Advanced Illustrator Pro Tips & Techniques with Paul Trani | Adobe Creative Cloud

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[Music] you were here my name is Paul I'm gonna be talking about illustrator that's from a year ago says 30 years is actually 31 years old but everybody knows after 30 you stopped keeping track anyways so it's all good look here look how many of you remember this youbrought didn't working in illustrator awhile look little ah what is this yeah this is this is what you'd work in and you couldn't even like you couldn't even see the results you had to open up a separate window do you remember doing this you'd have to go okay let's open up a new window that's what we'd have to do and then you'd set this one to preview and then you draw over here and try to make a flower but you just end up with a bunch of random circles right one thing you can't have let me show you this real fast because this has been here a while go down here like rotate tools web hold down the Alt key I'll click right here and then we'll do angle 40 this is actually pretty cool angle rotation of 45 degrees and we'll just hit copy and then DVD there's our flower beautiful it's amazing isn't it we're done this is awesome and this is illustrator 1.0 so once we'll that it's not in here is the blend tool which you may or may not use does anybody know when we introduce the blend tool just any ideas take a guess because it was the next version in Illustrator 88 you'll find the blend tool in here which just blows my mind by the way the blend tool I use it all the time maybe I'm the only one that uses it but either way I think it's super cool all right so let's dive into this I'll just I'll just minimize that that's not gonna be the version we're using I have this one that we'll be using and we can dive into this in fact what I'm doing what am i doing right now I hit come shift F I'm actually in Illustrator because the first feature I'm gonna show you and this is and new as of G's this morning is the fact that we have a presentation mode so how many of you go like this you hit F right and you'll hit F again and you'll have all this junk out here and you're trying to show the client a logo in the center but you got all this junk I know you do I do we now have presentation mode so window right here huh no actually view presentation mode and then I just use my arrow keys my name is Paul they're just for Adobe you can see the slide link right down there you can always follow me on twitter at paul and i will tweet that out after this session it's actually being recorded right now it's a good thing I already got a stain on my shirt but it is being recorded for viewing later alright so not to worry everybody should be on the same page and these are all the needed that need to know fundamentals may have missed time savers topic talking basically about everything manipulating lines on down the line but I wanna make sure if it is on the same agenda this is kind of what I'm gonna follow I'm gonna talk about optimizing Illustrator and the stuff that you should know that you might have missed will dive into shapes and lines colors and patterns a product that's 31 years old even in this room we have varying levels of experience so I'm gonna try to my best to make everybody happy managing excuse me we'll get into text transforming and manipulating so a little bit more advanced stuff and then exporting out a lot of this content so that's the current agenda and like I said I'm in Illustrator which this works out great I can start to get down to work but before I do so I want to point out a couple things just in preferences when it comes to optimizing illustrator I'll go down to user interface and this is a brand new thing right here UI scaling right so I can actually scale the UI depending on my monitor resolution so if you have a high DPI monitor or laptop your the tools got really small all of a sudden right and now we can make them larger at least clickable and all of that especially as you get into like 4k monitors things like that we want to make sure we can actually use the tools that are actually there's only a couple stops here but if you have a 4k monitor or 7k monitor congratulations you're super lucky and then they'll actually give you more stops and another new thing isn't the fact that when I view something at a hundred percent if I'm an inch will basically be an actual inch regardless of your resolution or whether in high DPI whatever the case may be hundred percent is actually a hundred percent an inch will be an inch put that ruler up to your screen and everything will be just bags so that's nice alright so I'll just keep this as is so that's pretty good clicking okay let's kind of dive into some of this and quite frankly we should be pretty familiar with most of the tools in here um actually you know what maybe I maybe I want it to be like back in the day when it was a much simpler like these tools this was much more manageable look at how complex that's gotten the toolbar so much stuff right and now at this point what we can do is we can actually customize the toolbar right over here all I need to do is click right down here click thank you and from there you can remove any one of these tools that you want right so like how many of you really do you really need the hand tool you don't how many you gonna use the spacebar drag that over here another one that I already removed and I know it just drives you nuts probably drives me nuts perspective grid tool I hate it when I click on there oh how do I shut it off now right big problem say goodbye to it you are staying there that's for sure you could start to nest them as well I just kind of have it set up like this I really like how this is set up for the most part I can actually open this up and slick select advanced or basic and save or manage your toolbars as well so this is kind of the setting I have it kind of kept everything as is and by the way you can move things around to I can swap those two just like that and again you can remove tools on somebody else's machine just mess with them be like I don't know did you did you um / are you are you up-to-date on your subscription ploud maybe that's it no don't do that that would be so cruel diving into this we do know shortcut-keys right that's why I hardly need even magnifying glass and this other stuff don't really need a sweater we know it's sort of the fundamentals in terms of shortcuts because again this is all about optimizing illustrator so what does what does command-d do you got it it was long Jam that taking that and let's just bring that right over here I can also hold down the option key or Alt key right drag and hi barb just did it that's been around there forever super easy to do right we all get that I'm going over some of these fundamentals you should all know this stuff um oh here's another one like what do i do how do i what's the shortcut for increasing the stroke is a trick question because there is no shortcut and there should be why isn't there a shortcut for that right and sure enough I've actually baked one in you can actually see that getting bolder but that's an action that I would do so right over here happy I'm glad this is being recorded I'm doing a scale up and a scale down so I actually created an action to do that so the scale down scales down the corners strokes and effects ninety percent I'm going to turn that off if I want to like scaling the corners but that increases the line larger and smaller right um pretty straightforward with shortcuts we get that I want to do this actually me show you ooh what about this one you ready for this let's actually select this star here and it might be on the background okay here it is let's send it to the have you done this before I'm going to scale this up right and I'm gonna hold down let's let's actually see if I can just make this again so I'm just gonna grab startled or anything I'm gonna click and drag and if I hold down the tilde key it actually made that design right hold down the tilde key and it's