Two teens who dated in the 1950s lost touch. They reignited their romance 63 years later

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it's not often we get to use the word remarkable around here but we can use it this time because we're going to begin this hour with a remarkable love story more than 60 years in the making here's how it goes Caroline Reeves and Eddie lamb there they are they were high school sweethearts in Nashville Tennessee in the 1950s look how she's looking at him they broke up after a few years she's still looking at him they broke up after a few years and didn't see each other again until just over a year ago Eddie is now 85 now he's looking at her looking at each other I love this Caroline turns 82 on Thursday and as our lead National correspondent that would be David begno found out they recently married and guess what they are still very much in love it was 1956 Elvis was playing on the jukebox Ike and Mamie were in the White House and Caroline and Eddie well they were in love oh I just thought he was the cutest boy on campus you know and once I saw her it was all over Eddie lamb was earning 65 cents a day delivering The Nashville Tennessean the newspaper that would one day tell their love story when I took her out all I could do was coke and french fries and that was about it that's the only meal he ever bought but it was fresh french fries with a Coke known around town is Eddie's Girl Caroline Reeves wasn't looking for a fancy dinner she had her eyes set on his high school class ring and all that it would signify it was an engagement ring and I was the type of person that would have committed myself to him for the rest of my life with that ring when you didn't get the high school ring it was just really broke my heart and I just thought he just didn't care enough about it about me and what came of that well not a whole lot whose fault was that no that was probably mine look at y'all and I made all of the dresses Eddie set his sights High joining ROTC at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville with dreams of flying planes in the U.S Air Force it was her senior year in high school and Eddie couldn't find the words to tell a proper goodbye to Caroline so he didn't we pulled up in her driveway and I said may I kiss you and so I kissed her good night then not knowing that that's the last time I would kiss her in 64 or 65 years and I got out of that car and ran up the steps and slammed the door and went upstairs and cried all night that was it their lives would follow far different paths she became Miss Nashville 1959 two years later they were married to other people she to Charles Wallace he to Polly Piper Eddie would go on to serve 21 years flying kc-135s for the United States Air Force Caroline traveled the world she was an interior designer a magazine writer and wrote three novels things changed in December 2021 Eddie's wife Polly the mother of their two children died from ALS Lou Gehrig's Disease they'd been married two days shy of 60 years I heard you were her caretaker yes I was for about a year and a half to two years it's just a shows you his strength and how sweet and kind and gentle this man is after her marriage to Charles Wallace ended in the 80s Caroline married a man named George Kennedy he died in 2001. over the course of your life did you wonder how Eddie was all the time all the time Eddie did you wonder how she was yes I did in April 2022 Eddie was living in California Caroline in Nashville and all at once something hits me I said I've got to call her I had nine calls and I don't answer on solicited calls Eddie you called nine times nine times I'm not gonna give up I love it yeah not gonna give up just what she wanted to hear that third night he told me he still loved me and I knew my life had changed he flew to Nashville to see her this time she was in the driver's seat and I heard you didn't make it too far from the airport no no no he peeked his head into my car and I just My Breath Away I've never seen anything like it in my entire life I just can't even explain it so I got out of the parking lot zoom zoom zoom went around and found the FedEx parking lot and it was the warehouse it was closed at night and had all these security lights and I got out and jumped around and we hugged and kissed and I remember looking up at the security lights and insects were swirling all around the FedEx lights wow so FedEx does deliver at the age of 84 Eddie popped the question he said well we'll get you a ring and I said no this is what I want and he put this on my finger and that's his high school class ring that you wanted 60 years ago it's my engagement ring and the girl got it yeah yeah I love you her Dream came true if you had to title your story what would it be miraculous that we found our love again we asked God all the time why did you do this and now we know to take care of each other and believe it or not the two lovebirds have discussed life after death and Caroline tells us that Eddie will be buried next to Polly that's the way that she wants it she says that's the mother of his two kids wow and that's where he should be she's going to be buried in the family plot back in Nashville God I love them both I mean just the way that they came together but what so touches me so is that you can feel this kind of passion at this stage at this time in your life I love this story David yours just melt away yeah time disappears when they're together and they're making out like kids at the FedEx parking lot I love birds in their Eddies by the way Caroline has a birthday on Thursday Happy Birthday I just love that you can still go back to that love that you felt burning 60 some odd years ago and you asked a question I was wondering did they think about each other during that the times that they were with other people and they did and I just appreciated how deferential she has been to poly like she honors what Polly was in his life for 60 years right and she recognizes that it wasn't meant to be that they were together back then but today in the end you guys wonder if your high school Sweetheart's thinking about you does it uh I think is it just me oh well that's my my follow-up question I think we gotta go to commercial break right now Nate and I are in the middle of life's journey and we were happily married individual okay well all right Gail did you have a high school sweetheart I did do you think about him sometimes but not like that not the way that they're thinking I just wonder I wonder how he's doing oh he's not the way they're yeah not the way that they're clearly still pining for each other which is nice no planning okay it's a no pining okay got it David thank you very much
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 103,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, cbs, news, teens, tough, high school, sweethearts, caroline reeves, eddie lamm
Id: 06wjKdhjGTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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