Two Super Charged Creepers! - Minecraft Far Lands (Ep.31)

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[Music] thank you welcome everybody back to another episode of farlands stacy it's night we've got the creepers in order and we're ready to use a command to make one supercharged so what did we end up deciding stace um no oh no not that did you see that whoa what what's happening that was so weird when you blew that up i saw like the gravel was like stuttering all over yeah it did it for me too and why is this hole so big oh cause you blew up a hole into a cave you're a genius stacy you found the treasure really yes what's in here absolutely nothing [Music] yeah oh man i'm sorry that was a mistake uh listen i think that we should do i think we should follow our hopes and our dreams and our hearts yes and we should use a command block right now what about some people who are like no do a legit please i didn't see those comments did you oh um well for them i literally looked and i didn't see them so i don't know well i mean if there were those people oh legit we have decided that we are going to use the command to get it a charge creeper because if we can i mean there's no saying that just because we can get a supercharged creeper that we can get a mob head by the way exactly exactly well i hope that we're good enough to warrant that result but we've decided that there are three different mob heads you can get zombie skeleton and creeper and then at the end when we get to the farlands we're gonna build a house so we're gonna want to decorate around we're gonna want all the heads and stuff so we're gonna use the command now but we're not going to build a house grazer we're not building a house if we happen we're building a househouse house yes if we have oh my goodness so specific and then we're going to build a house house house house yes we should get it in position if it gets to the point where you actually see a real legit thunderstorm in the series we absolutely have to take the opportunity to try and get it like we can't avoid that well yeah if we see a supercharged creeper we're not like why would we like yeah but and i mean with everything that has happened in this series i feel like it's very possible yeah like use the command block to summon a superchurch creeper or not to summon him but to summon lightning and then literally i bet you we will uh see a superchurch creeper like next episode for legit because that's just what happens so right now our focus of course is to do that so we're going to do that now if we can get a creeper in position oh there's two creepers over here so i've got a creeper here so once we are we just gonna wait you better paper where i just got a creeper i mean i don't have a creeper but i i built a hole are we just okay where are you what coordinates um i don't know i see you're like remember wait where'd they go oh yeah they're like it's super long all right hey buddy come here where's the hole i don't see your little hole here i have a hole over here help where help stacy oh there's two creepers over here so lead them up to here up to here over here nice yeah that's not deep enough is it well it's two blocks they can't jump out of it make it bigger make it bigger make it bigger i made it deeper oh now they can get out good job woohoo you see that that was good yeah okay it's in nice okay should we get more uh whatever head you want oh yeah we could get a creeper head yeah that's the next mob you put in so do you want a creeper head i kind of do yeah i want that one the most okay all right well wait wait don't don't not yet not yet let's just put them in too because then we have another chance to get two supercharged creepers oh yeah it's true that's true wise words from the states what no no you have to go directly oh crazy ah no no no no no no no yo do not mess with the creeper the skeleton's on me take the skeleton all right i got it come here skelly oh i got a bow oh sorry oh sorry our only opportunity ever at doing this what okay it's still in there all right do you have the command block on you no go get you wait but i don't want to leave this i'm coming back with another creeper okay crazy the sun's going down wait where is our stuff again um that way i get lost and okay i'll go for it you stay here but let me hit this guy right now okay don't hit this guy because you're mad at him what do you mean you're bad at cute that we're even is that skeleton shooting me get rid of it did you put your shulker box down right by the why grazer adds in a little obstacle for you no no i messed up oh my god yes yes i thought we were going to see a big explosion when he got in all right okay did you have a command block in your shulker box uh no i did not so you have to go and get i'm gonna monitor these guys from above and then yeah we'll get this done ah i used gravel oh my gosh i could have fell into the hole and died hey don't mess this up okay no where's our stuff it shall not now remember i have that map of the snow biome where we found the ice spikes oh good let's never use that again probably because we don't need it thank you goodness you haven't you know what though it would be really fun to put in an item frame at our house oh i already chucked it