Tyrese Haliburton on The Rookie of The Year Buzz and Being Linked To LaMelo Ball | JJ Redick

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all right let's welcome in our guest uh sacramento kings rookie tyrese halliburton tyrese what's up man what's up my man thanks for appreciate you guys having me on yeah this is exciting for us i think i think you're the first uh first rookie from this year's draft class that we've had on uh for uh for for a chat so this is this is great uh congrats to you on on your uh on your start before we we talked a little bit about that um we were just talking offline and i think it's important we discuss this so when you get later on in your career and you're in year 10 or 11 the young guys are going to ask you about this period of time that we're in right now you know i i've been in the league long enough to remember uh the brief experiment with synthetic basketballs that was my rookie year i was in the league during the lockout obviously everybody that was in league last year that had to deal with the end of the season in march and then the bubble but i think what we're experiencing right now and what the nfl had to go through and what baseball had to go through uh and and hockey and the wnba like we're all experiencing something very unique and one of the things that's been thrown completely out of whack is the routine the day-to-day routine of being an nba player it just seems like every day is totally different i mean just in the last three or four days for us you know we had a game postponed against dallas our travel schedule changed our practice schedule changed the nba in the last uh 24 to 48 hours has now added a third test a third daily test for us so you and i when we get done with this this we're recording this on saturday night we got to go do a second round of pcr tests in addition to the first round and the poc test that we did this morning it's just thrown everything completely out of whack and and i know for you as you're trying to get your feet wet i'm sure you're trying to figure out things on the fly yeah yeah 100 uh i guess i was just you know whatever now 11 11 games in my career um so i think we played the rockets like four or five games in and and i got hurt i was out for two games i tried to dunk on john wall i i did i totally forgot that he jumps for everything so he went up and caught it and i came down and you know i hurt i re-injured the same wrist that kept me out last year and my my collarbones hurt that's why i wear tape on it now like you know i got so i've been doing treatment in the uh i get to the gym around two you know get it get my treatment and uh do make 100 threes watch some film then we get to like our team you know walk through sessions then back on the court then it's kind of you know pregame stuff just you know normal treatment other things well now that the nba has thrown out this you know you can't get there until three hours um you know it's kind of messed up messed up the whole the whole day you know i'm used to leaving uh leaving the house at like 1 30 uh now i don't live until 3 30 uh so i can't i have to go in and get my treatment early in the morning um because everybody has to be out of the facility by noon you know i don't know the rhyme or the reason i think it's you know it's just a new territory for everybody and uh you know it's just figuring it out on the fly so it stuff keeps adjusting and i'm sure 20 30 games from now it's gonna be even more different so it is what it is but you know we got the best job in the world so we make it work yeah i mean i'm i'm not complaining i think we're all just trying to navigate this in real time and it it it presents its own challenge because i i do think athletes in particular were really creatures of habit and you know um when we went to the to the staples center so la has this you know basically a complete lockdown so in every other place we've been on the road you know you get to the arena and they've got you know your pregame meal sort of waiting for you in a hot box somewhere in the vicinity of the locker room well it's staple center you had to walk down like three sets of corridors to an elevator on like the sixth floor and then go outside it was a good like 15 20 minute experience just to get your food and the fir we played two games at staples center the first time i did it i'm like walking back and you know when you're an athlete you get that feeling like your shit's thrown off like your whole game is thrown off and i'm like i got i gotta get used to this this is this is the season this is all we're gonna have right now um for us i i'm very curious and i our our trainers were basically like yeah we don't really know but uh you know for this third round of testing on a game day in terms of the timing of it and when it's going to occur it's it just seems like it's all it's all it's all random to be honest with you it's all random you you're with uh i want to give a special shout out to my guy joe resendez who's over there in sac with you he was my uh one of our trainers in in la for a few years yeah yeah no he's he's here with me uh we played phoenix i didn't know he was in la and then we played phoenix and cp was communicating with the whole game and i'm like joe did you say something to him like was he mad at you he's like no i was in l.a i was in l.a with him so uh yeah joe's a really good dude yeah i want to go back to the draft for a second because you know i think we should talk about that whole process for you in general but that was super