Typography with Adobe Illustrator CC - LIVE stream #2

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hello everyone its Martin speaking we are going to start in a few minutes I'm just going to give a bit of time for everyone to arrive I started the stream earlier on half an hour ago and I actually decided to stop it because otherwise the whole thing will be recorded as one and you will have half an hour empty video on YouTube which I didn't want so I'm still testing this livestream out so my apologies if it's slow or if it's not working the way you want it but I prepared a lot of interesting examples for you for today and our topic is going to be typography with Adobe Illustrator so hopefully you will enjoy this and there will be interesting examples and interesting techniques that you can learn and to make it easier today of course like last time everything that I do is recorded so if you missed anything you will be able to watch the recorded version of this whole stream so it will be available on my youtube channel which if you haven't signed up yet make sure you subscribe and then you will get notified whenever I do live streams or also whenever I upload videos which I'm planning to do more regularly so there should be one or two every week in different topics but essentially we'll be focusing on Illustrator InDesign and Photoshop and there anything to do with creating things and generally creative methods so it will be available the whole thing so if you ever miss something or if I ever go too fast you don't have to ask in the chat you can just check the recorded version once it's finished and it's uploaded when I under Section also to make things a little bit easier I decided that I will have someone helping me out with the chat because otherwise I won't be able to pay attention to the techniques I'm showing you today so to make it a bit more like nicely has a have a nice space of the whole recording or stream I want to make sure that I'm not distracted by the chat but at the same time if you have questions I want those questions to be answered so I asked my lovely wife and she's going to help me out she is also a graphic designer a creative professional so she can help with most of the questions I'm sure if she is not going to be able to answer something she's going to remind me at the end of the session or whenever I look at the chat she's going to repeat those important questions or useful questions that might be useful for everyone else to hear the answers for so I just going to have a look at the chat I can see some people are already here and welcome everyone whoever is watching me already live so I'm just looking at the chat if you want to say hi you can now you can do now hopefully the sound quality and the screen quality is good I'm going to switch soon to my screen but I just test it out now so if I switch to my screen you should be able to see what I'm doing there so if I select something and move it around you should be able to already see this so just want to check whether everything is working the screen and the voice if someone can just reply in the comment whether you can hear me and you can see my screen then I will be ready to start okay good good perfect thank you very much brilliant one last thing I want to mention and this is something that I'm trying out today for the first time and if it's successful and you guys like it let me just switch back to my screen or turn my screen on as well for a bit so if you guys like this we can do this in the following streams as well you probably know that I have a lot of online design courses as well which you can find in the description the link for my courses and these are paid courses but what I'm planning to do today is because this stream is free I'm planning to give a very one or two or maybe three three courses so make sure you pay attention to them what I'm showing to you today because based on the techniques and maybe shortcuts that I'm showing I'm going to ask you one question at the end and whoever is the fastest to reply maybe the first two or three answers will be rewarded with free access to one of my courses so make sure you pay attention and I'm sorry for those who are not here on the live stream because obviously you won't be able to reply in a live chat but it's a good reminder for you to make sure you join next time and be here on the live stream so cool once again hello everyone for those who are joining me live and thanks a lot for the comments in the chat if you have any questions feel free to ask straight away I would try to respond to everything or if it's not me Schumi my wife is going to try to reply to you who is also a creative professional cool I can see some of you are already here so let's get started so I'm going to minimize myself I'm less important to be visible all the time but hopefully you can see everything on my screen and the first technique that I would like to show you is something that was introduced in Illustrator cs6 I think so you don't necessarily need to have the latest version for this to work but in case you do I will also show you a different method to get the same result so most of the time when you work with type one limitation that you have is that you can't rotate or scale individual letters while skinning is possible but it's not as easy because you might need to also use other techniques so let me just show you what I mean so if you have for example a letter that you want to make bigger let's say the tea you can use a shortcut and here's an useful shortcut already to increase the size of text what you should use is command shift full stop or control shift full stop and the same control shift or command shift comma can reduce the size and what I'm doing is I'm holding down this combo of shortcuts and away I can increase or decrease the size of the selected type now you can remember this shortcut better if you look at these keys the full stop and the comma are actually the greater than and less than signs so that's easier to remember so one of them increases the other one decreases the size of selected text now that's something you can do and then what you can also do is to click between two letters like the T and the O and then use alt left and right arrows and as you can see we can get them closer to each other or further away from each other so that's again alt or option left and right arrows this is called kerning and kerning is very important especially when you work with titles or headings because it's important how you balance the space horizontally between characters so most type works well when you use lowercase characters but with uppercase characters it starts to be a