Tyrannosaur Evolution || Royal Bloodlines Pt 3 || Tyrant Files

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tyrant files is going to be the best possible product I can make and we'll go more in depth than it needs to so that's why it took so long to make this and we'll take even longer to finish since Sciences science stuff is always changing and new things are discovered on a weekly basis so it's very probable all I discuss will have to be adjusted over time I'll make sure to let you know when that happens enjoy the new content I think it will be something you can really sink your teeth into with that out of the way go check out some edge merch at the T spring and RedBubble sites so we can get christopher lloyd or Morgan Freeman to narrate an episode or to the tyrant dinosaurs are easily one of the most charismatic groups of saurians championed by peculiar offshoots and splits amongst the tree but transcended by tyrannosaurus rex these wide toothed barrel-chested bruisers brandished some of the most devilishly effective natural weaponry amongst known megafauna from Earth's past Tyrannosaurus Rex was the Beast to spark our journey as the hallmark of dinosaurs amongst laymen and academics alike and it will by definition and our trek through evolution this time on tyrant files we finished the phylogeny of the tyrant dinosaurs [Music] [Music] last time on thyroid files we made it to the Tyrannosaur ideas superfamily and explored the you Tyrannosaur and pen tyrannosaurus subclades pen Tyrannosaur iya showed itself a clade responsible for tyrant like animals of uncertain affinities they were a much more ubiquitous group than originally assumed with examples from the southern hemisphere like the South American Santana Raptor and the Australian - - these plucky carnivores presented us with evidence of worldwide tyrants we saw them develop and split off into you Tyrannosaurus restricted to the trumpet skull and horn face infested northern hemisphere pioneering predators like electro soros dryptosaurus and Appalachia Soros stocked the forests and swamps of North America until they were displaced by new and improved immensely powerful predators from Eurasia the tyrannosaurids let's mega t-rex step for the bunker busters we're coming up on the end part of our trip through evolutionary space-time and what better way to do so than with the group that started it all the wonderfully charismatic Tyrannosaur adei Tyrannosaur adei is a family within the Tyrannosaur Oriya which diversified during the mid to late cretaceous period of asia and north america according to current researchers the group of true tyrannosaurids is split up into two smaller groups distinguished between a lightly built body and sinuous skulls and a heavy tank like frame with enormous bunker-buster skulls the Olympic runner type tyrannosaurids belonged to the subfamily Alberta Sorna and the heavily built bone crushing tyrants belonged to Tyrannosaur NA including their titular namesake Tyrannosaurus Rex Albertus orang a is generally accepted as a basal subgroup of Tyrannosaur de an assister group to the Tyrannosaur na this means members of Albertus or nay showcase Anatomy more common amongst earlier members of the entire clade Tyrannosaur idea while the Tyrannosaur nay usually represent more derived characteristics both groups existed alongside one another as contemporaries for many tens of millions of years and virtually all regions in which tyrunt dinosaurs reigned which means to us one group split off early and kept the evolutionarily primitive characteristics while the rest of the group continued to develop in different ways with evolutionarily advanced characteristics and both sets of tools were effective and what they were used for aside from general body shape differences amongst the two groups they also differed in size compared to Tyrannosaurus the Albert historians were smaller reaching maximum of around 10 meters or 33 feet in length and weighing in as much as 3 tons so far there are only two formally accepted members of the Alberta Sauron a albertasaurus and Gorgosaurus both quick-footed beasts are known from Canada come from the same geologic time periods and stratigraphic units and are of note for their generally similar anatomy in the twilight years of the fossil bone rush scientists unaffiliated with the infamous Martian coat were themselves unearthing a great bounty of new and interesting beasts most of these discoveries were made in the great white north of canada by a slew of scientists working for the relatively well funded museums of the ten provinces remarkable folks like joseph friedrich white avais el canal billings and william parks help to nourish canadian paleontology in the early days of the field another name worth touting is Joseph Bertie realm as part of the Geological Survey of Canada he uncovered the namesake of the Alberta saurians Albertosaurus in the late 1880s unlike most fossil