Uber Eats Driver Tips & Tricks (COMPLETE Guide 2024)

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this video is going to be your complete guide for driving for uberit in 2024 coming from someone who's driven part-time I've driven full-time I've driven in different marketplaces and I've seen this app change and it's also different than other food delivery side hustles I'm going to cover all the major points and features of using this app and first that starts off with his home screen here now right off the bat Uber Eats is different from let's say door Dash that breaks up your entire Marketplace into different submarket Mar places with Uber Eats we just have one big active Marketplace basically that means if Uber Eats has service in your city you can drive there now another difference than let's say door Dash is there's no scheduled shifts so that could be a positive and a negative because if everyone can just go online then maybe you have too many drivers and as a driver Courier you're never going to really see that versus at least on door Dash you can only go online immediately using their Dash now feature if it's busy enough and or if they need Dashers online so to kind of curb that you can schedule a shift so if I know hey I want to dash in this case on door Dash from 5: until 8 after my let's say W2 my 9 to-5 job then I'm going to reserve a time slot with uberit you can't do that but again it does give you some flexibility to not have to worry about being able to go online so with Uber Eats we're going to be making deliveries so let me show you the actual pay model for you as a courier number one pickup you receive a flat fee for picking up one or more orders from a single restaurant when picking up orders from more than one restaurant a multiplier may be added depending on the distance between restaurants drop off you receive a flat amount for every order that you deliver distance you receive a per mile rate from the restaurant to your customer's location with a distance determined by the most effective route and then time in select cities you receive a permanent rate based on the the time expected to complete a trip from when you arrive to the restaurant including wait time to when you complete the delivery for multiple orders if you complete a delivery with multiple orders you'll receive the pickup amounts plus the applicable time and distance rates you'll also receive additional amount for each delivery one for each time you drop off an order so that's pretty similar to let's say door Dash where it's basically desirability any promotional pay and customer tips it's the same thing with Uber Eats if you're going to get a customer tip obviously you can get customer tips you keep 100% of the customer tips as someone who helps you make money in different side hustles I'll tell you that the base pay these flat rates even the per mile per minute whatever it is typically the base fair is never going to really make you the most money you're going to need some incentive some kind of promotional pay so let's go over the promo pay on uberit firstly is this surge pay so surge as an incentive pay program it's based on supply and demand hot and cold areas and it's going to be a dollar amount typically in your marketplace now this changes every couple of minutes I'd see every what 2 3 minutes so I wouldn't necessarily drive to a Zone if you don't know based on your Market expertise your market knowledge that it's going to continue to be busy there if it's a minute 3 minutes away maybe you can bump over to a surge Zone to try to get your next offer under that surge pay now that's going to be a per delivery bonus so if you're in a surge Zone it'll add whatever it is an extra $1 $2 $3 or maybe even more if it's very busy on your next delivery but remember it comes it goes it's constantly changing so you really want to understand your Market first and where it's busy we call these areas that are really Dental with restaurants power strips so knowing when to drive where to drive where to wait and hoping that you're driving at the right time and hoping that the app is going to give you some surge pay that'll make you more money but there is some scheduled or predictable bonus pay incentives on uberit now this as shown this is called Boost Plus pay now this can be scheduled look at this example right here it'll say sign up for let's say $150 extra on every trip it says Boost Plus and you do have to click on this you got to basically opt in so you're going to go into your top left menu you're going to click on opportunities and there's a promotions filter there you can see any Boost Plus or any incentives listed there but as you might have noticed this one is just for the ride sharing vert so all of that's under just the one Uber driver app if you're doing ride share if you're doing food delivery and then there's filters there's preferences in there so you can turn off ride share if you don't want to do it but you're going to have to pay attention to this because this wouldn't qualify in that case but it can be for deliveries on Uber Eats just make sure you're checking that opportunities tab in my experience in 2024 and honestly even in 20123 I've never really seen Uber Eats Boost Plus pay at least not a lot so so comment down below if you've been seeing Boost Plus pay that pertains not just to ride share but to Uber Eats what I've been seeing more of and this is what you might want to watch