Tyreek Hill Teaches His UNIQUE Sprinting Technique

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what's up this is Tyreek Hill aka the cheetah we're kicking off the Speed Academy right here in Miami Florida man y'all boys ready yeah come on now y'all boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] once again guys hey thank you all all right for coming to the Tyreek Hill all right football camp today um and as you guys father too you guys been waiting on him all right here he is all right we'll go ahead and give four to cheetah all right fellas really excited to be here with y'all this morning and I almost didn't make it I'll be honest with y'all I almost didn't make it better cheetah had a good time I couldn't miss it though because this is the first cap of the Season maybe it's the speed Academy you feel me today guys all all I expect is hard work let's compete let's have a good time we ought to get we got to get better man so whatever these coaches telling y'all y'all use it put it in your put it in your brain and let's get better all right I'm gonna be going to each and every drill competing with y'all having a good time with y'all right I don't want to hear no excuses about I'm tired I need water I'm gonna pick on a few of y'all today so don't feel too bad about that all right it's all love baby you feel me you want to go against the best you shouldn't want to shy away from the best competition right we all want to be the best we all want to get paid the most money we all want to make the most plays right I did that yeah I appreciate that I appreciate it thank you man I like him right here so anyways guys like I said let's have a good time and let's get better man all right hey Let's Get Loud baby can I get too close can I get two clubs [Music] that was pretty cool this week when you talked about uh going to Kansas City and putting on a show on Arrowhead I love that you always I'm doing a great job of getting content I'm not a brand myself the best and then that was a great story about retiring after your next contract I'm serious though I'm serious about the time listen man you want to try to talk me into it no I'm not I'm gonna try to talk about one year at a time it's my philosophy I'm going I'm gone bro I will I'm going at the NFL I'm with you I support you listen I'm going to play soccer bro we and Rob retire Gronk at an early age the only way I come back is if somebody give me over what I'm close to or closer over what I'm getting I think we got a great truck that's pretty promising I mean remember the Cap's gonna keep going up why receiver deals are gonna go up yes Jefferson's getting a new deal we got to keep setting the bar buddy and we may not have to wait until the end of your contract we can go forward with one year left I'm getting old bro you may never played the deal out you know man you're going to the Hall of Fame and you still have things to do relative to the hall that's an awesome goal man hey Kim I don't I didn't know I came out here to talk agent talk I thought I came I had to talk to the kids well I'm done with that I'll leave you look good no dude I'm done I'm done with the NFL I'm going to the exit field and I'm changing my name to one DC mode I need 10 Equity into the XFL talk about being out here saying what you're doing for the kids you know what it's such an honor man to be able to do this you know every single year and um just to see the amount of new faces I was once a kid you know who used to look up to you know icon players star players in the league and um you know I used to go to these kind of things and you know the camp was cool but I just feel like there can be more to it you know like my like when I add in to my when I add my personality into it you know the way I go about you know how I handle my business with these kids and just come out here and have a good time I feel like it can be a playground growing up you get a chance to be able to do a camera yes yes man yes yes yes man uh as a kid man I used to always say I'm gonna be that player that's going to change the not the the dynamic of what camps look like you know a pro athlete that comes out here and competes and just have a good time with the kids Harry one last question for you so obviously it's your own season right you've got the whole summer off nobody will blame you for just chillaxing by a pool but you're going on a Country-Wide tour to do these camps not just right here in Miami right what made you want to do that to a tour of them well um you know everything is about you know starting uh striking the iron while it's hot right so if I build out my speed Academy the way that I see it you know in the future I'd be able to do what I want to whenever the time comes whenever I'm ready to call it quiz you feel me so being able to build that platform you know um just putting content together with these kids and like enjoying this this time and just just being able to do something that you know I feel like every NFL player want to do you know because not a lot of us can just say hey I get a chance to travel the world and just Inspire the youth so here I am doing it baby that's what I do appreciate you guys man thanks man thank you guys what we got next foreign [Applause] changes now y'all didn't know no you guys thank you guys for coming what we gonna do we ask questions we stand out right we speak loud all right let's go so I want to ask you a few questions tyreik fans you got all these kids why are you doing these camps like why is it so important for you to give back uh I say the biggest thing to me is I used to be in y'all see just like this and I went to a random Moss Camp one time and you know I used to be like I want to be in that spot exactly where he's standing at so you know I worked my tail off I did everything I was supposed to do in school you know and here I am today baby I'm living the dream and I want to be