untraditional every part of it you know compared to sort of how it normally is how when you were sort of like mentally preparing yourself you know for this how did you kind of stay stay sort of stable with the nerves of you know this is your life that's happening in front of your eyes and it's changing sort of by the day yeah i mean uh you know originally you know obviously the draft was in june but i think the first date they pushed it back to was like october or something like that because i mean obviously we had to wait for the season to be done um then i ultimately got pushed back to november so like that whole time that i was working out you know in the gym in the weight room whatever it felt like it was forever away you know so i i i literally felt like uh while working out and stuff like uh am i are we ever even gonna get there like it's taking so long you know what i mean like a guy was in milwaukee uh working out there uh at first and then caa took and put a a lot of us guys in las vegas so it's like a complete 360 because in milwaukee wisconsin is basically open you know i mean like like like like yeah they want you to wear a mask but you don't really gotta you don't really got to so you get to vegas it's like completely different like with everything that's that's going out going around so um you know it was just a different experience but i enjoyed being around other guys that were also preparing for the draft you know that i felt that that kept me on top of things to know where i stand uh with certain guys and compete against those guys on a on a daily basis and then you know ultimately when teams started getting eliminated from the bubble you know other pros started started to come um you know troy brown uh was there kyle o'quinn was there when when philly got eliminated so uh you know just being able to play against those guys work out with those guys and just see their approach and how they uh how they work i think that that really helped me and then you know finally the day came so every every everything's moving so fast man like i i was like in the first preseason game i couldn't even believe that i was in the nba like i was having a hard time like we're in warm-ups and i get out there early get my shots up and i turn around and dam's just up there logo threes i'm like what is going on right now you know what i'm saying like this is unbelievable then then like i come off a ball screen and mellow switches onto me he shocks me and usually i keep my dribbling back up and i i also just pick the ball up and i'm shaking and it's just like it was insane like the first game i was so nervous like uh it was a complete like non-reflection of the player i am but uh it's just been a crazy experience specifically uh about the draft you told jonathan abrams from the new york times that you felt like you should be the number one pick and that uh i'm not i'm i'm rough balling your quote here but um in a couple years we can revisit and see if teams have any regrets even going into the draft it seemed like the mock drafts had you much higher than where you went how shocked were you that you ended up going 13th to sac yeah i mean i wasn't i guess i wasn't shocked um you know kind of i've been under the radar for most of my life so i uh for the most part i usually set my expectations you know like i don't i didn't expect to go high by any means like i i usually set him low and if i was to get picked high it would just be like uh kind of kind of a surprise but you know i think going into the night um you know i think there was a couple of teams that i thought you know i had a really good chance to you know golden state chicago uh detroit or new york or you know what whatever what would happen um you know and and i met with sac literally one time two days before the draft and then and they were like man we're talking about trading up to get you we really like you you know and also they kept getting closer and closer and uh and then ultimately it happened but you know i love it i think it's the perfect fit because you know i think what's best for me right now on this stage in my career um you know is to play along another you know ball dominant guy or just that's kind of where the nba is going you know it's just having two point guards on the floor a lot you know obviously you guys have you know talked to diane recently and uh you know playing alongside him has been great um you know to on the competitive side of things because you know he's uh you know young at the same time but he always says like man i feel like a vet it's like you've been in the league for like three four years you're like three years older than me he acts like he's he's acts like he's so much older than me other day a song came out of the weight room and he's like he's like man you weren't old enough to hear this uh in high school warm-ups like darren you're three years older than me do not sit up here act like you're 35 you've got to stop you know so it's been awesome though all the guys are really really cool um you know i've enjoyed it you know a lot lately i mean obviously nobody likes to lose but uh so far just you know team camaraderie and you know getting to know guys has been awesome tommy you'd agree with me on this when we had dieren on the show so neither of us know darren very well prior to having him on the show back in september but we were also struck he's an old soul like we were shocked at his level of of just maturity and and there's there's like a grown man quality to him yeah 100 100 i i feel like sometimes i do