TWO WEEKS IN ISRAEL | A Journey Through The Holy Land | Cairn University Israel Tour 2022

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Hebrew okay that's for a whale right away one of the major rules [Music] may God ask the whole Jewish quarter before they built it [Music] the uh the monasteries here for uh for the guys and the church is there [Music] [Music] I would teach them to say where are the toys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] people's history books where the name Pontius Pilate actually was found Pontius Pilates this pilot Stone was what anchored the history that's involved with all of that and it was found in secondary usage where they were rebuilding pieces of the Arena that we're about to go in that is the top 10 of what you're about to see as we move into that and it has red slip on the outside and it's not slipped on the inside which means it was for food oh my God you can tell all that from one little piece yeah and it's relatively late wow the first inhabitants of this of this place were the Phoenicians they build up Maritime communities within one day sailing apart in each other why one day because now they're not yet called Christians they are called followers of Yeshua the Nazarene in Hebrew we refer to people who believe in Christ as not streamed it's n o t z r i m nutrient comes from the word Nazareth thank you what's this what do you think this is you guys go to uh football games what do you need the mouse hot dogs and beer this is the hot dog and the beer stand all this was built by Harry the great he was an incredible Builder some say it was a homicidal maniac because every time something occurred in this life that was detrimental or catastrophic to him he would kill people and then go into some big building program it was almost as though to purge his soul in the midst of the process how close is the line between genius and insanity you know and he bequeathed to the world sons that were very much of the same ilk and we'll talk a little bit about Herod Agrippa the first one of the sons down the line when we get into the arena a little bit later [Music] what was the problem with that Aaron and Grandpa decided he was a God they're correct immediately immediately an age of the Lord struck him down because he did not give God before he was eaten by words foreign [Music] and it came all the way from Aswan in Egypt to this location rather than saying to each other we love you that's what Christianity brings in we curse each other and how do we do that is build up an item made of clay usually we write all the curse all the words are possible break the head throw it away [Music] now there are no boundaries between us and we see it when we see it and we live yes and we talk to each other and we fart and we poo and there are no there's nothing there is no um privacy whatsoever and the local doctor is walking by and he'll go aye excuse me excuse me I see that you have a problem we have a portion for that exactly [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] to see how these beautiful arches which supports create the force [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one of the best view spots around this is a Carmelite Monastery uh if you know anything about the different orders in Catholicism Roman Catholicism the Carmelite group within Catholicism this is home okay started on Mount Carmel hence the name Etc but this particular spot is just marvelous in terms of getting your bearings if you look over there that's the Nazareth Ridge behind it is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] beautifully the women don't die right away he was a grown-up boy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] because Bessie and I know each other we're friends come on I look out for her okay I'm sorry did he say we were halfway down when I asked you up the answer right this is halfway down this still looks like it's about that look like it was a quarter though let's see either way you still got your water and alternative [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you begin to see the other backstories that are running some of them a decade some of them are centuries some of them are millennium it's amazing all the things [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign oh no don't worry you're making it better okay really all these crazy people [Music] oh he was the prophet who said turn your um exactly foreign [Music] [Music] in the Hill Country of nephria lived there and he went out from there and built a penny whale and jeroboam said in his heart the kingdom will turn back to the house of David if this people the 10 Northern tribes if these people will go up uh to offer their sacrifices in the temple of the Lord of Jerusalem well then the heart of the people will be turned against their lord to Rambo king of Judah they will kill me they'll return to rehobo so he took counsel and made two calves of gold what a great idea change the worship spot let's change the worship system and let's introduce two golden camps you know that other ever occurring before exactly how did that work out here's the open the two golden calves are here church that have come to this place after them venerated living things especially trees so when you see an ancient site with altars and with with things that were obviously a worship center some sort or another and you see a massive tree beside it it's because the people in between the Muslims Christians ahead of them Jewish people are still inhabited the area you do not cut down what are the major symbols for Israel don't tell me magandavi the sixth point will start huh that is the symbol on David's Shield that's why it's called a magandavid okay what are the two major symbols of Judaism that come ahead of that that are by far the more important one of which appears on every piece of currency the first one is the menorah seven Branch Menorah that's the symbol of this nation and was then what's the second Tree of Life begins in the garden and ends up in Revelation 22. [Music] City Gate this is the this is the late front okay [Music] that's so much [Music] the ancient International Highway the one we talk about all the way from Mesopotamia under mount Vermont across the Jezreel Valley through one of the passes one of which we went to the guido and down the coast who would take that route to come here from Haram up north at the edge of the Fertile Crescent this skate was here when Abraham walked by foreign [Music] an area that had been Pagan at one time or another you have these Stones Standing Stones the Hebrews motivate and it might be one it might be many it might be statuary it might be root rocks like this and I was explaining about mate vote we don't know if it was the people who went to work in the fields who are asking God to guard in their place by the Effigy Of Stones you know they're not worshiping the stones This Is Us guard our house what we also don't know is whether the opposite is true that it's the gods who are asked to stay here to watch over the people but these were just uncovered and I was standing here with a group of students that I was training at a dig they were saying to me well who discovered all this I said well Iran is is the archaeologist that has dug this for many years somebody said well how long has he been here I said I don't really know it's been at least over 20 years well how old is he I said he's got to be 150 by now and a voice from the wall says hey seven day two I said and who would you might be ma'am and she says Mrs febron foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that little creek at the edge yeah now look to the left and you see a broken bridge over there [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you all for coming it's a blessing to have you here so after I came to Faith uh the local of my heart to translate worship songs to Hebrew and why Hebrew because Hebrews his language personally I believe that we all when we want to be with the Lord we will have to speak Hebrew foreign America ASAP yeah so I'm gonna teach you a little bit of Hebrew and we're gonna sing uh maybe one or two songs together the awards I'm gonna teach you now are not my translation it's just from the Bible all right [Music] wow you are good did you understand anything with us you will don't worry about it okay let me tell you it's holy holy holy Lord God of hosts who was and who is and who is to come [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] hello [Music] they went and they woke him up and they said save us Lord we're perishing he said to them why are you afraid where's your faith somebody rose up and he rebuked the wind and the sea I wonder what he said I wonder how that looked what was his facial expression his body language the tone of his voice you ever think about stuff like that I don't think he had to scream in yo he could be heard no matter what the noise around him just a simple word he rose rebuked the winds there was great calm and the men marveled saying what sort of man is this that even the winds that sea of you so the five thousand were fit and everybody's all excited well immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side probably over near ngov somewhere in that area and he dismissed the crowds and after he had dismissed the crowds he went up on the mountain by himself to pray what evening came he was there alone but the boat by this time was a long way from Land beaten by the waves for the wind was against them so on the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the water when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified and they said it's a ghost they cried out in fear but immediately Jesus spoke to them what's he say same thing he says to you and me why are you afraid what is it that can move you Paul will pick up on this in second Corinthians chapter five where he says you let me live fine I get to minister of the Lord Jesus is my heart and those with whom his words impact but then again if you take my life what's the downside to that because then I'm home so let me paraphrase a little bit Take Your Best Shot world you can't touch me unless you're allowed to and if you're allowed to it's by Fiat from the throne so Sophia Bring It On how's this end take heart do not be afraid and Peter said well Lord if it's you command me to come to you on the water impetuous Peter prior to the indwelling of the spirit you know long on Zeal short on brains okay he's always opening his mouth at the wrong time and screaming both feet in before he can stop jabbering you know Kami says so Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus but when he saw the wind he was afraid he began to sink and he cried out Lord Save Me Jesus simply reached at his hand and took hold of him and he said oh you of little faith why do you doubt they got into the boat the wind ceased those in the boat worshiped him and they said truly truly you're the son of God are you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh hey [Music] some of the trees don't even grow in the land of Israel huh that is connecting all of us [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ERS you know [Music] the rabbi will call her a nicely or maybe the rabbi's wife the rabbits in she will take care of the women he'll take care of the man for their names and need here and she'll go to that house but everything is done silently [Music] trust me [Music] geometric forms nothing of other things right limestone is built on top of the synagogue from the time of Yeshua which the foundations are the South local stuff that's right if you divide the Sea of Galilee into four quadrants Northwest Quadrant is the Jewish quadrant Southwest is Roman that makes it Pagan as far as Orthodox view serves [Music] innovation [Music] now what is this this is the holiday press [Music] in Jeremiah God says I'm the former of the crane and you are claying my hands what this mean that he's shaping us yeah and he's setting us you know through life through people through suffering through crushing sometimes and sometimes you are asking why God but you know he has all the answers not us but he wants us to be pure he wants us you know to be holy this is why he's doing this and you know