TwoSet Violin & SSO: Mendelssohn Violin Concerto

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Wow, that was fun! It's been so incredible watching these guys over the years. They have such energy and savvy reaching people across the globe with their music. That's what people need to do nowadays if classical music is to remain relevant. It's not enough to be virtuosic, you must be charismatic and clever as well.

I dunno enough about violin to comment but I'm fine with that; sounded great to me 😊 Mad props to Brett and Eddie! 💪

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/wutImiss 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SmithW-6079 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

Awesome! Eddie and Brett living their dream here! 🤗

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/wutImiss 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2022 🗫︎ replies
(Good evening, TwoSetters.) (Welcome to this very special performance tonight) (here in Singapore's Victoria Concert Hall,) (to celebrate 4 milllion subscribers with TwoSet Violin.) (Brett, Eddy, and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra) (are excited to perform for you tonight.) (To help everyone enjoy the concert,) (we encourage you to minimise distractions) (to the people around you and the performers.) (Please switch your devices to silent mode.) (You may take photos without flash) (when the musicians are not performing,) (such as during applause.) (There will be no intermission for this performance.) (For those who want to join the autograph session after the concert,) (please stay in your seats,) (and the ushers will advise you when it is your turn.) (Brett and Eddy would love to meet everyone safely.) (There will be one photo and one item to be signed per person.) (Group photos are encouraged.) (The line for autographs and photos will end at 10:30pm.) (In order for Brett and Eddy to meet everyone,) (if the line is still too long towards the end of the session,) (they will stop signing autographs) (but will be happy to continue taking pictures.) (Thank you, and enjoy the concert!) (May Ling Ling be with you.) (And with Brett and Eddy.) Hello, Singapore! How are y'all today? Brett: Nah, I think you guys can be better, right? Brett: How are y'all today? Brett: Ah... that's cool. And also everyone streaming online? Oh, I can't hear you. Sorry. They're behind the screen. Oh my god. Um... Yes, alright. Wait for it. *clears throat* Walao eh, Singapore, what's up la! Eddy: I'm sorry. I, I thought that's how you meant to do, the Singlish greeting. But... Sorry for that. But anyway, thank you all for coming to join us today to celebrate this very special occasion, those here, and also online, for our 4 million subscribers! Eddy: Now– Oh. Thank you, for the one person that clapped in the front. So... Most of you probably know we have a tradition on our channel... where every time we a million subscribers, we would perform a whole violin concerto, so... For 2 million subs, Brett played Tchaikovsky. For 3 mil, I did Sibelius. So thankfully, tonight I get to chill! And Brett here has the high pressure... very nerve-wrecking task of performing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto. Now... There is one problem though... which is... about 10 minutes ago, I checked... And we're actually technically not at 4 million subscribers. So I was checking the terms and conditions of this concert, and I was like... Unfortunately, we won't be able to play the Mendelssohn, so... - Thank you all tonight! Have a good night! - Thank you, everyone! - Good night! Thank you! Bye-bye! - Thank you! Bye-bye! Bye-bye... - Brett: Nah, we're just joking. - Eddy: Nah, we're just mess– But on that note though... We do wanna say something serious which is... (we're) very grateful... for the incredible musicians of the Singapore Symphony, and Maestro Rodolfo. Actually Eddy, I was gonna say something. - What's that? - You look really handsome in that sweatshirt today! Where did you get that from? Why, thank you! Cameras, please zoom in... - to this beautiful art piece of Mendelssohn. - Wow! This is the limited– - limited edition exclusive... - Mm! Mm! Mendelssohn 4 mil apparel. You can get it online. Eddy: And for those of you here physically tonight... I'm sure you've already seen that there's a pop-up store outside, where you can get the special Singapore edition, which