like the duplicate on drugs is what that is right super cool really hard to create otherwise but not that hard because I could use transform for that so nonetheless and made all of those that looks good let me dive into this check this out how many of us do this like you're gonna trace an object I'm thinking okay I'm gonna grab you know the lips and I'm just trying to mimic this part of the circle and you'll get it wrong yeah I'm off you're like a stupid delete let's try this again I'm gonna get right here and try to get I got I'm off so and you want to get it you want to get it exact right check this out I can click and drag and then if I hide wow I was not supposed to do that good I nailed it Wow spacebar spacebar will move it around so if you if you get an auto spacebar I haven't released the mouse yet oh now it's in position and I continue to work right so spacebar is again another huge tip as you're drawing alright so far so good ooh let me do you want to show you this this is really awesome check this out I'm gonna turn this on when I select all this stuff okay so this is another pro tip which I love say for instance the client came back to me and they said I really love this design but I want it to be I want all the lines to be thicker right I want all of the lines to be thicker okay what I have to go in and change everything I don't know 200 percent I don't know what how do I do that well check this out this is how you could do this you could say hey you know what at this point I could scale this down at per usual right it scales down let me think about this I'm already confusing my head a little bit but I want to turn off this is what you do you turn off and I think I've heard somebody say it over here maybe you don't you don't want to scale stroke in effects so you turn that off initially when I scale it down and if I scale it down 200% so that's what I do I'd scale it down to hundred percent right so 50 percent make it fifty percent the food not the position fifty percent the size just like that and I've doubled the size of that line now if I go into general and I want to scale stroke effects it's a matter of turning it off initially so when I shrink it down all the lines are really going to be really thick cuz it's much smaller right and I'm like that's perfect the Sun the lines are twice as thick now that it's half the size I'm like perfect go back and here check that box and now I can scale it up I should have scaled it up even more but as I scale it up you can see those lines are all thicker uniformly thicker so if you're doing a complex like medical illustration diagrams something complex I think this is really helpful okay moving on from that it's kind of dive into some other things we can do and initially what I actually do is I hate the fact that I'm constantly having to mix make new swatches right so I'm always using a gradient like this so what do you do you come in here and you apply some default gradient that I even already got rid of right but don't you hate having to apply gradients each time and you know changing it from the default white to black right so typically what I will do is I will mix my color make my swatch add my swatch just like that boom and I would basically set up a master file I set up a master template file like I have right over here this is everything you need look at all this stuff look at all those colors all these great use these gradients all the time because I hate starting with this initial one and always changing it so I had all the gradients that I want I'll add some other patterns some other color swatches right in here another thing I'll do is I'll make my own brushes over here so I'm setting up this master file I'm saying hey you know it any time I make a new file just have those brushes ready I don't have to hunt down that illustrator file where I made the brush open it up and copy it over I'd make this one all you need file save it to my desktop call everything or all you need and then you put it in a certain location as I click okay so all my brushes all my colors all my symbols all of these this long list of items right over here this is everything that I can save with this file which is fantastic all right so not to worry about that anymore then what I do is I open up illustrator I don't think I'm going to do a restart I think you get it but right over here this is where I put it in this new document profiles folder okay so once I put it in there you'll see it says illustrator 23 right in here and this is where you'll drop it right in here okay there's a new document profiles so that's what I'll do and now when I start this up I'll go file new depending on which one you started with technically the file I started with was a print version but there it is I'll hit create and all my brushes are gonna be in there you have to do that you do that once you set up all your gradients whatever stuff you want all those goodies and you can see now that it travels you know with the file in this case you can see actually that stroke and style was applied you get the idea alright let's go on from there that's setup let's move on let's go into a little bit more of the drawing capabilities alright so kind of starting in here I'm not gonna be label or Bezier curves and things like that I do want to make sure we're all on the same page but a lot of times it's going to be of course drawing with the pen you get it I typically encourage people to just draw when in doubt draw a straight line like I get it you're gonna go in here and you're gonna curve that out but it's okay to do some straight points Bam Bam Bam it's alright I'll just do straight lines just like that I'll do that all day long right fine when in doubt okay and let's just change the color of this to something else you can see there it is right so obviously I have some angles in there and using my anchor point tools but I'll typically do but rolling over this rather than manipulating or making a new bza like this you'll make a new one right and you'll be like okay I got to curve this out and do all that stuff maybe take this other side and try to curve this one and all this stuff it's way too complex all you really need to do is come in here and grab that and this is your curvature tool so with straight lines is where this works best I don't have to worry about the curve or the Bezier points there I can just take this and start curving all the parts that I need especially like right down here right this is a much easier way to work than manipulating bza points right at the end of the day so that's what I would do kind of give birth apparently a super thick profile line there it's kind of ridiculous but that's one of the profiles I changed because I feel like the one point line is almost in some cases too small you know it's kind of dive into this we can get into the nose right we can draw out with the pen tool actually I'll just do that real fast right in here all right just like that and if you're not using this you should be right in here the width tool is your best friend plain and simple I would use this rather than app trying to outline the eyebrow especially in this case I actually want it to be a little bit more uniform click with tool we can make it thicker right there thinner on that in and make sure her eyebrows are on fleek as the kids say right a little too on fleek that's a little OTT happen in there Wow scale it down some but nonetheless that's typically what I would do even when it comes to sort of the hair let's actually just turn on a layer and start drawing and doing some more natural drawing in this case so again just some simple outlining so far oh yeah what the tool right even here oh oh why do I have that still turned on let's get rid of that we're actually what's going on there by the way I could actually redo that but I'll just probably typically use the pencil tool because I feel like it's more natural right I'll draw that out but just using the width tool here I can say hey you know what let's let's actually make it thinner on one side