Tyler Childers - All Your'n (Official Video)
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Channel: TylerChildersVEVO
Views: 14,667,855
Rating: 4.7309284 out of 5
Keywords: tyler, childers, chlders, tyler childers, all yourn, all yours, country squire, rca, rca records, hickman holler, hickman holler records, your all mine, youre all mine, purgatory, country music, country, new tyler childers music, eatin big time, country music video, All Your'n, Country, Hickman Holler Records/RCA Records, Tyler Childers
Id: DrHd3nkCIz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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I've listened to this song a hundred times this past week. I dig it.
Really cool video, loved seeing TC in drag haha.
It's kind of a weird choice for the song, though. It's a romantic ballad, not really seeing the tie-in with a hallucinogenic dive bar dream. Maybe I'm missing something, but love the song and love the video.
this is the greatest thing i've ever seen