animals and unlike most of the tyrant dinosaurs we have looked at so far albertasaurus is known from more than 30 specimens ranging from paltry tooth fragments to extraordinarily complete articulated skeletons this not only makes our jobs easier but allows for scientists to get one of the best and clearest images of a prehistoric animal possible taking a brief look at albertasaurus requires us to travel back 70 million years during this time albertasaurus lived in an area farther north and far chillier than most other dinosaurs when I say chillier I mean like around 13 degrees Celsius rather than the usual 20 to 30 that's a good room temperature for us here in the US and around 60 degrees Fahrenheit versus the normal warm summer day temps the dinosaurs enjoy at around 70 to 80 degrees something quite cold for the ecosystems of the Mesozoic but very tame for us warm-blooded mammals ornithopods were hands-down the most common large bodied animals in the ecosystems and albertasaurus would have come into contact with the fan crest at high Packer source the nub scold Sarala ffice and the horse-faced Edmontosaurus the other most common large bodied animals were the shingles skulled ceratopsians like the square frilled Anki Cera tops the nose hornless a rhino sarah stalks the largest horn dinosaur yo tri sir and the big-nosed pachyrhinosaurs these animals were the most common contemporaries of both Alberta sorin's and Tyrannosaurus gone were the times of plate back to Stegosaurus and the incredible menagerie of long necked Titans discovered a good time after albertasaurus was the other Alberta soaring Gorgosaurus Gorgosaurus was first discovered in 1914 by the accomplished Canadian paleontologist Lawrence lamb for which Lambeosaurus is named gorgosaur's is very similar in proportions and general anatomy to albertasaurus but the main differences setting them apart for main and general body proportions teeth size and skull bones gorgosaur's is a tad bulkier and more robust than albertasaurus and the crest above the eyes of albertasaurus called lacrimal crests or rounder in shape they also have teeth of different shapes mirroring the differences in body proportions albertasaurus having thinner teeth and gorgosaur's with thicker ones to people that do not analyze fossils of these animals to the gnats ass like paleontologists these differences barely count as differences to many researchers this is also the case and many suspect these animals are one of the same another much thicker beast throws a monkey wrench into this concept and its name is Daspletosaurus Daspletosaurus was discovered in the 1920s by intrepid paleontologist charles mortem Sternberg since the first partial specimen many new specimens of the Tyrannosaur have been uncovered enough to name two species Daspletosaurus neurosis and SPO soros horner i thus plead a source is part of the Tyrannosaur NA subfamily and it shows the largest Daspletosaurus could reach up to 10 meters 33 feet and 4 tons it brandished a boxy noggin with teeth specifically adapted for shoving themselves into the tender bits of unlucky hadrosaurs let's take a look at a desk way to source tooth what we've got here is the larger part of the tooth that sticks out of the jaw not the root which remained steadfastly adhere to the tooth canal when the animal was alive if we took one of these teeth and cut it in half to view a cross-section you'd see something rather unique amongst carnivorous dinosaurs and they're very distant more reptilian ancestors but common amongst the Tyrannosaurus the big teeth you'd find erupting out of despot asaurus jaws or oval-shaped in cross-section meaning they were big round blunt things used for imprecise puncturing and pushing themselves deeply within a prey animals flesh meanwhile the teeth you'd see jutting out of the / maxilla of the animal were D shaped in cross-section much more like a blade the Premack Salette are small parts of the very front of the skull underneath the nares and this region had teeth shaped differently from the rest of the skull this condition is called heterodon T which is a Latin based word meaning different types of tooth a set of teeth far more likely to be found in your smile than the smile of a saurian the oval shape and subtle serrations along the top and bottom of the tooth mean the animal used these teeth more for puncturing and pulling rather than quick cuts the bigger the serrations on a blade the easier the cuts are you can quickly cut a big piece of meat with it but you end up with a much Messier cut this is good for cutting up a giant animal flank since you'd want to further refine the smaller pieces to your liking with a smoother edged blade without strong serrations thus fleeta Saurus was not using its teeth for such a calculated task instead it probably rendered enormous slabs of flesh and swallowed them whole without cutting it up into little morsels unlike the Albertosaurus this