into the creeper pen are you serious yeah are you kidding yeah no i'm not kidding it's in there razor you told me it was useless and it never used i literally was like but how cute would it be to item frame it because then it shows up yeah it'll disappear the map but it'll give us two supercharged keepers so it's like we're paying our map for this i wanted that map grazer you have i can't believe you want this map so bad i don't want it now at the expense of our creepers but i'm mad at you because we could have have you thrown away why don't you just chuck farley's last stew in there too while you're at it chuck it in yo yo should i throw i'll just move the creepers yeah go away don't touch it i don't want that back that bad okay i'm gonna put the command block on a safe distance over here okay okay what are you doing are you like taunting them with food no i'm moving them so we can get the map stop moving them oh my gosh grazer no because now they can get into this side and then but you should have got the cords of that side first i need cords there we go there we go they're moving in yes they're on the side okay now i block this up map retrieved baby thank you now give me now give me the cord somewhere of where we want the lightning to strike i don't think it has to be exact but like try to get fairly exact and put it in the chat okay so the chords for where the lightning is okay right wait i don't have any blocks because i need the exact chords so they're on y level 86 and the other chords do not fall into the pit of creepers grazer do not the other coordinates are z six million nine hundred ninety three like all the numbers because i can't six million just so just say like six six okay i'm gonna place it by this sheep i think grazer so that it's okay don't stop moving sheep i'm gonna i'm gonna play i'll just get a place on this block right here all right there it is let commandee blocky man being inputted hopefully it's the right one i just gave you this one randomly you gave me this command summon lightning i messed it up no everything's over seriously nope serious done thank you for watching roll the credits six nine i keep messing up executive producer zachary crazy i'm so doing that to the end of the series now except you are not the executive producer of this series far from it okay are you ready ugly robot actor okay can i put the button like on the dirt block do you think uh no i think it has to be on it right oh that sheep was just eating behind you feeding himself that's what she said hey that's what sheep do um okay so i'm gonna place the button like i guess just on it there we go all right i'm scared you left the creepers they're still here they're still here i'm just chilling with you the whole time are you ready yes okay here we go gracer oh my goodness ready yes set what happened what happened what happened they're both charged they're both charged yeah it worked successfully all right so now no but do you want to separate them now to get two possible heads yeah yeah yeah yeah well no that's risky that is too risky whoa my fire drill is going off or whatever you probably hear that so give it a sec is your house on fire hopefully not let me try go check leave minecraft go check fire [Music] is your house on fire fire averted was there a fire was there smoke no no well there was smoke coming off the oven i had to turn the fan on and clean yeah you gotta turn the fan on open the windows and then take a towel and wave the towel in front of the smoke detector oh i was doing it with a pillow that'll work okay no no it only responds to towels you know i know what you're doing by the way right with that hoe i've just been watching you this whole time trying to get that advancement just laughing at me what are you talking about it's just a nervous habit i got the whole mansion i just do it for fun what do you mean it's not an advantage how many more do you have to owe anyways to get it i come back and she's got it all hoed and then i remembered from last episode where she had that that random patch did a comment give me away yes no commenters why commenters i trusted you you can never trust them because there's that one person who we're at yet anyways so we have the charge creepers now what now we have to wait all the way down night because they both charged well no we just have to get other mobs hey do you have some shears because we should really i'm just gonna kill this okay they are now separated if you blow up with a supercharged creeper with another supercharged creeper you should get like another star or something like that i never thought about that like come on like you just get nothing you should get like two supercharged creeper heads so he's trying i love how this series has now become you making stuff up for what should be the game i'm just like making minecraft more now that's just what i do all right look look at your your boy grazer tens good job over here i separated them i would build like a massive wall in between them too so that we can like really be careful with me stacy just doesn't trust anything that we do no just like when we bring the mobs in i don't want a chance of all right here we go it's night i guess my house almost burning down past some time this is good