do like i might say something or like have a reaction that like okay like he's you know i'm trying i'm 20 years old about 321 you know like they're like oh okay like the young dude but the aaron i feel like he's just mellow all the time you know it's just who he is he's just a chill dude to be around like even when i'm with him off the court like been to his house like just a super cool dude uh so but it's awesome around because when you when you do get to you know be more personal with them and get them to joke around mess around then it you know on that on that more personal level that's you know that's really cool too one of the one of the common themes tommy we've we've talked to a bunch of players recently over the last few months and a lot of guys seem to have been [Music] overlooked when they were younger there's a there's a common element of just sort of getting passed over early in their career and whether they use that as motivation or not but to give some perspective in in your story um you were basically like a top 175 recruit i think you were i i looked it up you're like a three-star recruit you three years ago you were leading uh oshkosh north to uh to a state championship and and then your lottery pick and now you're one of the front runners uh for rookie of the year you know can you just sort of describe this this rise and this this ascent that you've had and what do you attribute that to yeah i mean i feel like i get asked that question a lot um you know especially from like younger kids and things like that and i think my best answer is that like i just decided you know shortly after my senior season and even during my senior year that it was like i have to like from here on i just have to outwork everybody like i have to be in the gym more than anybody like i feel like you watch a lot of videos or like interviews of like highly rated dudes that that they always use that same quote right like yeah i gotta i'm in the gym because uh so if i'm not working somebody else is you know like everybody loves that line but it's so true and and i think the biggest thing for me is just to stay true to who i am at all times and um you know really time management became a big thing for me in college like just managing time the right way uh you know being in the gym as much as i can but you know obviously also focusing on the school aspect and and getting sleep because in high school like i could go get four or five hours of sleep and we played the next night i was gonna score you know i'm gonna score 25 30 like i'm the best like i'm just the best player but then when you get to college and there's you know more competition guys are you know bigger and stronger and been in college for and grow they you know got growing in bodies like i had to focus on sleep and and you know my body feeling the best i could and i feel like that's just helped me get to where i am is just focusing on the right things and uh you know really just sticking to the formula of just working people i feel like i spend a lot of time not only like on the court but like off off the court like outside of the game of basketball like when i'm at home just chilling like watching film you know just watching basketball i feel like i really just you know i love the game so uh it just seems to be what i do mentally so we talked to we talked to dame for example about this and we talked to a bunch of guys about this about the about the chip on their shoulder and every guy has their own version of this and it's in a different way uh and i'm curious you know both with what jj is talking about about you know the the ratings and everything that but also like people have there's been a lot of commentary about your shot you know and maybe from sometimes some people who know sometimes people who don't know but there's been a lot of sort of people in the peanut gallery talking about your shot like do you hear stuff like that and you're like all right i'm gonna i'm gonna show you yeah yeah 100 that's been a big thing for me um because a lot of times it's just people who like i went to iowa state like people need to just admit like yo i've never watched an iowa state basketball game in my life just say that it's okay you know what i read or like they see a highlight they see uh like a minute long highlight of me during pre-draft and they'll comment on it like oh that shot will never work or like if he shoots down the nba dudes are just gonna block it like well first of all like i don't know who like half the time or 85 of the time they're people who have never touched the basketball in their life and then the other thing is i don't understand why people think it's just like a video game like if i jus like if i go to shoot a jumper then i'm just holding a button and i can't adjust or i cannot pass out of it or shot fake or anything like if you press the button you shoot it you know i'd be like i'm just gonna walk in front of people who are bigger than me and they're standing like this and i'm just going to go shoot it and they're not going to block it like i i have a hard time figuring that out but yeah i always keep those things in the back of my mind you know i keep i keep little notes i mean all the time about you know what what people say i i love being able to you know get a jab in at people you know through social media or whatever that is just to mess around uh but yeah i definitely got some stuff bookmarked on my phone of of some pretty terrible quotes uh and they'll hear from me shortly but um you know he's just you gotta wait for