chunky beast represented more steps into the direction in which the rest of the tyrunt family was heading from Daspletosaurus comes a continued development of the skull and jaw muscles arms become less important if you smash everything to death with your mouth so arms will begin to shrink and fade legs stay very important pole vaults to bring the bunker-buster skull to the prey so they're incredibly muscular thighs and calves remain a constant anatomical quirk for the tyrant dinosaur further back in time 80 million years from the present we shall find a member of the group which developed from the same stock Daspletosaurus originated from lythronax our jessee's the gore King used its teardrop shaped skull and strong jaw muscles to hunt down hadrosaurs and ceratopsians in the southwestern United States though known from relatively fragmentary material it is certain it would have had a chunky body with barrel chest and expanded pelvic boot tear to phoniest comes from Utah like Luther Knox but represents a more derived and later appearing member of the group hailing from 77 to 76 million years ago same time as Daspletosaurus Terre to phoniest showcases the hallmark of the Tyrannosaurus in long powerful legs short boxy skull and deep torso that was a fair bit smaller than even the much older lythronax the specimens discovered seemed to be from juvenile animals so this may just be due to age within the group Tyrannosaur a day we have explored there is the Alberta Sorna and the Tyrannosaur nay subfamilies but a new discovery has made it clear there is another group of tyrant dinosaurs which also fit into this tree a leo ramus is a somewhat enigmatic Tyrannosaur from mongolia it was originally discovered in the late 1970s but was known from scrappy remains subsequent finds illuminated the creature as a long-snouted form of Tyrannosaur just as derived as later tyrannosaurs living alongside them in late cretaceous asia this little Tyrannosaur shows evidence in its remains that it was not fully grown and this has thrown into question whether it represents a separate animal or a juvenile of a much larger more familiar Tyrannosaur een tarbosaurus Betar this debate was somewhat elucidated on by the discovery of another more fully grown long-snouted Tyrannosaur een from china in 2014 the world was graced by the description of Cheon Shu Soros Cheon true Soros was a 9 meter animal was a long slender snout which earned it the nauseatingly reprinted nicknamed pinocchio rex xian xu soros shows this condition was not just an anomaly unique to le Aramis nor to just juvenile Tyrannosaurus and a new group was erected to hold these two genera the tribe a Leah Remini though there are currently two members more slender snouted tyrant dinosaurs will most certainly be found to help map out how this lineage diverged from the bunker-buster timers now that we've got the slender snouts out of the way we can proceed and we're almost at our journey's end let's make a t-rex step I go to the game baby the last leg of our travels is upon us and the last stops include the regal silhouettes of Nanuk soros Nanotyrannus raptorex Tarbosaurus jiuxiang taranis and tyrannosaurus we have now found ourselves placed in the northernmost regions of north america it is here we find a small Tyrannosaurus Nanuk soros Haugland i was discovered in alaska and represents the northernmost tyrant dinosaur ever found known from fragmentary scraps it was a very small Tyrannosaurus at about 6 meters in length this occurs when you live in a cold place either you get really big to keep in heat or you get really small to better compete for resources it is suggested Nanuk soros was small due to the seasonal changes in temperature and subarctic conditions of this region during the late cretaceous when winter came there would be less animals around since those unable to easily cope with cold would migrate south sleeving predators with less resources until summer months once summer did come they would return to the far less frosty lands of the North carrying with them they're meaty heft and likely squadrons of new babies and youngsters a smorgasbord for any lucky tyrant the science of paleontology is a tricky subject our hard evidence is fractured and degraded laying under hundreds of feet of rock for millions of years it's not a great way to remain untouched and that simple fact is responsible for the Vale shrouding just how chock-full of life the past truly was the unfeeling violence of nature turns up bones smashes them to pieces flood stem with bacteria or otherwise decimates them into dust therefore when we find these chunks we can judge what they came from but we cannot give them a name otherwise we'd over accentuate the true diversity of past ecosystems with redundant life forms dinosaurs especially fall victim to this due to their size and global distribution some lived in acidic environments incapable of fossilized bones others did not