud don't you don't you hang your head I said we had our chances to win so that's that's what this is about I said you know we march through this thing and did good stuff you keep your head up thanks so much appreciate a great run Tracy thank you very much the Kentucky Wildcats who never led in the championship game fell by six as you now take a look at the scene on the corner ladder proud to donate to the general scholarship fund of every school in this year's final for Werner the official ladder of the NCAA basketball championships and Granick I can only guess what it must be like to think about cutting down those Nets once the season begins it's an amazing feeling Greg and for UConn to go through what they went through this year all the adversity certainly turning it on and getting hot at the right moment and to see the joy and the excitement from the fans from the players from coach Kevin ollie to go up there and cut those Nets with your teammates really just symbolizes hey we are the champions we're number one we're the best team and it is the best feeling in all of sports and all of basketball to get to that home and the seats for this moment were planted about 1820 months ago and Jim Calhoun decided to retire Shabazz Napier was personally disappointed in Jim Calhoun for that decision they were facing a postseason ban two of his teammates transferred Kevin Ollie had to convince Shabazz Napier to stick with them and stick with the program and I've talked to Kevin ollie a lot about this and his feelings for Jim Calhoun he called Jim Calhoun an unrealistic thinker you have to be an unrealistic thinker to have believed on March 8th when you caught lost by 33 points to Louisville that they could even possibly be on the court cutting down the nets and it's that belief it's that unrealistic making the Kevin Ali brought to his NBA career getting cut by nine different NBA teams the holding his team together with that belief and only they believed that they would be the last one standing tonight it was an inspiring game Kentucky played well they go 13 for 24 from the free-throw line that was the difference in the close game we have a worthy NCAA champion capping off what was just a great season and a tremendous tournament my congratulations to both these teams and especially the UConn talk about a team with destiny how about the fact that Kevin Ali brought this team to AT&T Stadium earlier this year too they could end up where and they could compete where they could win a national championship we'll be back to wrap it up with one shining moment right after this all world for the Huskies their schools national-championship all of them since 1999 our congratulations to head coach Kevin Ali and his Huskies we also applaud both John Calipari and his Kentucky Wildcats who enjoyed an outstanding season and as we get set to say good night from Texas all of us in CBS and Turner Sports thank you for joining us for all of us I'm Greg Gumbel we culminate our celebration as always here is one shining moment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for the final four Harrison [Applause] Daniels [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for the national championship deep in the heart of Texas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Huskies once again are in best of all heaven [Applause] feels great for national championships and do this championship with these on students these student athletes is amazing they've been amazing and resilient the whole year but I keep telling you started 18 months ago when they kept believing and they stayed loyal to the program man you know it's just a wonderful feeling to hold that trophy up and and and do it the right way and I think we did it the right way for 18 months and we did it the right way in this NCAA tournament let's take questions first for the student-athletes if you have a question please raise your hand the first ones to the right of the aisle please identify yourself by name and media outlet Gary Gary Parrish CBS Sports calm as you stood on national television and and told the country this is what happens when you ban us I'm curious what message you were trying to send there we hungry and when you when you stop you know when you when you prevent us from trying to go to the postseason you know and it wasn't our fault we worked from stats since that day on coach Ollie told us it's gonna be a two-year plan and since that down we believed in like I said man I just want to grab everybody's intention and introduce to hug the Husky um the hungry Huskies cuz you know it's been two years you know you know and it's kind of funny because I was laying down and I was thinking of something to say because I knew who's gonna win I'm just I'm being real humble and I'm trying to be cocky when you believe some so much you you you you understand what may happen in certain situations and I and I told myself if I was on that podium I was gonna say that and I'm just so happy that I was in that position cuz man these guys worked so hard the coaches the managers our trainers and you know nothing last but not least the players we worked so hard for this and we didn't want it we don't want to lose it and we work so hard so you know here we go celebrate the next questions on the right side for Roger Roger Rubin from the New York Daily News question for Shabazz over here how so can you like describe for us the pain or anguish or what's