little bit tricky so here in immediately it looks better with a bigger T they ought to be closer so the next one that I wanted to show you is that if I select this T and let's say I want to bring it down a bit that's another shortcut worth remembering it's alt shift or option shift up and down arrows now what that does is called baseline shift baseline shift is going to bring the selected text up or down and what is this baseline well the baseline is a term using typography if I turn on my rulers that's command or control R and then drag one guide down from the top ruler that way I could create this horizontal guide so once again click and drag from a ruler can add on to your artboard that applies to all Adobe applications by the way so you see that very like bright line here at the bottom I just select it and then it becomes a little bit more visible that is your baseline so whenever you type something there will be a baseline on which all the characters will be sitting now of course depending on the font you use there might be slight overlaps so some things might go slightly or even further below the baseline so in case you use all capitals the only thing that might go underneath are letters like C and O and maybe even new anything that has a curved bottom area that might go slightly underneath so if i zoom closer you can see the H and T is sitting nicely on the baseline by the sea and the u and the O as well because they have that round bottom part they go beyond the baseline that's just something that by default fonts usually are setup with but there's another term worth remembering if I put some text in here and I place this let me just make this smaller this is a fast and quick way of making text smaller as well if you hold down the shift key and drag one of the corners of the whole selection that immediately increases or decreases the size without distorting the text so the shift key was necessary not to distort the text but now if I put this down here on the baseline you will notice that we have also the P which is called a descender so with this sense or goes underneath the baseline and that's again just a term in typography worth remembering all right so obviously there's a lot of other terms and I might do another live stream where I go a little bit further into this and I can teach you more about typography in general but instead of boring you with terms I know I know these are useful as well of course but instead of spending time on these let's come back to our example and let's explore this feature called touch-type because apart from what i showed you the baseline shift the individual resizing and kerning of characters there's a better way of faster way of scaling and even rotating individual characters of the doubt losing edit ability on them and that's the key that's the key remember that you want to work non-destructively which means you don't lose edit ability on the text so how do we do that very simple there is a tool here in the tool bar so you will find the touch type at the bottom of this little list here well it's quite a bit less to be honest as to several different ways of using the type tool and these are all specialized ways of using it and there's a default shortcut Shift T now I'm sorry if you don't have this in your current in your version of Illustrator I'm using CC 2017 I think this was introduced in cs6 correct me if I'm wrong you guys can see it in the chat if anyone is on cs6 let's see if you have touch type tool available if you check it out quickly that would be useful for everyone to know unfortunately if you don't see that then this technique you won't be able to use but I still show it because if you have Creative Cloud or you are planning to upgrade you will be able to use it so when I select this tool I can select individual characters in my steel editable word or text and once I select something I can use these couple of things like I can increase the size very quickly and easily as you can see that's similar to using the shortcut or simply changing the font size here on the top but here comes the cool thing I can now start dragging this font around and what is happening is at the same time I'm moving it I can move it left and right which is like kerning but I can also move it up and down which is like baseline shift so it's like baseline shift and kerning at the same time and I can see exactly where that character goes but here comes the best thing that you can't do any other ways just with this tool and that's rotation so let me just zoom slightly closer hopefully this is almost works and you can see what I'm doing so notice that little circle above above my selection if I click and drag that's how I can rotate the currently selected character so with that I can move this anywhere I want and you can see it looks perfect I mean doesn't look any any great just yet but what I can do is I can start moving all the other characters around so I can decide to move the yoohoo or the see closer to the you and once you start working with this tool you will notice that sometimes moving one character closer to another is easier than vice-versa so like here once I move to you I should select the see and move it even closer that way I can create that interaction between them and then I can select the oh I can drag that down once again I can move the you closer and I can make the do bigger now try not to stretch character so I'm going to just undo that always use the top right corner for resizing characters and by the way you can even slightly overlap sometimes characters but that's also something I would recommend not to do so it just makes it hard to read the it's not good to affect the legibility of your tags so it's a very funky and creative technique but still you have to pay attention to not to mess up the legibility that's like it like a must to make sure your text is legible now you can see I'm very quickly could create a little bit more playful and like wonky type here and of course I can change the color easily selecting one of the characters I can go to my fill color and I can change the color of it that's quite simple and easy to do but the best thing about this is that if I need to change anything let's say if I want to just change this the h2m I know it doesn't make any sense but if I change it you see it maintains the rotation the size and the placement of that letter as well so if I change it again to and you can see it still stays there so let's just put it back eh and let me show you these two examples here so if you're wondering like what is this useful for okay I can see you guys are complaining that the screen is too large let me just make that a bit