the right time you know what i'm saying uh first of all i my aunt worked at iowa state for like 30 years um she was a virologist she just retired uh within the last couple years um so i've actually watched a ton of iowa state basketball games even when i was a kid like i you know i grew up in i remember watching fred hoiberg play you know yeah um in in regards to the three-point shot um like i i didn't realize you were i knew you were playing well but i didn't realize you were shooting it so well at a fairly high volume you're taking basically four and a half threes a game and you're shooting 52 percent um so i in some way again we're 11 games in the season i don't know that you'll shoot 52 percent for the year i i don't know don't please don't please don't put that quote on your phone please don't come out tomorrow and hit six threes but you know just a lot of averages at some point i don't know i just don't think you'll hit 52 percent for the season but um i i i think in terms of uh you know in watching you play just the the the poise there's a maturity to your game there's a pace to your game um and there's an efficiency to your game which i to me is the rarest quality for a rookie um even some of the other rookies that are having great seasons they're not doing it in the same way lamello has been great but his shooting percentages aren't great anthony edwards has had some moments but his shooting percentages aren't great um you know besides just the work where do you think that comfort level comes from is it is it the system is it just something innate that you have where's that where's that comfort level that you're able to sort of just play at this pace and do it in an efficient way at such a such a young point in your career yeah i think there's uh you know a couple of things i think one you know just the people that are surrounding me that being you know the staff and um you know that my teammates in the sense of that they have a lot of trust in me uh and for me to be uh you know first first round guy a young dude to come here and right away you know kind of get the co-sign from everybody uh to you know play free and you know enjoy what you do like i think coach walton gives us a lot of freedom um and it's up to us if we want to take advantage of that truly um you know i think that helps a lot and i think like if you watch if you saw the draft and saw how excited the front office was when they picked me like that gave me a lot of confidence as well like like they actually you know want me here like they they they wanted you to be like i just told you like they tried to trade they wanted they were talking about trading up so it's like they have a lot of confidence in me and i think that that allows me to just play free play loose and and never be pressing or anything and just kind of just be who i am and and i think another thing about it is that um you know this is kind of just in college like all draft heads like dr like draft junkies like they loved me because of how efficient i was in college as well and i think it's kind of just been who i am and i think it's just trusting myself and confidence in myself like obviously you said you said besides the work but i just think like being able to trust that and uh and not not taking many crazy shots like i get yelled at a lot for for not taking more shots but a lot of times i just let the game come to me and take what you know like i might have a heat check here and there if i hit two three in a row but a lot of times i'm taking shots that i feel like like i can truly make every time you know so uh just just you know being a a person who understands like uh you know your your limits at the time and then what to work on during the offseason i don't i don't want to uh compare you to anybody because obviously your game is sort of every guy is their own sort of skill set but did you when you were growing up did you watch anybody um who you tried to sort of emulate in various ways nah honestly i wouldn't even i wouldn't say that like like in one person in specific like i'm a 2000s kid right so like lebron james is my fa you know it was my favorite player growing up so like it like i watched a lot of cavaliers basketball like i had all the you know i had every team you know i i didn't grow up in an era of having a favorite team i ever grew up in an era of having a favorite player so uh you know watch like a lot of lebron but my dad's an old head so like would make me watch a lot of like you know 80s lakers games like a lot of like magic and stuff and i feel like that just allowed me to be more creative as a little kid like i felt like i was making no look passes before everybody like when i was younger at least in my area you know probably not around the country but uh you know where i'm from like i felt like that was something that i incorporated uh just being able to take bits and pieces from from everybody and like i used to stay up and watch the late the late clippers games uh because like cp being you know has just been probably the best point guard in basketball for you know a decade a little over a decade so like for me just being able to watch and just being a student of the game and loving the game like i feel like there's just a lot of guys that i am that i understood at a young age like well he does this at a really good level so maybe i should pay attention to what he does you know tom i i often feel very old around tommy because tommy's a 90s kid and you you really just dated me just now 2 000 skittish yeah we're gonna have more