just holding down the Alt key I can make it thinner on one side and then sort of get the right position for that I can make it thicker or thinner depending on either side I'm gonna do some more of that in fact I'm gonna just start drawing right in here as I lock down these layers let's grab the pencil and you know I'll start drawing typically when you draw with a pencil this is this is typically what it looks like it isn't even that great like as I start drawing with it in the hair and you know I'll just draw up here it's it's too it's too to correct for its own good now one pro tip right in here I don't know if you knew this since I have the path still selected I can redraw over this and you'll try to like make less Bezier points or whatever you're like ah it never gets it quite right double-clicking on that tool just like a lot of tools will give me these additional options so I jump in here I always have this set to smooth just like that and I'll typically turn on this again keep selected and then option key will toggle to the smooth tool but this is like taking it from you too good right because that's that's what's happening it's like okay now it's gonna be should be like much better as I draw with less points and that's what I'd start doing here maybe I'll just change this width profile get some nice hair right and start drawing this out ah I hate it when this happens too by the way okay let me think about this as it should be running here first thing that happened is that uses this baked basic style I just used this new width I'm like I just want to draw the hair just let me draw the hair cuz now I have to go in here and you're serious no you're serious you serious vote that's serious illustrator but I have to go in there and make this change and it doesn't keep that last style so that's what you go into here to just graphic styles I actually might be forgetting this by the way oh wait it's right in here oh there we go this is where it's hidden they hide it on yeah where's where's the illustrator team where are you guys hiding this like look new this is I'm going to go to the appearance panel right in here new art has basic appearance so it just sets it back to the default each sets the backs of the deal like I don't then I got to change it and then I got to change it then get it huh Treasury nuts right turn that off they're using some weird reverse psychology gets in my head right but that's what I want you knew art has bass doesn't have the basic appearance has the appearance that I define at this point as I kind of drag that out and thank you very much now I can go through and draw all of her glorious and medusa-like hair in this case right so remember that that's that's actually really huge there's more I can do there I'm just kind of drawing this out more and more luxurious hair that she needs let's actually go beyond that cuz I'm thinking I would actually like to make her look even better oh by the way let me actually turn this on let me show you kind of the final I know this is looking pretty rough since I've talked about changing the default style of your brush whatever you're drawing do that yes use the width tool right and use the width tool creatively in fact let's just drag out a line if I could because this is for say for instance a music festival I would like to maybe have some of her like a sound wave would be really cool kind of traveling right through here okay so there's my line using the width tool and adding like as many points as I want right just like that jujube just like that and let's adjust this even more in fact I think I have a width profile I already have created here's my Soundwave profile let's actually change the color of this as well do something a little bit more exciting and this is more of the longer lines of the fun again using all these different width profiles I've just changed this and what was normally pretty complex is really just a simple line that I can take and modify super easy right so then obviously you can see sort of this final which is some fun lines drawn in here so that's what I want to do I'm going to use the the width tool and I kind of go on to sort of brushes I'm thinking okay there's more I can deal with brushes and let's actually just kind of select some of these lines right in here let's actually turn this on I don't know if you're using brushes or not but I find them super powerful anytime even if it's just for one thing like a simple snake in this case this is what I'd want to do and I'll add to the hair in a second right over here for this object you should know about making brushes I'm going to grab save this segment right here drop it in here let's make a pattern brush happens to be my favorite because I want this inside to duplicate all these different ways and let's give it a nice original corner that's cool from here I can give it a head I can give it a tail sure enough these are actually symbols that I've already predefined if I can find them somewhere in here they should be in here or not because I actually haven't I don't know if I didn't I don't know if it's part of this one but what's actually see right over here yeah there it is here's the final let me just double click on this you can see right in here this is actually not a symbol but it's a pattern okay so that's what I've done this is the pattern for the head and the tail and that's what I want to go with using even again just the simple pencil here's a line clicking right there and there's again just my snake that I can manipulate any way I want in this case right so let's see where we're at with the layers and whatever you get the idea slowly wrapping around her neck this is kidding that's weird I'll stop that but what I can do from there is just really have total flexibility so all of these lines right in hearing say hey you know what let's make them more unique by adding again just some leaves okay super easy to do we want to change that to something a little bit more bold with a pop of color this goes way beyond I think what Photoshop can do the fact that this is vector and I can change my mind at any time maybe now she is Medusa Wow that works that's weird so total control I absolutely love it and this is why I like illustrator let me change my mind later on because I was probably wrong the first time whatever the case may be okay so we have that we have a Medusa hair maybe I'll undo that and continue to work let's move on I got more things to cover so again using basically those are vector based brushes super easy to work with as we've drawn or created what we want we want to be able to take what we've made and start to add color to it since we used our profile we have all those gradients already ready to go easy to change if you're not using if you're not using global colors well you're using them maybe whether you're aware of it or not but basically right over here I can add a color let's say this is a unique red this is what I mean by a global color whenever this box is checked its checked by default now says hey if I apply this to everything and I need to change it later on it's gonna change it everywhere okay so that's what a global club that's turn on by default now which is good done that's why these all have little not just cut out of them out of them their global colors so that's what I would do that's great if you want to change one color right I can change it everywhere but what if we want to change all over the colors and honestly what if we want to explore colors and you should be aware of this you're probably overwhelmed by it to a certain degree but I'm gonna go to edit edit colors basically going to recolor this artwork okay so let's just explore the different things we can do that's how many how many colors do you think are in here in in this in this design don't guess I don't know either no idea it says Auto do like oh let's let's actually check one two three four no you get literally I just just found this out by the way like just before we started this session if you ha - oh shoot let's do this I just put