in 2024 are the quest bonus offers so the quest offers are batched bonus incentives so you have to do 10 deliveries 20 whatever the denomination is and then you get a bonus so shown here in this example I have to do at least 10 trips so you have to opt into these as well but if I'm going to opt into 10 trips if I do 10 trips I get 25 bucks and then as an incentive if I do another 10 trips I get an extra $25 and you're going to want to look at the details of these quests because sometimes I see it as a weekend Quest as then you have to do this Friday to Monday or it's a week long Quest like you have to satisfy this from Monday to Friday then there's the consecutive trip bonus and it's exactly what it sounds like so if there's an opportunity to let's say take three in a row Uber will say your next three in a row if you accept it you'll get a consecutive trip bonus that could be take let's say three deliveries get an extra $6 so in essence $2 per delivery after you do that three in a row but I'll just warn you like you don't want to sacrifice your time mileage or accepting really low offers just to get the consecutive streak bonus unless the math makes sense for instance let's say it's a $6 offer it's okay it's paying $150 a mile our Channel goal is $1.75 if you're doing $2 to $3 plus per mile you're doing really well but okay it's a $6 trip the mileage is okay but if I do three in a row in essence that $6 trip turns into an $8 trip now let's determine how to accept an offer because once you start getting offers you only have typically 30 seconds to make a decision so this offer screen is going to pop up and in essence you're going to have to make a decision rather quickly here so this is what I look at when I get an order request first thing obviously it's the expected pay amount because my minimum cash flow for you which means the minimum amount that I'd really want you to take is $7 so this one is $6.9 and below that you can see includes expected tip so 696 that's decent it's not super high and let's move down from there it's going to take approximately 15 minutes from the pickup to the drop off and 2.3 miles and typically that's measured again not from your current location per se but from the pickup to the drop off now remember our goal in the mileage there is a $175 PA up per mile but why because well obviously it costs money to operate the vehicle insurance gas all that stuff maintenance now here in the US the IRS is going to give you an optional standard mileage deduction at the time of filming this in 2024 it's 67 cents per business mile so that's accumulating those vehicle operational costs and and the IRS says approximately it's going to be 67 cents to operate that vehicle for business so if the operational costs are 67 cents and you're accepting a dollar paid out per mile the actual net revenue and remember this gig work is before taxes that margin there is quite small and you're putting mileage on your vehicle so is it really worth it and of course are you really making money I want you to have a larger margin there so if it costs this I want you to aim for much higher so we're actually making money on paper but let's move on going down to the restaurant here so whenever you see the pickup location here restaurant it could be retail though it could be a grocery store depending on the order type you need to think house parking there have I had any issues there is it going to be a long wait time is it late at nights and the Lobby is closed and it's just going to be the drive-thru and this is a really popular spot so I'm probably going to be sitting in the Drive-Thru for 30 minutes really I look at these orders in that order because the most important thing is the pay if this was let's say $4.50 for 2.3 miles right there I'm declining you can see the x or the decline button on the top right so if it doesn't pass the test the minimum gross revenue the mileage there the dollar to mile ratio we call it then after I accepted that I'll look at the restaurant in my opinion it's not a huge deal if the restaurant isn't your ideal but if it is going to be a big problem consider that you might want to decline unless the payouts and the margin is very attractive now I also look at the ending destination the positioning here and yes this all happens in 30 seconds but you'll get the hang of it after let's say a week's worth of driving so I'm thinking okay it's ending we can see here a little bit West of my current location is that in an area that it's going to be busy I can get another order request I'm confident being in that area because I don't want to drive 15 minutes away and it depends on your market right Pittsburgh here medium let's say size Marketplace I don't want want to get pulled away to somewhere where I'm not going to get orders it's basically empty or less filled with those power strips that we talked about now there's also times where I'll take kind of a little hit on the positioning if I get pulled away like a little bit 4 minutes outside of my desired area four or 5 minutes it's not a big deal I'll just drive back into my busy Zone my desired area and I'll do that when the pay is really attractive and the margin is really high let's say if it's really slow again you might not get 7 orders but still try to maintain the best margin that you can now let's look at this another thing that's exclusive to Uber these trip radar requests so with trip radar this is Uber sending the