this is good okay i see a creeper and an enderman you can't do an enderman head get an enderman head no that would be so cool there's like three creepers over here grazer i got one i got one if we get both of them in there and blow them up i think only one would blow up and kill the other one before it blew up you'll blow up one i'll blow up the other okay as long as you know what you're doing i don't that skeleton i think is well come here skeleton oh oh it's an angry skelly oh no he could bow me off this wall and i'd fall in look at him okay wait here's the zombie here's a zombie okay get him in get him i messed we want a creeper head i know just kill the skeleton he's killing me [Laughter] all right okay come on grazer i'm scared i'm gonna mess this up i know it so do you want me to touch him grazer help me help me help me you do want me to touch him no oh man that was close no just you're done i'm not done i'm not done stacy lead him across and while he's on you i'll push him in cool yeah yeah yeah well that's what i was doing okay hold on well i thought that you were just gonna handle it all out of my way out of my way okay here we go oh whoa you're not watch out raiser he's in yes yes good job good job good nice and secure good teamwork can they explode if you just get close to the hole well you just got to hit them and be close and they'll blow up that's exactly how i blew up the other one by accident oh my gosh you bumped me crazy all right so scary i'll take the creeper side you take the zombie side okay all ready so what are we gonna do we're gonna count to three and then we're gonna and then we're just gonna hit the supercharged creeper well actually for me it's harder because you doesn't matter but okay i have to wait i gotta find the supercharged one because it's like okay so wait three two one hit hit yes not on one but yeah yeah yeah after one okay ready yeah three two one hit i hit him he didn't blow up oh my gosh that was so perfect oh we should have gone for like three oh should we should we go for a skeleton one while we're here we have the command button we'll have all three already and we won't have any reason to try for legit though oh okay later on in the series i got the zombie head we got two though so we should keep the third one open just okay okay great that was so cool let's go put them in our ecs wait so you never actually answer my question how much more hoe do you have to we how much more grass do you have i don't know what you're talking about grazer i'm just nervously i should have done it in secret oh it wouldn't have mattered because people ratted me out okay so we got some mob heads so i guess like put an asterisk next to it on the worksheet for now oh yeah we both got one who oh we'll have to do the playback to see who had it in there in at the exact first moment oh my gosh that's gonna be like some moving real stuff right there you know what we never did last episode that we said we were gonna do an advancement checkup well i don't know if you did it we didn't take a step back off the chest too though i gave you some pork um okay let's let's get somewhere safe and do it though i don't want to blow up our stuff so i think up here on top of this tree would probably work i'm up top woohoo all right advancement check ow okay at all all right uh okay let's see here oh we have to use the totem remember how we have three totems oh my god that's an advancement wait but we have three so we can each use one for the adventure and we'll leave the announcement yeah hey do you want to do that oh the iron golem because we can do that right now if you want i don't know or i'm going to check the ho wait what how many how many monsters have you killed i have killed oh my gosh you have to completely use it up how many hoes is that that's probably so many i'm concerned that i never killed an elder guardian for which one monster hunter yeah but then to the right of it it's monsters hunted oh 17 out of 22. i'm at 17 as well yeah but you know what what we've only discovered 26 of 36 biomes that's insane to me wait we've literally we've only discovered 26 of 36 violence i'm at 25. what no i was the one i was into that you didn't you must have just like gone into a beach or something what well that's not easy for you to catch up on though that's not like wait a minute i didn't get the free the end because you killed him i guess not respawn the ender dragon wait we didn't get this one levitate up to 50 blocks from the attacks of a shulker we have to go back to the end [Laughter] well we have to go to the end anyways to respawn the dragon yeah there's a lot here all right so everyone can fill out their worksheets why do we not have follow and i'm really mad about it i like that's the only one for you too right on that page yeah i'm really i don't get it wait i don't have i don't have breed two animals together no it's every animal it can be bred all right that was the advancement check that was terrific this is completely the event i'm really bummed about the biome thing let's go find some more biomes let's pack up okay cool well i'm gonna actually just take my totem of undie and go jump off a cliff peace are you really wait i only have one totem so you're saying that you have a