my scroll mouse in here and I just started going through because basically I'm done I'm having this pare down to four colors but if you put your mouse in there and then you just go back one there's twenty five colors that's how many colors are in there with all the gradients so I thought that was kind of fascinating nonetheless typically what people do is they'll go into edit maybe you counted all these dots we can lock these down I said exploring with different colors we can shift this you've seen this before right you might have played with it some more you know it gets it gets pretty fun I can make it desaturate it more or more bright or more saturated right in here to make all those color colors pop and start to roll through this just just for experience just for experimenting with colors so that's what I'd use edit colors for there's more that it can do actually like that will go with it I love all these electric colors right now but let's move on let's move on to something like this say for instance this is a print job right and you know who knows how many colors are here but it needs to be like a four color print job or I really need to pare this down right select all those colors same process if you want to get to the shortcuts this little color wheel right here recall our artwork click again don't let the name fool you because right in here and I was doing this earlier we can change this to just four colors because look at how many different sort of like reds are in there but let's give it that those four colors right let's go up a little bit you know we'll do ten and let's say I want to change all of these this sort of mustard yellow to this yellow I can grab it and move it on up and now all those colors will be remapped right there were two of them in there they were a shade off so I'm able to define how the colors get paired down in this process to get the look that I want I can then save it as a color group and be on my way right so recoloring artwork is great for exploring color I have really total control right in here right and not only that it's good for pairing down all those colors to really find out what you have especially the gradients that's why there are so many colors it's those crazy gradients in there yeah I can crank up this saturation and then click okay that works for me let's move on from that check this out and you get that boom here we are gradients boring good job good job Paul it's so boring a degree do it right in there we have new color stops for the gradient tool so I can see this right and I can use my gradient tool over here how many of you do this you like you want to like maybe like maybe this is a radio burst you know and you want to like move it over I want to move it to the center so you'll grab this you do that how many you do I know you do it if you grab this bar for one just grab the bar I didn't I didn't know that for so many so many years I feel but also these all these different control points are actually easier to grab and this is just a better way to work rather than manipulating sort of the gradient transition over here I can actually manipulate it right here right so that's just in general easier to work with I can start to manipulate that any way I want I'm gonna go beyond that as well so again let's just add something to the background and make it a little more fun and like they talked about today you know there's some cool things you can do right here's something this is actually using the gradient mesh tool does anybody who's worked with the gradient mesh tool and I'm surprised you're still working in Illustrator to this day it's amazing cuz it gets awfully complex awfully fast right and you saw this this morning again this took this took me a while this is actually using the gradient mesh tool too by the way this pepper so you can get some spectacular results it's actually super complex I think I have that layer locked it's really awesome but it's overly complex so let's just turn that off and just like they showed earlier today we can now manipulate this content much easier so let's pull this out a gradient it's this third option right freeform gradient tool you can do some searches we used to call the diffusion gradient right over here actually let's let's go ahead and change that to a little yellow and change this side to something else and let's put one in the middle just to show you let's make this red I don't know if they really really got to this point but look at how these colors start to interact in a super interesting way as I start to put them one over the other it's almost like it's light it's like a mixture between like a water color and a light but you're actually getting look at this nice like orange color between those two as they come closer together so again super cool what you could do with the freeform gradient tool I'm going to show you the lines but I think in order to do that I'm gonna I'm gonna switch over to something that I've found really that's kind of bothered me in the past week and I'm like look it fills coffee anybody fills well a couple yeah it's good right there is one like upon fig fig or however you say it by the Westin fantastic coffee they put them into their coffee it's crazy but it's so good but what if one thing they have is right here like looks so annoying this gradient it would not go straight down like that you just use the linear if you got lazy I love them don't get mad at me feels I love you I really do I'm just best mobile app ever - by the way you can order coffee in advance they do it so well but this is a case for maybe where you would want to sort of fix it so right in here selecting that opening out the gradient you get it in this case I'm going to change this to freeform gradient I really need to add those other colors over here initially but from there what I would do is I can actually add in like a line that might work out a little better in this case so click click click there's one line right and then let's add a second line change this to you get the idea you know on this side like that so that's typically what I would do in this case just to get this to look a little better I've already kind of gone through that work as you could imagine just clicking through again a simple example but this is going to be much more organic and easier to work with you do have to switch back to points to move these points but this is something that I want like give me that highlight and pick it I need to pick a better a better orange at that point all in all that's this is kind of what you have at least for my final version it doesn't go quite to the end and I think I'm the only one and people in this room would be the only ones that would appreciate this all right like what are you talking about I didn't did that with this this nice steam thank you that's the word not smoke your coffee is not on fire usually steam compared to the original was like that I never got a copy like that just like floating like so huh it's so hard to drink that way I keep up getting in my eye right but again give me something more natural that's easy to work with and out of all the tools as a creative I find this one's going to be the most beneficial and easy to work with right done and done so let's move on from there move on to this how many how many lines do you think are in here that make up this any guesses at all five close I'm going to do command Y to show you that that's only one they look at you show up oh you're so cool you made that with low in line it's totally like a graphic that you'd brag about I show you this just to show you that the appearance panel like some people still don't know about the appearance panel or where it is seeing as I've closed it but here it is it's just a bunch of lines excuse me fills and strokes being applied these circles are actually dashes so if I move this off and maybe we'll shrink that down you know this green dot that's actually a stroke overlaid over the top of that these larger ones are also a stroke with a dash okay and I do this to point