smaller and then we will be able to see it better while I'm doing as I said I'm still testing these things out so it should be smaller now hopefully I'm not covering up over anything so what I wanted to show you here is I can see some questions I will be replying to these once I finish this example so what I wanted to show you here is that this technique can be very useful if you want to do something when you see on the top so the grumpy new coffee is a really cool brand I love their logo is created exactly with this type of technique and once again you can do that individually putting characters down but if you use the touch type tool then everything is going to be non-destructive so the text will stay editable and that's what we want and the same thing with the YouTube kids once again and we have that playful completely messy set up and that's again something if I switch back to the touch tack tool and I select one of my letters in here you can see I could even move it beyond or be in front of one of the letters or above or below so you are not really limited you can't move it completely to the left of a character that was placed down in front so you can only move it to a certain point but it's still a really cool thing so I definitely recommend to test this out so alright so let me just look at quickly my chat and then we can move on to the next example if you have any questions about this method let me know as well if you have also anything you're interested in you can ask me so yes so it's the the winning of the class I explained in the beginning I'm going to mention techniques today and at the end I am going to ask a question about these techniques and whoever is fastest I'm going to reward that person will get a price and access free access to one of my paid courses and it is not just any course it is my actual illustrator CC master class which is a massive course it's around 12 hours long and it's an ad that's the edited course so I'm not just talking about rubbish in it it's a very streamlined course and twelve hours of pure content so I'm going to come back to this so let me just look at other questions if yeah Johanna is asking seems like an interesting question if you change your mind about the text form how do you revert quickly back to the original form you are meaning to change the font I guess so I'll maybe just the actual shape like if you want to revert back and remove the touch type from it it's a very interesting question so if I want to remove the touch type from it then one thing I can do I don't think you can reset the touch type on this that's a very interesting question I haven't actually tried that but it seems like you can't just reset the touch type but good thing is always to double click on the tool you are using to get more options unfortunately which touch type you don't have any additional options and then the next thing I would normally do is to check in the menus if there's anything there I only found type orientation horizontal if I set it to vertical and then I set it back to horizontal let's see what happens again it doesn't reset it so probably the best thing to do is to keep the original version as a duplicate and then have a version with the touch type so you still have the original form and the chaotic touch type version all right and yes someone else asked whether you can create the sorry accounts that spell your name but you can have as separate fonts for each of these letters but that's actually can be done not even with the touch typed also you can have I don't know black letter for the T and so on and so forth so that's just like a normal type editing feature but it works with touch type as well cool if you go back to the regular type tool and edit it's not going to change the font and the alignment as well you can still edit with that tool as well but of course the only way to make changes to the position and rotation is by using the touch type tool so touch type tool is not actually to edit the font itself or the text it is to edit the rotation the scaling and the position all right but I think we spent enough time on this because I have so much more to cover so let me just move on to the next example which is another very simple and this will be really quick I don't even want to spend too much time on this but a lot of people think that text wrap is only available in InDesign and InDesign does a really good job at text wrap so whenever you want have to want to have your body copy or a longer amount of text wrapped around something like an image or an object InDesign is great because it has a separate panel as well you can set up how you want the text wrap to work but it's also available here in Illustrator so if I select one of these objects let's just say this one and then I go to type so you select the graphic not the text and then you go to the type menu actually sir it's no time menus the object menu so object text wrap make so that's all we need to do if I click on that then we have this set up where if I click away you can see exactly what happened that the text is now wrapped around the object so the simple technique but there's a couple of things you can do once you select the object again and you go back to the object menu on the text wrap you can find text wrap options and if you click on that then you can increase the offset so if I set it let's say to 10 points you can see it's increased let me just go back make it even bigger so tax wrap options and increase it up to let's say 30 points then you see we have a much larger margin or offset from the object let me just undo this controls I've come on set undo and then that's probably a bit healthier setup now if I move the object to the other side of the text it also works and you just have to be careful not to trap words on some some of the sides of your graphic when you use text wrap so this is what I call trapped words here on the top right corner that's something you should avoid cool all right so I can see someone Ramon you can Swiss a touch type from the character window reset panel brilliant let's test that out so that's the cool thing about these live streams that I also learned not just you guys so thank you so much for that so if we go to character window by the way you can find that under the window menu and you go into type character or ctrl T command T is shortcut to get this window up or panel panel is better way of calling it and then we should have the reset panel option here and there you go well done the only thing is that it doesn't go back to the way my font was set up it goes back to the default font as well and default font size in illustrator which is myriad twelve points