and more of them on the show that's our that's our guys's favorite line like the aaron like oh you're a 2000s kid jared you were bored three years ago stop it you do not remember the 90s at all like oh so great that's so great where can you shop louis vuitton gucci rolex and more iconic luxury brands up to 90 off retail the real real it's the most trusted source for authenticated luxury consignment discover everything from women's and men's luxury fashion and accessories to fine jewelry watches art and home decor it's all authenticated by a team overseen by luxury experts thousands of new arrivals come in daily if you're in chicago la new york or san francisco stop by one of the real real stores take advantage of curb dye 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somebody files me like a euro file a half court and glenn robinson is running i go to throw it between the legs live just after the and vanvleet blocks me and i'm like okay okay we ended up losing the game by like 40. like they beat us back i mean and fred fred was a kid like he was getting to whenever he wanted to get to so i was like man like maybe that was it like i thought to myself like no maybe that was it and then we played the trailblazers uh the other day they beat us bad then they played us again and dame they like they they they told me the pickup spot was 40 like pick him up at 40 and he shot it from half court coach was like and i said coach i know you said 40 but he just shot it from 50. like like i don't know what you what you want me to do here so i think those have been the two main ones thus far is that like those like got those two guys thus far that those have been my main too you it's it's unnatural how far dame shoots the basketball my first my first year in philly uh that was ben's rookie year and just based on our personnel like i ended up having to guard a ton of point guards which i don't know i had never done that in my career before and i was 30 i think it was my year 33 season so i'm like why the [ __ ] am i doing this but anyways um i i remember guarding dame and we went over that like you know the pickup point is like six or seven steps outside the ark and you know he comes down on delayed transition and i feel like i'm in like decent position and he just he pulls three feet from where i'm at and yeah you know he's and there's been a couple articles about this and he's developed that range um but it's it's it's a weapon that i just like it doesn't actually make sense to me like i don't i don't know i don't think a lot of us when we go to the gym and we get shots up like we're practicing the 40-footer but apparently he is i think we all need to pay attention to what he's doing yeah no i think uh just being like you know i was in high school when when steph won his first mvp you know and i think uh just the what he's doing what he's done for the game of basketball like you know the younger kids are now they're shooting more threes you know i think that that game is just kind of a uh adjusting to that and now it feels like every team had like like there's multiple guys in the league doing that now so it is it is crazy how how everything's moving and um and yeah and the nba is just a little different like everybody can really score the ball you know like we played the clippers last night and i was just in awe of of what kawhi was doing because it's like you know like in in college and high school like dudes shoot the mid-range but they don't you know they don't make it you know like and then you get to nba and they're like yeah analytics analytics analytics and i was like okay then kawhi came out there and it's just like it felt like everyone's going in so it is crazy how it uh how it all works have you have you guys played brooklyn yet because no we have not played brooklyn yet we played them in late february kevin kevin durant on the same lines is cool he's just different yeah just a different dude like there's seven feet and can just shoot unbelievable it's it's wild um how do you do are you paying attention and i know look i know we're 10 game 10 12 games in whatever we're in but do you pay attention to the to the rookie of the year race are you cognizant of the buzz that you're getting yeah yeah a little bit um i try not to be on social media too much uh because there's sometimes stuff i can blow my head up and sometimes there's stuff that can really really really take like get me going so i try to stay at it too much but like my brother and stuff will always uh you know read me stuff or or joke around about stuff so yeah i definitely i definitely pay attention to it a little bit do you feel in some ways though that you're going to be um and look lamelo has looked amazing and i mentioned that earlier but you know it seems to me like he's he's definitely on the path to super stardom and and in some ways because of your draft class like you're gonna forever be sort of linked to him and you'll be linked to anybody in your class but you know in terms of in terms of your position um you'll be you'll be linked to lamella for a long time yeah yeah that's how it seems you know kind of just it seems like those two were us two and kill you and where the you know they're on the three-point guards taken in in the lottery so um you know yeah i think i think those three are going to be linked you know for a while so it's going to be fun though like i enjoy the race i mean more than anything i just i want to you know get the kings back to the playoffs and compete for you know a playoff spot this year with