out that as you're working with colors and different things you don't have to take a shape duplicate it on top and add a gradient to it right we've seen too many files like that you just layer on all those fills on top of each other right which I will be doing later but it's right here just add a new stroke add a new fill and you're well on your way so that's typically what you do it gets really fun as you start working with patterns right so right in here I can add a new fill in this case and pick a pattern right in here and now she kind of has a polka dot dress right come in here you get the idea right just adding these new fills on down the line right and this gets really interesting as I start to add start to mix in these different patterns together because they're actually semi-transparent right so that's what I would do start using using patterns to make interesting combinations right we see that happening probably wondering how to make pattern so let's kind of lets us do that really fast thing I have this file right here it select all of these object pattern make right in here and wait for that to open up really any items that you want you start to see it duplicated accordingly where you see these gaps that's where you want to adjust it right so I just take this building right here and then kind of move it down here okay you could see that work I'm going to show kind of one issue that you might run into if I can work out this scenario let's move this down right there we'll see that and the problem is that this building is now in front of that building that doesn't work with perspective you basically have full control when it comes to that I just turn on this one make sure the bottom is in the front right clicking that and now it fixes that problem hopefully everybody sees that right and I don't need to just do this grid view I can mix this up as much as possible especially if I'm making something look random I'd maybe do a brick by row or mix up the columns to make something interesting for a pattern okay that's done I could always double click on that fancy little square ready add it to my swatches it's going to be baked in there ready for me to use you get the idea as soon as I click done it's good to go alright so using those different combinations we're doing pretty well on time this is good anything else that I need to talk about in here that's that's about it for patterns it does put them in here you can start to see them these multicolored patterns so don't think that they just need to be black and white I wanted them black and white so I can see the color through them right but you can see all of them right in there click done and that we can move on that we have that made we have our patterns in this design we've gone over appearance adding adding different gradients consolidating colors and recalling recoloring graphics so I don't want to switch gears and jump into text this is awesome really really cool because they had that announcement today they're like what 14 thousand thousand wait how many 15 thousand I was like there's almost as many fonts as there are people here everybody gets a font you know fourteen thousand people in attendance fifteen thousand fonts I don't know a crazy amount I get it you're gonna want to install all of them and use maybe eight right but it's so easy in fact let's start over here click I can click and say this is this is gonna be my Style magazine and this is another thing that's kind of annoying right so I get this text right here what is it what does it default to yeah starts the myriad yeah myriad it's like contradicts its name marry odd it's always there I don't know it's just that one font but I'd want to change that right if you want to change it you're sick of that default or you're in an environment where you're always using Helvetica new which I personally like I like it found with a lot of flexibility nonetheless we can do that let's open up let's open up type character styles you're like I'm so sick of sick of seeing Marriott every single time if you go into character styles if it has these brackets around it and means it's gonna be the default okay this goes for paragraph Styles they're gonna be highlighted for graphic styles as well but right in here basic character formats let's finally change that to you know what I'm not I wouldn't do that oh but you could do it to somebody like why is it every time it starts with Comic Sans yeah I don't know don't be cruel and then I'll just like make it larger but this will be my new default again when I restart right and remember this remember how I talked about this default file right so this is the everything file go in here change this default character style just like I did over here it's acumen variable concept font that's going to appear every single time you don't have to worry about changing it each and every time right so again there it is better style alright so there we go let's actually take a look at what else we can do right in here by default when you add some text this is just basically some heading text I'll add some body copy right over here right click and drag and here's some default like body copy this is just another fun hack but basically command shifts right arrow bracket will bring this up I swapped out the default lorem ipsum for hipster ipsum so this is like I'm at subway-tile Chia goth kale chips waste Coast sriracha so funny I love it it just makes me laugh I just say heard read this oh this is good stuff so jean shorts this is the rest of what my sessions gonna be he was just looking at this I think I have a fun whoa it's all in there oh let's grab this quote I snuck this quote in in here but you're wondering where this is by the way all you need to do is open up let's go into applications into illustrator you just put it in the root right here this is the placeholder text that's where everything is you could always swap that out again just different ways to mess with your coworker is all this session is like just be like hi Larry that's all it is lorem ipsum hey Larry then just continue on whatever so good but let's take that I get sidetracked I want to use this quote looks good let's crank it up again this is super easy I'm trying to think did we I think they just mentioned this I don't think they showed this in the keynote but let's crank this up to just something something larger but nonetheless I want to show you this so right in here I'm designing this I'm like okay I want some cool type I'm not sure what I'm gonna go with maybe something like that and what I typically do is I'd go out and launch my browser and you just like go out to Typekit right and sync of font so I was like I would say a year ago I was like this is its RT why did I say why did I say Typekit it's actually Adobe fonts now thank you for reminding me web that's why I went out of here so again run it right out here brown spots I'd be like this is so awesome like I can I can peruse these fonts and sync them directly to my desktop and it is amazing right I didn't think it could get even easier right but it can cuz all this I don't even to worry about that I'm just gonna close it right right over here right up here I'll just click on this anywhere where there's where you can change the text right in here check this out drop-down boom right look check this out this is fantastic so right right in here I can kind of roll over and see my different fonts see what works I can sort through them right I can say hey you know what I want a fun script font clicking right there I'm sorting through all the ones on my desktop so I apologize for that covering up things really bothers me but that's what I'm doing is I can sort through all of my fonts to get to find something that I like in this case right just filtering through on my desktop I'm you know we we should have had this sooner so but I would maybe pick giddy up I'm not going to pick any up mm-hmm Oh like hey what are you gonna do what are you gonna do guys we could do all right don't get me bad with you like I didn't