Plantar Fasciitis. Why Doesn't It Get Better?

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♪ Bob and Brad ♪ ♪ The two most famous ♪ ♪ Physical therapists on the internet ♪ - Howdy folks, I'm Bob Schrupp, Physical Therapist. - Brad Heineck, Physical Therapist. - And together we are the most famous physical therapists on the internet. - In our opinion, of course, Bob. - The big question a lot of people have Brad. Why is my plantar fasciitis not getting better. Some of the times it goes on for months and even years. - Yeah, it can be a real bugger. - So you have to be a detective. And we're gonna give you five questions to ask yourself. - This is like a game - Yep. - A game show. And you need to answer the questions. Now my daughter complained of foot pain for a year, for years, but she lived down in Washington, so I couldn't help her. - Right But she finally moved back, thank God. And I looked at her for 20 seconds and I figured out what the problem is. - Right. Didn't you go visit her? - I did once, but we didn't, you know. - Wow, vacation, you don't worry about foot pain. - So, her answer is in the fifth question. So you want to stick around for the fifth question? What was it that I changed in her and I saw in 20 seconds? - And she was grateful - And she was grateful. Yeah. And it worked. So the first thing we're doing Are you actually healing or protecting the fascia as it heals? - Right here. - So Brad's gonna show you how to tape with K tape or what else it's called? - Kinesio Tape. There we got a roll of it here. We've got different colors. Doesn't matter, you can purchase this online at pharmacy stores, wherever. - This is again, is to protect it as it's healing. - And the nice thing about this is you wear it throughout the day. So it's offering support and allowing the healing throughout the day. It's not, it's a little, it's not too hard to put on, but the first time you do it, this kinesio tape as Bob and I were discussing - Takes a little practice, - Yeah, because it has the non-stick part that you have to peel off. But if you try to peel it off like this, it's really hard way. All you do is just rip and pull and that comes off very nicely. And that takes a little bit of getting used to, but the first. - But first off Brad, I wanna show you that the painful part is usually right here. - [Brad] Ow! I'm just kidding. It didn't hurt - [Bob] So that's where the damage has occurred. You could have a tear in the Planta Fascia. - [Brad] Right. So that fascia goes all the way from here, here, and then the other tissues connect all the way here. So we're gonna to put the tape - [Bob] Like a kind of a long chain. - [Brad] Exactly. So this tape stretches. Zero stretch to about 50. And as far as it goes a hundred percent. - 75 to 100 - Yep. - So what we're going to do is no stretch at all, right? Beneath the big toe - And kind of ball of the foot Yep. Right there, no stretch. Then I'm gonna stretch. - 75 to a 100. - So here's a 100. I'm gonna to back off a little bit and then I'm gonna come down and now make sure you have a very clean foot. You know, really scrub it well, and make sure it's dry cause if you have any perspiration or oils on there, this tape will not stick very well. - [Bob] And the tape can last for days. - [Brad] Oh, yeah. - [Bob] And you can shower with it. - [Brad] I've swam with mine many times. Now, the next is you're gonna come around here, - [Bob] Once you cross the heel. - [Brad] Notice my foot, I'm pulling it up, and dorsiflexing or pulling it up like that. And then I'm gonna go all the way, except for, at the very end, I'm going to leave some there, pull a hundred percent, and then I go back to fifty percent on this part. - [Bob] So not as quite as much stretch on that part. - [Brad] And then the top inch, the last inch or so I'm gonna pull that and no stretch. That's called the anchor. - [Bob] And then you can even take. - [Brad] Exactly. Take the paper, and you're gonna use that. They call this setting the tape, and you're gonna go back and forth for about 30 seconds sign there. Feels kind of good, you know. Work it, work it good. - [Bob] But he had the tape went right over the painful spot and now that's providing some protection for that. - [Brad] Exactly. - [Bob] But in case it isn't enough, we did the hit. We're gonna hit it with a second piece of tape. - [Brad] I like this because it gives, offers more support. You're gonna have a better I'm gonna pull that, get that off of there. Then I'm gonna start on the medial side or the inside, above the malleolus or the ankle bone. No stretch to start with. Pull it a little bit to get the, the non-stick protective tape off. And this we're gonna stretch 50 to 75 percent. Keep the ankle up here, go right over that sore spot, and then on the back side, if you have someone else to do this for you, it's easier, but we thought we'd show you that you can do it by yourself. Continue to stretch until the last inch and See how that looks. What's going on? - [Bob] My Mic's off. - Bob's off. Okay. - All right. - There we go. And we're done, Bob. - All right. - I'm just gonna take some time and do this. You can keep talking Bob. - Now the rest of these won't take as long, but the first question, second question. Are you re-tearing this area in the morning? So you've got a tear in the fascia, it starts to heal at night, right in here. You're sleeping all night long. You get up in the morning and you step on it. Ow, it hurts right away. So you re-tear it. So we're gonna recommend that before you get out of bed, you put your shoes on to provide some support to it. - Sure. - You could actually tape it right in the morning too. - Sure, right before Well, yeah, you gotta clean it though. So make sure - Right, right - You know, you could do that with alcohol swabs if you wanted. - So that's two questions so far. Third question. Are you working on the scar tissue? The scar tissue is kind of a weakened area. We want to have it so it gets stronger. So what you can do is you can actually take your hands and you can, well, you may not be able to tolerate massaging right on the area