die near water and simply bleached and weathered to the sands of time which called for us all tyrants fall victim to this problem as well I've gone over members of earlier groups of tyrants which are known from a chunk of leg bone or a few claws and teeth and for Tyrannosaur nay there are two which are also fragmentary to the point of controversy helped in no way by their immature remains and connections with the bunker-buster titles raptorex creaks tonigh is a small Tyrannosaurus from Mongolia represented only by juvenile material it was first thought to be a new smaller Tyrannosaurus but is now considered by most experts to be the juvenile form of much larger already known Tyrannosaurus despite the cool name this dinosaur is probably a young member of the species tarbosaurus Betar that would mean the name Raptor Rex can no longer be used since the remains with that name are actually those of a young Tarbosaurus that is how scientific naming works I think you've all been wanting me to get to the next genus I've left two genera off the cladogram because no one has been able to make a concerted effort to agree upon what the hell some of these guys are raptorex is one and one plenty of folks have already written off into Tyra source but one more remains Nanotyrannus Nanotyrannus has been the butt of tireless internet rants hurtful Facebook posts and toxic expert touting to many a layman and academic and every forum available the story involves the discovery of a new Tyrannosaurus in the 66 million year old Hell Creek Formation of Montana the only thing found was a rather well-preserved slender snouted skull and it was assigned to the genus gorgosaur's which makes perfect sense from a quick glance alone eventually a group of cool kids dr. Robert Bakker dr. Philip Currie and Michael Williams took a better look at that brownie batter colored skull and decided there's enough curves spikes and struts to separate the skull from both gorgosaur's and a tyrant Lizard King and thus Nanotyrannus was christened over time a few more specimens of Nanotyrannus were unearthed from the bowels of the Late Cretaceous and a better visage of the speedy Gonzalez was illuminated for scientists and the general audience some took a look at how disparate the shapes and proportions of modern dinosaurs are at different points in their growth stages take a look at a hatchling cassowary versus a juvenile cassowary versus a sub-adult and an adult kasseri and you will see just how different they are in general body proportions bone lengths and skull shapes as they metamorphose into sexually mature adults these changes occur in every organism you see it in yourself your doc your cat it is called antigen II the way in which we change as we age every specimen of nano tyrannous is in mature just juveniles and very young sub adults we know this due to subtle things seen in the bones large eye sockets unfused bones and body proportions I'm not saying these are exactly the list used to say they are all immature but these are the general items used to check if something is an adult going off of bones alone suffice it to say most if not all specimens of Tyrannosaurus are much older than the specimens of nano tyrannous and they both live at the same time in place being found in the same formation and sometimes even in the same localities and dick size nano tyrannous and Tyrannosaurus have been suggested to be one in the same with nano tyrannous the juvenile growth stage of Tyrannosaurus and Tyrannosaurus the matured adult body of the former I do not wish to delve into the debate between what constitutes them as separate creatures or as growth stages of one another since I'd end up beating this video into the hour-and-a-half length plus I want to do this in a separate video but there's the story of nano tyrannous and why I did not include it in the cladogram the one to rule them all and the last surviving member of this group was the eponymous Tyrannosaurus Rex discovered in the early 1900s by esteemed American Museum of Natural History paleontologist Barnum brown Tyrannosaurus quickly became the subject of intense study the biggest question mark was where it stood amongst the screams and shouts of the other flesh-eating dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus itself has undergone quite some reworking to its phylogenetic placement amongst its relatives for one at the time of the discovery of Tyrannosaurus most theropods were lumped into one of two giant groups Megalosaurus or karna Soria as time went on and scientists uncovered more and less fragmentary material it was obvious there were quite a few differences amongst the predatory dinosaurs of megalo Soria and karna Soria what makes tyrannosaurus a member of silora Soria has everything to do with its skeletal Anatomy its sacrum the series of vertebrae fused to the hip bones is longer than in other dinosaurs the tail becomes stiffened as it reaches the