is a T-shirt, 'cause I know it's very hot here. But... Yeah, look, it feels very nice! Whoa! Do you like it? Oh, it feels good! There you go! Okay, that's enough. We'll have more for later. Alright, enough procrastinating. Brett, how are you feeling? I'm not nervous at all! I can see your knees shaking, bro. It's alright. I'd be nervous if I were you too! Look, alright, best of luck. And everyone, please enjoy... the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto. *laughter* Eddy: I couldn't help it. I had to prank him. I told Rodolfo to start with the Bruch. But... Hey, you did pretty well! I was surprised you know it. Alright, anyway... Good luck! Peace! Whoa... How was that? Did you guys enjoy that? Not bad, not bad. I was backstage, looking at the comments... watching it... People seem to like it on the comments. I wanna pick on some people. See what they thought about it, too. Lady with the red hair, what did you think? Why not? You can have the mic as well. - Oh my god. - It's alright, I don't bite. It's okay. I think... He played really great. Ooh... Nice! Brett: Thank you! Thank you! You know? You can be honest, you know? You don't have to be nice. He's really– actually really great! "Actually really great." Brett: Thank you so much! That's good to know. Thank you! Thank you! Eddy: Yeah, it's alright. I got this. I got this. Don't worry. The violin is safe. I heard there are some people, by the way, tonight, that flew in from different countries. - Wow! - Wow... Brett: So where– Can we get a show of hands, everyone that flew in? Whoa! Eddy: No way! Brett: No, you're from here! - She's like, "Yeah!" - Really? - Wow! No, no, no, no. Wow... - Is she from here? Okay, hands up if you're not from here. Not from here... No... Didn't fly in. Sorry, I... post-Mendelssohn. My brain is not working today. Sorry, sorry. Eddy, you do the talking. I'm gonna shut up now. Wow. Can I ask randomly some of the people that are holding their hands up that flew in, I wanna know where you're from. (Taiwan!) Taiwan! Nice, nice! Brett: I heard Germany. Yes, I did. (Germany! I'm from Germany!) - Oh! - Wow! Guten Tag! (Good day!) "Gute Nacht." (Good night.) - It's night time. - Oh yeah, that's true. Do you wanna say your favourite phrase in German? Ich s– Ich spreche kein Deutsch. (I don't speak German.) That was so bad. I'm so sorry. - Good! - Brett: Oh, thank you, thank you! Brett: Danke schön! (Thank you very much!) This whole thing is actually a ploy 'cause... I don't wanna play. 'Cause I'm really nervous. I don't wanna follow Brett's Mendelssohn. But... - I guess, should we talk a little bit before we start playing the Bach... - Yeah, I think– Yeah. - ...about... - Sure! I think we need to hear you play too, right? - Nah, nah, nah. - So... As you all know, with this setup, the next piece is the Bach Double. And before I go on, I first want to give a shoutout to Tarisio for loaning us these two beautiful Golden Age Stradivarius violins! Now, the crazy thing is, they were both made in 1708. And this one here is called the "Empress Caterina," and Eddy is playing on the "Regent." Now the fact that they were both made in 1708 kind of makes them like... two sets of violins, so... You know... I think it's... like... what not a better way to play Bach Double on these two Strads? So... Without further ado, we should play our Bach Double. Yeah, let's do it. Wow. We're almost at the end of the show... ...concert! *coughs* First of all, I just wanna thank you, everyone that's kind of– Actually, all the fans out there for supporting us making this happen. This was seriously a dream come true. It's one of my childhood dreams actually. And... like... just to play a concerto with professional orchestra– Singapore Symphony Orchestra, and on a Stradivari. And it just happened. I'm still trying to like, process in my head. But... Yeah, actually, and on that note, I was thinking... it's so crazy that we sold out in a few minutes, right? Like... Like... I don't know how. It was selling out so fast, and... For some reason, every time when I hear the word "sell out..." Brett: This... There's this tune that just keeps playing in my head! Brett: Yup. I think they got it. Yeah, so do you guys know what the piece is? Brett: One more time? I asked for the piece, not a cheer. Ha ha ha ha! Brett: Oh yeah! I heard someone scream La Campanella. So, I think it's my turn to do the favour back