it's still great way of resetting the font so that might deserve already a price so I will come back to you Ramon for your solution for this so thank you so much so let's just move on and let's explore what we can do we'd illustrate and tax so we've done touch-type we've done the wrap text around objects here's the next example images of Vidhan text so put place images inside text now this is a very simple technique and I wouldn't even waste time on this if I don't use this technique for so many other things and technique is called clipping mask now if you use clipping mask you probably are very familiar how to do this but for those who have never used it before I'm going to show you Nance extremely simple technique so you just place in an image can be anything it doesn't have to be linked it can be embedded you can go to file menu and then choose place control shift the command shift P is the shortcut you select the image place it in done and by the way there is a feature in illustrator CC that they recently introduced then finally after many years of users asking and suggesting this feature now we can crop images as well once you place them into illustrator so you don't have to do it before in Photoshop you can select the crop image option up here and then you can decide which part you want to use so if I just want to use that part and I apply it then now I crop this image within illustrator and if I go back to crop image I can show you that it is actually almost like a destructive technique so it literally removes the rest of the image so you just have to be a little bit careful with that but the clipping mask is actually similar to cropping because what you do but this is non-destructive by the way so you are not losing anything when you are using this technique so when you are using clipping mask you can show and hide certain areas of your selection which in this case is this image so if I use the type tool and I just type in elephant sir let's make it plural so elephants and then let's just choose something nice and bulky it's always good to have a font that is strong and I think this font is quite good for this method the reason I'm using a mobile key for this because we will be able to see more video these words or characters by the way the from the name of this one this have it us and I think it might be a attack type get one I'm not 100% sure about that no and no it is not a type kit type kit is a feature from Adobe Creative Cloud but this is just something I downloaded from somewhere it's a quite nice one by the way so let me just show you this technique and then I will look at the questions you are asking right now keep asking question by the way if I don't answer straight away that doesn't mean I'm not interested to answer so let me show you what you can do when you have your text ready you select both the image behind the text and it's important remember have your text on top of the image because your text is going to be your clipping mask so it has to be on top so when you have the both of them when you have two of them selected you can go up to the object menu and choose clipping mask make all remember this shortcut command 7 or ctrl 7 that's the fast way of creating clipping masks once again have two things selected at least and whatever it is on top whatever is on that whatever is the top object is going to be used as the clipping mask so once we see it you see it is like a cookie cutter that's the best analogy the top element is the cookie cutter that cuts out from the paste and then that's what we can see now the best thing about this method it is completely non-destructive so both your text is still editable and the image itself so if I just show you this I can edit my text if I decide that I just want to type in Africa I can do that in immediately the clipping is activated once I change the text so the text is editable I can make it bigger as well alright but I can also select the image what I'm doing notice here in the layers panel and clicking on these circles to select the items within the clip group the clip group is the one that was generated when we use this shortcut control 7 on command salmon command 7 so once the clip group is created within that you will have your image and text and you can select each of them by clicking on the circles so once the circle is selected in this case on the image I can use shift up and down right and left arrows to nudge the image around or I can make it smaller always hold down the shift key whenever you are resizing to make sure that you are not distorting text so in this case for example I want to see the eyes of the elephants so it might be worth playing around a bit until I see at least one or two elephants and their eyes otherwise it's just a little bit weird so maybe move it up there and then we see two of them so this is an interesting method and definitely worth remembering so before I move on to the next example let me just have a quick look at the chat so if you have any questions you have right now you can ask them and I should be able to answer so let me just have a quick look so I can see Sumi is answering a lot of the questions thank you so much but if there's any other questions that wasn't answered yet there is a question is there a smart object option for raster images in Illustrator now you don't actually need a smart object in Illustrator because what happens is whenever you place in an image and let me just show this quickly to everyone so if I select that image copy paste it and put it to somewhere here you see when you have an image it's going to have a resolution up here the PPI is the resolution pixel per inch and it's quite high at the moment that usually anything beyond 300 PPI or above 300 PPI is perfect for print or 300 is the standard that we use most of the time so if I make this image bigger holding an alt and shift and dragging a corner point can resize and keep the center of the image where it was originally so if I increase the size of my image immediately you can see that the PPI value is dropping now it's only 257 so the bigger I make my image smaller or the lower the resolution gets and if I make it small again then you guess it is going to go up so now the PPI or resolution is 610 so you don't actually need a smart object feature in Illustrator like you would in in Photoshop to maintain the resolution and to work non-destructively because illustrator automatically handles images non-destructively so it references the original file as long as you have still the file available or as long as the images embedded into your illustrator file so you don't need a smart object feature what very good question