whatever remind you of when he is shaping me I'm in good hands what if my friends will save me isn't it it will not be a good thing but when God is shaping us we are in good hands so this is what we want to remind the people that we are in good hands over here in the hands of the former of the clay five minutes one whole five minutes one whole [Music] she's dealing with the world from the ship you remember our friend that uh he said that I would visit Hannah later on um we are sharing the world in two weeks from now on look with a season like this one this is a copy of the scissors that were found from the first century so again our tours didn't change much now after we do this we clean the woodlands you can see that she's doing right now either by hand either by this iron come which is very sharp and very dangerous and then we have a facing over there over there yes one it's about a month to do one like this and then with all the leftovers from here and from down there look what she has in her hands the Barbies of the first century this is Hannah Johnson [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] to comfort the moons ones who mourn and on and on about the Judgment of Israel before the reinstatement and restoration of Israel but he stopped why did he stop because the first half was being fulfilled as they watched in the person of the Lord Jesus the second half is still yet future so he stops right in the middle they wonder what's going on here he explains to him because that describes where I am and who I am now not my role later floating he stops and he looks at me and he says are you at hornesty I said yeah do you know me he said yeah we went to high school together I said really he said oh oh he says this big huge beard and he's bald he says take out his hair and put it here and I went George and he says uh my salesman I own the clothing store down the road here and we sell rugs and this hat and the other says what are you doing now I said well I'm a minister he said you you a minister and immediately the thoughts of of my mentor at Dallas Seminary came back to me he said some place along the line your past is going to catch up with you and when you're screaming fire and brimstone from the pulpit some of them will stand up in the back going remember me aren't you Joe's kid we know you we grew up with you you were a kid playing in the street like all the rest of them you're Messiah can't be yes I am today those words are fulfilled in your midst that's blasphemy unless it's true and they secure the cure for blasphemies what yeah you killed him no Prophet is acceptable in his home hung town but in truth I tell you there were many widows in Israel and he began to talk about the other people that were healed that were outside of Judaism so his point is the door is open and he's the door that they couldn't take because only Messiah can open that door and they did not believe he was Messiah even with the Miracles done in their midst and then because he's branded a blasphemer at that point he has to Die the argument came on the movement of the people all the way to somewhere close by here within 10 or 15 meters this is the precipitous point on this ledge and it drops off 1200 feet so what happens in the scripture you pass through their midst and moved to Capernaum they weren't allowed to touch him he was protected because the time was not yet when the time was right the Lord of had took his hand of protection off and then there's a cross I was in air rescue in the military a lot of men died in my arms our job was to try and get them out of the difficult situation they were in and to keep them alive until we could get them to an Evac unit or Hospital I've seen men mangled beyond belief and I've seen with with hardly a mark on them some without hardly an external mark on them you couldn't see nobody dies ahead of time nobody stays a millisecond longer than your time and I know who's in charge of life and death and he doesn't consult me in the process basic Axiom and we'll go with this the one who bought and paid for you with his blood bought and paid for all rights to you and he has an absolute right to spend you and I however he wishes are you okay with that that's the real question because Paul says once again second Corinthians chapter five great paraphrase here let me live I'll continue to serve the Lord take me out where's the downside to that I'm home either way my ambition is not to please you my ambition is to please here [Music] is here we good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] perfect foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] between midnight question is how come well the area is extremely extremely hot the upper level of the water gets very warm at night [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's where we are see that Arena that's right here we see the Mountain Ridge [Music] for the players to change their outfits how many years ago about about 1800 the arena would have gone up to where you see the top of the wall there this is for the intelligencia and that would have had a canopy and a backdrop [Music] International monuments [Music] thank you checked us up and we're pretty good eating too many eggs I think yeah too much bread so sure I'm the doctor here to my office after this occasion why is this bath house [Music] yeah part of the entertainment [Music] who's in control what's the context who's overhead of someone else who's under someone else Etc and those cultures mixing and changing and moving forward so time to go to that little workout okay [Music] [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that is an unusual situation then Jesus came from to the Jordan the jobs it's cool it feels so weird don't fall in no my sunglasses frosting right thank you [Music] daily basis because you're part of a community a community that's together that's Ultra and religious the water here and there's no spring here but you see the channels good walks around them when it rains up in the hills then uh you're a desert if you're less than 15 inches of water per year big scriptures and it's thought by