to Eddy. Who wants to hear Eddy play La Campanella? How do you feel right now? This will be done in a blink of an eye! Roasted, con fuoco! Alright everyone, we're gonna res– We're not gonna reset. We're gonna play La Campanella with more than two bars! Eddy Chen! Wow. How did it feel? Dude, I'm shaking, haha! Oh, you got a question. No question? Brett: Oh, question? Brett: Yeah, you can ask! Eddy: He wants us to sing it. Brett: Oh, no, no, okay— No, no, no, no, no! ♪ Metronome faster than 205 ♪ ♪ Can you keep... ♪ It's a... serious classical concert, guys, - Yes, serious concert. - Serious concert. Wow, I think this is the end of this whole concert and stream, um... I was just watching the livestream online, it's... So many comments happening right now! So people watching online, we're gonna quickly scoot back later, and have a quick conversation between we... before we run out and make the signings for everyone here. Before we finish, I just wanna say thank you to the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. And of course, our amazing conductor, Rodolfo! And shout-out to Tarisio, and Carlos, I know you're probably watching this. Thank you so much for this incredible month— Whoaaa, oooh~! Well he's looking right now, he's watching...! This month, it's crazy to play on a Strad for the month. So, um, if there's anyone out there, just, uh... putting it out front, you know... it's two violins, up for grabs. We're open to a lot of things, so... Haha! Anyway! Before we end, I have a really special announcement to make. For 2023 and 2024, we're officially going to be on our world tour. It's been so long since COVID, and I know it's been about five years since we... came to Singapore to do a concert? Yes. - Right? - Yep. Five years. I still remember our first... - ever concert in the recital hall in Esplanade. - Yep. And with a Singaporean audience. It was the coolest thing ever. So, everyone watching on the stream as well, we will probably be going to a city near you. Head on over to our website,, and more information will be there. Is there anything else? Thanks everyone, good night! Yes, we'll meet everyone for signings! Thank you! *Inaudible* - Orchestra members: Well done! - Thank you, everyone! Thank you, thank you... Thank you everyone, thank you... Thank you, thank you! Thank you so much... All right, should we go chat to the... Right, go chat to the livestream? The livestream people are gonna hop on now, - we'll mic up, and then do a quick chat. - Yep. Just another episode of TwoSet Violin, - Yeah, welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin! - casually! - Yeah! - Uncut! Yes! Oh man, let's check out the comments. This is crazy. There's a lot of love hearts. Yeah, did you guys enjoy the concert? Sorry we didn't give more time while we were onstage to... kind of go with the... - the comments, as we usually do, right? - Yes. Um, but... oh, wow. - That was pretty cool. It was pretty fun. - Yeah. - Oh, everyone's saying hello, you can see everything now. - Oh, nice! Hello! Hi, hi, hi! Where's everyone streaming in from? Tuning in from? Wow, okay... - Someone from Tokyo. - Mhm. - Belgium. - Wow, there's so... there's so many comments. Georgia. - Whoaaa... Boston! - Boston! - There's sooo many people... - Whoaaa.... - My eyes are going blurry, I can't focus, it's just... - Yeah. - 28,000 people in the chat right now. - Yeah. Oh, we also have, like, this hashtag, #TWOSET4MIL on Twitter. - Someone screenshot, I'm like... - Someone screenshot us, hi! - With the #TWOSET4MIL and you going like this: - Yeah. "Practice like Ling Ling paid off, beautiful performances, thank you guys..." No, thank YOU for tuning in. - Wow, it was pretty crazy, you know? - Yeah. It was a very, uh... - ...intense week. - I'm still like, - I feel the adrenaline still. - Oh, yeah. I can't even talk, my voice is like, "Eeerggh!" It's so intense! Oh, wow, Hong Kong, Indonesia, everywhere, wow... - From Jakarta, - Yeah. Morocco, Canada, Berlin... Netherlands, Vietnam, Philippines... - Guys... - All over the world! I know! Any questions, just send them over now. We've got a few minutes that we're gonna ask— ANSWER some questions. Dude, when I went onstage I just forgot how to talk...! Yeah, I know right? Dude— Oh, I forgot how to play the violin. Yeah, oh, wow... But thank you all so much! Thank you, thank you—oh! Someone says we were savages for playing La