Tyrannosaur Evolution || Royal Bloodlines Pt 1 || Tyrant Files

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/savvybb 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
tyrant files is going to be the best possible product I can make and we'll go more in depth than it needs to so that's why it took so long to make this and we'll take even longer to finish since Sciences science stuff is always changing and new things are discovered on a weekly basis so it's very probable all I discussed will have to be adjusted over time I'll make sure to let you know when that happens enjoy the new content I think it will be something you can really sink your teeth into with that out of the way go check out some edge merch at the T spring and RedBubble sites so we can get christopher lloyd or Morgan Freeman to narrate an episode or two the story of life is a long brutal never-ending epic the story of the tyrant family tree is no less brutal and details the evolution of a royal bloodline of some of the largest terrestrial predators on planet Earth tyrannosaurus rex the tyrant lizard king sprung out of the vast lands of Asia from pint-sized ancestors unworthy of their crown by modern standards whether it be the slender and crested form of guanlong the hulking feathered body of you Tyrannis or the bone crushing jaws of the Gork a Tyrannosaur evolution is nothing short of a near miraculous result of natural selection living under the iron talons of larger predators this family of kings and queens was able to out-compete its contemporaries and survive long enough to blossom into efficient predators capable of some of the most naturalistic brutality ever known or the most tender of loving care depending on which side of the story you are on this episode of tyrant files explores the intricate interrelationships monks the tyrant dinosaurs and we'll go more in depth than ever before to deconstruct the rich and colorful tapestry that is the tyrant family tree [Music] you [Music] 152 million years ago the late jurassic period a region of the northern hemisphere which will one day morph into north america rustling around the ever changing temperatures of the Morrison Formation lives a small theropod dinosaur of slight build a creature which efficiently runs on two legs with the help of an internal heating system and a labyrinth of breathing tubes and air sacs a creature which wishes to remain concealed from it's far more inefficient target the rustling stops as a small reptile skitters out of the brush hoping to outrun its agile pursuer maybe it'll make it to a nearby law or hide in the underbrush unfortunately for this animal its predators more than well aware of the reptiles location and quickly clears the distance snapping up the lizard and three quick movements humans will eventually name this ghost of the underbrush Solaris fragilis unbeknownst to this impressively fleet-footed individual it is one example of a group of interrelated forms of theropods within the clade Dinosauria one in a group that would continue to thrive in these relatively small forms as predators of small fare like the bugs lizards and mammals snapped up by most modern dinosaurs and thus begins our earliest record of the lineage that would end in Tyrannosaurus as one of the largest terrestrial carnivores coincidentally this starts our journey through human history detailing our run-ins with the remains of these creatures we now begin our trip to the trunk of the tyrant family tree of life a place crowded by very small ankle-biting beasties for everything starts out small step into our time machine of the mind and let's take an evolutionary journey through space and time to get a better understanding of these iconic and charismatic megafauna let's make a t-rex step one all hail silora soria the clades and families to which Tyrannosaurus belongs are incredibly diverse in shape and form the Predators within have variously touted long sinuous snouts beefy heavy clawed forearms small Swift bodies and everything in between since every living thing is related to one another in some tenuous way it becomes arbitrary as to where you stop on an evolutionary tree to begin the lineage that leads to the species you are looking at in order to make sense of this for us I'll be stopping somewhere in the clade Farah pata I need to begin where the earliest common ancestor the tyrannosaurs diverged since this would be where the most easily discernible group of animals related to the tyrant dinosaurs split off from the rest of the bipedal carnivores in order to stop our proverbial foot down on the starting line of tyrant evolution we must go backwards from the end-product Tyrannosaurus Rex is the genus and species we are wanting to know about but what do I do if I want to find out what it is related to phylogenetically just go backwards in the Family Tree of Life to see the larger and more generic levels of identification the science of identification and evolutionary relationships is far from exact and it is always changing especially with new discoveries so where we go may change according to new findings as well according to currently accepted lines of scientific reasoning Tyrannosaurus Rex belongs to a subfamily called Tyrannosaur na it shares this group with many other similar-looking carnivores and we'll get to understanding how they play into all this in part 3 the Tyrannosaur inay is a sister group to Alberta Soren a as part of the family Tyrannosaur de Tyrannosaur a and a bunch of currently unplaceable genera are part of the tentative clade you Tyrannosaur iya you Tyrannosaur iya rests within another clade hand Tyrannosaur iya and together they share the much larger super family Tyrannosaur idea with the ancient group pro serratus or de all theropods anatomically Tyrannosaur like belonged to Tyrannosaur odeon the oldest and biggest of tyrant clades for most of the even more ancient ancestors before this clade don't really look much like tyrannosaurus from a first glance of their bones since this is going to be the most in-depth look at Tyrannosaur evolution here on YouTube maybe even in YouTube history I want to go even further back than the Tyrannosaurus to get an idea of the origin of t-rex ingredients beyond Tyrannosaur idea is where we must go to plant the proverbial flag so where would that be Taranis Oriya is part of another larger clade of related animals called Tyranno raptor