Type of Shoes You Should Wear With Plantar Fasciitis

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♪ Bob and Brad ♪ ♪ The two most famous ♪ ♪ Physical therapists ♪ ♪ On the internet ♪ - Hi folks, I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist. - Brad Heineck, physical therapist. - 'Cause we are the most famous physical therapists on the internet. - In our opinion, of course, Bob. - This video is a part of a series of videos on plantar fascitis. Go to BobAndBrad.com for the entire series and you'll, you'll have enlightenment. Today we're gonna talk about types of shoes you should wear with plantar fascitis. Basically, with plantar fascia, remember, the plantar fascia helps form the arch of your foot. - Right. - And generally, you're gonna wanna have a shoe with good arch support. So you may be, even if you're not a runner, or if you haven't been a walker, you may wanna get a shoe that is a walking shoe or a running shoe. - Sure, right. - Because they have great arch supports in a lot of these. - That doesn't mean that you should have a high arch. If you're a flat-footed person, you're not gonna get a high arch and force it. So you need support that matches your foot. - Right and so we're gonna show ya a test right now that you can do to help determine kinda what foot you have. So basically, you could take a, you could take a bag, a paper bag, or you could take a vanilla folder here, a vanilla envelope here. - (laughing) Right. Lot of times, like a, a grocery bag, one of those brown bags you get at the grocery store work really nice. - [Bob] Work really well. I'm just gonna go ahead and put my foot in some water here, and I'm gonna go ahead and put it on top of the, the envelope and then I'm gonna put some weight on it. And after it's all said and done, you can actually see the imprint. Now we, mine's really crude. Brad did a lot better job on his, but. This is my arch and you can see my arch is so high, it doesn't even connect on the outside of the foot even at some point. The arch is, I really do have a high arch. - So this is his heel, his toes are up here. And that, that connect, that's... Put your foot up there once, Bob. - Up where? - Right up so they can see it. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. So there's a section right here, doesn't even-- - Touch, right. - Contact very much. - [Brad] I've got such a high arch. - Right. - And you've got about a medium. - Right, so you can see. - You've got a more normal arch, I would say. - I've got much more contact to the paper here. And if you got a flat foot, you're gonna have a wet spot and it's gonna look like-- - Yeah, that spot's gonna get fit, the arch is gonna get filled in if you have a flat foot. That is gonna be wet all the way through here. - Yup and then you know you're definitely flat-footed if it fills all the way across like that. - So, Brad, if you wanna show ours, compared, mine compared to yours. - Oh sure, right. Right. - So I do have more of an arch than Brad does. Now this means I have a rigid foot. This is not necessarily good, but it's gonna determine what kind of shoe I wanna wear. And he has a normal arch. Now, with a, a flat foot, you actually have more of a flexible foot. There may be some laxity in the ligaments there. And it absorbs stress better, to some extent. Because it spreads the forces out. - Sometimes too much. (laughing) - But sometimes too much, right. - So you can see, I can get this marker way under Bob's arch and mine I can just, just get it in and if someone was flat foot, you wouldn't even be able to get your little finger in there. - Right, so let's go over some of the types of shoes, Brad. The problem with shoes is there's not a standard, standardization among the shoes, is there, Brad? - Right, well there is motion control, stability and then cushions is kind of there, but-- - Kind of the three. - To get to detail, with the exception of this store that we went here, we went the Rogan's. They have 31 stores in the Midwest, and they're actually developing their own system across the brands, but-- - From one to five. - Right, but it's not, it's not worldwide or in the United States, it's standard. So you have to learn how to do this. - So this is just a generality here. Okay now if you have a rigid foot like I do, with a high arch, you're generally go with what we call a cushioned shoe. Now a cushioned shoe, it actually has just what it says. It's very cushioned. - Right, soft. - One test you can do on a cushioned shoe, you can often take it. Now this one's not a complete cushioned shoe, but it's a pretty good one. You can grab the heel and the forefoot and you can actually twist it, wring it, almost like a rag. The other test you can do is you grab the heel and the forefoot and you bend like this and it actually bends right in the arch. So there's not a lot of support here, it's just a lot of cushioning. So go to the second shoe in the list here. This is the one I actually do wear. This one's for someone who has, would have either a normal arch, or maybe a little bit of a pronator. For whatever reason, it works for me. I probably could go with more of a cushioned shoe. Now with this one, it actually does have a plastic portion in here. That's, maintains the arch. If I push on here like this, you can see it doesn't bend in the arch at all. - [Brad] Right, so it's stable right here. - [Bob] It's stable here on both sides. It actually even have a little plastic there too. - [Brad] But it does get forgiving and flexes in the forefoot, which you'll see on the motion control's not the case. - Right and you can't twist this one. It just, it isn't gonna happen. You can take your fingers and you can point it, push in here, it's a little bit softer here, but it's hard plastic there. All right, now we go to the motion control. Now this is a heavier shoes, first off. It's kind of like a Herman Munster shoe here. But if I try to bend this, I can hardly bend this at all. It's very stiff. This is for a severe pronator, I would say. - In other words, if you're really flat-footed, and things are startin' to collapse in, when you put weight on and this falls in, and your ankle bone here is startin' to drift towards the floor, you want some good support there so you don't have severe problems down the road. - Right so again now, you can feel this is really tough material in here. And with all these, you're gonna wanna, it should feel good right away, when the shoe. You shouldn't have to break into it. You wanna be able to find a shoe that it feels good the day you put it on. And just because you are a severe pronator, doesn't mean you're gonna need a motion control. You might get by with a stability. You've gotta experiment around with it. - But at least you know and there are some sales people that really know their shoes and some that don't. (chuckles) - Right, the idea is, the point of this whole video is we wanted to show you there are different shoes, so you wanna make sure that you try different ones to see which one works best for you. - So plan on trying a number of shoes on. And actually get up and walk with-- - Walkin' around in the store. - Don't just try 'em on and stand on 'em, you need to walk. - I even run in the store, if you're a runner. I actually-- - I can just see (laughing) vroom, back and forth. (laughing) - I think some places have treadmills that I've gone to. - That, well there was one in La Crosse and then they went out of business for some reason. (laughing) But I always say you should have a treadmill in here and they never put one in at the store I go to. (laughing) - All right, go ahead and watch, keep watchin' this program, this series of programs because, this series of videos, I should say 'cause it'll give you the answers to all your needs for plantar fascitis. - You better believe it. - Thanks for watching. - Enjoy.
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 1,192,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, plantar fasciitis, arch support, orthotics (medical specialty), heel pain shoes, foot pain, plantar fasciitis shoes, plantar fasciitis orthotics, plantar fasciitis treatment, heel pain relief exercises, heel spur, heel pain treatment, plantar fasciitis shoes 2019, plantar fasciitis shoes mens, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis shoes reviews
Id: RXzk7OdZ0Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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