been sitting with your team for the last 13 months you know we we didn't come out here to get any revenge or anything like that we came out here to play you know when you have the greatest fans to back you up you're gonna play for them and that's what we did out that first year under coach Charlie and the second year we did the same thing but we understood we had we had a chance to get to the promised land and when you have the the great fans the University of Connecticut along with these great coaches the great trainers and great managers these players and some of the goods don't happen you got to continue to believe and we have faith in each other and we hear we won the whole thing and we didn't we didn't listen to any doubters we just went out there and did what we had to do questions for the student-athletes we have to to the left of the aisle name and media outlet please max Edison from the Houston defender this is for Ryan and Shabazz despite a decided height advantage in the backcourt it seems as though the game plan was to aggressively go right to the rim on the taller Kentucky inside players can you speak to that strategy and that aggressive style of play from you to Ryan first then Shabazz um you know when you me and Shabazz got a lot of heart and we will be tough you know we tough mind and we tough physically you know when you try to draw our physically with us we don't get physical right back with you ain't go back down for nobody and you know to get to the rim you got to get past us so just cuz you big you still got to be quick and you got to get low and we just moved our feet and stay in front of Shabazz ya man we've been we've been playing against all people in our entire life with both Shores so we we kind of understand you know how to maneuver our bodies and certain ways that we can create files or get to the basket and like he just said we got you got so much heart there's so much passion for the game you're gonna give everything you got even if you mess up and you know there was times with me and him but heads in the game you know I told him I was gonna get the rebound I'm gonna talk to him and he jump with me so but we we went on to the next play and you know we're just so passionate about it in and you know what happens you know you know I'm just so happy we weren't on the left side of the center aisle Tim Fontan old daily campus for DeAndre we just talked about the backcourt now in the frontcourt you had three fouls late in the game Amita for Phil for and they were really trying to attack the rim how are you guys able to hold them off because they kept fighting and fighting but they never took the lead even with you guys having all the foul trouble with ten minutes ago I mean yeah just like you said I mean we had guys in foul trouble and we had guys come in and step up and do the little things and boxing out and then rebounding but um we just we just kept fighting and our guard was tremendous today that kept us in the game and these are the two best guards in the backcourt in the nation and throughout the season guys's kept saying these two these two right here and not not good they don't play good together they're not friends and and here they are all the way in the front on the right of the aisle Bonnie Bonnie Bernstein Campus insiders it was clear from the get-go that one of the big assets for you guys was your quickness for all three of the players can you just talk about what you perceived the way they were reacting and trying to react to your quickness and the benefit that was for your team DeAndre first then Ryan then Shabazz jandreau you want to skip that okay Ryan we can give all the credit on to coach our you know our trainer we called him coach on Travis you know we preseason was extremely tough and we we really hated it like the runner was crazy and kale pushed us to do it coach I didn't let aside of it and he told us I remember him specifically saying one day when I did not want to do those friends he was like boat if you do it at the end of the year when everybody else is tired y'all gonna be good y'all gonna run them out to Jim and it happened you know we was running the weaves getting up and down the floor and they was gassed he was bent over though he was standing straight up still a strong ready to go you know I give all the credit to coach kaolin coach I serve as he nailed it on the head you know we work so hard you prepare yourself for these moments in you know we continue to push each other and continue to work as hard as we possibly can until we retired so that when we get in the games we're not we're not as windy that's our opponent and today was just up and down and up and down and you know like Bo said you know them guys got a little windy and we just kind of took advantage of it continuing with questions for the student-athletes all the way on the left side South Korea and Chicago sun-times Ryan first off what does it mean to be at this point after all you've been through and also how long do you kind of enjoy this before you address your future I'm gonna enjoy it as much as I can I'm not thinking about my future right now I'm enjoying the present and you know we're gonna celebrate with my team even my family you know you know I'm just blessed to be here in this situation and it's honored to be a national champion to play for this university you know my future I worry about that later at home but I'm just gonna enjoy the moment