with 10 teams being able to make it so that's all that really matters uh for me and if i win it that's cool and if i don't then i'm too bad i just i'm just trying to win basketball games so uh just just trying to grow like every day like i know there's you know ups and downs to it to a season and it's it's crazy i've already played like 12 12 games this fast like everything's everything's moving so fast like i feel like i have probably my worst game last night and it's crazy how it goes because i felt like before right the game before that was one of my one of my best games you know so it's crazy how everything everything changes but um you know it is what it is i i think that we don't we don't get much say so it other than how we play so i'm just gonna go out there and you know perform to the highest of my ability and you know let everybody else do the do the conversation one of the one of the great and bad things about the nba is the amount of uh just the the the limited time in between games because in college look if you if you play well on a saturday you might not play again till thursday yeah you have like you have like four or five days to really feel yourself you have four or five days to really feel good about yourself and conversely if you play bad on a saturday like you're down in the dumps for those five days yeah in the nba it's just happened so fast like you i always like i i i say like you know it was all good just a week ago because like in a week you could have three bad games and all of a sudden you're feeling terrible and and vice versa you know where you you get hot and you feel like you're the king of the world and it didn't matter what happened two weeks ago um tommy i got a question for you have you ever heard have you ever heard in in any trash talk uh vernacular anybody ever say call god have you ever heard that before no neither have i neither have i i'm trying to think because it sounds it sounds like somewhat it sounds somewhat familiar but i have no con i have no never i need to know so so tyrese apparently this was his thing at iowa state is that he would he would talk [ __ ] to his opponents and he'd put a phone up next to his ear and he'd tell him to call god because they had no chance of guarding him yeah yeah what are the origins i've never heard or seen that before yeah i think well i mean antonio brown really started that's what it was yes it turned around and started saying call god you know and uh and then uh i think we were at usa uh because i played in the under 18s before my sophomore year and uh kate cunningham did this and i immediately i knew what it what it was before he didn't have to tell me and i saw this i was like they clicked and uh and like he's a good a good friend of mine and uh so i just i ran with it i think we were playing like alabama uh like a heated matchup in the in the maui invitational and i had a plan really good and then i just i did it and everybody was like he's dialing long distances but he's blah blah blah like i got it i got the uh post game interview and they asked me and i was just like i just was telling them to call god because he's the only one that could save them right now you know so i was just i ran with it then i then i got hurt i got hurt and so i had to you know i had to wear stuff to games and a couple hoodies i just put call god on the on the front of the hoodie and people loved it and stuff and then you know we just sold shirts like that before the drafts so it was it was just something that i was just having fun with and i think that uh people like iowa state fans and stuff we just we ran with it from there um did did fred van fleet did he scare you into not talking trash in the nba or do you feel like you let it you let it rip one time in the nba yeah i'll definitely let it go here um sure soon enough but uh i i i'm somebody who unders like my dad growing up like i'd be beat i'll beat him bad in a video game or something he'll still be talking i'm just like what are you do like you're losing this is time for you to stop yeah i feel like i have to understand like when it's time to stop it's time to stop and uh nah he did he didn't scare everything i think he's a he's a good dude and we you know he worked out of the impact as well so knows joe abuna sorry who i worked out with pre-draft so you know we're able to have you know some dialogue and stuff and um you know really good real good dude for sure you uh you overlapped with uh taylor horton tucker for a year right at iowa state yeah so i feel like for the for maybe some casual nba fans that's not a very well known name but there's there's this nba twitter i we're all nba nerds here on this on the zoom so yeah there's an nba nerd subset that like is kind of obsessed with this guy and and what his potential is what did what did you see from him in your year together at iowa state and and and kind of where what do you think his ceiling is well the funny thing about me and taylor is we've known each other since we're like 12 years old like we like we could still remember matchups from aau like i was on the wisconsin blizzard he was on uh chicago select like we could still reference games when we were 12 years old and like so we kind of knew each other growing up and then you know he he was obviously a four-star guy highly recruited dude uh and then i committed to iowa state and so like three of us were committed to iowa state when we tried when we were recruiting we tried to get taylor so we were caught we put us all in a group chat we were calling them every