Hollywood Medium Tyler Henry Connects With Late Father of ET's Lauren Zima

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like he's trying to show me memories seeking me once that when you say it does this mean that's my dad right there's a lot when I do a reading I like to just kind of get it all out whether it makes sense or not I like to just verbalize everything that I see here in the field so anybody can technically come in and as we kind of go through this sometimes I'll hold on to an object and that'll sometimes help kind of make a connection so today do you bring the objects I did okay do you mind if I hold onto it I hope this isn't too gross number of objects in my time it's an earring fabulous so I'm just gonna communicate everything that comes in and then we'll go from there okay everything this gift thing gift gift it is again way this is coming through this is kind of interesting I haven't talked about the timing of a situation and there's never a convenient time to die but there's this whole feeling of like passing and then starting anew but they're like putting the two around the same time and it's kind of strange but basically like symbolically this would basically refer to an individual who experiences the death of a loved one and then like right after that there's something new or something big that they kind of start in their lives if I think of something do you want me to tell you sure you can verbalize II um yeah I mean I don't know if this is it but well I mean I lost my father died I was in college so and that was a gift for my father I don't know if it's I mean if it right after my dad died he moved to Los Angeles and I probably have a lot of regret of course because I feel like I little bit he's putting a positivity around it not a negativity it's almost like this is an exciting thing this is a positive thing he's putting a very strong like admiration around independence for you for some reason just good to know Suzie was independent but then for some reason he's bringing the family along you know in another level so it is possible sometimes we'll see like one person makes move and the men moving another family member here or the rest of family joins or something all those lines there's wondering why you said three because it's me and my brother and my sister that's three of us and then my little sister moved here but I think I do I deal with like a lot of him the oldest sibling and to make sure everybody's happy I put a lot of myself that works absolutely this is kinda random and you know he's come to terms he has a lot of peace when he comes through about his history and it's really interesting when he's having we talk about like family history when you see it does this mean that's my dad right there's a figure which what I'm gonna do first he was hit me with love life I'm joking about love life and like fun around that and then the other thing is I'm we talked about like hospital when you said history I wondered because I had a lot of questions about what exactly happened gotcha and you know it's just hard to have not have been a part of it at all because I have a lot of confusion I've always wondered like does he feel good about those decisions really yes I wanna you know when he comes through he's so much more focused on his family than any regret or anything that could have should have what is and it's often true when they come through they very rarely are hung up on the past it's us you're kind of left with yeah there are situations and all of the difficulty with that I'm trying to I don't know what this is he's basically just kind of communicating this feeling of frustration around something up here it's kind of how I would describe it and there's a feeling of like I'm free of this I'm good I'm alright but this was really clearly like it annoying thing do you know what this is he couldn't talk the same and communicate the same and he was wearing I came back out of the time and I think it it brought him a lot of shame it was sort of hard and you know looking back I wish that I I just didn't know how sick he was and I wish I'd been more sensitive about it so those are all normal emotions the fact that these things are coming up today or his way of trying to release you of these things a lot of this is really just to let you know by his ability to validate this he shows that he's free of it that he's not stuck in a physical state anymore he just is routing this in protection and being protective from his perspective this was all just to protect in the long run I mean that's what they my mom's reason was always like we wanted to protect you guys from area I need you to know when he comes across there is this feeling of still trying to communicate in other ways there is this feeling of communicating in some way and Saturday for someone hold his hand and squeezed it okay I'm always like like I think about the feeling in his hands that you know there are no accidents what comes through there are no accidents with this and you need to know that he appreciates that because that is a form of communication and another you know are there any questions that you feel mom family anybody could have to help kind of provide more resolution just if you would have a message for my mom or my sister my brother is anything you wouldn't want them to know do you know of anyone who goes by their initials like JJ TJ a DJ I was my brother's my dad used to call my brother JD JD okay gotcha the reason why I mentioned this because they're acknowledging this individual initial emotions like I have to say hello can't forget you for some reason he's connecting himself to your brother in kind of a more tangible sense and so like he might end up getting gifted like a wallet or a watch or like something he would carry with him but for some reason he's putting it on his body in some way just remember that I'm saying it because he's like when you have this I'm with him and it's very rude rather like just started wearing his clothes there you go when he does this he'll know that he's with him and he's gonna continue to be and of all of these people of all of your family living in past there's such a pride around you for you being able to just keep going and be there not only for yourself but for your whole family that's not easy so give yourself a pat on the back and know that dad's proud of you oh my gosh this is so much [Music]
Channel: Entertainment Tonight
Views: 98,616
Rating: 4.8938055 out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment Tonight, etonline, et online, celebrity, hollywood, news, trending, et, et tonight, Hollywood Medium, hollywood medium tyler, Hollywood Medium tyler henry, tyler henry, tyler henry reading, medium reading, Tyler Henry Lauren Zima, Lauren Zima, Hollywood medium Lauren Zima, Hollywood Medium show, psychic reading, hollywood psychic, et exclusive
Id: bxqSumh-t-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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