like his font he's getting a horrible review don't do that but check this out I'll pick one that you like I promise I'll sort through all of these this is great whether I want I'm really into slab serif - I love slab serif the cool thing is is like okay nothing that this stuff works for me I can click find more right here so consider this Adobe fonts running from within illustrator right not InDesign not Photoshop where you add InDesign Photoshop Illustrator this is where it does it right I'm searching through the slab fonts and this is it's actually giving me that preview so I could find the one I want to go with in this one that will try to please everyone which is just not gonna be possible so yeah say I want to go with this one for instance right this is typically what I do is I actually this is roll dude this is the best way to do it you you get actually favorite this is what you do in the browser you're like okay I'm gonna sync that font I'm syncing it from within illustrator fantastic I used to sink in in the browser and then by the time I got to illustrator I'm like I have no idea what that thought was I do not really I had one thing to remember it's like new screen I don't know right right in here we can click and we could see that show the recently added and that's what I'd want to do select that and these are the Odette fear doesn't give me the latest greatest that's why even in the brush in Adobe fonts I usually will add it as a favorite so I know it appears at the top but right in here these are the latest ones that I've added to kind of make up for my bad choice and fonts but nonetheless going here you can favorite yours because again you're gonna have a thousand fonts and you're only gonna use like five favorite those five and you're good to go so I think the type enhancements are really huge when it comes to actually let's turn that off not recently added I guess that's the only one I've added in this file all right cool so we picked our correct font we can start working I don't know I really like finally having this kind of capability within Illustrator I don't have to jump out to my browser which is nice everything the font we want from there it's all about manipulating that any way you want to manipulate it right a lot of you will and I won't really worry about this too much you know you'll sort of make with warp or make with mesh to kind of bend it into place you know I gotta want to focus on this so I think some people get thrown like I'm gonna go ahead and adjust this and I want it to be more playful so I want everything I don't want it to be on the same baseline right and I think a lot of times the touched head tool gets overlooked because it says touch and I'm not on a touch device but I could use the touch device touch type tool right in here and I can grab that oh and I can move that up it's all in the same baseline and I'm nice here you guys say that these are some of the things like oh they probably know about this like oh I want this one to tilt let's rotate it down again and fantastic by the way it's all still on that same line so if I select back to the type tool you can see it's all on that same line right really cool what we could do with the touch type tool and it will actually it's what you typically you create outlines and after you've created out ones and all that say that's when you realize you've misspelled that word you're like oh I gotta go back here it's still a word it's gonna say hey you misspelled that if you run spellcheck so touch type tool being able to move these around all on one line works out great and here's the case we're like I'm just trying to think of different like scenarios that you might run into and this is one of those since I was using kind of a hand written or script fonts we have this situation right and all I want to do for this if I just change the color to something else you know is make it so this doesn't happen that really bothers me right super annoying well this is the case where I you could just add a new fill right so the new fill if I change the color takes care of that issue it's something really simple new fill it's all in one text it all flows together nicely so I encourage you to do that use the appearance panel just overlay a color over that text when it runs into one another and you have that weird overlap don't worry about it you know and there's sort of a final version again with different gradients on it as well as you can see all right one thing I glaze over I'll have more to do I have too much to do a couple things like so we're doing we're doing a Spotify logo whatever we're doing something we have these items to have them overlap maybe I'm making some sort of sound something cool I don't know but properties panel right properties panel I wish yeah I want it I'm glad this is here today you're thinking oh I don't need this one properties panel this is everything I need like look at this like I've selected multiple items let me select one it's it's sort of context to where it says hey oh you used a gradient we can edit your gradients when you clicked off it oh that's the hard part okay that's cool this is contextual oh you clicked on it again well you clicked on two items oh you might want to align them you might want to join them right it does everything for me right from the properties panel which is really nice you're gonna need less panels is what you'll realize right we want to adjust the stroke we click out right here round those corners like we typically do that sort of thing so use the properties panels one thing you definitely need to you should do diving into multicolor look at this like I'm I was literally like working on this design and I realized I applied the whole goal was to do a 90s look but I I made an 80s design 1980s well I went too far back i overshot it right but notice right in here again what is happening here what can we do type that's eight let's do 1980 right this is a multicolor font Marie Maria Grune ones I think she made this this is a multicolored fonts available in Illustrator now which is really cool let me actually turn on some of these like here's a couple here's you know just a handful of multicolored fonts hers is called a tab alone I guess but these are multicolored fonts that you can make so you makes your own by the way so it's kind of playing around with it I've made some but here's here's just a simple letter you can use tools like fonts elf maker is what it's called you can make fonts within multicolor fonts from within illustrator so I'll launch this and all I need to do is grab that shape drag it into font self maker just like that and then it will say hey what character is this and then right in here I just type in a uppercase a like that so it already knows I made an A oh it's an alt I didn't even know it did this you can do alternates as well which is really cool so multi color fonts allowed in in Illustrator and you can make them use in fonts elf maker which again works out great right so now you're aware of those catch your spelling errors since it's still text let's move on to I'm going to get into sort of morphing and manipulating right because once we have that font we want to make this you know a little unique again this is all about tips and tricks typically so I'm doing this moby-dick right so I want to do this design I want to put that text inside of that shape right and typically what that means is you go over here and maybe you do it like a make with mesh right and then sort of determine the horizontal and vertical lines and manipulate that yourself all day long right when I don't need to do that right I didn't I even exited out of that already but all I really need to do is select these two shapes go up to object let's go down to there we go envelope distort okay make with top object the top objects gonna need my shape oh I got a little crazy you got a little crazy because that's what I've actually I actually would do is come in here and make sure you know that this is maybe a little smoother mister probably could have been