tip the ulna of the forearm is bowed and it has a tibia longer than the femur a feature also shared by all modern birds which descended from this clade of theropods the ankle bones what looks like the lower leg to us are very unique in Tyrannosaurus dinosaurs are digitigrade which means they walk on the ends of their toes and use their ankles for walking as part of their legs in Tyrannosaurus the three major bones making up the ankle all squished together sandwich in the middle bone in between the ones to either side of it this process squishes the upper part of the middle bone into a sharp pointy splint and altogether it is called the arc toe metatarsal the arc Doh metatarsal helped Tyrannosaurus to propel its heft after any number of fleet-footed meat bags by evenly transmitting force to the metatarsals the arc toe metatarsal was discussed in Episode one of tyrant files but in this context it represents a marker of where Tyrannosaurus belongs on its evolutionary tree in 1955 Soviet paleontologist evgeniy Malaya placed a new species of theropod within the genus Tyrannosaurus dubbed Tyrannosaurus Bataar however it was later found that this animal was too different from Tyrannosaurus Rex to be considered part of the Tyrannosaurus genus thus was erected Tarbosaurus Betar the placement of Tarbosaurus Tyrannosaurus and other giant tyrannosaurids like jean shoe soros jiuxiang Taranis and Daspletosaurus have been variously placed in the group throughout the years it has currently held that the sister taxon - Tyrannosaurus our jiuxiang Taranis and the source meaning Tyrannosaurus was a foreign species out of Asia that may have displaced the other smaller tyrannosaurs already established in North America during the mid to late cretaceous large body tyrannosaurs had existed in north america for millions of years before the arrival of Tyrannosaurus all of which were supplanted by the large predator regardless of where one stands on the dubiousness of the genus Nanotyrannus now you know the extent to which the tyrannosaurs were able to out-compete their competition and scratch their way to the top of the food chain unfortunately for them they reached their Zenith only to be wiped out by the KT mass extinction however what would have happened were it not for the mass extinction that killed off 75% of all animal life 66 million years ago a future in which the non-avian dinosaurs cease to go extinct is a difficult thing to say for certain for there are just too many variables in geology biology meteorology and astronomy for any one branch of a future timeline to be adequately hypothesized for anything could have happened when it comes to Tyrannosaurus there is no doubt they would have continued to be the top predator for millions more years unless a new sect of theropod predators were able to take over while the Tyrannosaurus went extinct in regard to their Anatomy it is possible they may have forgone their forearms altogether in the same vein as the moas of New Zealand except that Tyrannosaurus may have had a function for the diminutive arms as they were still able to lift a good 300 pounds and that's to say nothing of their display function perhaps their skulls would have continued to shorten more like a bela source with stronger bites and better efficiency in securing their prey if so their arms may have continued reducing as the Abela sores were forced to or maybe new forms of tyrannosaurs would have arisen who knows unfortunately we have reached the end of our journey of what it took to get to Tyrannosaurus Rex we have looked at some of the most ancient ancestors in the forms of Solaris pro Ceratosaurus and guanlong we've seen them survive for millions of years as small predator overshadowed by the giant sauropod slaying Allosaurus we've seen them get really big shrink their arms and enlarge their heads adapt and evolve into forms that hold one of the strongest bite forces to ever evolve on planet Earth but this journey of the Tyrannosaurus is far from over next time on tyrant files we delve into the biology and Anatomy of the tyrant king stay tuned for episode 3 of tyrant files guts and glory thank you for watching if you like our content and want to support us like this video subscribe leave a comment on what I can do better ring the notification bell and maybe pop on over to our merch stores to get some of our new merch you you
Channel: E.D.G.E
Views: 29,772
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Keywords: #paleontology, #cryptozoology, #science, #education, #facebook, #twitter, #Youtube, #fossils, #dinosaurs, #EDGE, #Zoology, #bistahieversor, #lythronax, #tyrannosaurus, #evolution, #phylogenetics, #tyrant files, #tyrants, #carnivores, #genetics, #phylogeny, #tarbosaurus, #zhuchengtyrannus, #nanotyrannus, #albertosaurus, #gorgosaurus, #tyrannosaurus rex
Id: IpRr7L0Z1Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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