able to be that Mentor for you guys I want to be able to inspire you guys to get to the same spot here you know all it takes all it takes is confidence and believing it in yourselves thank you this is my guy right here he ready to stand up you had 1700 yards so I don't know like what changed when he went to Miami was it like the chemistry the environment the coaching staff or maybe it was the quarterback yeah [Applause] it wasn't a quarterback so I do not want to end up on SportsCenter this morning here's what I'm gonna say though um it was just it's just one of them situations that when I was in Kansas City Kansas City we got we got so much Firepower in Kansas City no they did they did but in Kansas City we had so much Firepower right Kelsey myself Nicole you had the running back exactly so you know all these guys but in Miami he's only me and J dub you know like coach McDaniels he only feeding me and J dub so it was like a two-man game here and KC was like a five seven Man game you feel me yeah so so not the quarterback right all right um I just want to say before thank you because you hire me every day thank you I really appreciate that did you really did Jaden water really never no he never beat me a man we played exactly like five times and I beat him every single time and he and he uses the Dolphins like I got you baby [Applause] how do I get fast um some of it I would say God given the rest of it is just me being dedicated to my craft you know you know uh when I was y'all age man my dad used to take me in the backyard and just would literally make me cry every single day and my mom would hate that you feel me but now she's like she she she loves it you feel me because here I am today but when I was y'all age man I used to hate football like my dad used to train me every single day like morning after school it's almost it was like every single moment you feel me and I didn't understand why he would do that to me I thought he hated me but you would be told he just wanted me to be you know he wanted me to be great so just hard work and dedication man and as I got older like I kept the same things that he put inside of me which is that hard work that Dedication that work ethic and I tell everybody and I tell everybody this man one thing nobody can take away from you is your work ethic man you feel me they never can take that away from you every team I've been on I always been the hard I always been the hardest worker always I don't make excuses about being tired I don't make excuses about being hurt for what though I'm living my dream you feel me I could be doing something else but here I am playing a sport that I grew up playing and being able to take care of my family you got to sacrifice for something baby so you may got to give up fortnite a little bit are you actually leaving things after my contract hey Drew did you have this kid I just told my agent here he just said the same thing so I'm gonna say to you that what who knows what may happen I still love football I'm very passionate about football I still wake up I still grind I still do what I got to do with each and every day you want to race me too who else want to race me okay at the end of the count at the end of the count we're gonna race all right that's a deal all right we good all right thank you guys y'all get back to y'all station what y'all doing right here get over there oh hang on a deer hang on a deer if y'all if y'all don't continue doing y'all drilling from this slide let me quarterback y'all ready I'm gonna throw that back shoulder I'll do that from the guards you shut up I saw you I saw you how you on it yeah one-on-one watch out you're gonna tell me you're right are you taking off in the run something crazy I ain't got time for all this yo come out here come wide come on I'm not bro [Music] what what are we going to live it's over yeah because I just embarrassed you over here stupid I don't wanna get you know how far how you want it too easy my offense out this side my offense trying to push him like this side on the line ready go on the chest push push push push push come on push push push push push push push push push push come on come on come on don't get tired you might not get tired you better not get tired and you better finish it you better finish it ah you better not get tired come on come on come on get low get low hey that's a good fight by both of y'all it really was hey all right guys I'm gonna get all the little bit about this so the objective of this low man always win right so I know swerve he way bigger than me right but I got leg dry right so we get on like this we say go get low get low you want to stay low and when you get low you want to drive you want to keep drive you want to run your feet you never want your feet to go like this still you're going still gotta drive your feet I gotta drive your feet you gotta run all right we're gonna try it tug of war a little tug of war right here y'all ready you ready you ready [Music] come on come on get low get low you man you come on pull pull there you go there you go there you go now come on now you're cool come on get low get low get low come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on don't give up ah good job come on boom boom get low get low there you go sit down sit down sit down now you go there you go stay right there come on come on come on come on come on come on now come on don't you give up don't you give up there you go don't you give up there you go there you go come on right here is it nice he's gonna lose [Music] come here come here oh nice nice hold them all hold the ball hey you don't run the ball like this big man you don't win the ball like you got to tuck the ball right suck that ball now you ready come on get there nice oh nice come on y'all come over here hey Tony come on come chill out the ten so look when he said Hut y'all gonna do this oh Y'all Gonna Get Up and