Campanella! You know, the craziest thing was, um... - Brett told me two weeks ago. - Yeah. He just was like... "Eddy, you know what'd be a really epic idea, I think?" And I'm like, "What?" "I think you should play the whole Campanella for the encore." I was like, - "Oh my godddd!" - And you should've seen Eddy's face! That realization of... "Wh— I think I have to play it now, - I can't say no to it." - Yeah, it was, I can't say no! - 'Cause it was such a cool idea! - Yeah, it was, I can't say no! - 'Cause it was such a cool idea! - Yeah. And... yeah! So Eddy had two weeks. - Like, props, man. That's hard stuff. - Yeah. Like, Paganini is hard. It's hard. But it's only five minutes! You had a freaking, like... 30-minute - Mendelssohn concerto. - Dude, time just went like... that. - Yeah! You nailed it, though. - Thank you. Wow, everyone's uh... wowowowo... - ...Zambia. "You look so calm onstage!" - Oh, when does— Hahah. It's called fake it till you make it! - Yeah, I was not...! - Definitely was NOT calm! Not calm onstage at all! Nah. Someone asked, "When does the world tour start?" - Um... - Ohh, yes. Yes, we can't say too much! But keep an eye out on our website. Go to our website... I think you gotta sign up or something? And then there'll be reminders and notices sending out - later this year or early next year, so... - Yes. 2023 and 2024. Nice! Oh, wow... Oh, "What's the next piece for 5 mil?"! Well... Uh, *clearing throat* ...I don't know. - Comment what you think I should play next. - Yeah, yeah... "Best bit was Eddy playing La Campanel—" See? - Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. - Greatest idea. - Best bit was your Mendelssohn. - Greatest idea! It was a good idea, though. No, "The way everything started from a single joke." - LOL! Yep. Yep. - Kind of, hey? It's like a... like a insider thing. Yes. If you know, you know! If you know, you know! How long do we have left? Do we have enough time? Okay, we gotta bounce? Okay. All right. We have to go to the signings outside, but thank you so much for being here with us today. - Yes. - Again, as Brett said... Thanks to you guys that this is possible. It will be a night to remember. I will never forget this night, um... Yeah, before we wrap up, again guys, check out TwoSet Apparel! - Super-limited comfortable sweatshirt! - Woo! "Hey, hey, Brett, you did a good job playing my concerto!" "Oh yeah, thank you! Mrmrmrmr!" All right, anyway. We should bounce! All right, thank you everyone! Thank you so much for tuning in! Thank you everyone from around the world for the support. Uh, means the world to us and... Yeah! We have to go do signing now. Both: Buh-bye! All right, do we go? - Cool. Let's go. - Okay, let's go. Do we have the pens and everything? Eddy: Uh, I think so. Oh yeah, so we gotta change our... ...mics up, right? - Um, I think we'll change it outside. - Brett: Okay, okay, let's go. Brett: Ooh, wrong way! Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry! Rodolfo: See you! Both: See you soon! - Eddy: All right, guess— - Brett: Oh! Slow down, slow down. - Brett: Yeah, gotta think of the camera. - Eddy: Yes. - Brett: Camera, so slow d—oh, slow down, Eddy~ - Eddy: What time is it? Brett: Walk~ slower~ Eddy: It's a exit sign! Both: Wow~ - Eddy: The concert hall, wow~ - Brett: Whoaaa~ *Both oohing and aahing* - Brett: Wowwww... I'm slowing down still... - Eddy: Oh, this fell out. Yep. Brett: Very slowww... Brett: Wow, okay. Brett: You can see everyone waiting inside too, as well. Both: Hi, everyone! Hello! - Eddy: Oh, wow. Everyone's so orderly. - Brett: Oh my god. - Brett: This is crazy. - Eddy: Hello! Eddy: Uh... yes. Brett: Okay. I'm on this side? Eddy: Sure, I mean... - Eddy: Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. - Brett: Should we store the mic here? Yes. All right. Um... Staff: Speak to the camera, and sign off... Both: Okay! - Cool. Thank you so m—oh. This one. All right. - This one. Okay, thank you so much everyone! We're gonna have to do some signings now, and um... have a great morning, evening, afternoon, wherever you guys are. Both: Buh-bye! - Cool? - Nice. Nice. Awesome.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,537,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: zlRRdGnzA00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 50sec (7490 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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