many that the things that were found up in the hills in jars were not the original documents that they were using on a regular basis it's called a geniza it's that kind of Lifestyle here and they are again fleeing corruption so they are striving the best they can to be pure [Music] thank you [Music] just do you expect it what because he's holding it all together it's not the nature of that it's the nature of him that makes the huge difference [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] blessed be the Lord by rock with the transference my deliverer or my Shields foreign [Music] explorers started to explore [Music] Terrace of his private Palace it is beautifully decorated there the diamond shape is his ID [Music] foreign is one big conviction and obviously that's where the fire pit was outside and the air is fanned in under the floor that heats the whole thing and it's a steamed back early because of all that condensation all the water in here causing like a sauna yeah every one of the members of the Jewish Community went to their homes it is obvious the Romans are coming in from the West it's a matter of time foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign no empty hands on empty heads change nothing what he will be is obedient and what it'll have done is make a public statement when he died I died when he was buried I was buried when he rose in newness of life that's how I wish to be identified with total understanding that he's promoter of my life because you have trusted Christ as your personal savior because you have testified and given evidence with your life that that is true in you I have the right to baptize you in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit come take a walk with me foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you guess what no man I don't wanna have to rescue you don't know [Applause] [Music] foreign four times in the Bible foreign [Music] 200 years ago this is the only natural resource they have in the area to build their houses to build their City up on top is a thin layer of hard crusty Limestone called nari but underneath that nari there is a thick layer of soft chalk that's where we're standing now you're just going to loosen up the dirt like so okay as you're digging you should never hear banging or crushing or smashing because that means you're breaking something I'm going to want to break anything just loosening up the dirt as you start touching the dirt you're going to feel the difference in the materials that you're pulling out your gloves we want to know their diet what with the eating bones we're going to put to the Fine bucket shells were mostly crushed up to make pot oh here's a here's a boat but then if you decide to go into a different room leave everything in the room you found it the dirt the Rocks the tools go into another room and get uh the tools and empty buckets in that specific room thank you [Music] all right right now [Music] here you find something that's a little bit dirtier that color the size of a button that's a coin uh jewelry we find it down the sifting oh you're pour an entire bucket of dirt onto your screen there okay uh big wraps will gently put down below a nice piece of carbon it's going to go into the fine bucket using my hands over here if anyone sees anything let me know two rules do not sift with your mouth open and number two find out which way the wind's blowing and do not stand down with a lot of people buy expensive dishes and we know that from looking at their dishes okay [Music] here we go how many days have fun film hello hello he made it but where we're sitting right now and one of the reasons why we're not Excavating here most of these rooms we know what they are so these holes in the walls this is called a columbarium it was used for raising pigeons but I want you to keep in mind it was always underground it didn't look like this when they're using a 2200 years ago this is the ceiling the floor is somewhere 20 30 40 feet underneath us right now because if you remember when The Maccabees copper where I showed the people living here destroy their City everything up on top they throw down into their basements their Industries below and that destruction layer is what we were digging in that destruction is what we're crawling through everyone got that okay now in a rush we found so far 85 columbaria enough holes for 50 000 Birds meaning Big Burn industry and of course the question is we know from the Bible birds are being used for sacrifice sacrifice one more thing going on remember the cultures we saw in the very beginning Russia was covered in thousands of Acres of olive Groves the best fertilizers for olive trees happens to be specifically put and then twist your body in push your body yeah he's getting through there [Music] you good job don't let the old man yeah what's the big step get some footage down there Garrison oh gosh thank you not he made it [Music] all right [Music] [Music] this plate as it goes along the Philistines were gathered their armies for battle they were gathered at Soko south side of the Ayla Valley which belongs to Judah yeah but they didn't occupy it they didn't control it because the Philistines from the coast controlled this whole area man came between SoCo and aseka where you're sitting can't fall through here fsw and Seoul and the men of Israel were gathered in Camp in the valley of ela they drew up a line of battle against the Philistines opposite that were they allowed in his head he was armed with Dakota file uh the weight of the cook was five thousand shekels of bronze he had bronze armor on his legs the Reefs on his legs he had a javelin a bronze slung between the shoulder the shaft of the spear was like a Weaver's beam and its head weighed 600 shekels of iron that's a monster spear Philistine said to David am I a dog that you have come out that beat with sticks Philistine cursed David by his gods and the Philistines said the name would come to me I'll give your flesh to the birds in the air and the Beast of the field David said to the Philistine you come to me with a sword it with a spear with a javelin