then y'all gonna try to touch them all right you ready first hey hit your chest get up get up get up get up get up go get him go get him go get him go get him go get him good try good try go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go nice nice come on come here come here come here come here get here get okay ball at the one good job break it in yeah okay bring it down I'm trying to touch every group what y'all got what y'all got a drill sir come on let's do it let's do it so guys I'm gonna teach you about the other drill I feel like I got one of the fastest L drills of all time I feel like anyways so the key principle is you want to use your same hand every time whatever day you got up I like to put my right leg back right so really for me it's like three two two to three steps right so right hand right hand turn again right and then I'm on this side right and then I'm gonna run around here and finish with speed energy Lane right here right you got that that's simple you want to race me first [Music] give me somebody who want to race me all right come on come on come on you ready he got me he got me he got me he got me oh yeah okay good job man hey coach that one that kind of Tire got me tired y'all y'all can see the odor I'm getting at this doing these counts the slow I'm getting I'm just playing the cheetah now what's y'all doing what's up that's so easy though come on that's too easy though man Dolphins too raw I want you to shine it's your time who the fastest over here to the call come on sweetie come on oh yeah did you have to turn on the speed how to turn it on a little bit a little bit what what that shot doing over here that's how y'all had all right on on a serious note though on a serious no no I'm gonna give y'all a smaller tidbit uh how I get so fast right so give me four guys here to line up the rest of the guys back up give them some room time for some coaching so get on y'all 40 stands or whatever guys the key to being fast and you know being able to explode how you want to right it all starts with form and technique so here's what I'm gonna tell y'all y'all got some pretty good stances raise up all right first of all your butt ain't high enough you gotta lean and put whatever hand you want back there you go put whatever hand you want back I want y'all getting that in that stance every time y'all about to run so I'm gonna get a little small another small tip y'all get on the Run [Music] your butt up put your butt up what you want to do is you want to drive this knee right here this knee is a Conor McGregor knee you want to knee somebody in the face all right when you're driving same thing with football too though when you run a route you playing running back you want to drive that knee to create as much explosion explosiveness as you can alright so drive that knee you're gonna drive this arm too though the more you drive this arm the more the more force your knee can go up and create more power into the ground it's science baby it's cheater versus science I don't figure it out I got the recipe now McDonald's McDonald's calling me for Wendy's calling me forward they want the recipe I ain't gonna share it though and when you come out of that thing when you come out of that thing it's gonna be it's got to be violent it's got to be mean all right for real right I want to race me for a hoodie let's shoot somebody all right come on am I holding the hoodie while running yeah all right come on we hey we're not gonna run that far though but up pick your butt up there you go come on come on come on nice good job good job oh you gotta pick your butt up though all right remember what I said pick your butt up y'all want to come over there I'm on the way I'm on the way oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right I guess we meet again [Music] that was nasty okay okay okay I gotta put hands on y'all I see I got to put hands on y'all [Music] [Music] bring it in [Music] thank y'all for coming what's up man what's up man how you doing baby bring it in [Music] don't worry about it what else we got should have won opio why what's that you show up on offensive you think so yes bro that's what I'm saying bro [Music] I'm sure they feel good man oh when I was y'all hey though I already knew often to make it though you feel me because I was good at everything though you feel me basketball football soccer whatever and I was faster than everybody too though so they're the biggest thing for y'all though is working hard just showing dedication to what y'all do each and every day just don't be about to talk man you feel me because we all can sit here and say oh I can do this I can do that and you don't want to be one of them guys when you 25 that said if I would have done this right all right because we only get one of these lives though and I want y'all to live your life you know what I'm saying to the fullest and I know y'all love ball I know y'all all want to play ball or whatever y'all dreams may be whatever that dream is make sure y'all doing it with passion and dedication baby and y'all reach it baby come on man look you do a backflip you know all right go ahead go ahead go ahead okay [Music] please thank God good job today I feel like y'all came out here today competed and then what y'all had to do and you told me that's what it's gonna take and anything that you do in life man hard work I don't care if you play football I don't care if you go Mia I don't know a construction worker it's gonna take hard work [Music]
Channel: Tyreek Hill
Views: 211,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Tyreek Hill, Cheetah, Kansas City, Chiefs, KC, Chiefs Kingdom, Wide Receiver, Madden, Fortnite, Lifestyle, football, workout, day in the life, behind the scenes, lifestyle, athlete, sports, dolphins, miami
Id: nzAkzY_lFrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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