Taranto raptor a-- is definitely a group much too large for us to pick apart in a single video or even a series of videos terrain or AFTRA includes the Tyrannosaur dia clade but also the entirety of the manna raptor amorphous Oviraptor asuras dromaeosaurus therizinosaurus Alvaro swords and birds that is just too much so I'm gonna ignore it's only a sister group anyway Tyrannosaurus shares Tyranno Raptor a-- ever so graciously with the comparatively humble Compsognathus a group and a few unplaceable Torana raptor ax in the assorted list of unknowns make up another grouping the clade silora so at this point the amount of Latin words I just spewed might be getting you a little confused or just kind of sounds like words salad it is in general they mean nothing and it is just a way to book keep all of the weird dirty stuff scientists haul from the ground I'll explain the meanings of the names how they got there and why each group is under or inside of another as I get to them think of this video as a lesson in taxonomy or Philo genetics before the divergence of the main Tyrannosaur lineages and their cousins the silora Soria consisted of small animals which scampered around the ankles of much larger dinosaurs which effectively makes the last tyrannosaurs giants among dwarves we met the earliest member of this clade the humble and fleet of foot salutes and this is where we start solaris fragilis was first discovered from 1879 to 1880 in a quarry located in como bluff Wyoming by the name of reeds quarry 13 it was under the purview of off Niall Charles Marsh that the excavation began since Marsh was mostly an armchair scientist he didn't exactly excavate this little theropod himself but takes full credit in describing the remains the remains of solaris fragilis come from the morrison formation a late jurassic geologic layer that stretches over a great region of the United States and is relatively thick with many subdivisions in the 1980's paleontologist Dale Russell suggested the animal may have breached around 2.3 feet or 0.7 meters long but the remains are so piecemeal no one knows exactly how large the largest specimens could get the first bits off Neil Charles March described were very fragmentary and the animal remains pretty fragmentary to this day with the original pieces he described being vertebrae from the back and tail what is scientifically referred to as dorsal and caudal vertebrae respectively off Neil Charles Marsh gave it the name Solaris fragilis which means fragile hollow tail due to the hollowness of the fossils at the time of discovery hollow bones were a unique feature not seen in other fossil reptiles nor dinosaurs the vertebrae were full of holes and scrapes and hollows that would have been filled with air sacs when the animal was alive this would make Solaris way far less than an animal of comparable size that had more solid bones this condition of hollowed bone is called new municipal of the Surrey Chien dinosaurs including birds and of course the pterosaurs the rest of the skeleton of the hollow tail dinosaur was scattered around the quarry these tiny bones along with the fossils of two other dinosaurs from the same time would go on to confound the whole situation to the point at which more than six species of the animal were named and it was thought another theropod dinosaur ornithol estie's was the same animal as Salas north of como bluff came the wolf sized remains of ornithol st's hermana with its long grasping arms and claws and the slightest tip of crest left on its nose influential paleontologists of the early 1900's Charles Gilmour suggested ornithol estie's and Solaris we're one and the same although they do definitely have many similarities so Loras was known from too little material at the time and the fossils known were different enough from ornithol estie's fossils to keep them separate reasons to keep them separate were substantiated by paleontologist John Ostrom during the 1980s and he placed them in different groupings but obviously they are in somewhat close evolutionary proximity to one another but how do scientists know for sure there's a way we can better observe how close animals are and evolutionary relationships this method is far more complex and nuanced than we have time to fully go into but it's called phylogenetic phylogeny is a term which refers to a family tree like map of interconnectedness between organisms the trees have been in use for a while now and they help paleontologists get a better idea of what it is they have just uncovered from the sediments in short here is how they work by low genetics involves the study of evolutionary history of groups of organisms and how they all relate to one another they are created by inferences from many different data collections for extinct animals this usually includes listing all the anatomical characteristics present in the fossil material and for modern species it includes this method but can also be corroborated with DNA tests the data is then put into a diagram shaped like a tree the tree of life as it is referred to these diagrams are simply a graphical way to present a hypothesis of how certain animals are related to one another genetically or anatomically which is another reason why these trees are always changing and adjusting to fit new discoveries and rediscoveries the ends of the branches of the trees represent the living representatives of the lineages or may signify extinction of a group scientists used to write all these things down but now we have computers the phylogenies aren't mapped in computers since there are now so many characteristics to keep track of that an ordinary person wouldn't be able to keep it all straight the whole practice is relatively new and only really taken seriously within the last 60 or so years before phylogenetic trees taxonomy was used as a general way to group animals together by how related they seemed to look this practice was based more off of outer appearance and skeletal Anatomy since genetics were simply not something that could be looked at to corroborate anyone's hypotheses which honestly sounds way too open to interpretation to me a great example of how this older system failed is in the instance of the pachyderms pachyderm a-- was a group that held rhinos elephants and hippos however this is an unnatural grouping since all of these animals are unrelated to one another even though they may