but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the armies of Israel whom you have divine it doesn't swing like this it swings like it's amazing now where does it hit Goliath we're ahead all it says is it sunk into his forehead [Music] [Music] look okay [Music] [Music] wow yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there is a bucket on a cable that goes all the way across the Hino Valley to some buildings on the other side the wounded that we're fighting to gain the old city were carried out in that bucket and Provisions and ammo were carried across during the dead of night this is where one of the major battles took place we're about to go through Zion gate please understand cars use the Zion gate and there's very little room inside um everything sorry [Music] you remind me of Charlie [Music] of these seven Branch Menorah in the temple how do we know that because the base is what speed is beautiful that face is the face that's pictured on the Arch of Titus when Rome took out [Music] foreign [Music] Army who failed in 1940 why this is [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] when it rains up in the highlands when it rains up around Jerusalem and everything it drains South through the hinnum and the Kidron valleys and it eventually hits the wetty cute and then this becomes a river prepare the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God every Valley shall be lifted up every mountain and he'll be made low the uneven grounds shall become level the rough places the plane the glory of the Lord shall be revealed in All Flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the Lord has spoken these things what's the point I'm trying to make you now know what is necessary to make the hilly ground level and to make straight the paths in the wilderness you see little Trails all over the hills that wrap around them because they're goat and sheep Trail there's not a straight path that's like except man-made stuff and this is the spot now you can John the Baptist it was right down there so you simply you see the rift valley this is his territory for a human room this is where he lived north of Quran and down into that Rich Valley Jericho is right over those Hills we came by the fort where you can cross the Jordan where Jesus was baptized at least the traditional spot that they talk about it's just over the hill this is the North End of the Dead Sea this is a treacherous Place life is extremely difficult it's harsh and it's not yet really hot imagine like the day we had the other day cranked up another 20 degrees with no Breeze here you'd be looking for shade to hurry I I love to put those things together and to help when I come to scripture to have a visual picture in my mind and memory in my feet that I have walked the turf and climbed through that I know what those Trails look like I know what life is like there and all of a sudden it's so much bigger why would you settle for a little 12 inch black and white portable television in the kitchen when you could have an 84 inch Toshiba LED covering the whole wall same program it's just the ladder program is so much so much more beautiful [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is beautiful and the churchless they left the Republic [Music] day thank you oh that was nice and all of you arrived you are truly my blessing are you not give yourselves a hand for coming back 3 800 years you thought that was the hard part [Music] and I in turn the following this bless it out to our Lord our god king of the universe we've brought forth food from the Earth Army some English speakers came to This Magnificent land and just like us thank you with each day that they were here they felt inspired they felt further uplifted one could even say they felt close to God yes one of those Travelers some thousand or more years before yours [Music] and feels that finally he has found himself he's been inspired he's closer to God and he looks to the Rising Sun and says finally I have found my orientation [Music] you're so bad foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] of course ready defense [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's just a little saddle on an otherwise extending Ridge the Temple Mount itself is built on top of Mount Moriah the wall you see wrapped around it we'll talk more about this when we walk through the city and go to the Western Wall again the wall around it is a revetman wall everything is filled in foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'm more worried about hitting my head because I'm so tall he doesn't need to worry about hitting his head oh dang time foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] ciao okay [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] God we made it [Music] and I didn't even get my pants wet [Music] wait a moment [Music] thank you foreign [Music] it's slippery oh good I'm gonna have a lot of footage of tunnels from today I wonder why [Music] [Music] it is do they have intentions now yeah this is the worst in the world [Music] I like what he said that it's not really the world okay hi Charlene hi hi this is this is the outer wall of the West Side Oh you see the margins which identifies the central Rodeo this kind of Market can you imagine there's no border no cement right and you can barely get a piece of paper right right somebody was commenting on not one stone left one another before this all came from there all cut in place there's no more there's no cement between them and even at the wall where everyone is putting their messages barely do they go in any particles you can't even get a piece of paper so understand the kind of Technology how would you move a 460 metric ton block that we'll see tomorrow how would you move that into that place with standard equipment nothing no power no Hydraulics okay beautiful [Music] very attention [Music] foreign [Music] but the most poignant story I know from this particular spot is when he leaves Mary and Martha's house again and comes back and looks at the city he drew near and he saw the city and he wept over it he said would that you even you had known on