day texting every day like yo we need you here uh that he had he ended up coming so um yeah it was really awesome for us to be together because we've known each other since we were younger and i think that helped us just click right away you know we were the two we started um taylor started every game i didn't start the first game but started from there on so i that allowed us to you know kind of just like we we became really close through that through that bond and um you know i i don't i think like after the year there was like i had a pretty good idea he was leaving i remember right after the last game like grabbing him being like please come back like please come back like we we could like it'll be me and you we can do whatever we want we like uh but you know obviously you gotta make decisions better yourself i was just i was looking out for me probably more than i was looking out for him uh but you know he goes and gets drafted by l.a and i think we were both excited because both of us being nba fans like uh in 2000's kids like lebron's our favorite player so like we were i was just like super ecstatic for him and um you know he played the g league a lot last year but i think being able to play you know in the bubble in those last couple games and then he even got some playoff run against houston um that i think people have been really loving them for and it's not surprising by any means what he does on a nightly basis because that's just literally who he's been for as long as i've known him so it's like what i see is not a surprise but there are some people who are like go nut go nuts about what he does and like i i see it and i'm just like okay like i know there's a there's even more that we have not have yet to see and i think what people don't realize is that taelynn is the same age as the rookies that like because we're class 2018 but he's a year younger so really he should have been a freshman last year and he left this would be his first year so people understand how young he really is and what he what he really can bring to la i think you know obviously they're you know a championship team we're coming off a ring so they have a lot of pieces but taylor's a guy that's you know he's ready for his opportunity and you know what we what we see there there trust me there's there's a lot more a lot more to it speaking of uh 2000's kids friend of the show tyler hero so did were you guys did you go you go to rival high schools what was the connection in when you were in high school so we started playing aau together in the end of fifth grade and we played all the way through until our freshman year that we had then we split uh we didn't play arrival high schools i mean we just played i mean two different high schools but he was like hour and a half south of me we never played each other in high school au we did but my senior year we played each other and he had just got hurt the day before so unfortunately he didn't play uh because that was the game was sold out and then when people saw tyler walking in the boot everybody left like everybody's like no point of this so uh but yeah yeah we grew up together uh for a little bit of a little bit in middle school i need to know i need to know the description of tyler hero the fifth grader i need to know what tyler hero the fifth grader's swag was like you know he's different i would say who you see now everybody started like started like right when i got right when i got there like sixth seventh grade uh like fifth grade um like you know you know he's just like you know not like not i mean not that he's not normal you know but he's just he's just who he is you know like people think it's a like a facade or like it's fake but that's really who he is and and i think that like as as like we got like six and seventh grade like we could tell like you know tyler is you know that's just who he is but uh as a fifth grader he he didn't have and and he'll probably text you about this he'd have nearly as much swag or as he does right now you know but he was still like we went to nationals i remember he was still he would still go out there and kill like that wasn't the problem but he went out there talking to do it doing what he does you know right now i think that just kind of came with time but uh yeah we got together like late late as like we i joined his team like late fifth grade and it just kind of took off from there you can experience the epic adventure wonder woman in 1984 in theaters and on hbo max now streaming at no extra cost to hbo max 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of all like when i i i didn't understand because in the morning i saw that people were at the capitol and i was like oh there's some crazy people you know i was just i was doing treatment i was like i was like going to tweet something i was like ah like like right away it was like they were like oh there's a couple hundred people at the capitol fighting with police and i'm like i was gonna tweet out like oh what would happen if you know like like a lot of people have been saying like hit it on the head like what would happen if if they were black or if they were fighting for you know something that you know that was previously you know that that's been going on in our country uh but i let it go and then everything happened and i was like thinking of something that i could say that would encompass like everything that i was truly feeling you know i mean like i didn't want to shortchange anything or make a thread of tweets and just keep going on with a thousand