requests to multiple drivers and careers at the same time other drivers that are online in your market so it's the same thing though but we get a little bit less information we don't see obviously the illustration and I use that illustration for what the ending destination and looking at the positioning in so you're going to have to really know the side streets here that they give you they just Uber gives you intersections if you didn't know so you're going to have to know those intersections to get an idea of the positioning or just don't ever accept trip radar all you're going to do in trip radar very similar to the regular order requests just tap that box there to in this case not automatically accept it but try to match for this request what does that mean in this case to match with a request Uber says they're going to send it to the best suited best fit for this particular request now there's also these shop and pay orders like you can see here door Dash has it other platforms have these shop and deliver or Sho and pay requests so with shopping gigs in general it doesn't just have to be Uber Eats but door Dash shipped instacart really Walmart spark any shopping platform I look at the item counts cuz that's all time in the store especially if you're not familiar with the store do I feel good for 1356 for 1.6 mil and and being in the store just hunting down six items now obviously they're going to give you the entire list of what you're shopping for there's pictures there descriptions some apps like Walmart spark show The Isle number as well next let's talk about rewards programs and before we do that can you drop a like on this video and make sure to check out your driver mik.com for courses resources to help you in most any side hustle Uber Eats is a little bit different than let's say door Dash where they don't have a Rewards program that's directly tied to better orders because on door Dash there's Priority Access there's top Dasher there might be the new Dasher Rewards program and part of their benefits are hinged on their certain minimum acceptance rate just a percent of orders that you accept based on the perspective orders but the benefit is getting access to higher paying orders that's not the case on Uber Eats so Uber Uber Eats their rewards program Uber Pro yes there's perks there but I wouldn't necessarily worry about Uber Pro frankly I never even look at my points on Uber Pro because there's no tangible benefits there's more order details like trip duration and ETA seeing the etas on Uber let's say but there's nothing that says hey we're going to give you higher paying offers now that can be yes a good thing or a bad thing because if you're driving more hours let's say on door Dash you want to hit those acceptance ratings perhaps there's a whole debate of mathematically if that makes sense to accept that many orders but then you get higher priority to those higher paying orders so on uberit again I feel like research knowing when and where to drive and hopefully capitalizing on Boost quests hopefully surge pay that's what's going to make you the most money on Uber Eats also there's no different earnings options or earnings Types on Uber rates like door Dash so door Dash they have earned per offer and a guaranteed pay for active time earned by time that's not the case on uberit it's just we'll call it earn per offer so I get an offer it can be one offer or it can be stacked offers for two or more assignments but then that's it I get paid not necessarily a bad thing though so driving for Uber Eats in 2024 what should you look for what are the newest trends of this year number one as a warning that surge pay that I talked about that ever changing based on supply and demand Pay incentive just watch that to make sure if you're getting a lot of it throughout this year it might be tapering as these companies look to cut costs also something that I followed closely in 2023 that I feel is certainly going to continue this year are non-restaurant delivery options so the food delivery it's fantastic it's very easy as long as obviously everything goes smoothly but retail convenient the alcohol the shop and deliver the grocery so look for more of those orders in 2024 it gives you more options again the Sho and deliver I think is the only thing you're really going to have to watch with the item counts but it's certainly going to give you more earnings options and lastly if you haven't done so already you should be driving on all three it is Uber Eats it's door Dash and GrubHub all of and actually Regional and even local options if you want to because if you're going to be out there think about it for 1 hour two hour three hours whatever it is you have limited time in your side hustle you want as many options as possible so let me know which one is best for you is it Uber Eats have you not signed up for Uber Eats do you have other questions on driving for Uber Eats this year let me know
Channel: Your Driver Mike
Views: 77,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Uber Eats driver, Uber Eats driver 2024, Uber Eats driver tips and tricks, Uber Eats driver tips 2024, new Uber Eats driver 2024, driving for Uber Eats 2024, Uber Eats side hustle tips 2024, Uber Eats driver hacks 2024, is driving for Uber Eats worth it, Uber Eats 2024 tips, Uber Eats driver app, Uber Eats tutorial 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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