share some characteristics genetically they are completely different and as their fossil record shows the modern groups arose from very different ancestors the same conundrums enveloped the study of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals for a severely long time and is the main reason the evolutionary histories of many fossil animals are such tangled mangled messes the early discoveries of the prototypes fell victim to the same vices of the Victorian era when it comes to Solaris its relation to other dinosaurs has been an ever-changing Mystery Machine the slots of this lottery will forever be rolling but many experts have thrown their hats into the ring to attempt to solidify this little guy's heritage all of which still place it somewhere near the earliest branch leading to the tyrant Lizard King in the early 2000s paleontologist Oliver Roja and many others found Seleucid be placed closer to the Compsognathus a group which we'll analyze later in fact rahat included Solaris and the Compsognathus within the group silora day as it was thought they were all closely related enough to be in one group this has since been shown to be not quite right in 2007 North Carolinian paleontologist bill center published a paper after the description of the much larger Solaris or Tan echolalia s' which placed both tannic Alegria's and Solaris within the Solaris Oriya with the Compsognathus being their own group more distantly related after this so Loras has found itself variably inside and outside of the group Tyrannosaur idea which holds all of the advanced tyrannosaurs as well as the much more primitive ones including the pro Ceratosaurus but for now we can be sure it was a rather primitive example of the entire family alongside Tanika ligurius and ornithol s teased all of which represented the prototypes of the tyrannosaurs even if they were not tyrannosaurs themselves the Compsognathus are inconsequential to the final product we are heading towards but they are of note as they showcase similar anatomical markers to solaris and the earlier solar source Compsognathus are a group of small theropod dinosaurs right outside of Tyrannosaur idea sharing the clade Tyranno Raptor alongside other misfits without more specific classification obviously you are most familiar with Compsognathus for which the group is named but there were many more and some reached sizes you'd be surprised with essentially the Compsognathus were an offshoot of the group that continued in the footsteps of the early silora soars in being the small predator which went after small vertebrates like lizards mammals and fish but never really reached sizes and niches large enough to be predators of the large herbivores that shared their world Compsognathus was described in 1859 from the song - limestone quarries of germany and is known from a few nearly complete specimens it differs dramatically from its interpretation in Jurassic Park by having a much shorter neck smaller general anatomy wrists forced into an inward posture and probably having a coat of short downy Dino fuzz other examples of this group include the very fragmentary Argentinian onyx asaurus the similarly fragmentary english species arista suka s-- and calamus horas all of these animals are known from a paucity of remains with calamus horas representing the most fragmentary since it's only known specimen consists of a vertebrae much more complete puzzles include Marisha the German Jura Venator and the Italian chippy onyx being a particularly spectacular example for it is known from a beautifully preserved juvenile specimen shippi onyx is so well preserved that even parts of the guts are seen giving us pretty much our only look at the internal organs of a non-avian dinosaur fox Agnetha's from china is another example of the group preserved a nearly complete skeleton and was quite a bit bigger than Compsognathus and so loris at 1.8 metres were around 6 feet in length the largest of the group was the chinese sino kelly attrex at 8 feet 2.5 meters in length however one of the most important members of the group to scientific investigation is Sinosauropteryx also from China the remains of this dinosaur were so well preserved that the cells that hold pigments when the animal is alive called melanosomes could be picked up by way of a microscope and certain light applications this allows for the approximation of colors and patterns of the living animal which has been found to consist of a stripe white and ginger orange color scheme with some browns here and there and proposed raccoon style bandit mask across the face these hollow boned animals were likely prey for larger theropod predators like Ceratosaurus Allosaurus and Megalosaurus Compsognathus unless evolutionarily derived silora sores survived amongst the undergrowth with many groups still alive at the end of the Cretaceous period the anatomy of ancient precursors of the tyrant dinosaurs remained in the Compsognathus but where would that Anatomy be taken around the globe we have currently explored all we can into the ancient forbears of tyrunt kind as we must now traverse the clade Tyranno Raptor on next time on tyrunt files we'll get up close and personal with the fan crested pro sir after swords and delve into Tyrannosaur orion will meet the largest feathered animal from the fossil record an outrageously crested multicolored dragon from China and animals with the heads and legs of pterosaurs the arms of the Allisyn next time on tyrant files Royal bloodlines thank you for watching if you like our content and want to support us like this video subscribe leave a comment on what I can do better ring the notification bell and maybe pop on over to our merch stores to get some of our new merch you
Channel: E.D.G.E
Views: 42,448
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Keywords: #paleontology, #cryptozoology, #science, #education, #facebook, #twitter, #Youtube, #fossils, #dinosaurs, #EDGE, #Zoology, #tyrannosaurus, #tyrannosaurus rex, #theropods, #tyrannosaurids, #guanlong, #proceratosaurus, #coelurus, #tanycolagreus, #ornitholestes, #compsognathus, #sinosauropteryx, #scipionyx, #juravenator, #compsognathids, #john ostrom, #evolution, #phylogeny, #cladistics, #taxonomy, #phylogenetics, #family tree, #tyrant files, #royal bloodlines
Id: b3zfyGNF3Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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