Two Steps From Hell - Emerald Princess
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Channel: Hardigun
Views: 1,610,591
Rating: 4.9066339 out of 5
Keywords: Two Steps From Hell, Emerald Princess, Lord of the Rings, lord rings, arwen, two steps from hell emerald princess, dragon, aragorn, hobbit, tsfh, epic music, властелин колец, арвен, арагорн, принцесса арвен, Peter Jackson, epic battle, galadriel, legolas, sauron, Gandalf, Frodo Baggins, галадриэль, Леголас, саурон, фродо, гендальф, lord of the rings movies, lord of the rings best, lord of the rings best scenes, lord of the rings fights, lord of the rings soundtrack, lord of the rings final
Id: Fa9SWtautfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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