this day the things that make for peace but now they are hidden from your eyes but the days will come upon you when your enemies will set a barricade around you and Surround you and hem you in on every side tear you down to the ground you and your children within you and they will not leave one stone upon another not another one because you did not know the time of your visitation if you do the math from Daniel chapter 9. the 77s of Daniel it brings you in the 69th seven where in the spring of 32 A.D he's not just saying the cultural understandings the political understandings because many things have been brought to their awareness and the people are crying for the living room but he also is meaning if you had paid attention to the Prophet Daniel you would have known [Music] everyone is not Jewish and there isn't a single Jewish symbol and what Jewish people decided throughout the years was to put little Stones each time we come to visit to be safe [Music] foreign thank you best review nevertheless not my will but you how much time do we have what can you say I think the sanest moment of any believer is when they come to the end of themselves and they're willing with all their heart to save us he came to the disciples and found them sleeping I said to Peter so you could not watch with me just one out watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation Spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weaker again for the second time you went away to pray my father this cannot pass unless I drink it then your will be done again he came and found them sleeping their eyes were so heavy leaving them again he went away and he prayed with the third time saying the same words again and I came to the disciples and said to them sleep and take your arrest later on the hours at hand the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sooner swing rise let us be going to see my betrayer is that my [Music] thank you thank you very well brother okay all right last one time to go [Music] okay oh look at that oh foreign [Music] [Music] this is what is left after the fire so this church along with the Assyrian [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lord Jesus in the night in which he was betrayed and took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and he said this is my life which is oh my prayer to this this morning Jesus gave his himself and we think of so much the physical part of a crucifixion but it even went much further than that because he took our set up on himself do this as well because as often as you bring this company in his breath proclaim the Lord's Heaven until he comes foreign [Music] units are taking the off in front of the Western World the Western world was liberated by the Israeli paratroopers in 1967 so definitely the paratroopers are here and we have bar mitzvahs Mondays and Thursdays we have weddings you see brides and grooms when I just started to speak English I used to say bride and broom sounds good so the second temple was built when Harry went to visit people now made everything I wasn't destroyed it was just like the historical debate was the worship and the sacrifice stopped for a while while they were renovating how much of a renovation was it was it not in the old one down and building a new one sometimes the stories like to talk about second temple a second temple B second temple C second temple D yeah but wait it's listed we've never conducted our philosophers these small stones and the larger ones both all the way to the top 1 300 year old Muslim renovation from here and all the way down to the valley one near each other one on top of the other with nothing in between the Stalls gluing them together this is what we call dry construction Professor will tell you it's arobian construction right you can hear who's in charge who is the great entrepreneur but I like giving credit to the actual questions yes it is 12 feet high and it is 14 feet deep okay it weighs close to 600 tons metric tons yeah that is the weight of moving carefully 200 Elephants or if you want it in a more modern scale two airplanes the jumbo Jets the transit 96747 coin [Music] foreign flagstones by the way if this is a 2000 year old Marketplace who walked here there were many cows all over the street between every two College exactly let's take one of them up you can pick one of them up well if you pick one up on each shoulder it balances you out oh that's a good point yeah into the ground [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you hi [Music] right now [Music] thank you [Music] we're Sinners to reclaim Hallelujah [Music] what to see [Music] the houses yeah uh this would be the waiting [Music] [Music] empty space because in every piece there is a story that we have to tell you she is going to do we decide before we start on a piece we decide what we want to do once we bend the prosperity then we start putting the comments now all the colors that you see are oxides of minerals take a knife and try to scratch one of my pieces surprise you not to try this in other shops okay [Music] emotions [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] omnipotent yet [Music] flesh only that God [Music] love you and Christ in the cosmos though your words [Music] thank you yourself yes [Music] so you handcrafted the cause [Music] [Music] [Music] yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me [Music] yes Jesus loves me heart to heart you speak to me yes Jesus loves me yes Father [Music] speak to me [Music] the cosmic trying to closed captioning not available [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ellen Marie
Views: 409,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world travel vlog english, World Travel vlog, Israel Travel 2022, Tour of Israel 2022, International Travel vlog, World Travel, Israel Tour, Tour of Israel, Tour of Israel Christian, Israel Travel Vlog, International Travel, Traveling to Israel, israel country
Id: 54HZAhINpWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 6sec (6846 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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