right now to the right side of the center aisle dan dan walking yesterday for Ryan at the nine-minute mark when you turned her ankle what did you do during that timeout and were you worried you may not be able to continue in the game and also earlier when you guys were struggling to score during the timeout you in Shabazz sort of we're talking to each other it looked like a pretty aggressive conversation is that normal for you guys to have that sort of back and forth during a game yeah you know we just learned when you in the moment you are you you naturally aggressive you know we understand that we ain't trying to trying to get at each other none like that you know we just listen to each other and and just try to understand what each other is saying there you know at the end of the day we built we both just want to win and we probably wouldn't even argue it was probably just talking loud because it was so loud in there but um I mean yeah it was just loud in there like a lot of people were getting mixed up on me or him is we so aggressive naturally we just be other than having a conversation they think we fighting so we wasn't fighting today my ankle it was hurting but no we worked too hard and we put in too much work and I wasn't gonna let the ankle sprain but nine minutes to go laughing the national champs to keep me from being out there to fight for my on the right side Dana Dana O'Neill with espn.com Shabazz was there a moment or a meeting or anything where you guys talked as a team about what you're gonna do to kind of get through everything or was it just sort of understood that you're gonna do it gotcha bezel I think it was kind of understood you know from the beginning you know coach Ollie told us man we have a chance to be on the top if we worked hard and you know he always told us that but we always knew that the key word is I mean the key words were if we work hard and we wanted to be on top we wanted to feel like we were the you know the champions and you know there were times where we were down and you guys were picking us up and you know I remember telling these guys you know I have to be lost against Louisville at home our first game I remember telling these guys I said everybody pick your head up at the end of the day I said we're gonna be the team that's gonna be holding up that trophy I promise you that and so it's so surreal that it actually happened you know I told him losing the program is up Deponia now I told everybody look at me and I said what did I tell y'all when we got to UM when we lost against Louisville at home and everyone was like man you said we gonna hold that trophy and I said man I don't lie I think we I think we're the best team in the country it's not it's not the Shabazz show I know I don't need to get recognized they understand that it's the University of Connecticut Huskies and we were not they improved it final question for the student-athletes on the right side in the front Raphael questions for Shabazz about five minutes to go in the first half these two guys on the bench mm a went zone was that something you guys kind of prepared for yesterday and also even with them on a bench that seemed like a sign that your quickness was getting to them a little bit yeah we we we kind understand that uh you we have a kind of we slow it down a little bit when we plan to get zone and we've been getting a lot better but when with the Andre Allen Bo right out it's even tougher because them two guys a superior threats on that zone especially with the Andre again in the middle and when they put the zone you know everybody felt in you know I feel like you know nail stepped up the song did Terrence as well Phil you know feel good I had 12 points if you didn't get a block downtown but everybody showed in though it was it was amazing that you know when these two great players is on the bench because they have two fouls or whatever they had you know everybody fills in and that's what a team is I've been saying that from the beginning you know I did this team is so well-rounded that if one guy falls down another guy picks it up and you know coach always been stretching that's just beginning you know when one guy falls down in practice you know he wants everybody to go pick them up and that's just showing that you know no matter what's going on the next thing I got to step up we'd like to congratulate Shabazz Ryan and DeAndre and thank them for joining us here in the main interview room tonight and all week long Shabazz Ryan and DeAndre are headed back to the locker room where they are available with the rest of the UConn student-athletes the locker room is still open and at this time we're looking for our first question for coach Ali to the right of the aisle your name and media outlet Steve Puckerman with CBS News congratulations thank you take a step back if you could I know it's hard right now what's going through your heart and mine right now you have won the top prize in college basketball the top prize for your profession you've done it yes it's a great feeling it's unbelievable it's unbelievable because those guys my players stay with the program and I'm the first one to deflect all the attention huh those players that was up here they should get all the attention because if it wasn't for him this program wouldn't be here and they believed in a vision before note before anybody seen it and are they stuck with it through the down times when we was