thank you so much for asking so let me go through the questions all right I think there's not much other questions nero is asking how to set opacity of an image well just like you would do with everything else you select it and here in the options bar you have opacity and then you can reduce it so the same thing applies to almost everything in illustrator all right let me move on to the next example and just checking quickly the time how much time we have left so I'm planning to do an hour session so we have 25 minutes left so we have three more examples that I would like to go through and in this example I'm going to show you actually two different techniques but it's a very similar technique so that's why I kept it in one file on the left we are going to learn how to use negative space with typography and on the right we are going to learn how to use create outlines to join maybe two words together and create a word mark so what marks we usually call logos where it's mainly made up of text and the only thing you really need for word marks usually is to have at least one creative touch of something unique something that's not common and that will give character to the whole word mark so on the left side we can see this brand called think and they have a very cool negative space used on the N so let me show you how I would do this normally in Illustrator best place to work on logos is definitely illustrator out of all the Adobe applications so I can see some people getting excited about negative space me too so when I create a duplicate of the Islamic old click and drag with the selection tool just to create a duplicate just in case I need to go back and I'm going to lock these two images so I don't want to mess with them ctrl or command two is going to quickly lock things in Illustrator that's also useful to remember so if I want to have the same effect that you have there on the top I would do the following so first of all and there's so many different ways of doing this but this is a fast and easy way so first of all I would use the type tool click in front of the N and then use alt left arrow to nudge it until it gets close to the eye this is kerning by the way again alt left arrow on the right side as well so completely close close up the space between the N and the K and notice that the reason why this negative space n works so well is because both the eye and the K has a completely straight or is a very cool edge the end as well so all three characters and both on left and right sides with a completely vertical straight lines that's very important otherwise it wouldn't really work as well but as long as you have a word where you notice that you have a letter that's like that you can already apply this negative space technique so once I have these alignment ready I can now go to the object menu having the whole thing selected and either use the expand option or go to the type menu and choose create outlines I like this way of doing it and the shortcut I also use most of the time is command shift o or control shift o whenever you use this method let me just click on it you see what happens you actually lose the Edit ability of the text so you won't be able to change the text anymore or work with the type tool on this these became vector objects so each character is a vector object and if we look at our layers panel you will see that it created a group from these characters so there's my group I just zoom a little bit closer you can all see it and I'm going to ungroup it command shift the control shift g to ungroup because i don't actually need it to be in a group right now later on I might put it back so what I would do next is to select the rectangle tool and then draw a rectangle which is exactly the same size as the N the character that we have there so I draw that and then I select both of these together so I made a selection highlighting both the rectangle and the N and then guess what we are going to use the shape builder tool the tool that I used in the last live stream a few times and this is something you can find in the tool bar here I change the shortcut to s by default is shift M to select it and this should be available in previous versions of Illustrator as well so what I'm going to do is to hold down the Alt key and click on the N and that's all you need to do how is that click and done we have our negative space created so negative space we call in design anything that's empty but still it is a very important part of the design because that empty space can show details back here it's actually a letter although it's an empty space so just to prove that to you if I select all this and group it back together again that's command G or ctrl G then if I move it onto a different background like here on the gray background you can see we see through this so it's actually not white color it's see-through but our brain still allows us to read it so it's an amazing thing negative space and if you want to check it out in many logos you can find it just typing on Google negative space logo design plenty of examples and brilliant ways of using negative space and just another example a bit of theory the reason why negative space is so important in design because it's similar to anything else in general like music is a good metaphor or example in music as well if you just have sound constantly it's just noise but if you listen to music there's always silence as well and usually in pop music there's like a point in the music where everything stops and then it starts again and those are the most effective parts so just after the silence when the chorus or something comes back or like usually everything plays full-on that's the most effective part because it gives you the strongest contrast and also it's just generally having silence and then having the sound same thing in design emptiness and actual color or design elements next to each other form and a very strong bond and unity so yeah I mean music is the same you have pauses and then music so it's just just think about that a bit think about that alright so let me go to our other example ya guest out is the the theory but this one part of the Castile theory it's also something worth checking out thanks for pointing that out so the the next artboard that I have here has a very similar technique I mean I'm going to use a very similar technique but still not for negative space instead of creating like a a joint between two words and it's not a ligature ligature is another term used in typography when you have two characters next to each other that can be joined to make it more legible and some fonts usually more advanced fonts allow you to have ligatures