totem i have two so you so currently but you also have one in your ec yes promise promise i do all right here this is the dumbest way to get just from fall damage that's the dumbest way to use a totem of undying do you know when you should use the totem of undying and when i'm going to use the total of undying when it's when i get the achievement from going 50 blocks in the air with a shulker oh my goodness then i'm gonna fall and then use the totem if i'm dying you just you just uh talked me out of it it was literally yeah i was about to use it and then you're right though well i mean or you could take a lytra with you and then fly down from the shulker but that's hard to eat forest fruit i guess you want to do it but i think i am going to wait you're going to wait but that's observation panel and witness my death where i don't know where you are right here you see me up here i don't see you you don't can you see me yet oh i can see you now wow you didn't take off your armor no why would i take it off oh [Laughter] i wouldn't die i tried you probably wouldn't die but now you're gonna have to go get all your armor are you sure that we should stop here when i use this totem of undying oh nothing's gonna happen to me okay i can't wait to see this ready yeah here we go three two one 360 total movement what why didn't it work i i had it on my hopper i wasn't holding it you had it on your hot bar and i wasn't holding it oh my gosh all your stuff are you did you spawn back at the bed no i knew we didn't sleep i spawned at the freaking tiger when we went into a circle last night i knew we didn't sleep grazer grazer you dummy i'm not wasting a command block on you no i'm close i'm going to get all your stuff can i use your diamonds to repair my pickaxe uh no no you can't i need to make the hoe wow you only need two you have three diamonds and you only need two to make a hoe okay yeah you can use one diamond yeah all right grazer said i could use one of his oh you have four diamonds i'm using oh no we'll see how we'll see how repaired i can get it and how many levels i have all right all right stace and as you're doing that i'm literally returning you're high your your intelligent smart robot is returning can i borrow one of your ender pearls too thanks a million greys man i hate being out of action i just get i'm loading everything made so you borrowed it right so you're going to be paying me back in enderpearl at some point i really want to know what mobs i haven't killed do you know what i'm saying like what hostile mobs did i not kill like i know i killed and i killed a silverfish that's a hard one i probably haven't killed a cave spider i need to sleep right now oh okay all right yes yes i've reset my spot point i'm safe christopher i only have two command blocks left how many do you have you have four three i have three what you only have three yeah we have five left we had six at the beginning and then we used one on the lightning oh my gosh i just don't know how i feel about that that's what i'm saying we're using them up very quickly and so i'm just gonna say we should keep you away but we're not going to yeah [Music] he's tired where he is careful yeah i failed at that uh that jump put it on the worksheet yes oh wait where'd he go buddy gonna go well i was gonna kill him to replace the ender pearl i took of yours oh oh yeah yeah but you can go for it it's right up there kill him because you have to pay me back that should be your kill there you go i got one nice and now you are going to submit payment fine have it back hey i got two for some reason because i had looting here there oh hey so now you're no longer in debt with your pal g10 i love how i said i have two for some reason because i had looting uh okay so i'm leaving all this horse armor here grazer i don't need anything in this chest did you get everything out of that chest you got everything out of that chest i will take the crafting table why don't you like horse armor you never have love for the horse ever i love horse armor i just i have a i have a whole set i have diamond yeah but like don't you want more to be able to sell to me are you dying i've got a butt it honestly just comes down to room in my um yeah without having room in my uh shulker box not the greatest deal actually i'll leave the crafting table as a little memento of this place okay i'm good to go let's throw this eye vendor following it and we got it we've never like lost one you ever no but we didn't get the achievement oh yeah yeah we never just threw it it's so wrong throw it again this is kind of the direction i wanted to go oh it broke and we lost it now do we get it nope like yeah like we just wasted anvil wait did we ever get any comments on how to get that or no um if you have a comment leave it in this episode because i just am upset about that do you reckon it's because our stronghold was so bizarre like in a sea temple that like if we found another stronghold is the achievement when you just throw your first eye of ender you go or if you follow or is it when you follow it all the way to a stronghold then you get it what is the achievement no that could be it like i think you might be right because i can't think of anything else and we did get a weird one