to start. You might want to work around the area first, but you can actually roll. I mean, rub back and forth like this. - [Brad] And you're gonna get deep. - You wanna cross the fibers. The fibers run this way. You're gonna massage this way. So I'm gonna go ahead and take my sock off too. And I got the bandaid right there. - [Brad] Oh, wow Bob. - [Bob] But, we're gonna work on this area here. Now eventually you can work on the area that's actually damaged. - [Brad] Right, the real tender spot should become less tender. Then you can start to massage and get that scar tissue broken. - [Bob] Now you can use a massage gun for this. - [Brad] Sure. - [Bob] And they actually are quite handy and a lot easier to use. Now this is probably the least invasive head that we have. This is called the, it's got a hair head. - [Brad] It's like me, but why am I hair-head. It's squishy. - [Bob] Oh, that feels good. - I'm gonna use the round head. I've been called hair head. I've been called a round head. One way or another this, the reason I like this is because he can go at. - [Bob] Brad can show me the way he does it. Yeah. He goes at it a sideways angle, and sits direct down like this. - [Brad] And you have to have a gun that reciprocates back and forth versus one that just vibrates. The thing about this is you don't need it. You can use your hands and your fingers, but your fingers and your thumbs will get sore. Particularly if you have any arthritis. So some of your older people like our age and above, that can be an issue. - If you want to get real aggressive, we have bullet head. And that that's going to probably be for a little bit later on when you're really tolerating things. And you're given a, you're going at it aggressively. - I've got to admit, you know, each gun comes a five heads. That bullet head, I don't know if I personally I've ever used. I've tried it, but I don't. So it's you do what works best for you, but you're definitely not gonna to start out with a bullet head. Yeah. - So you can also just take a golf ball and roll your foot on the golf ball while you're sitting at your desk. Brad's gonna to show us with a tennis ball. - [Brad] You could start with a tennis ball. So yeah, I got a nice blue on here. So I feel kinda like I'm styling. See it matches the blue tape. And I'm already concerned about being, you know, hip or whatever you call it. - [Bob] All right. So the next one, next question. Are your shoes worn out. Now when I say worn out, a lot of people, their shoes begin to wear out on the inside on the arches, they lose the arch support. Yours are fine, right? - [Brad] There's a little wear on them. You know, I only wear these things on video, so I don't really have too many miles on them, but they, by the smell of them, I should get some new ones. - You can tell just by looking at when, when you're standing on them, if your arch collapses it's not offering the support. Now, eventually you may want to work towards zero drop shoes. - Sure. - And this is zero drop shoe. It has very little heel, and this will strengthen your fascia as time goes on. But you wouldn't wanna wear one of these shoes when you have trouble with fascia already, or when you have a tear in your fascia, - Particularly if you've not been wearing those prior. - Exactly. These are something. And you know, it's gonna take six months to year to get used to these types of shoes, but your fascia will be much stronger in the end and worthwhile. - I'm excited. I'm reading that book and I just heard the interview that you did with him. And I got to get a pair of these shoes and a few other little gadgets. - Yeah, my son, Matt, just, we got him up pair for Christmas. - Oh you did - He's all excited. - Wow - Yep. So number five, this is the big question. What does my daughter have? So I took a look at her and I saw right away, she had tight calf muscles. If your muscles are tight in your calf, the motion has to come from somewhere. So if you're tight here, you're gonna have more stress on your foot. - Right. - I know that's kind of hard to understand, but. - We talked about before, when we put the tape on. - Right? - The tissues here are connected here, which are connected to here. So from here to here, everything is connected in a chain. - Yeah. I could just see by how far a foot it went up, you know, once I went up much further than the other and, but the big indicator was we tried to have her take the massage gun and massage her calf and it was really tender, I mean, super tender. And she kept doing it, doing the massage or repair several weeks and her foot pain went away. - Yeah. Boy, this bullet one is really, I wouldn't start with that or want it on my calf, but you do. - Probably. Yeah. - So she was grateful. - She was. - Did she gets you a Christmas present. - Yeah, she did. She got me a sweater. - Oh really? - Yeah. - So that's the five questions. If you answered them wrong, you want to correct it and start doing what we just showed you and hopefully that'll speed your recovery along. - Bob, I think we should have mentioned this earlier in the video. If there's anybody listening anymore. For other answers, you can go to the website. And we have a program section that has about 20 or 30 different tapes or videos that are on Plantar Fasciitis and there's PDF printouts. So you can push a button, get a print out of the review or preview of the whole video, of the exercises, it's just a wonderful deal. - And it's free, free, - Not even an email asked. - Right. - Our gift to you. - Yes. - Enjoy and be foot careful.
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 743,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, plantar fasciitis, heel pain, plantar fasciitis treatment, plantar fasciitis (symptom), foot pain, plantar fasciitis stretches, plantar fasciitis exercises, heel spur, plantar fasciitis massage, plantar fascia, exercises for plantar fasciitis, what is plantar fasciitis, how to cure plantar fasciitis, how to get rid of heel pain
Id: 8Y7GihYrVrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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