or even automatically will turn on ligature but this is not a ligature this is something like a visual joint between two letters what you see on the top on orange hive so I'm using a different font here but it's going to work just as well so first of all let me just Kern this because it really bugs me so click between R and a alt left and right arrows I can adjust the kerning also here the e is too far let's just get it a bit closer G as well and that thing that should be okay maybe the hive as well the V can have a little bit more space something like that I mean you could Kern a bit more but I think that should be enough and then I'm going to now select both of these and then was the shortcut of create outlines let's see if any this is not the prize question yet but let's see who's the fastest what was create outlines shortcuts a shortcut I have more than hundred people on the chat so hopefully someone will give us the solution I'm just going to wait a bit because there's a there's a time difference around ten seconds delay between me and the chat control shift control shift is good and one letter it's the first letter of this word mark that I'm creating control shift oh yes so control shift all once again type create outlines is the one I'm using right there is the shortcut remember that so once you use this once again it's like expanding your type you can't edit it anymore but you have full control over how you can use each of the anchor points within these objects so let me just ungroup them as well c'mon shift or control shift G and then let's see what we can do here if i zoom closer I want to join the a and the V together that's the task here so what I'm going to do is to draw a line between these two so I'm going to use actually even better I think if I select with the direct selection tool these bottom anchor points just to show it to you you can see I can move them around easily and if my alignment is good I could just simply move it and overlap it with the other letter there but if the a is thicker than the V in this case with this one I can also decide to drag it even further down and overlap it even beyond that now I'm not going to like adjust this to accurately but I can go a little bit closer and let me just move it slightly closer to it there you go that's quite close now so I could always refine this further but that gets us to essentially a joint wordmark where we have the end V joined and you can see because we created outlines using the direct selection tool I can select any point like select these points here and start dragging them out and make changes to it so if I want the R to come down I can also do that and I can you can see like there's so much potential in this as well you can start forming completely different like ways of uniting your words and I could maybe create the O much bigger than before or any other methods it's really up to your creativity after this point another thing that you can do let's see if this brand is about let's say drawing if this brand is about illustration I could just use the pen tool and draw next to it triangle sort a thing something like that and then using the eraser holding down the Alt key I can cut into this and then we have a pencil so at the same thing I can do the holding down alt key and then just cut into this section once and then another one and then immediately we have even more of a pencil now and this is all started from a in actual text so once I created outlines I'm completely free to mess around with it so I hope that again made sense and I hope you enjoyed these two examples cool so let me just quickly look at the chat and I think we are good to go ahead so the eraser to when I'm using it I can use it in two different ways either use it as a brush and that way you use the square brackets on the keyboard to resize it so the square brackets yeah you can resize it these are the ones I'm just showing it on the on the screen yes these two so you can use those and then if you want you can also hold down the alt or option key and that way whatever you erase will be erased by the block it's like a selection erased by selection we can even call it and importantly the eraser told is that if you don't have anything selected and you erase it erases everything if you have something selected let's say the R in this case and I use the eraser tool I can just erase from that selected letter yeah so you can limit your erased content by having something selected all right cool all right let me just move ahead because I can see there's no more questions unanswered questions now comes our well sort of last example I have ten more minutes left so this is the last complex example that I wanted to show you working with type and this I found because I have been teaching illustrator for more than 10 years in classroom training and online courses and seminars and events so I met a lot of people and I know what people have usually problem with now you might already know this one I'm going to show you but from experience I know a lot of people has has problem or trouble setting up something like this so what I'm going to show you now is how to create a concentric logo where you have text on top and underneath a circle so hopefully you will find this useful I can see already some people getting excited so let me show you first of all how this technique works so when you use the type tool and you have a circle created already that's first of all what you need to start with you need to have a shape once you have your circle you need to use the type tool and I'm going to zoom closer so you can see what what happens but I align my cursor on the edge of a shape I get this cursor now this cursor you can see now this custom means that if I click now it would turn this into like a bounding box or the holding device in which I can put my tax so I can put text inside the circle that's useful as well so it becomes a session essentially like a circular frame but instead of this what I like to use is to put text around the shape and for that you have to again align your cursor on the edge and then hold down the alt or option key on the keyboard and notice how the cursor changes immediately so this is the cursor that we need all right it's a little bit difficult to see it but if I alt click on the edge anywhere I immediately get some text added on the outline of that shape and the shape itself doesn't disappear it's just become that invisible but it's actually there so I can always bring it back if I want to but now that I have my text I can always put what was that other example that I had typography adventures so I can always put here typography for now and when