that like one little point but typically I'll just make it pretty seamless for the most part and wrap it right in there so we'll just try with these two just like that that's you get the idea cuz I could imagine you already know mmm make with warp and make with mesh but that's what I'd want to do in this case now I have a nice like a book title right Oh guess what like again I know we know we always spell things correctly but look that's a editable there we go I meant mobi this singer just kidding but here we go that's editable text that's warping like that works out great I can continue on with my life knowing that I can always undo that and fix whatever I need to that was all part of transforming which ones and I want to shift into transforming right check that this how this is what I absolutely love and then just kind of jump into this real fast want to trance you some fancy transforms right and not even in this case I'm just gonna make a shape everything is made up of basic shapes right I mean everything is right you don't have to start from the pencil or anything like that does anybody know what I'm making you might not know just yet check this out I'm gonna select all of these I would just draw here's a bunch of circles but this is actually a shape because what I want to make it in this case is you'll see it in a second I'm gonna use the shape builder tool selecting the shape builder going into this object here and I can start to add say does it that that and then there's our thought bubble but we'll hold down the option key oh sorry about the zoom and then I can get rid of that right there so all from basic shapes I have my little not my thought bubble but my little speaking bubble right there and then I can put type in it whatever I want these are actually shapes so I'm going to do my best - let's see what they are together it's like let's remove first off I'm gonna remove that's rude that's just holler out if you think you know what it is Mickey Mouse good guess huh well good job it is a butterfly congratulations yay right there it is so just remove these pieces removing these I can add them accordingly I have I have some pins up here since you are you holler it out you got that correct right from there I can add you know color to it whatever the case may be right so let's turn on let's actually go here you can see just some of these other objects Twitter logo was made with just a bunch of circles right it's the most it's like the perfect shape and there we have a design a logo and some other shapes based on those same lines right really easy really fun to work with shape builder right but you add subtract let's move on some other things real fast I'm going to move through this yeah oh that's adorable everybody together oh right that's so adorable all right so what do we want to do we want to like make a 3d version I want to make a 3d like a little candy heart right it'd be nice to make I can use something like the blend tool to try to get that but really I encourage you to absolutely love 3d in Illustrator gives me everything I need right 3d extrude and bevel turn this on pop just like that and there we have it right there we there we have it for the most part right let's just go ahead and round and there we have I mean it's like pretty simple right and I can angle that accordingly even if you need to make something in an isometric view draw out a square or a rectangle and then just do isometric left right isometric right you don't have to worry about making each one of the sides just give me that perfect cube BAM you're done use it as a guide and make your little characters make that city seem like it talked about earlier right but that's what I would do I have this the way I want I can manipulate this accordingly I can play with the different settings which I'm going to do in a second but click OK you know and there you have it there's like sort of the final little all those other little oh I didn't even put the let's put that on there shall we well we need little the little me on it alright let's do that extrude and bevel always hit this preview should be on by default gonna be work for Adobe here so you can't say what you work for W kids in it anymore alright map heart right in here and sure enough it's a symbol so I'd have to find the one that just says me and well let's let's not get out of hand you don't want to look desperate just be nice and elegant and again just make it nice and smooth and there you have a little vitamin me just like that done and done you obviously saw the final it's super easy to make duplicate changes colors all that fun stuff and then we can go from there right even even here oh you thought you thought it was over my whole fills ran it I am not done fills I love fills so much did we talk about this look at this this is just 3d like I still need to fix it I haven't actually haven't like rasterizer to render it out or anything but this is much better even just as a guide for me to work how is this done guess what right here effect 3d let's revolve preview not around that side but around the right edge boom and there it is and from there I would adjust maybe the shading come from this side and you kind of get the basic idea for at least kind of determining the lighting for this and this is all vector I could break this apart make super clean lines if I would have rendered this in in cinema 4d and output a vector file it would be a mess but this is a clean vector file is what it makes and then we can also change it to sort of like a diffuse shading or no shading I did a different shading for this one this is my flat version like that that's another one that I was working with which I kind of liked as well okay all using 3d let's go beyond that diving into this a little more let's turn off all this stuff and that's all right so yeah let's go over here same thing here I'm gonna do this really fast 3d I'm gonna revolve it preview let's go bright edge right I'm thinking okay be really cool I wanna make a cool like vortex thing right have a custom rotation I'm gonna go ahead and do some mapping of art this again just a more abstract version well let's grab these this checker that I spelled correctly scale to fit and now we have you know obviously a four oh shoot I don't think I extended it all the way but you get the idea of what you can do as we go down and everybody slowly under my spell that's the idea and here it is in just a fun maybe a little bit more practical sense you know you have that AT&T logo there's different logos all they're done dot dot pattern wrapped on a sphere like really easy to make but if you saw this you'd be like how do I make that it's just wrapping it on a smear a sphere and you're good to go and again that was just fun masking that out let's go beyond that transform okay we already know about this we already already did the rotation remember how I went in here is like oh look at its illustrator one point oh right I already did this at it let's do negative 45 degrees this might not work but whatever so maybe you're gonna duplicate that way but I want to go beyond that because if I select this this is the other effect that I'd go into that's probably that is super flexible it almost you almost don't know what to do with it distort and transform go into transform so I'm gonna transform this so rather than duplicating and copying along the curves sure I could show you that I want to come in here and say hey you know what I want to make a number of copies of this I'm gonna make ten copies or twenty copies I want to rotate it around this left edge and then I want to rotate it how many degrees 180 I'm gonna get it wrong this is I'm just glad that I could do 180 divided by 10 I know it's something I know I know I know it's is it 18 oh I know it was 18 don't judge me I knew it all along it was 18 I still do the math because I'm like I don't know maths but that's all I need to do right there the cool thing about this is this is one just group shape so I can come in here and say hey you know what let's make this