losing when we was winning they stayed together and they always believed it was past possible you know and that's I think that's the beautiful thing about this championship for me and when I reflect on it those guys toughness but also their togetherness on the left side of the aisle in the front Kevin Danny who's been from USA Today sports a lot of team a lot of great teams are great at free-throw shooting a lot of great teams aren't great at free-throw shooting so how did you guys get so good at free-throw shooting we just work on it tirelessly in practice it's competitive every time we do it you got winners and losers and of course the losers got to run sprints and they get real competitive with it and I think that's what we try to you know create that competitiveness in them especially taking free throws and it's also getting the right people at the free-throw line getting the right people with the ball at the end of the game so they can get fouled and they can knock down the shots but our guys are so composed impression they could get confident and we just work my coaching staff does a great job with our bigs getting them extra free throws after after practice and you know coach - coach Miller and coach Freeman and you know coach mores just a outstanding and they always you know pride themselves on getting extra work and then our student-athletes just fall in line on the left side in the front Matt Matt know Islander cbssports.com you had a couple of tender moments with - the most important women in your life after that game can you just go in a little bit of detail Kevin away from the basketball court how those two have given you strength and and maybe likewise you've returned that but just over the past couple of years and specifically since November how powerful that connections been in your home yeah you know spending time with my mother you know she just had surgery she has breast cancer and I know she's fighting and she kept fighting through chemo for for four months and and just to see her make this trip and thus win a national championship and just see her smile it's just it's real special to me and you know my wife gives me an opportunity to work and do what I do on a day-to-day basis and take care of home and take care of my mother and you know for her strength you know she lost her father four months ago so it's been it's been some it's been a tough year for us on 2013 was tough and a lot of people didn't know it but behind the scenes we was just holding each other up and you know without my wife I couldn't be here on doing this job and for her to lose her father her best you know the man you know in her life and lose it and then just keep lifting me up keep providing for our family then take my mother on when she driving her to her to the hospital to appointment after appointment is just just a courageous woman and I'm glad she chose me and that's that's my number one recruit right there all the way in the back to the right of the center aisle intro and to burger the score Neil's missed a couple shots early in the first half and then he looked like he got kind of hesitant out there but then he had there's two big threes in the second I was wondering do you say anything to him at halftime I came in and keep shooting yeah we just tell him to keep confident believe in yourself you've been doing it the whole year I mean he'd been shooting over 50% the whole year from 3 so I know it was just a matter of time that he relaxed his shoulders you know hold his follow-through just what he's been doing the whole year he's been rock solid even when he had shooting slumps like he did in a couple games he got 11 rebounds 1 game still got 11 points another game so he does so much other things on our team is just not the shooting but he's had a great year I think it started in the summer when he played for the German national team and got a chance to play against Tony Parker and Bois de Island held his own he came in with a renewed confidence and I seen it right away in practice the next questions on the left of the center I'll read read for grave Fox Sports 1 from the outside this felt like one of the more improbable national title a while and I'm curious from the inside why don't you guys think this wasn't probable why didn't you during the season yeah somebody told me we was Cinderella's I was like no were you kind I mean this is this is what we do we were born for this we bred it to cut down Nets I mean like I told you we now chasing Championships Championships chasing us and we got for now and coach Calhoun started a tradition and my whole coaching staff is from UConn we all been through the same things and we love this University we put this university first it's always family first with us and they kept believing and I told you I mean a lot of people was picking against us and doubting us but I told you that last would be the first and we first now last year we was last we couldn't get in the tournament but they kept believing and that's what it's all about you know you believe I have a strong faith in God God is always gonna make a way out of no way and he made this way and he gets all the glory
Channel: tcf15
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Keywords: iMovie
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Length: 153min 25sec (9205 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2016
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