I have text on the outline of this circle I can of course increase the size of it and I can use the shortcut we've learned before ctrl or command shift . and comma to increase decrease the size of text but how can i make sure this stays exactly centered on top of this circle so the way i do that normally is by switching to the direct selection tool and that is when you get the end points and the center point now these are the end points and notice that i don't click on these empty white boxes i click on these points here so click on those lines to move the end point and start point around this is the start point this is the end point so by default the illustrator gives you full access to the circle and it starts or adds the start point exactly where you click on the circle with the Alt key and the type to remember so if I set my end point let's say somewhere around here or even better set it at 3 o'clock so at 3 o'clock as imagine this is a clock and then the start point you set it on 9 o'clock that way you know that you're using exactly half of the circle top half and by the way as long as you have smart guides on and you have the snap to point option on as well you should get these points quickly and automatically coming up so notice when I move this point around the endpoint it turns purple or gives me that purple pink line which means that it's snaps to that exact point there so it's still not in the center but I have the center point in the center that's the center point by the way and you could even move so if we're zooming in and out it might be a bit annoying but when I drag that center point around you can see I can turn the whole thing around on the circle so that's quite useful but the more important thing now is if I select my text I can just set it to align Center from the options bar so when I click on that now it jumps in the center and then I know it's exactly in the center because I've set up the start and end points to cover exactly half of the circle the top half so now I could easily change the font as well if I want to use the same phone that we used before so let me just you can use how that occur as well maybe in this time have vertical bold and then if I want to make it all capitals all this then I can go into the character panel and click on all caps like that now have a Takei's is a phone that I use so much that I'm actually bored of it a bit so let me just speak to the phone that we used today and once again when you use font on the outline you can use the occurring so in this case it's even more important probably because you have some of your characters too close to each other like here the R and D a so all left and right arrow is even more in this case so do your kerning that's like a task or like a must for working with text to nicely balance out the characters and then I can just see some questions coming up there's actually quite a lot of questions so let me just come back to this in a bit what I'm going to show you now is how to put word underneath the circle so I'm just going to move this circle here so we can see exactly what is happening so we have our circle and we have this other object as well around it I'm just going to make sure that they align to each other like that so if I want to have something similar to what I showed you earlier where we have the text underneath so typography adventures that needs to be a separate text object so you need to have another circle and another text object completely independent from the one on the top because you can't have two different directions within the same object using the type on a path so notice that the typography is coming from left to right it's written left to right and adventures is also written left to right but you have to think about clockwise and and counterclockwise ways so the text can only only be written in one direction around the circle so to work around that work around our circle I'm going to copy/paste this what I already created so that's control C control F or command C command F in illustrator and that way I have now a duplicate to show it to you but what I'm going to do actually let me just move it to the side so you can see exactly what's happening so once I have it on the side I'm going to now use this center point centerline remember the one we can grab and with that I can move the text around on the circle but what's more important and this is cool technique you can drag it inside the circle now by default it doesn't look any good but now my text is inside the circle you can see that the direction can change so having it placed down there or up there sometimes it'll be difficult to like find out what is happening until you actually give it enough space so you can see I'm doing the same thing 9 o'clock 3 o'clock in this case the start point is on 9 o'clock the end point is on 3 o'clock and in between I have the text but now inside the circle and when you have inside the circle you will have the counterclockwise writing direction when it's outside of the circle then you will have the clockwise writing so now if I change the text I just double click on it and I type in adventures I can again do my kerning or left and right arrows too can this a bit but before I actually go any further I'm going to drag this over my previous creation and I'm going to make sure it's aligned to the other text center point and what you can notice now is because we used the same size circle and we have the text inside it it's not actually aligned to that base line which in this case is a circular base line so if I want the adventurer to align to that all I have to do sold on the open shift keys and start dragging the corner point out until I get to the same size but I will have to make sure after that so I'm just checking the base line let's just drag it a bit further out something like that I think will work yep there you go so the base line of typography should be on the top of adventures and that's when you have exactly the same gap between the the typography and the adventures words but because I resize the adventures I need to change the size of the font so I just double click on it to select it and by the way let me select type first that was 40-point size so I like the word adventures and I change it to 40 points so now it's aligned and I just have to double check yeah I just need to adjust it slightly closer there might be a faster way of doing this but this is usually what I do actually there's a faster way yeah let me show you this as well so to make sure that I see what I'm doing I'm going to create another circle and I'm going to align it also the center point and you can create guides from objects within