a little more brilliant by changing this adding adding to the color drawing something new in here whatever the case may be but just again adding that in there and you can see it change across the board super easy to work with that is under distort and transform I'll select it transform guess what you could always go back in and change it to 20 I get it don't wait / - no times - I don't know preview as dumb there's a 180 divided by 20 fine there it is silly maths you get the idea distort and transform I love I can show you I can open up other files that have crazy things going on let's do some more crazy stuff what about the skull okay this is just fun stuff cuz I'm diving into more complex things maybe around scripts I think scripts are fantastic you know these are third-party scripts that you can find but scripts these are just a couple that I have loaded up because I'm thinking okay I want to do this cool skull I want to fill it with something ultimately I'm going to fill it with little hearts right because let's take the edge off circle fill somebody else made this take advantage of scripts let's make this like I don't know five in two or something like five percent is the max size so it's gonna randomly fill it with a bunch of black circles clicking okay hopefully I just have that shape selected it'll go through and fill it accordingly so if you do need to do something you think that somebody might have written something that can do that well in this case somebody did write so this is one thing fill it with circles and there's another script I have that says hey what other it's whatever top selected object you have I have 50 objects selected okay so this is one of those risks that you run is it will sometimes break trust me I did it last night let's make sure I have oh that's that's right nonetheless I would fill it with circle do a circle fill and then I would do a refined in replace that graphic and fill it with the topmost graphic so all those circles that you just saw generated imagine it with me it will fill it with that hearts right and that's what I do is select that I'm sorry that didn't work how you have the final and then fill it like this accordingly and this is actually what it generates I did it for the eyes I did it for you know the skull and everything and that's what you have right so again use scripts sorry of that initial example kind of buses ooh here's another one I will do oh I love this let me go back to my colors let me go back to this first one and let's select all these check this out what if you have you know everything is red right I'm like okay I have all these little squares I want them to be a bunch of random colors check this out I'll come in here I'll select my colors right here I'm selecting these four colors and I want to randomly fill all those squares keep in mind they're all squares with these ones right here oh you get the idea scripts random swatches fill with the ones selected and it randomly filled them right this script alone I need some randomness do your thing which technically from a programming standpoint is pretty easy to to program for the most part all I did is select those colors and you get the idea all right there we have it moving on from there so much to do we went over scripts I'm going to get into exporting and managing your content this is fantastic they show this in the keynote check this out I love this just managing your content and outputting it like here this is the layout that I that I did and I have this watermelon and I had these different shapes and what if I want to change it it's complex right I can try to select that lime color but I'm gonna if I if I select by that fill color it's gonna select everything it's gonna select this but again they showed this in the keynote right down here do a global edit so I'll just click right here pink and it highlights all of these it rec I did nothing I did nothing in the background there's nothing I'm not even willing using this one hand and then I could double click and I could take this say this color right here and you know shift it to something else just make it a little a little a lot darker just to emphasize my point going back and it made it darker everywhere so to this global selection you got to be kidding me right right in here these are just grouped shapes so let's start global editing it's like a illustrators like no no I got it I recognized using my fancy AI or whatever it will select all of those then what happens you get to the point where you need to start managing and outputting your content which can get really complex and that's you know that's where I'd have like this is that this is a piece this is just my little I guess reminder graphic right in here here's all my crazy art boards right I could take all these artboards I can hold down the shift key I could select them all it should have them all selected but I'm gonna do rearrange all so I'm gonna give me ten columns give them a hundred point spacing in between each click okay and now they're all nice and neat as a designer you appreciate that order otherwise that's all you're gonna be looking at is that little space right in there that like isn't annoying you right and what you could do it with our board tools you gather to say hey you don't draw another our board on top of it and this is my I can output this one graphic right I can say hey you know what let's export out this one our board or all the artboards cuz look what's happening here do you guys know about this like they're all in their individual artboards export export for screen up and here's all of them they're automatically checked but I can also uncheck all of them and just output this main one that has everything I would send that to the client I said oh I love it it's fantastic now it output each one maybe just the character or something you can have objects that are grouped and what I would use here it looks like I actually have the background grouped with it but asset export let's start exporting out all these assets right technically they're all you know you get the idea let's do this selecting everything dropping it in here it's gonna make all of those because each one is grouped by the way but the cool thing is is once I change this little guy it's actually going to up it update in my asset export panel so if I decide to change this color it's going to update over here wherever that character is and then I can say hey you know what export out that ping file or the ping times two or yru skelling it because all it really needs to be is like an SVG right so there we have it exporting out all of those graphics that are added I can continue to work and I have everything would have everything named appropriately and then it would put all those graphics I could rename those I get it but that's what it does exporting it out to content so really easy especially when you're working with lots of content and you get the idea winding down now I know geez I only have a couple more minutes and I think I need to save some time for questions but let me make sure I have yeah everything organizing editing obviously using global edit outputting out of those artboards and that's that's all I have for you that pretty much concludes everything I know there's more again the products like 31 years old and I only had like 75 minutes but I did the best I could all that content is out there thank you so much [Applause]
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 128,966
Rating: 4.8246446 out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Creative Cloud, Creative Cloud, Adobe CC, Adobe Cloud, Adobe creative suite, #MakeAdobeCC, #AdobeCC, #ACCTags, illustrator, illustrator cc, Adobe Illustrator, paul trani, adobe max, #adobemax, sessions, max session, adobe illustrator tips and tricks, essential adobe illustrator tips, adobe illustrator tutorial
Id: C-Y9bXVKrR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 35sec (4355 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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