to the point where like we knew where it was so we didn't really have to follow it all the way there right so i don't know thoughts with stacy please hi lambies so yeah you have to get your llama that i missed giving you for christmas so i don't want a llama and or a donkey wait wait wait we got another tiger stacey's getting excited always get some tigers please be a mega tiger please we didn't come this way did we did we come from this way i don't know we very well could have no we didn't no we didn't oh good hello new tyga why aren't you mega look at all these deceptive tiger trees looking out there about to be a mega drink whoa look at that village where where oh whoa all the extreme hills let's check that out an extreme hills village is that new um what do you mean there's a blacksmith yeah i'm heading up now uh three diamonds and food three diamonds yeah wow look at this i love the generation of this village well i think it's a tiger village right and it just like spawned in an extreme hills or or is there such thing as like an extreme hills village well i don't know because like the buildings are made out of spruce roofs but then yeah cobble look at this look how cool this is this farm is like encaged here and then you have to like block over the other really cool village we've got our fair share of cool villages here yeah look at this look right here look at how cool this house is let me see let me see let me see whoa look at this goes out hey yeah i didn't even like lose any help really yeah it's it's fine but um yeah we've had our fair share of cool villages i would say in this series like we have that one on a private island now we have this one we've just seen a lot of them yeah goodbye grazer bye i'm leaving you for podzol stacy's going insane cause she can't find podzo oh my gosh this is like i think this is the prettiest waterfall i've ever found in minecraft wait where i want to see it i want to see it like i i mean because waterfalls mostly in minecraft don't look like real waterfalls if you get my drift but this to me looks like a real waterfall i went straight out from the village in the taiga oh wow no that looks neat too in default hey look at that i was like this is and it goes down a little bit and forms like a stream i don't know i've never seen that i've never seen that wide of a i don't know welcome to waterfall reviews minecraft waterfall reviews it's not even like cool can you imagine if i just had a whole series where i just reviewed minecraft waterfalls um okay i think we've got a little bit of a flower forest right there this is a beautiful bible okay going in for a swim so you were getting the whole thing so i'm gonna get that now too and i don't need to keep it a secret so i'm just gonna use it real quick until it's out and get that before yeah good luck i've been doing it for like 10 episodes why why have you been so slow at it it'll probably take me like two seconds to complete this might be an ocean that i saw nope sunflower planes grace oh where i want to see wait oh i got excited it went back into another tiger oh i feel like it's teasing us the tiniest sunflower planes that i think i've ever seen in my life all right let's sleep wait i want to see it this is it these are the homepages [Music] good night it is now good morning good morning halfway through so i guess i'm just gonna keep going this way towards the taiga and looking for pods yes you are grazer i think i've reached the end of the tiger oh no still no sign nothing yeah i think it's an ocean i think we'll have to vote no stace i'm so close to getting it though we can't you are yes no you're not yes i'm sorry are you kidding yes i've been working on this forever i'm not even halfway i'm getting it before we end the episode are you serious you know what my grand plan was i wanted to i knew the comments were gonna ruin it for me i wanted to like do it like sneak it behind your back the whole time like if you were running i was gonna just like be doing it behind us leaving a trail yeah and then i wanted to like wait till we were at the far lands and then at the like have it almost be done and then whip it out at the very end of the series and i just spoiled your entire plan for that well there's someone that commented did but sure you're the worst you're actually no wow you get like a huge music tune and everything to that too that's pretty cool yeah sorry about that face uh yeah so meet at the island and uh i hate you wait where are you i'm here where there's like a little island and you put down some wood blocks yeah it should be two woods beneath the wood is what you seek [Laughter] come on i'm seriously dedicated no no no oh dang it all right you thought you were going to get it grazer we are now going to set sail for the mega tiger said tale thank you guys for watching this episode of the far lands i will see you next time hopefully grazer will not be here but he probably will i will that was a short boat ride wait [Music] you
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 283,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Stacy, Stacyplays, Stacy plays, Stacy vlogs
Id: y5rH9101XtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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