Illustrator so let me just create that circle in the size that we need even easier if we just use this one just copy that and then extend it make the size bigger so that's the ideal base line that we need maybe slightly smaller something like that and if you go up to the View menu you can go to guides and make guides control five oh c'mon five which turns your current object into a guide and that guide can be looked as well so if I select that I can press command two or control two now it's locked but now I can see and exactly tell where I need the text to be so it's a little bit of going back and forth but finally you can get to the same result and then of course you can decide whatever you want to place inside in the circle and it's actually exactly one hour now so I was quite accurate with my timing so this is all that I wanted to show you let me just show you all the examples we went through if I go to the window menu and I choose arrange tile we can see all the examples and I'm just going to zoom out on each of them so we can see what we covered so we had our warp type sorry not more wrap text around objects and then we also had our text or image inside tags and then we had our touch type in the beginning so we covered quite a lot I think and hopefully you found these examples useful in the last five minutes of this livestream I am going to try to answer the questions raised in the live chat but to make sure don't leave yet to make sure that you for those who join me live I reward your attention I'm going to give away a few free courses my online courses you can find access to you through the link under this video its courses dot yes I'm a designer comm and the giveaway of today is one of my most successful bestseller courses it's called illustrator CC masterclass it's a huge one is 12 plus hours so it's a massive course and whoever is going to be the lucky winner today will get free access to this so it's around $100 on my site but I'm giving away because you guys join me on this live session so how we choose the winner is very simple I'm going to ask you a question about the techniques I mentioned today and it's not a secret it's going to be a keyboard shortcut so be prepared for shortcuts that I mentioned and the first let's say the first two answers will be rewarded obviously it's the first two from different people replying with the correct answer to my question we'll get the access to these courses and whoever is the the one that wins I am going to privately message them their access to the course so the question is are you guys ready are you ready so be fast because I'm fortunately I can give free access to everyone but whoever is the fastest will get the rewards of the first two people and the question is was the shortcut was the keyboard shortcut to create clipping masks in Illustrator let's see let's see let's see there's a delay so I might see it a little bit later than you write it but the first two correct answers will be rewarded and command five is closed ctrl F is closed control seven yes control seven yes I see the two correct answers so you can stop now sorry if you missed it I already saw the first two users who have the correct answer so they are lay the four four four four luck I think and Roenick was sign so congratulation guys you were really fast and I can see a lot of correct answers came in afterwards and a lot of you and many of you were really close command five is actually a very similar one and I mentioned that today as well c'mon five if you remember just did I mention that I'm yes it was just recently I mentioned that was the create guide from an object which is very similar to a clipping mask I understand that you might got confused on that so welcome for remembering that now you can remember this should help it remember that what was the difference between the two so ctrl 507 and commands five command seven but we have our Venus so thank you so much for participating in this little contest if you like this did you guys like this I mean did you want to have this type of contests in the future if you if you like it then I will keep doing this in my next live streams so once again congratulation for those who want and don't don't feel sad if you haven't been access to these courses you can actually get a free trial access if you sign up on my courses website and that's all for today I would like to just also mention that I really appreciate if you guys consider checking out my patreon website you can find it very easily it's patreon.com slash yes I'm a designer or you can find a link again under the video patreon is something that you can use to help me out producing these live streams and also tutorials for YouTube because essentially these are all free so to help me out it takes quite a long time to prepare and to do these courses and live streams I mean sorry tutorials and live streams so I appreciate any help if you want to be my sponsor or patron then check out that website and I'm actually releasing all the exercises that are used in this live stream and all in the future live streams as downloadable files if you are a patron so if you are on patreon and if you are supporting me then you will get access to all of these files that are used and you get also a lot of other goodies depending on how you support me so thanks a lot for your attention and again if you haven't subscribed to me on youtube yet then this is probably the best time to do it and thanks a lot for watching hopefully you can join me next time as well I'm going to try to do the same time next week on Sunday I might have another one during the week I don't have a set time yet but I'm going to try to stick to this time on Sunday as long as it was ideal for most of you I know in Asia if it's probably too late for those who joined me from Asia well done and it's probably time to go to bed now and for those from the states hopefully it was not too early from people in Europe hopefully it was a good time and let me know and if you have any suggestions what time would be best that's also appreciated but of course the whole thing is recorded so you will be able to access this on YouTube on my channel the whole thing you can watch again and once again thanks a lot guys and I will see you in the next one Cheers
Channel: Yes I'm a Designer
Views: 44,132
Rating: 4.955915 out of 5
Keywords: adobe, adobe illustrator, drawing in illustrator, illustrator cc, creative cloud, vector drawing, graphic design, drawing, illustration
Id: UgitY11fi1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 37sec (4057 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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