words that nobody wants to read or anything um so like it i get i guess like i i had a couple jab backs that people uh you know i replied to uh old truck but you know there's old there's tweets for for everything that you know kind of old takes right um well i kind of got into yeah yeah before the band and there's definitely way more trust me uh but i i think like my biggest thing was i wanted to be able to have that dialogue like that conversation um but you know we had a game and i think my truly my biggest focus is like you know like i obviously want to play well but i would also like to speak about what's what's going on like how could i how could i do something that would that i could put my feelings out there and you know i fortunately had a good game tonight against chicago and had media and they told me i had media and i was thinking about you know maybe i'll talk about it before i ask any answer any questions or i'll talk about it after and then i got asked a question by one of our one of the people uh from from the media here in sacramento and i kind of just rambled on about you know how i really felt um just try to be as authentic and real as possible um i think that where we are you know in our in our world today and just kind of where the nba is you know i feel like i play in one of the best leagues in the world to be able to stand up for and speak my mind about how i really feel um you know and i just had to make that be felt because i felt like i i've talked about this before but i felt like in college or even high school like i was i would kind of be scared to talk about these things because i didn't know how that would affect me in the future you know what i'm saying like i didn't know if i said this now that being a college uh being a college student like if i come out and say something like this will there be um you know there are obviously people who have different political stances but will there be people who are like really angry at what i have to say like won't support me anymore or or it could affect me going to if i want to go to the next level and i think you know kind of now being in the nba has uh made me feel a lot more like freedom and a lot more confident to really speak about how i feel i mean i've i followed these issues and followed you know our modern day you know politicians and um people who are fighting for a change uh you know i've been following them since high school i've i've if you uh my old twitter's deleted now i lost it a while ago but like i was going you know i would i would have things to say um you know but i never got to speak about like truly get everything out because i of the the the fear of being not being judged but not being able to if that would affect things in the future and i think now that i'm here and uh you know the good thing about the nba is uh you know that the the money is is pretty much guaranteed so i feel free to you know kind of speak about how i really feel you'd have to say some really dumb [ __ ] yeah some really dumb [ __ ] yeah it's it's just interesting to hear your perspective on that because you know even as as four or five years ago like this was not the part of the role of the modern athlete was to it wasn't to be outspoken uh it wasn't to be politically active um between you know colin kaepernick certainly the wnba and then just the last four years of trump and of course with covid and george floyd brianna taylor everything that's happened over the past four years and even going back if we you could go back to 2014 let's say with with michael brown and in ferguson like all of a sudden it is part of the role of the modern athlete it is part and landry shamit when we had him on tommy um post boycott in the bubble during the playoffs you know he talked about just the burden why is the burden fall on the the modern black athlete to be outspoken to have a voice in this and you know it's it's awesome that you're already comfortable and speaking on this and and we all look forward to your development on the court of course but we also look forward to your development as a as a person and and developing your own voice and and and being a thought leader so really kudos to you man uh enjoy watching you play so far uh my only request is a one for eight game with four turnovers tomorrow okay go easy on us all right we're on a five-game losing streak we need to win yeah you guys lost some tough ones but you guys lost three of them three of them we gave away and then like the clippers and lakers like whatever we play the clippers tough we we had a terrible second half against the lakers but our first three losses in the streak we literally just we gave them away we had big second half leads and gave them away um all right man tyreese we appreciate the time man you were awesome um best of luck man yeah i appreciate you guys i'll i'll see you tomorrow jj look forward to it
Channel: JJ Redick
Views: 74,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyrese haliburton, tyrese haliburton jj redick, tyrese haliburton sacramento kings, tyrese haliburton rookie, tyrese haliburton kings, tyrese haliburton rookie of the year, tyrese haliburton lamelo ball, tyrese haliburton damian lillard, tyrese haliburton fred vanvleet, jj redick podcast, tyrese haliburton podcast, tyrese haliburton interview, tyrese haliburton the old man and the three, the old man and the three, jj redick the old man and the three, om3
Id: iZ-n2jpUfVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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