Typing Tutorial: Beginner Keyboard Skills

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is where the home keys are located. What the  home keys are is each of the four fingers on each   of your hands has a key that it is always going to  return to after you type a letter. So, for your left   hand, the home key for pinky is A. For the ring  finger it's S. For the middle finger it's D and,   for the pointer finger, its F. For your left hand,  the home keys are semicolon for the pinky, L for   the ring finger, K for the middle finger and J for  the pointer finger. As you can see by looking at   where my hands are on the keyboard, we now have  easy access to all the keys on the keyboard. So,   every time you type a letter, you need to make  sure that your finger returns to its home key.   Now, as you start typing and you get used to it,  you might develop some shortcuts and maybe some   bad habits. You might even be able to anticipate  where the next key is going to be so you might   not always completely return to this home area. But,  when you're learning, you definitely need to return   to this home area or you're going to lose your  place on the keyboard. So, if I type the letter U   with my pointer finger, I need to then return to J.  If I type G with my pointer finger, I need to then   return to F - always back to the home keys. Now, as  you're learning to type, one of the best practices   is to just start typing letters repetitively  because repetition creates memory - and, not   only in your brain, but your fingers will start to  remember where things are and then you won't even   have to think about which key you're typing. It'll  just come out naturally. So, what you want to do   is, if you're practicing the letter U, you want  to go J, U, J. J U J. Then you can maybe practice   a different letter to kind of get your mind in a  different place and you could try F, R, F. F,   R, F. Now, before I go any further, I'd like to show  you which fingers are responsible for which keys.   I'm also attaching a chart in the description of  this video on YouTube that tells you which fingers   are responsible for which keys. So, your pointer  fingers are going to be responsible for six main   keys and then each of your other six fingers are  going to be responsible for three primary keys. So,   for the left hand, the pinky is responsible for Q,  A and Z. The ring-finger - W, S, X. Middle finger - E, D, C. And,   the pointer finger, R F, V, T, G, B. On the right side,  your pinky fingers responsible for P, semicolon, slash.  Ring finger - O, L, period. Middle finger - I, K, comma.  And then, your pointer finger - U, J, M, Y, H, N.   It's important to understand, when you first start  typing, your pointer finger is probably not going   to be too tough to learn. But, your ring  and your pinky fingers are going to feel very   awkward and it's just not going to go well. But  you need to work through that because   the more you practice the better you're going  to learn. If you're a really quick pointer   typer (like I know a lot of you are out there), when  you first start typing the right way, you actually   might be able to type faster with your pointers.  You're going to say, "Ah forget this. I don't want   to do this. I can type faster the way I already do."  But, the truth is, you will be able to type   faster. A lot faster. If you do it the right way, at  first, you might be a little slower because you're   not used to it. You need to practice it. It's not  just going to happen overnight. But, if you practice   this and you keep doing the repetition - R, F, R, F, F, V, F, V - you will become good at typing. Now, the other thing   that you want to do, is go ahead and print out  that chart I've attached in the description of   this video. When you're at home, or when you're  at work, practice typing the right way and, always   remember, return to the home keys. It might take you  a little bit longer but, slowly and surely, you will   get faster at typing. You will get better at typing  and it's going to save you a lot of time in almost   every aspect of your digital life. Whenever you're  sending personal emails, professional emails, typing   up letters, filling out a form, online filling in  credit card information, anything - it's going to   be faster. So, this is definitely something you  should invest your time in. It's going to pay   off in the long run. If you can find some online  games or just regular typing games - that's one of   the best ways to learn. That's how I learned  a lot when I was younger. I played the typing   games. It's fun and you learn how to type. So,  let's take a look at my computer real quick and   I'll show you how I can type. I'm just going to  type a sentence for you. You'll see, watch my   fingers and my screen as I type at the same time.  Typing is important for almost every aspect of   life. You use it in your professional career and  in your personal life. So, you can see, I am a very   quick typer. Now, you might have noticed that I made a  mistake in here. I didn't make a mistake in the   actual typing but sometimes I use my pointer for  the period. When you're starting out - I know   it's kind of hypocritical of me to say this - you  want to use your ring finger for the period. But,   as I mentioned earlier, as you start typing, you  are going to develop some of your own methods   that are going to work better for you. That's  okay because we're all different but it is going   to take a while. This is going to take practice.  When you're sitting at your computer at home or   at work and you're typing - and you really want  to learn how to type the right way - you need to   force yourself to do it. You're going to  start typing and then all of a   sudden you'll say, "This is slow. I'm messing  up. I need to do backspace. I'm just going to   go back to the pointers." You're never going  to be able to type super fast. It's   really something that you just need to stick with.  You know, it's going to be a struggle at first. But,   it will definitely speed up how fast you can type  and it will make your life a lot easier and more   efficient. So, I hope this helps. If it did, I would  really appreciate a thumbs up. If you want to see   more technology tutorials, tips, Google Docs,  Google Apps stuff, go ahead and subscribe to   my YouTube channel. That's all I have for you  today. This is Anson from AnsonAlex.com.
Channel: Anson Alexander
Views: 7,916,498
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Keywords: typing, keyboard, keyboarding, computer, efficiency, typing leson, typing tips, fingers on keyboard, keyboard exercises, typing instruction, typing technique, typing tutorial, learn typing, how to type faster for beginners, how to type, beginner typing tutorial, learn to type, learn touch typing, typing lessons, how to learn typing, improve typing skills, typing lessson, computer litracy, learn the basic typing, typing course, touch typing, typing skills, finger positions
Id: 8Ic2L7ZyFC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2012
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